Super Asura System

C43 Mechanical Dinosaur

C43 Mechanical Dinosaur

0Zhao Yiming went back to rest for the night! The next day, he came to the bamboo forest again. He took out the fine iron, and also very carefully took out the Level Three Demon Beast's Blood Essence.    


Zhao Yiming skillfully used the fine iron to take out the shape he wanted. He carefully took out a drop of Level Three Demon Beast's Blood Essence. He only had a total of five drops of Blood Essence, so each drop was very important.    


He dripped the Blood Essence onto the skeleton. The system notification sounded, "Mechanical Technique failed. Proficiency increased by one."    


Zhao Yiming cursed. Losing a drop of Blood Essence made his heart ache. He calmed his emotions and took out another drop of Blood Essence.    


"Mechanical Technique failed. Proficiency increased by one."    


"Mechanical Technique used successfully. Proficiency increased by five..."    


Five drops of Blood Essence were used up very quickly. His luck was not bad. He succeeded twice. Two sinister looking mechanical dinosaurs stood in front of him!    


These two dinosaurs were more than three meters tall, and their skeletons made of refined iron were shining with light. Because of the bamboo forest, these two dinosaurs were not seen by the outside world.    


Zhao Yiming secretly estimated the strength of these two dinosaurs. These two dinosaurs were about the same strength as him! He was very satisfied. With the help of these two dinosaurs, his life would be much better in the future!    


Zhao Yiming put away the two dinosaurs. He was in a good mood, so he slowly walked to the front yard. Zou Xiaoyun was sunbathing with Zou Tao, and Zou Tao looked much better.    


When they saw Zhao Yiming walk over, Zou Xiaoyun quickly stood up. Zou Tao struggled to get up, but was stopped by Zhao Yiming with a wave of his hand.    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "I have already told the two of you not to be so polite with me! I treat Xiaoyun as my younger sister, so you are naturally my younger brother."    


Zhao Yiming did not realize that when he said this! A trace of sadness flashed across Zou Xiaoyun's eyes, but she hid it well!    


Zhao Yiming looked at Zou Tao and said, "I have been busy with my own matters these few days. I did not ask you how your injuries were caused."    


Zou Tao said, "At that time, I accidentally caught a Fire Jade Rabbit in Demonic Beast Forest! Although the Fire Jade Rabbit was only a Level 2 Demonic Beast, it was because of its cute appearance. It has always been liked by those young ladies from big families. It can be sold for a large price!    


The Fire Jade Rabbit was cautious by nature, so it was very difficult to catch it! I was very happy at that time. I wanted to sell this Fire Jade Rabbit. This way, I can improve my poor family's life. This way, elder sister doesn't need to work too hard!    


I didn't think that when I was walking back, I would bump into Feng Nuo. She wanted my Fire Jade Rabbit, but she was only willing to give me a little bit of Gold Banknotes!    


Of course I wasn't willing, so I was seriously injured by her slave. The Fire Jade Rabbit was also snatched away by her. Because I was worried about Big Sister, I held on and ran back!"    


Zhao Yiming sighed to himself. In the eyes of those family disciples, these commoners were not worth mentioning!    


Zhao Yiming comforted him and said, "Stay here and recover from your injuries. Wait until your injuries are healed. You should work hard to cultivate. You will definitely be able to personally take revenge in the future." Zou Tao nodded seriously. His eyes were filled with hatred!    


After all, Zou Tao was injured. After a while, he fell into a deep sleep. Zhao Yiming called two maids to help him back to his room.    


Zhao Yiming said to Zou Xiaoyun, "Don't keep thinking about your brother. Your health is also very important! After I came back from Feng City, I didn't enjoy this place. Why don't you accompany me out for a walk?"    


Zou Xiaoyun's face turned slightly red and she nodded lightly. Zhao Yiming didn't mind and the two of them went out together. No matter in any era, shopping was a woman's nature.    


Zou Xiaoyun did not go shopping for a long time. In the past, when her family was not bad, she could often go out for a stroll. Ever since her father got addicted to gambling, she rarely came out.    


Zou Xiaoyun was like a happy butterfly surrounding Zhao Yiming. They kept looking at the dazzling stalls on the street.    


Zhao Yiming suddenly stopped in front of a small stall. An ancient seal on the stall attracted his attention. He felt as if the seal was calling for him. The closer he got, the stronger this feeling became.    


Zhao Yiming reached out and held the seal in his hand. He secretly used the appraisal auxiliary system, but the system prompt shocked him. "The grade of this item is too high. I suggest that you raise the appraisal auxiliary system to level 9 and above. Identify again! "    


Zhao Yiming said to the peddler, "This seal is quite interesting. I wonder how much it costs?"    


The peddler smiled slyly. "You have good eyesight. This seal is passed down from our ancestors. If it wasn't for the fact that I had no other choice, I wouldn't have sold it. Since you like it, then I'll sell it to you for ten Gold Banknotes. "    


Zhao Yiming gently shook his head and said," One seal for ten Gold Banknotes, it's too expensive. However, I do like this thing. Plus the jade hairpin beside it, I will buy it. "    


The peddler hurriedly expressed his agreement. Zhao Yiming placed the seal in the deepest part of the package. He then picked up the jade hairpin and gently inserted it into Zou Xiaoyun's head.    


Zou Xiaoyun was very happy. She kept touching the jade hairpin on her head. Zhao Yiming smiled and said, "It's good that you like it. I don't think you have any good clothes to change into. Why don't we buy two sets?"    


Zou Xiaoyun said softly, "I will listen to you. I will do whatever you say."    


Zhao Yiming casually asked the passers-by and they came to the best satin shop in Feng City. Anyway, it was easy to get his money. Why didn't he buy the best?    


When they just stepped into the shop, the waiter came up to them with a face full of smiles. He bowed and said, "Welcome. What do you want to choose for Madam?"    


Just as Zhao Yiming was about to speak, Zou Xiaoyun interrupted, "We are here to pick some satin to make a few sets of clothes. Go ahead and do your work. We will just take a look."    


Zhao Yiming's EQ was indeed worrying. Zou Xiaoyun's performance was already so obvious. He actually did not realize what she meant. He just scratched his head in confusion.    


Zou Xiaoyun's heart was very sweet. The waiter's words made her very happy.    


She quickly chose two pieces of satin for Zhao Yiming. But when she chose clothes for him, a disaster occurred!    


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