God Prison



1When the old man saw that Niu Thirteen had appeared, he also glared at him.     3


He didn't underestimate Niu Thirteen in the slightest. Although he was only at the level of an early stage Great Emperor, he understood that there were many geniuses in this world who could kill those above their cultivation level.    


Even though Niu Thirteen was only at the early stage of the Emperor's Realm, he could sense a terrifying threat emanating from him.    


He felt that it would be a little difficult to protect Hai Tian today.    


The order he received was to kill those who had attacked Hai Tian while he was still in the Blood River Sect.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen had arrived. He was probably planning to kill Hai Tian.    


His gaze lingered on Niu Thirteen for a second before he transmitted his voice to Hai Tian.    


"His target is you, you hide behind me!"    


The old man's voice suddenly appeared in Hai Tian's mind. He was also greatly shocked.    


He never expected that Niu Thirteen's target would be him. All he did was receive orders that someone would come to their Blood River Sect and kill one of them.    


However, he didn't expect Niu Thirteen to be trying to kill him. At this moment, after hearing the old man's rumors, he was extremely shocked.    


He could sense the terrifying aura radiating from Niu Thirteen. Although he was only at the early stage of the Emperor Stage, he could still feel the killing intent emanating from the way he was looking at him.    


Under the gaze of Niu Thirteen, he felt a terrifying pressure. He felt that he could be killed at any moment.    


At this moment, after hearing his teacher's voice transmission, he nodded his head without hesitation and retreated behind the old man.    


When the old man saw that Hai Tian had walked behind him, he too heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Hai Tian would not cooperate.    


After all, Hai Tian was also the head of a sect. He was afraid that Hai Tian would have his own temper and not listen to him. This way, it would be extremely difficult for him to protect Hai Tian.    


Now that Hai Tian listened to him, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Then, his aura locked onto Niu Thirteen.    


The terrifying aura emanating forth from his body instantly pressed towards Niu Thirteen. At the same time, the dozen or so Emperors in the surroundings were also staring fixedly at him.    


"Kill him!"    


The old man howled, and in the next moment, dozens of Emperors charged madly towards Niu Thirteen.    


Suddenly, dozens of attacks shot toward Niu Thirteen.    


In the blink of an eye, the body of Niu Thirteen disappeared from where he stood.    


At the same time, the mountain peak instantly collapsed, destroyed by their attacks.    


Niu Thirteen's figure flew outside, while the few dozen of them chased after him.    


At the same time, the old man also quickly chased after Niu Thirteen.    


Hai Tian followed behind the old man, not moving an inch away from him. He always remembered the old man's words and didn't dare to leave his side.    


At this moment, after flying high up in the sky, Niu Thirteen instantly started battling with dozens of Emperors.    


At the same time, Blacky appeared beside him.    


Little Black spat out waves after waves of sealing power. These sealing powers instantly sealed all of the Emperor Star Realm experts.    


Then, the God Slaughtering Saber swiftly flew over, slaying all of the sealed Emperors.    


At the same time, Niu Thirteen had also sent out eighteen Tai Yi Guards. The eighteen Tai Yi Guards quickly appeared, and instantly, they began to fight against the dozen or so experts of the Emperor Stage.    


Niu Thirteen's gaze also landed on the old man, because the old man had already appeared in front of him and had locked onto him.    


Niu Thirteen looked at Hai Tian, who was behind the old man. If he wanted to kill Hai Tian, he would have to kill the old man first.    


Therefore, he also locked onto the old man. In the next second, the old man charged toward Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen instantly dashed towards the old man as well. The two of them collided in the blink of an eye, and a terrifying battle broke out in the sky.    


Space itself began to crack apart as their attacks landed on the earth below. The earth below them also began to crack apart as countless cracks appeared.    


The Blood River Sect was right below them. Their attacks had instantly destroyed countless mountain peaks.    


The disciples of the Blood River Sect also madly fled in all directions.    


At this moment, Blood River Sect had become a disaster area. Anyone who stayed could die.    


Hai Tian looked down at the Blood River Sect. His expression was also very ugly. When the old man saw the disaster of the Blood River Sect, he purposely led the battlefield away.    


Niu Thirteen also left with the old man. The two of them instantly flew into the sky.    


Hai Tian looked at the figure of Niu Thirteen and his eyes were filled with killing intent. However, he followed behind the old man and didn't dare to leave.    


At this moment, the combat prowess that Niu Thirteen displayed was too terrifying. If he were to leave the old man's side, he would definitely be killed by him.    


In addition, Niu Thirteen's ability to conceal himself was just as terrifying as what was happening right now. Niu Thirteen instantly disappeared into the void, and even the old man was stunned for a moment. It was only a few seconds later that he was locked onto Niu Thirteen's figure again.    


However, these few seconds were enough for Niu Thirteen to kill Hai Tian.    


Therefore, Hai Tian solemnly followed behind the old man.    


At the same time, 18 Tai Yi Guards and Little Black clashed against the dozens of Supreme Emperor Stage experts. Little Black and the Tai Yi Guards combined also killed many people.    


Niu Thirteen's gaze swept across the old man and Hai Tian. In the end, he also began to fight crazily with the old man.    


The old man's battle prowess was extremely terrifying. Even Niu Thirteen could feel a slight sense of threat from him.    


Naturally, the strength of his body was extremely strong. The old man had left many wounds on his body, but he was unwilling to give up. The blood in his heart, however, quickly healed those wounds.    


The old man also realized that there was no way Niu Thirteen could beat him to death. It was as if he had an immortal body. The old man looked at the terrifying healing power of Niu Thirteen and thought about the unyielding nature of the pack of wolves.    


