God Prison



2But today the feeling was gone, and after the eyes had disappeared, there had been a mass death.     4


It was as if the evil cultivator was secretly observing them. After observing them for three days, he seemed to have grasped their whereabouts and started to kill without restraint. He was not afraid of them at all.    


"God, I found some evil cultivators in the western part of the city!"    


Right at this moment, a soldier quickly ran over to Nangong Han Han as he spoke in a hurried tone.    


"Lead the way!"    


Hearing that, Nangong Han Han Han was overjoyed and quickly said to the soldiers.    


"Yes, god!"    


He then turned around to lead the way. However, the moment the soldier turned around, his eyes flashed with a strange red light.    


Nangong Han Han Han and Huang Jia followed the soldiers and soon arrived at the western part of the city.    


Indeed, in a restaurant in the western part of the city, a large number of ordinary citizens were gathered.    


However, these commoners were all panic-stricken as they looked at a certain place.    


The moment Nangong Han Han Han arrived, he saw a mysterious person wearing a long black robe standing on the roof of the restaurant.    


When the mysterious person saw that Nangong Hanhan and the others had arrived, the corner of his mouth curled up into a cruel smile.    


He gently lifted his left foot and stomped on the restaurant beneath him. An illusory, earth-shattering kick was sent flying towards the restaurant.    


When Nangong Han Han saw the mysterious man make his move, she also instantly made her move, wanting to stop him.    


If the mysterious person's big foot stepped into the restaurant, all of the civilians in the restaurant would be stomped to death!    


Nangong Han Han and Huang Jia attacked the mysterious man together, but when they attacked, the eyes of the soldier who brought them here instantly turned blood-red.    


Then, when they were attacking the mysterious person, they launched a sneak attack on them. Two beams of red light shot out towards Nangong Han Han Han and Huang Jia.    


"Be careful!"    


Nangong Han was shocked and quickly reminded Huang Jia.    


She pushed her hands forward, instantly destroying the red light that was attacking her. Huang Jia reacted by destroying the red light that was charging towards her.    


As they destroyed the red light, the soldier's eyes crazily rushed towards them. Then, his body swelled up and exploded right in front of them!    


"Boom …"    


After an earth-shattering explosion, Nangong Hanhan and Huang Jia's figures were submerged within the explosion.    


When the explosion disappeared, there were only two white shields of light left. Nangong Han Han and Huang Jia had activated the shield at the most crucial moment, blocking the soldiers' self-detonation.    


Fortunately, this soldier wasn't strong enough to expose himself, so he didn't do any harm to them. However, he managed to stop them.    


By the time they were stopped, the mysterious person had already stepped onto the roof of the restaurant.    


Under his feet, all the ordinary people in the restaurant instantly turned into ashes. Everyone inside the restaurant had been trampled to death!    


Nangong Han Han and Huang Jia were so angry that their bodies trembled. The mysterious man had actually killed so many people in front of them!    


All of this takes a long time to describe, but it happened in an instant.    


"I will kill you!"    


Nangong Hanhan's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant. The next time he appeared, he was already beside the mysterious man with Huang Jia following closely behind.    


The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, rushed to the mysterious man's side.    


They instantly disappeared from their sight, and when they reappeared in the next second, they were already thousands of meters away.    




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