Divine Magic Doctor

C505 Abduction

C505 Abduction

0"No one knows how many people there are on the other side. If you go alone, you will be in danger." Situ Yue sincerely wanted to go with him to save him.    


Qing was worried that Su Ming would comfort her, so she advised, "Brother Ming, let Sister Xiao Yue go with you."    


Su Ming hesitated for a moment, "Alright, but when you are in danger, you should leave first!"    


Situ Yue didn't say anything.    


The two of them quietly left from the back, driving the car directly to the route Qing gave them.    


Waving Slowly monitored the entire process. The group of people who kidnapped Aunt Mei had no way of getting out of the provincial capital.    


Along the way, Su Ming contacted Third Young Master Zhou. He was very surprised and angry when he heard that Aunt Mei was kidnapped.    


After all, Aunt Mei was still a member of the Zhou Family.    


After telling Third Young Master Zhou about the aftermath, Su Ming felt a lot more confident.    


After all, the provincial capital still had many connections that Su Ming couldn't get to.    


On the way, he contacted Qing to confirm the location of those people. After a full hour of chasing, he found that the black Mercedes-Benz had gone to the suburbs.    


Finally, they were locked into a junkyard.    


"Brother Ming, they haven't moved since they went into the junkyard." Qing's voice came through the walkie-talkie again.    


"Fine, help me pay attention to whether there are any other cars coming this way." After parking the car about a kilometer away from the junkyard, Su Ming walked over with Situ Yue.    


As long as he didn't alert them, Su Ming would have a way to save Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi in the shortest amount of time.    


At the junkyard, in the iron warehouse on the east side.    


The four men in black pulled Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi inside the storage room.    


"Is everything done? was not followed by the tail? " The sound of footsteps came from the iron stairs on the second floor. A bald man around forty years old said to the knife-scarred man downstairs.    


"It's done, but something seems to have happened to Ol 'Three and Ol' Seven. There's no response so far." The knife-scarred man said.    


"If we succeed, there must be a sacrifice. After this, we will go to the Siamese cat to hide." Baldy sighed, turned around and walked into the storage room.    


When he saw Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi, his eyes lit up.    


He never thought that there would be such a beautiful woman. Ever since he came to Nanning, he and his brothers had never tasted meat before.    


After getting rid of Su Ming, they would let the brothers have a taste of the two girls.    


"Watch out for the two of them. If anything goes wrong, you will lose your head!" The bald man said to his two subordinates.    


The two of them nodded and tied Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi to the chair.    


After arranging everything, the baldy looked at the time and walked to Dao Ba's side.    


"Any news from the employer?"    


"Not yet."    


"There's still half an hour before the employer sends a message to that Su Ming."    


"Understood. When he arrives, we'll finish this battle quickly."    


"Once I finish this task, I must leave this place as soon as possible."    


"It's time to let our brothers rest."    


Su Ming clearly heard the conversation between the two.    


Just now, when no one was paying attention to him, Su Ming went around to the back of the warehouse and sneakily climbed to the top through a gap that no one else could get in.    


Observing the two of them walking out, Su Ming followed the iron beams on the roof down.    


After he landed, he quickly headed towards the storage room.    


In the storage room, two guards were smoking and discussing Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi.    


"Sigh, these two women are truly beautiful."    


"Yeah, what would it feel like if I could get it to bed?"    


"It's definitely going to be great."    


The man on the left looked back and saw that his bosses were not around. He sneakily covered Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi's mouths with a piece of paper.    


"I say, Ol 'Six, don't tell me that you're just thinking about it here. Boss told me not to touch them."    


"Do you think I'm stupid!? "If we don't do that, then we should be able to touch him, right?"    


"F * ck, you're really smart. It's enough to touch such a pretty girl."    


Su Ming, who had quietly appeared behind the two of them, was furious.    


Who would dare to lay their hands on his woman? They must die!    


"Bang bang!"    


With two groans, Su Ming got to know them directly.    


Lightly placing the two on the ground, Su Ming went over and whispered his identity. After untying the ropes, he was just about to use his walkie-talkie to inform Situ Yue.    


He turned around and touched the walkie-talkie. Something bad had happened. It was unknown when the walkie-talkie had disappeared.    


Don't move and follow me, Su Ming thought. Not good, he turned around and was about to leave with the two of them.    


Qing's voice suddenly rang out from a pile of garbage outside the storage room.    


"Brother Ming, ten cars suddenly ran in your direction."    


The sound was very clear. After the bald man and Dao Ba, who were smoking at the door heard this, they pulled out their guns and rushed in.    


At the same time, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the second floor.    


A dozen gunmen rushed down.    


Su Ming knew things were not going well, it was impossible for him to leave with the two women.    


