System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1195 The Origin of the Poison Hairpin(3)

C1195 The Origin of the Poison Hairpin(3)

0With tears in his eyes, He Zhenhua clenched his fist. His hoarse voice was filled with rage as he said, "But the heavens have eyes. A villager jumped down from upstairs. Although he was heavily injured, he did not die. When I rushed there, I found him in the ruins. He told me about this before he swallowed his last breath. Only then did he let me know the truth! I swore that I would send both of them to hell. Let them face my family and repent for the rest of their lives!!"    


Fann Binn saw the grief and indignation on He Zhenhua's face and said, "Brother He, can you tell me the identity of the father and son? What do they want you to do?"    


He Zhenhua looked at Fann Binn and wiped away the tears at the corners of his eyes. After calming himself down a little, he said, "I'm afraid that they will give you a big fright. The thing that they want me to do is actually very simple. Speaking of which, it has something to do with this poisonous hairpin. "    


" Oh? The background of these two are very big?" Fann Binn said with some disdain," No matter how great they are, how great can they be? A small country like C Nation, at most, it would only be the number one chief who controlled the entire C Nation. Don't think that I will be scared and take care of my emotions. I am not scared big."    


When He Zhenhua heard Fann Binn's words, he could not help but reveal a bitter smile. "Kid, I really don't know if you are a fortune teller. Being able to predict my past and future, you've guessed correctly again. The one who forced me to kill my entire family was the number one chief of C Nation. And his son! "    


"What did you say!?" Fann Binn was indeed shocked. He shook his head almost immediately to deny it. “ Elder Brother He, you can't joke about this. You're just an ordinary person, yet you're able to get the attention of Chief No. 1. How is this possible? Even though the dignified Chief No. 1 only controls a small country like C Nation... He will personally come to see you. And personally come to threaten you? This is simply a fantasy!"    


" Yeah, I also found it hard to believe in the beginning that something I created would actually fall into the eyes of the boss of this country. Do you think I'm in a very tragic state? "    


He Zhenhua smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "Actually, this is also my fault. Back then, I was young and rash. I didn't listen to my father's advice and didn't become a barefoot doctor in the village. I always thought that by learning the ancestral medical skills, I could look around the world. Why can't you let your parents live a good life and endure the suffering of hunger and hunger in the village? "    


"That's why I left the village at the age of 25 and went to the city to become a herbal doctor. Gradually, I became more and more famous. I went from a small city to a big city. Later, I was selected by a chief of the army and became a military doctor. However, in C Nation, class differentiation was very serious. If you want to bring your parents to the city and let them live a good life, I have to first become a resident of the city, and I have to work hard to become a medical officer... So at that time, I didn't know what it meant to be afraid of fame and strength. Most of the reason why I ended up like this today was because of myself. I love acting too much!"    


When He Zhenhua said this, he sighed heavily and said," Six years ago, my troops held a social gathering with the troops stationed near the capital. The doctors of our health team had a competition with the doctors of that army, and the prize for the competition was to have the highest level of medical practitioner. Then, I would be able to receive Chief No. 1. "    


"Of course, perhaps this kind of honor is a supreme honor for them. But to me, it is the second reward that has deeply moved me. This reward is to be able to transfer troops to the capital and solve the capital's household registration! Capital account, what kind of concept is that? In C Nation, only the people above can live in the capital. For me to obtain such an account, our entire family will have to bask in the light!"    


" The problem with the account has been solved. What kind of house is it? All three meals will be solved! When I think about how my parents can live in a city like the capital, they will never need to be frozen or hungry. In a city where I will never have to work hard, I have made up my mind. I must get this ranking! "    


Fann Binn listened very seriously and did not interrupt. He Zhenhua spoke in detail as if he was writing an recollection, and he was like a loyal listener. He was very curious about an ordinary prisoner. How did he get involved with the number one chief of C Nation?!    


"Hence, I followed the best doctors from the entire army to the capital to participate in this medical competition. Although it was called a competition, it was actually more like a seminar. Because the military only gave us one question, which is to save a person." He Zhenhua's mood had already calmed down a little, and he said with a cold smile on his face. " It was a soldier who was poisoned by some kind of poison. It's a new type of virus, very poisonous. However, it was a slow-acting poison. The soldier was not dead, but he was completely in a weakened state. They lost all ability to move. Whoever can cure him of the poison in his body will be the winner. "    


"So, no doctor can cure the poison, but you did. Right? Wang Yao asked." Fann Binn smiled and said, "If my guess is correct, you used poison to fight the poison. I think the poison produced by your hairpin is stronger than that poison? "    


"Yes, I used the poison in the hairpin to think of a way to fight poison with poison." He Zhenhua did not show any surprise this time. Clearly, he was already somewhat numb to Fann Binn's accurate judgment.    