However, Niu Thirteen was just a human, so he shouldn't be from the Undying Sirius tribe.    


Therefore, he was also very curious. What kind of body did Niu Thirteen have? Could it be some sort of Fiendgod body?    


However, he had never heard of such an invincible body. He looked at Niu Thirteen with a serious expression. Under the crazy attacks of Niu Thirteen, his aura was slowly weakening.    


This was because he had never been able to kill Niu Thirteen. However, his strength was constantly being consumed. If this went on for too long, he would definitely not be a match for him.    


His mission was to protect Hai Tian. Right now, he was no match for Niu Thirteen, so it would be very difficult for him to protect Hai Tian.    


As a result, he sent a mental message to Hai Tian, telling him to find an opportunity to escape.    


Hai Tian was also very shocked when he heard the old man's words. Even the old man was not a match for Niu Thirteen.    


In his heart, there was also a trace of fear.    


If even the old man couldn't stop Niu Thirteen, he probably wouldn't be able to escape death today. When his gaze landed on Niu Thirteen, he became even more terrified.    


Niu Thirteen was too terrifying, and he also noticed that Niu Thirteen was an immortal. How could he defeat an enemy that couldn't be defeated?    


Seeing the look in the old man's eyes that told him to leave, his heart sank as well. Then, taking advantage of the battle between Niu Thirteen and the old man, he quickly retreated, wanting to leave this place.    


However, just as he took a step back, a few Tai Yi Guards on the side quickly rushed over and surrounded him.    


Hai Tian's heart sank when he saw the Tai Yi guards around him. The auras of these guards were all incredibly strong.    


After he was surrounded by a few Tai Yi Guards, he was immediately unable to leave. When the old man saw that Hai Tian was surrounded by a few Tai Yi Guards, his heart sank.    


He turned his gaze to the others, and discovered that there were less than 20 Emperors remaining.    


The others had all been killed by the Tai Yi Guards and Little Black. He was shocked as well. He never thought that Niu Thirteen's War Pet was actually so terrifying, killing so many of them so quickly.    


At this moment, Niu Thirteen was attacking the old man while the Taiyi Guards were attacking Hai Tian frantically.    


Hai Tian only had the strength to resist the attacks of these Tai Yi Guards. He didn't think that these Tai Yi Guards would be so terrifying.    


No matter how he attacked, the Taiyi Guards were able to quickly heal the wounds, as if they couldn't die.    


Hai Tian's mind was a blank. He didn't know if he could survive today, but based on the current situation, the chances of him surviving were very low.    


He relied on the old man the most, but now that the old man was tied down by Niu Thirteen, there was no way for him to protect the old man.    


He was also crazily fighting with the few Tai Yi Guards. However, he suddenly realized that even more Tai Yi Guards were coming over.    


He looked at the others and noticed that the remaining people were being quickly killed by Little Black and the Tai Yi Guards.    


After these people were killed, the Tai Yi guards were free to do as they pleased. A chill appeared in his heart. He was afraid that he would have to answer them here today.    


Niu Thirteen tightly held the old man back, preventing him from going forward to protect Hai Tian.    


Right now, he was trying to stop the old man at all costs. The old man's attack landed on Niu Thirteen's body, and all of a sudden, the old man's flesh split open and turned into a bloody figure.    


However, no matter how serious his injuries were, Niu Thirteen still blocked the old man in a frenzy. He didn't allow him to leave.    


The old man crazily attacked Niu Thirteen. He couldn't save Hai Tian, so Hai Tian gave up all hope.    


Under the attacks of the surrounding Taiyi Guards, his aura was crazily weak. A huge blade in the hands of one of the Taiyi Guards even fiercely slashed his body.    


A terrifying wound appeared on his back in the blink of an eye, and his body was sent flying backwards, crashing onto the ground.    


Following that, a few Tai Yi Guards madly rushed down, rushing into the deep pit and grabbing him.    


Since Hai Tian had been captured by the Tai Yi Guards, Niu Thirteen was also overjoyed.    


Following that, he instantly concealed his figure and wanted to go to aid the Tai Yi Guards.    


When the old man saw that Hai Tian had been captured, he also crazily rushed towards the Tai Yi Guards, wanting to save Hai Tian.    


However, in the blink of an eye, Niu Thirteen appeared right in front of him, blocking his path.    


He tried his best to destroy the blade energies, but Niu Thirteen had already appeared beside the Tai Yi Guards.    


Moreover, the pocket dimension instantly enveloped Hai Tian, and he was caught within it.    


When the old man saw that Hai Tian had disappeared by Niu Thirteen's side, he too felt incomparable fury in his heart.    


Following that, he rushed towards Niu Thirteen. However, he saw that Niu Thirteen had already disappeared.    


Moreover, he had ordered eighteen Tai Yi Guards to stop the old man.    


At the same time, the eight Tai Yi Guards had been frantically obstructing the old man. Niu Thirteen had also instantly appeared in the small world.    


He looked at Hai Tian who was shackled by the void chains, and then he quickly walked in front of Hai Tian and took off his mask.    


Then, he let Hai Tian take a good look at him, showing that Hai Tian didn't know Niu Thirteen.    


Niu Thirteen had also introduced himself. When Hai Tian found out that Niu Thirteen was Di Tian's son, he instantly understood everything.    


He bitterly smiled in his heart. He didn't expect that Niu Thirteen was still alive and had come to take revenge.    


He was also against thirteen oxen.    


The reason we chased you was because of your parents. Now you're here to kill us.    


When Niu Thirteen heard Hai Tian's words, he also looked at him in a new light. However, he still quickly killed Hai Tian.    




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