Super Asura System

C284 Ancient Passage

C284 Ancient Passage

0Although everyone was eager to try, no one wanted to be the first to do it. First of all, they didn't know what was going on inside, and second of all, they didn't know what the people behind them were going to do.    


Ying Mubai walked out laughing and said, "All of you are afraid of the consequences. What else can you do? Today, we, the warriors of Rising Sun Empire, will teach you a lesson."    


As he spoke, he waved his hand. More than a dozen people rushed out. These people were very strong and vigorous. One look and one could tell that they were well-trained warriors.    


These people came to the front of the Stone Door and looked at it carefully. They reached out their hands and pushed the Stone Door. The Vital Spirit in their bodies circulated crazily and the Stone Door was slowly pushed away.    


In the group of Rising Sun Empire, there was a young man with a feather fan on his face, and he had a smile on his face. He was Chen Yunsheng, who was known as the one who calculated everything in the Rising Sun Empire.    


He smiled and said to Ying Ying, "It's exactly what I thought. Everyone has been to this underground palace for a long time. How can there be a mechanism at the entrance?"    


Ying Ying looked at Ying Mubai who was standing there arrogantly and said, "This brother of mine loves to show off. Does he really think that he can be arrogant just because he is one of the Four Great Young Masters?"    


Chen Yunsheng looked at Zhao Yiming who was far away and said with a smile on his face, "Young Master Zhan's name is indeed famous, but unfortunately, his brain is not as good as martial arts. If this person thinks highly of himself, he will definitely fall very badly in the future.    


She is just a woman. Why can't we let her out? I think we can watch a good show on July 13th next year. "    


Ying Ying nodded silently. His biggest reliance was to get Chen Yunsheng's help. With this person helping him, there was nothing he could not get.    


Ying Mubai smiled proudly and said, "My people have already opened the Stone Door. Our Rising Sun Empire will be the first to open it. All of you, go in."    


Zhao Yiming carried a straw stick in his mouth and slipped in.    


According to the map, the entire underground palace was divided into nine levels, and what they remembered now was the ancient passageway to the first level. This place had already been cleaned up by the seniors of the past many times. Even the scrap metal had been picked up.    


Everyone seemed to be somewhat relaxed. They did not expect that there would be a disciple next to them. Suddenly, he let out a miserable cry and two steel knives pierced through his body.    


Everyone immediately looked to the side. No one knew when, but on both sides of the tunnel, many four-armed warriors appeared. Each of their arms was holding a knife.    


"Official reminder, below enter the army battle mode, the entire underground palace exploration process. All forces are tacitly recognized as an army, and the items will automatically appear in the package. The Experience points will be settled after the army war ends. "    


He did not have time to think about it. His body flashed to the side, dodging the attack of a warrior. These warriors waved their four arms like a wheel of blades.    


He pulled out the Green Wave Blade and started fighting with this warrior. The warrior's attack speed was very fast. Fortunately, his facial expression changed a lot.    


After exchanging a few moves with a warrior, Leng Zi chopped off his opponent's head with a slash of his blade. Then, he threw himself at another warrior and fiercely chopped his opponent's back with his blade.    


This was a chaotic battle. Although the ancient passage was very spacious, these people were fighting inside, so it was inevitable that there would be some accidental injuries.    


As Zhao Yiming fought, he looked around and found that Sun Xiuli was controlling a few machine-operated snakes under the protection of a few maids. She was also fighting very well.    


Yu Rifu waved the pair of iron staff in his hands. It was a standard heavy and heavy attack. Each attack would take the life of a warrior.    


Ma Guixian's weapon was a chain spear. It closely followed beside Yu Rifu, constantly checking and making up mistakes for him. The two of them, one tough and one soft, cooperated well.    


Jian Chenzi was probably using these guys to practice his sword, using the Thirteen Swords of Soul Pursuing. It was a full swing of the Sword Qi. It was just a single sword strike. The opponent didn't even have the chance to react.    


The attacks of the other few people were also very powerful, especially when Ying Mu was using a pair of fists. His fighting style was extremely violent.    


After a bloody battle, he had finally eliminated all the four-armed warriors. However, after counting, he had also lost more than ten people in this aspect.    


Everyone walked forward for a while and chose a clean place. They sat down and rested for a while. As for those who were injured, they would immediately tend to their injuries.    


Zhao Yiming came to Yu Rifu and said, "Your halberd technique is really not bad, but it looks more like the Cultivation Method in the battlefield. It is very powerful.    


I have a set of Iron Arm Technique here. It is a passive defensive Cultivation Method. It can turn your arms into steel and steel. It can unleash your full power in a water bottle. "    


As he spoke, he pointed his finger at Yu Rifu's forehead and used the skill imparting system to pass the Iron Arm Technique to him. After the system was fully activated, what was his proficiency level? The amount of proficiency that the inheritors had would be the same. The rest would have to depend on oneself to practice.    


Yu Rifu said gratefully, "Thank you so much, Young Master Zhao. This Cultivation Method is really a good match for me, but if you pass it to me, it will damage you."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "This Cultivation Method is useless to me. I have a better Cultivation Method, so it won't hurt me at all."    


In the eyes of the other disciples, his performance was very unrestrained and unrestrained. Those disciples' eyes were full of envy. Why didn't he teach them some martial arts?    


Ma Guixian patted Yu Rifu's shoulder and said, "You are really lucky, kid. You have to treat me to a meal after you go out."    


Yu Rifu touched his head in confusion and said, "This martial arts was taught to me by Young Master Zhao. It has nothing to do with you. Even if you want to treat me, you have to treat Young Master Zhao!"    


The three of them laughed and did not mention this matter anymore. Zhao Yiming talked to the two of them for a while before he turned around and walked back to his team.    


Dong Xiutian smiled and said, "Junior Brother Zhao's way of doing things is really unfathomable. No one can guess what you are going to do next."    


Zhao Yiming said casually, "They are my big brother's subordinates. Besides, the skills that that stupid kid practiced are very useful here. It's just a set of Cultivation Method that I don't use. There's no need to be so calculative about it."    


Dong Xiutian looked at Yu Rifu who was practicing the Iron Arm Technique and said, "An honest man like him knows how to be grateful. If you have your own power in the future, I'm afraid that you will be one of your capable subordinates."    


Zhao Yiming twitched his mouth and said, "I really don't know why you guys always think things are so complicated. Isn't it good to live a simple life?"    


The two of them looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time. Neither of them said anything else.    


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