Divine Magic Doctor

C583 Guests from a Foreign Country

C583 Guests from a Foreign Country

1The office on the top floor of the hospital.    


Su Ming, who had planned to go home, was in no hurry to go home after the medical crisis.    


Nangong Bo was standing in front of him in fear and trepidation.    


"Master, what happened today is my supervision. Please punish me. "    


"It's none of your business. "    


Su Ming waved his hand and said coldly, "I have underestimated this Su Yi. He actually thought of using this trick to deal with me. "    


Su Ming had seen all kinds of underhanded revenge, but this time, the enemy actually bypassed him and aimed the knife at the hospital.    


He wanted to kill someone first!    


Such an idea was definitely not something a hedonistic son like Su Yi could come up with.    


"Lin Xiaoman, you are really ruthless!" Su Ming muttered to himself.    


According to the information he got from Jiang Wanlan, Su Ming had already roughly guessed the reason for the matter.    


All of this must have something to do with Lin Xiaoman.    




Seeing Su Ming lost in thought, Nangong Bo couldn't help but say. "Do you want me to arrange people. . . "    


"No need. "    


Before Nangong Bo could finish, Su Ming interrupted him.    


If Nangong Bo hid in the dark, Su Ming would not be able to appear in the open.    


"You don't have to worry about this matter. The hospital is open. Put your focus here. "    


After saying that, Su Ming put on his coat and left the hospital.    


As Su Ming drove away, in an alley not far away, a van without a license plate number secretly followed him.    


On Nanning Avenue, Su Ming, who was driving, gradually realized that something was not right.    


The van behind the van seemed to have been following him since the hospital.    


"Is it here again?"    


Su Ming subconsciously thought that it was the second group of people sent by Su Yi to seek revenge.    


"What a haunting ghost. "    


Su Ming turned the steering wheel and turned into a small path by the side of the road.    


The van followed him closely.    


The small road was not like the main road. After a few turns, Su Ming was nowhere to be seen in the van's field of vision.    


With a creak, The van came to a halt on the side of the road.    


Four short middle-aged men walked out of the van.    


The man in the lead seemed very angry at Su Ming's disappearance. He seemed to be cursing the driver.    


"Everyone, are you looking for me?"    


Just as the middle-aged men were at their wits' end, Su Ming slowly walked out from the dark. The silver needle in his hand showed his killing intent.    


Seeing Su Ming's appearance, the leading man in a black suit was overjoyed. He jogged all the way towards Su Ming.    


"If you take another step forward, I will kill you. "    


Facing the man in the black suit, Su Ming's eyes were filled with killing intent. He was about to attack.    


Facing this scene, the man in the suit was also stunned. Then, he stopped shouting and yelling, as if he wanted to explain something.    


"Not from China?"    


The man in the suit's language was obviously not from Huaxia. Su Ming took a closer look and realized that this was clearly the language of Japan.    


"Japanese. "    


This time, it was Su Ming's turn to be puzzled. He didn't remember when he had a conflict with the Japanese.    


Could it be that his enemy wanted to deceive him and purposely found a foreigner to attack him?    


However, the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.    


At this moment, a bespectacled man dressed like a translator ran over and hurriedly shouted.    


"Su Jun, don't misunderstand. We have no ill intentions. "    


Su Ming became interested in this Japanese man who suddenly appeared.    




Su Ming said coldly, "He followed me all the way from the hospital to here. No one would believe him if he said that he has no ill intentions. "    


The man in the suit in the lead seemed to be a little anxious. He hurriedly spoke a lot to the translator.    


"Su Jun, don't be angry. Our master heard that Su Jun's medical skills are superb and he admires him very much. He specially wanted to invite Su Jun to come and talk to him. "    


"Because my master's status is special, he can't openly invite Su Jun to his home in China, so he decided to use this strategy"    


Hearing this, The enemy clearly had more people than him. If they wanted to attack, there was no need for so much nonsense.    


Furthermore, the opponent was from Japan. The relationship between China and Japan had always been sensitive. Although the opponent was stupid, it was understandable.    


"Go back and tell your master that I am not interested in his invitation. "    


Su Ming said coldly and turned around to leave.    


The other party had a mysterious identity and was also a Fusang citizen. Unless necessary, Su Ming really didn't want to have too much contact with him.    


Seeing Su Ming leave, the other party seemed very anxious.    