He said, "I have full confidence in the venom in the poison hairpin. Of course, the situation is just as I thought. The poison in the soldier's body was finally defeated by the venom, and after neutralizing it, it disappeared without a trace. As for me, I used the unique ancestral antidote that I concocted to remove the poison in the hairpin. This soldier was reborn, and I also won that match."    


"However, it didn't make me happy for long. At a medical seminar organized by the military, chief No. 1 suddenly appeared and took the initiative to have a private meeting with me. The main purpose of the meeting was to get me to take out the poison formula in the poison hairpin. Furthermore, on this basis, I want to develop a contagious poison! "    


Fann Binn's eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "A contagious poison! I understand now. Chief No. 1 wants to create a secret weapon!"    


Just like the secret human genetic modification project that H Country had secretly developed, every country had some secret weapons that were extremely destructive for underground research. Back then, this was how America developed nuclear weapons, and this Chief No. 1 clearly wanted to develop a strong poison that could spread! This way, once war broke out, if this was used on the battlefield... The number of casualties would not be in the millions, but in the hundreds of thousands. A million. In total!    


Years ago, poisonous gas bombs and bacteria bombs had harmed countless families and civilians. Now, this contagious poison would only be more harmful! No wonder the number one chief of C Nation had personally come out to meet a small figure like He Zhenhua. Once this weapon was successfully developed, not only would he be able to consolidate his increasingly unstable regime, but he would also be able to do so. Furthermore, he could make those foreign powers who had a bad relationship with C Country fear him. This was obviously a good card!    


"I, He Zhenhua, am not a fool, nor am I an idiot. When that Jin fellow mentioned this matter, I realized that something was wrong. Yes, I, He Zhenhua, am an expert in using poison, but my venom comes from the poison hairpin. It comes from the heritage of an ancient family. Although I know how to use poison to kill people, but I cannot go against the teachings of my ancestors and allow the poison hairpin passed down from my ancestors to harm the people. Serves you right to be a human killer! So this kind of research, even if you beat me to death, I won't do it. Furthermore, he killed my entire family!"    


He Zhenhua sneered and said, "The hatred between me and him is already the outcome of a fight to the death. For the past five years, I have been following the instructions of my ancestors to unleash the greatest power of the poison hairpin. As long as I absorb another 20% of the poison, the poison hairpin will be the real poison hairpin. At that time, I will pretend to be willing to participate in the research and development of the diffusion poison. Thus... Leave the Golden Mountain Road Prison and meet with the Supreme Chief. And the moment I meet him, it will be the time for me to take revenge! I must take revenge for this, and I must take revenge!"    


Fann Binn looked at He Zhenhua and said somewhat curiously, "I don't know why, Old Brother He, I keep feeling that you don't have any feelings for your motherland. Aren't you very enthusiastic about the leaders of C Nation? If it were any other C Nation that had been brainwashed, they would probably treat this as an incomparably glorious honor, right? "    


He Zhenhua glanced at Fann Binn and said with a smile, "Young man, do you know why I treated you well the first time I saw you and your companions last night? Because we have the same kind of blood flowing in our bodies."    


"What do you mean? The same blood?" Fann Binn was clearly stunned. Almost instantly, he cried out in shock, "You mean... you, you are also an H People?"    


"What? You can be an H People, but why can't I be?" He Zhenhua said helplessly, "Is it because I have never been to the H Country that I can't acknowledge my ancestors? From the moment I was born until now, I know very well that I am an H People. Not a C. Although I grew up in C Nation, I will always be proud of being an H People! This is also one of the reasons why I did not agree to help that Jin develop weapons that harm others. "    


"Yeah, I heard your name last night, He Zhenhua. I felt that it was a little strange, but I really didn't expect you to be an H People instead of a C Nation. No wonder you have a good impression of us. After all, we are from the same race and have the same roots of H People... " Fann Binn felt a sense of pride in his heart. They were both H People. It made the distance between him and He Zhenhua become much closer. However, he soon had another problem, "Old Brother He, since you are an H People, why did your ancestors come to C Nation instead of staying in H Country?"    


"I am not sure about the specific reason. According to the records of our ancestors, our He family moved to C Nation from a very long time ago. We originally moved here together with a lot of H People. As time passed, the number of ___ gradually decreased. In the end, my generation... was exterminated and all of them died. "    


When He Zhenhua spoke up to this point, he suddenly said with utmost respect. "Perhaps it was to avoid the chaos of war, or perhaps it was to avoid revenge. Who knows? However, I always thought that my ancestors were very capable. Just because they were able to create such a magical and mysterious treasure, just because they had such a thorough understanding of poison... Their profound attainments in medicine are enough to make me worship my ancestors."    


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