Super Asura System

C195 Wipe out the Roots

C195 Wipe out the Roots

1Zhao Yiming had no intention of hiding at all. He swaggered into the city. Instead, the person who had been watching him immediately reported back to his master.    2


When the veiled black-clothed woman of the Leisure Hall heard the report from her subordinate, her voice was filled with interest. "I originally thought that this brat had already escaped. I didn't expect that he would still dare to return.    


If he wasn't arrogant and ignorant, then he must have a new trump card. These two days, I have carefully researched his information and found that he is the type who gets more and more courageous as he fights. After every battle, his strength increases very quickly. "    


The man in black standing in front of her said," Then do you want me to test him and see what secrets he has? "    


The woman shook her head and said, "I am very interested in him. I have decided to try it myself. You don't need to follow me. Go back to Fallen City first."    


That black-clothed person frowned and said, "Madam asked me to protect Eldest Miss. How can I go back like this? Eldest Miss, please think twice."    


The black clothed woman removed her veil and revealed a devastatingly beautiful face. She said with a smile, "You are afraid of my mother. Aren't you afraid of me? Do you also want to be my toy?"    


The black-clothed person could not help but shiver. He hurriedly said in a low voice, "This lowly one does not dare, but the Jianghu is dangerous. Eldest Miss is alone outside. This lowly one is indeed worried."    


The woman put down her veil and laughed like a silver bell, "With my cultivation, unless I encounter those supreme level old monsters. As for scheming... They don't even deserve to carry my shoes."    


The man in black thought about it and agreed. Eldest Miss was already at the ninth level of the Master at such a young age. Furthermore, she could break through to the Grandmaster level at any time. It might be beneficial for her to gain some experience. He might as well agree to it first, and secretly protect her when the time comes.    


Thinking of this, he lowered his head and said, "Since Eldest Miss insisted, then I have nothing to say. However, I still hope that Eldest Miss can wear the Qilin Armor. After all, it will be safer this way."    


The black-clothed woman smiled and nodded. "You don't have to be so worried. After all, there is only one life. I don't want to die young yet. You just have to be at ease!"    


Chen Zitian sat in a very luxurious house with a nightlight cup in his hand. Inside was the red wine from the Western Region. He took a sip and it was indeed fragrant and fragrant.    


A disciple hurriedly came in and said, "Zhao Yiming is back. It seems like what senior brother said is true. He killed that old ghost You. I really didn't expect him to be so powerful, to be able to kill someone beyond the Level 3."    


Chen Zitian shook his head with a smile and said, "For us sect disciples, we can kill some people who are stronger than us. Although their cultivation base is higher than ours, it isn't difficult for them to kill ___, said Chen Zitian, shaking his head. The overall Cultivation Method isn't as strong as ours. As long as the tactics are used appropriately... Killing them is just a piece of cake."    


Another disciple walked in and said, "Zhao Yiming is heading straight to the Youjia's mansion. I wonder what he's trying to do. Could it be that he wants to find Elder Wu?"    


Chen Zitian's interest was piqued at this moment. He finished the wine in his cup and threw the priceless luminous cup onto the ground, shattering it into pieces.    


He had always had a bad habit. He would never allow anyone to touch anything that he had used before. Therefore, anything that he had used before would be destroyed immediately.    


As he walked, he said, "Then we should all go and see how we are going to deal with Elder Wu. Although that old man was disappointing, he was still a Master First level expert. He was not someone that Old You could compare with. "    


In the main hall of Youjia, Wu Guangtian was sitting on an armchair. Sister You San was sitting on his lap with her clothes half-untied. She was holding a bunch of sparkling grapes and feeding him.    


A servant hurriedly walked into the hall. When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be startled. After a while, he lowered his head and said, "Third young lady, that Zhao Yiming is walking towards us. He is almost at the gate."    


Sister You San's eyes turned red. She leaned her head on Wu Guangtian's shoulder and said, "It seems that my father was also killed by this little malefic. Elder, you have to make the decision for me!"    


Wu Guangtian grabbed her jade bunny and laughed loudly. "This little beast did not run away. He actually dares to come and find us. This is really courting death.    


My little beauty, you can rest assured. I will definitely kill this brat for you. Your martial arts will make me feel refreshed. When the time comes, I will bring you back to the White Cloud Valley."    


Sister You San stretched out two jade-like arms that looked like white lotus roots and gently wrapped them around Wu Guangtian's neck. She used the tip of her nose to rub his ear with a teasing expression.    


The servant turned around and was about to leave when Wu Guangtian opened his mouth and spat out a grape seed. It pierced through the back of the servant and said with a sneer, "After watching for so long, you still want to leave?"    


Suddenly, a shout came from outside the door, "A true disciple of the White Cloud Valley, Zhao Yiming, has come to pay a visit to the inner sect elder of the White Cloud Valley. I hope elder can give me a meeting."    


The voice shouted three times in a row. Wu Guangtian frowned and said, "I didn't expect this kid to play this trick on me. Does he think that I wouldn't dare to kill him just because he revealed my identity to the world? He's really ignorant."    


He brought Sister You San to the door. He saw Zhao Yiming standing there with his hands behind his back. There were many commoners behind him, watching him.    


Wu Guangtian stepped out of the door and walked down the stairs with Sister You San. He looked at Zhao Yiming with bright eyes. Sister You San's eyes were full of hatred.    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and said, "I never thought that Elder Wu would come here and hang around in the inner sect. If I wasn't well-informed, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come here and pay a visit to Elder Wu."    


Wu Guangtian coldly harrumphed and said, "Where am I going? Do I have to report to all of you disciples? But if I didn't come out this time, I wouldn't know that you are so lawless.    


Eunuch had a great reputation in the martial arts world, and he had met me several times. I never thought that you would be so crazy as to kill him and his two sons.    


His son-in-law, Lu Haizeng, was also an inner circle disciple of the Haotian Sect. How dare you ignore the relationship between the righteous path and kill him? Are you trying to cause discord between our two sects?"    


Zhao Yiming chuckled and spread out his hands, "Justice and injustice, free the hearts of the people. Everyone knew what kind of people the Youjia was.    


You and I both know who killed Lu Haizeng. I didn't come here today to tell you all this. After all, if you want to punish me, how can I explain it to you?"    


Wu Guangtian said angrily," You are indeed good at speaking and defending. The evidence is conclusive and you are still boasting. Then why do you say you came back? "    


Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "Of course I came back to eliminate the root of the problem."    


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