"Su Jun, please slow down. To tell you the truth, my master is suffering from a strange illness. He has traveled all over the medical world of Japan, but no one can cure him. Even the cause of the illness can't be found. That's why he travelled far to Huaxia to find capable people. "    


"Recently, I saw Su Jun Feng Cai on TV, so I found him here. I hope Su Jun can help me. If Su Jun can cure my master, as long as my master can do it, he can satisfy Su Jun. "    


As soon as these words came out, it instantly stopped Su Ming's footsteps.    


Su Ming wasn't interested in what the man in the suit promised him, but he was quite interested in his illness.    


Su Ming had a certain understanding of the medical field of Japan. Apart from Western medicine, there were also many capable people in the field of medicine in Japan, which had been passed down from thousands of years ago.    


There were many secret techniques in the medical world that had been lost in Huaxia, but were still preserved in Japan.    


If the entire medical world of Japan was unable to find out the cause of the disease, then it must be a rare and unusual disease.    


Su Ming was also a doctor, so naturally, he would be itching for something in front of a difficult disease.    


It was not like he would be at a disadvantage if he went to see a disease. He was in Huaxia, not in Japan, so what could the other party do to him?    


"Lead the way. "    


Su Ming said coldly and got into his car.    


The man in the suit and the others who were worried that they would not be able to invite Su Ming were overjoyed. They quickly got into the car and led the way for Su Ming.    


Half an hour later.    


Following the man in the suit's car, Su Ming turned left and right and finally drove to the entrance of the largest international hotel in South Peace.    


The suited man led Su Ming all the way to the presidential suite on the top floor.    


"Su Jun, please come in. My master is inside. "    


Su Ming nodded, pushed open the door, and entered the room.    


Although Nanning was not like Beijing, this international hotel was not inferior to any hotel in Beijing.    


The compound presidential suite was more than a thousand square meters, but it had been modified into a Fusang style. Floating drawings could be seen on the screens everywhere, and the bold style made people's mouths go dry.    


In the suite, there was a guard in black standing at every corner.    


In fact, with Su Ming's eyesight, he could see that there were many special forces disguised as passers-by in the hotel's vicinity.    


From the looks of it, these people were here to protect the owner that the man in the suit spoke of.    


As soon as he entered, a young man in Japanese clothes welcomed him.    


"Su Jun, welcome, welcome. I've long heard of Su Jun's great name. Seeing him today, he is indeed outstanding. He is indeed worthy of being a rare young hero in China's medical world. "    


This man looks like a Japanese, but his Mandarin is quite good.    


As the saying goes, never hit a smiling person with your hand. In the face of the young man's praise, Su Ming naturally treated him with a smile.    


"You flatter me, have you not asked for my guidance?"    


As soon as Su Ming said this, the young man realized that he was in the wrong and hurriedly introduced himself.    


"I am the second son of the Fusang Feng Mo Family, the Feng Mo Family's second son, the Feng Mo Family's second son. In a while, the one you will treat will be my father, the current head of the Feng Mo Family, Sir Feng Mo Yi Xiong. "    


"Fusang, Eight Limits Feng Mo Family?"    


Even though Su Ming had already prepared himself, he was still shocked at this moment.    


When he was on the mountain, his master had introduced the general trend of the world to him. When he talked about Fusang, he had mentioned the Wind Demon Family.    


Japan was different from China. It had a very high position in the mafia organization of Japan.    


According to incomplete statistics, there were thousands of big gangs in the small territory of Japan. This did not include the small forces.    


And these gangs were the most powerful of the Eight Limits Group. It could be said that the Eight Limits Group was the underground emperor of Japan.    


The Eight Limits had a history even longer than the history of Japan. Since ancient times, there had been a total of eight family bloodlines. This Feng Mo Family was one of them.    


Feng Mo smiled brightly for the first time, "Yes. "    


Now Su Ming finally understood why the other party wanted to give birth to the bloodline. In such a sneaky way to get close to yourself.    


The largest underworld organization in Japan naturally needed to keep a low profile in Huaxia.    


"Interesting. "    


Su Ming smiled and said. "Su Ming came here to treat illnesses. I don't know when we can start. "    


"I will take Su Jun to father's place now. Please follow me. "    


After saying that, Feng Mo led Su Ming upstairs to the main bedroom.    


On the big bed made of golden silk orchids, there was an old man with white hair.    



At this moment, his face was thin, his face was pale, and his eyes were bloodshot. He kept coughing, and the sound of his coughing was so loud that it sounded like he was going to pass out in the next second.    


But even so, it could be seen that the old man's domineering aura was hard to conceal.    


Needless to say, this was the current head of the Feng Mo Family - Feng Mo Yi Xiong.    


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