Super Asura System

C162 Four Sword Truth

C162 Four Sword Truth

3Jian Chenzi entered a deep state of regulating his breathing and entered the ethereal state. The remaining nine sword-shaped cyclone were constantly circulating in his meridians. Pure Sword Qi were constantly circulating in his meridians.    


He suddenly felt waves of greetings coming from the depths of this secret realm. A little of his True Spirit left his body and started walking in the void. Soon, he arrived at a dark place.    


An old man whose face could not be seen clearly was standing in front of a stone wall. There seemed to be something carved on the stone wall. The old man's brows were tightly knitted together as he hesitated.    


Jian Chenzi's arrival did not attract the old man's attention. He raised his head and looked at the stone wall. He saw a huge sword character carved on the stone wall.    


It was as if he had seen a huge sword that could hold up the sky, slashing down at him. At this time, he was blessed with his soul and did not resist at all, instead allowing the huge sword to hack into his body.    


The huge sword transformed into a thick mass that tightly wrapped around him. He felt waves of thick aura. It continued to spread throughout his body, and this aura gradually arrived at his two sword essences. After fusing with the two sword energies, the two sword energies turned yellow.    


A moment of enlightenment was reflected in his heart. He could feel the thickness of this aura, and at the same time, the thickness of the Sword Qi. This thickness was the foundation of his foundation, the foundation of everything.    


The stone wall suddenly split open, and a sword-shaped boulder fell from the sky. It smashed heavily on the top of his head and quickly entered his sea of consciousness. This boulder turned into a green Sword Qi, and he also found the two sword energies merging with each other.    


He once again experienced something. This time, he felt that it was heavy, incomparably heavy. This heavy weight was a sword technique, at the same time, it was also a responsibility and morality. This was the principle of a swordsman.    


After the mountain peak disappeared, a pool of clear spring water gushed out from the ground. The water was extremely clear, and it was especially soothing. It tightly wrapped around his entire body, as if he was being caressed by a lover.    


He carefully experienced it there. The water also transformed into numerous Sword Qi. He still found two Sword Essence water streams that were constantly entangled with the Sword Essence, and they slowly merged together.    


The old man stood in the void and looked at Jian Chenzi, who was lying in the water. His facial expression kept changing. Sometimes it was gentle and kind, and sometimes it was violent and cruel.    


Jian Chenzi silently felt the will that the water current gave him. It was a kind of lightness, a kind of belittling him. It was also a kind of lightness to everything, as if everything was not that important. This was precisely the body of the swordsman.    


After the clear spring disappeared, dots of spiritual light appeared in the air. These spiritual lights turned into small swords and tightly wrapped around his body. In the end, they all stuck to his skin and formed a set of sword armor.    


And the spiritual energy contained in this piece revealed his body. As it reflected into his divine soul, he felt a burst of liveliness in his soul. This was the True Spirit of everything in the world, and also the True Spirit of the entire Divine Martial Continent. This spiritual energy kept washing over his divine soul, causing it to become even purer.    


The old man shook his head in the air, and finally suppressed the killing intent in his heart. He had been trapped in several places for tens of thousands of years, but he had never thought that it would be inferior to a young boy's thorough understanding.    


Jian Chenzi suddenly opened his eyes. He was like an unsheathed Longsword. The intense intimidation of the Sword Qi caused the Sword Qi to constantly change. Sometimes it was thick, sometimes it was heavy, sometimes it was light, sometimes it was agile. It gradually turned into four Sword Qi.    


The four Sword Qi suddenly merged into one, giving people the feeling that they could destroy everything in this world. This Sword Qi directly rushed towards his last sword essence, and only then could he be considered to have completed his meritorious deed.    


The old man descended from the sky, stood opposite him, and said, "I didn't expect that after guarding this place for tens of thousands of years, in the end, I would be your wedding gift. You are actually a pure swordsman, this is truly too rare. "    


Jian Chenzi hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, old man, for fulfilling my wish. I was really lucky to be able to obtain the recognition of the four sword spirits this time. I don't deserve your praise."    


The old man's voice was stern as he said, "Although a sword is a gentleman among weapons, it cannot be pedantic. A swordsman should naturally be proud and unyielding. How can there be any shame to oneself?"    


Jian Chenzi's heart trembled. He raised his head and said, "Thank you for your guidance, old man. Jian Chenzi has taught me. In the future, I will use the three foot long blade in my hand to overcome all obstacles and defeat all."    


The old man laughed and said, "Your comprehension ability is indeed extraordinary. I have been delayed here for a long time and have never been able to see through my inner demon. I reckon that you can also be considered to have helped me settle the score. I want to go back to Upper Realm and find those guys to settle the score.    


Since it is fate that we meet, I will give you a small thing. This Four Elephants Sword Box has four treasured swords in it. They are complemented with your four sword intents. I hope that you will not dishonor their reputation in the future. "    


Jian Chenzi felt a heavy weight on his back. A sword box appeared on his back. This sword box was connected to his soul. Not only were there four swords in it, but it also had a storage space.    


The old man laughed wildly at the sky, but his figure became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared without a trace. Jian Chenzi also felt a huge suction force, and his divine soul fell into his body.    


Jian Chenzi suddenly opened his eyes, and a piercingly cold aura was emitted from his body. The Ye Family sisters were suppressed by this aura, and their legs went soft, and both of them fell to the ground.    


Just as the two of them were about to fall to the ground, someone suddenly hugged their waists. It turned out that it was Jian Chenzi who had hugged the twin sisters in time.    


At this moment, the Ye Family sisters felt that Jian Chenzi's body was glowing brightly. Their bodies were so soft that they could not use any strength. They wished they could stay in his arms for the rest of their lives.    


Jian Chenzi coughed lightly and said, "It was me who did not restrain my Qi just now and scared the two junior sisters. This is really a sin."    


At this moment, the Ye Family sisters' beautiful faces were flushed red, and they hurriedly broke free from his embrace. Although they were reluctant to part with him, they still had the reserved attitude of a daughter.    


Ye Lingxin said with a mischievous smile, "I see that senior brother not only recovered from his injuries, but his strength also seems to have improved a lot. I don't know what's going on, can you tell me?"    


Jian Chenzi laughed heartily and said, "Junior sister is right. I really got lucky from this misfortune. He had a fortuitous encounter just now, and not only had his injuries fully recovered, his cultivation base had also advanced to the ninth level of the Essence Converting. Even if I encounter a Master level, I can still fight him. "    


When the Ye Family sisters heard this, they were extremely happy. Both of them congratulated him, as if they were the ones who had encountered a fortuitous encounter.    


Jian Chenzi could feel that the Ye Family sisters were happy for him from the bottom of their hearts. He also firmly remembered their sincerity.    


Jian Chenzi laughed and said, "Now that I have this fortuitous encounter, I won't pursue anything else. However, since the two junior sisters are here, they can't return empty-handed. Let me bring your junior sisters to the mountaintop to see if there are any fortuitous encounters. "    


The two girls heard this and couldn't help but express their thanks. The three of them set off once again.    


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