He looked around and could only return to the storage room.    


"Bam!" A gunshot rang out.    


The bullets whizzed past and hit the metal door.    


Su Ming pushed the two screaming people forward and closed the metal door behind them.    


"Hide in the corner, and don't move."    


Su Ming looked around to see that there was nothing else that was useful, then he picked up two bricks from the ground and held them in his hands.    


The gun kept firing, and bullets rained down on the iron door behind him.    


A loud sound resounded in his ears.    


Su Ming lowered his head and hid behind a metal pillar. He was anxious and angry at the same time. Since the other party had a gun, he didn't dare to rashly go out.    


However, if this was to continue, it would be impossible for him to leave in peace.    


What should he do?    


Su Ming was anxious.    


Suddenly, he remembered the conversation between the bald man and Dao Ba.    


"Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm Su Ming, the one you guys are looking for, don't shoot."    


This group was after his life, and if he wanted to find out his identity, there would be a temporary way for him to ease up.    


Su Ming wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to retaliate.    


"Stop shooting!" the bald man shouted.    


Everyone stopped shooting and paid careful attention to where the voice came from.    


"You said Su Ming?" the baldy asked in broken Mandarin.    


"That's right, I'm Su Ming." Su Ming hid behind the pillar.    


Baldy raised his gun and stared at the iron pillar.    


"How do you prove that you're Su Ming?" The baldy knew that this matter was of utmost importance. If he was wrong and the employer was wrong, it would be hard to explain.    


Su Ming thought for a moment and said, "Your employer is Xu Ao, right?"    


"What are you trying to say?" The bald-headed man's nerves were taut.    


"Since you were hired by the Xu Family, then you should know that I am a person who does not want to waste time." Su Ming walked out from behind the metal pillar.    


The baldy frowned, staring at the young man in front of him as he sized him up.    


At the time of receiving the deal, the employer had shown them photographs of the target person.    


The young man in front of him looked exactly the same as the one in the photo.    


"Su Ming, you sure are capable, being able to follow us all the way here without being discovered." The baldy sneered and waved his hand. More than ten guns pointed at Su Ming at the same time.    


The situation was grim, and he could only stall for as much time as he could.    


He hoped that Situ Yue would come to his aid as soon as possible.    


"You can't even say if you're capable or not. Before I died, I just want to know, is the person who hired you Xu Family?"    


Knowing that he was the mastermind was much easier to deal with.    


Baldy looked at him coldly and snatched his hand down.    


Suddenly, a shot was fired in front of Su Ming's feet.    


"It's useless for the dying to know so much." Baldy took out his cell phone from his pocket and threw it to the knife-scarred man. "Call your employer and tell him your target has been killed."    


"Understood!" The knife-scarred man took the phone and dialed.    


About ten seconds later, a young man's voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Is the matter settled?"    


"The person with eyes has been dealt with."    




After hanging up the phone, the knife-scarred man nodded towards the baldy.    


As matters stood, it could be considered as having come to an end.    


The baldy pointed his gun at Su Ming and said, "Don't blame us, we are only taking money to do things."    



Su Ming suddenly raised his hand, "Wait!"    


The baldy was surprised. "What else do you want to say?"    


Su Ming's mouth twitched, "There's someone behind you!"    


"Bam!" A gunshot rang out and someone fell to the ground.    


Following that, a series of gunshots rang out and another person fell to the ground.    


The baldy turned around and saw a woman's silhouette flash past.    


"Kill Su Ming!" When the baldy turned around, Su Ming was no longer there.    


"F * ck, find me someone to kill off the target." The baldy was enraged to the point of hysteria.    


The rest of the men in the warehouse began to search frantically for someone.    


Su Ming hid in the utility room and found an opening for a person to crawl through the left ventilator.    


Time was of the essence. After Su Ming sent Aunt Mei and Wu Xuanyi out, he heard footsteps approaching the chore house.    


He picked up the bench and hid behind the door. The storage room door was pushed open, and a pair of gun-wielding hands probed in.    


Su Ming was already prepared for this, so he swung his chair and smashed it down heavily.    




The bench shattered, the opponent's arm fractured, and the gun fell to the ground.    


Su Ming's reaction was very fast. He picked up the gun and kicked the man in black over.    


As he rushed out of the storage room, gunshots rang out again.    


The few men in black that noticed Su Ming turned their guns around and shot at him.    


Continuously finding a cover to avoid the other side, Su Ming retaliated, but found that his gun missed.    


"I haven't practiced for a long time, it's too unfamiliar."    


He threw away the gun in his hand and picked up the brick from the ground.    


Su Ming remembered what his master said about walking with bricks in hand.    


If we can't use the gun, we'll just use the brick.    


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