System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1177 He Pretended to be a Gendarmerie

C1177 He Pretended to be a Gendarmerie

1Seeing that Fann Binn had made up his mind, everyone immediately started to prepare. Hsu Rann and the village woman called Jin Zheyhua were hiding in the crude room where the instructor lived. Jin Zhe Hua told them that after the military police entered the village, they would definitely look for the instructor and ask him to gather all the villagers to hand over the food. So they only needed to set up an ambush in the house.    


Not long after, Xiao Huo, who was lying on the roof, saw a team of six gendarmerie soldiers walk into the village entrance. The leader of the squad gave a few instructions. Except for the two police officers, who stood straight at the entrance of the village and stood guard. The other three junior police officers and the small team leader walked quickly towards the instructor's house.    


Seeing that they were about to reach the courtyard outside, Xiao Huo made a gesture to Fann Binn and the others in the house. He told them how many people were there before he quietly went back into the house.    


"Tai Min! Han Tai Min! You are still sleeping? It's your village's turn to hand in the food! " The captain kicked open the broken wooden door without hesitation and swaggered into the room. The four subordinates behind him also seemed very casual as they carried their guns behind their backs. They seemed to feel that there was no danger at all.    


However, nothing was absolute. Just as the captain saw that there was no one in the hall and was about to call Han Taimin's name again, a cold light suddenly came straight at his neck!    


The captain's eyes widened. Just as he was about to speak, that cold light stabbed into his neck even faster than he did. Instantly, blood flew everywhere!    


The three military police behind him only took a breath's time to realize that there was a shining dagger in his head and neck that had fallen heavily to the ground. Only then did they realize what had happened. They were so frightened that they wanted to take down the rifles on their backs and shoot. But, it was already too late...    


The baldy and Xiao Huo quietly rushed out from the left and right sides. They only shouted at the same time and pounced on the two military police. The dagger in their hands went into their chests without any suspense. Blood flew everywhere. The two military police officers showed fear and panic in their eyes. Just like that, their bodies twitched and ended their young lives.    


As for the remaining gendarmerie, he recklessly landed from above and heavily smashed him to the ground. He picked up the hoe next to him and gave him a heavy blow right in front of his head, directly causing his skull to cave in!    


In just a dozen seconds, the four military police officers, including the captain, went to hell just like that. They did not make any sound. It had to be said that Fann Binn and his three subordinates were the best. Dealing with these soldiers who lived a comfortable life was naturally a piece of cake. There wouldn't be any sloppiness at all.    


At this moment, Fann Binn bent down and began to take off the captain's clothes. When he saw Baldy and the others standing there stunned, he could not help but frown. "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and take off your clothes and put them on!"    


"What? We... wear the clothes of the military police?" The baldy was confused.    


"Stupid! Didn't Jin Zhehua say just now that she had never seen soldiers who needed to lead the way? That means that as long as we wear this dog skin, we will be able to pass the checkpoint smoothly. If you don't wear it, do you want to force your way through? " Fann Binn rolled his eyes and said to them, "Xiao Huo, go and f * ck up the two police officers at the entrance of the village, and drag them back to take off their clothes. There are six of us, and Hsu Rann and Jin Zhehua will dress up as men and wear their uniforms. Let's sneak into Zhong Town!"    


Hearing Fann Binn's words, Xiao Huo and the others' eyes lit up. After giving Fann Binn a thumbs up, they immediately turned around and disappeared from the house. It seemed that these military officers really brought them good luck.    


On the village road in C Country, Fann Binn was wearing the uniform of a military officer. He held his head high and walked forward on the thick dirt road. This dirt road was the only way to Zhong Town. At this time, they were about 20 miles away from Zhong City. With their current walking speed, it would probably take them more than three hours to reach.    


Hsu Rann was wearing the uniform of the captain of the first year. She was wearing a military cap and looked really valiant and valiant. She really did look like a gigolo when it came to simple makeup. It was a bit like a gigolo officer. As for why she had to pretend to be the captain, the reason was actually very simple. Because only she could speak fluent C national language. Oh, of course, there was also a Golden Philosopher in the team who knew how to speak. However, she was a farmer after all, so her adaptability was not very good.    


After killing the gendarmerie that entered the village, they secretly threw the corpses of the gendarmerie along with the dead instructor into the cellar. Then, they secretly left the village. The villagers clearly did not pay close attention to the appearance of the gendarmerie. When they saw them leave the village, they were afraid that they could not dodge in time and thought that these fake goods were real.    


As for Jin Zhe Hua, after she introduced herself, she let Fann Binn understand. So she was an orphan, and was brought up by an old man. However, after the old man passed away a while ago, she no longer had any relatives in the village. That was why the instructor brazenly arrested her and brought her into the house to flirt with her.    


What made Fann Binn somewhat dumbstruck was that the actual age of this Golden Zhe Flower was actually a young girl in her early twenties. But it seemed like everyone would think that she was already a woman in her thirties. But soon, everyone understood that in a poor and backward village like this, she ate much less and dried a lot. Her skin was poor and thin. Naturally, they looked old. In addition, when comparing Jin Zheyuan and Hsu Rann, that was why it made people think that she was a village woman. She was not a village girl anymore...    


As they walked along the dirt road, the makeup on Jin Zhe Hua's face was quite good. Originally, her skin was just a little bit lacking. It was charred yellow. She hid her long hair in the military cap. Immediately, no one could tell whether this person was a man or a woman. Along the way, she introduced the C Nation that she knew to everyone. Fann Binn and the others gradually began to understand this mysterious feudal country.    


Actually, they didn't need to be introduced by the Golden Zhe Flower. Just by walking along the dirt road, they could tell. Not to mention the modern era, this place was probably not even called the Industrial Enlightenment Era. Although there were a few cars still burning coal on this narrow dirt road... Ah, no, it should be said that the cars modified by tractors were running. However, other than these cars that could be considered vehicles, there were almost no bicycle on this road. Not to mention motorcycles and electric scooters. Along the way, the fields were filled with people working hard. They worked hard to farm, but the harvests would probably be left in their hands. It was simply too little, right?    


Fann Binn could not help but sigh. Compared to C Nation, H Country was indeed a paradise. Although the remote villages in H Country were also very backward, there was still a huge difference between falling behind and falling behind.    


"Boss, there's a sentry in front!" Xiao Huo, who was beside him, came over and reminded him in a low voice. Fann Binn immediately narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. As expected, there was a sentry post, which was built with mud, in front of them. It reached out with a guardrail and blocked the dirt road. Both sides of the sentry tower were blocked by mountains. That was the only way forward.    


"Everyone, calm down, let's go!" Fann Binn reminded everyone in a low voice and said to Hsu Rann, who was walking in front of them. "Hsu Rann, we will act according to the situation later. If it does not work, everyone will make a move. Remember, you are now a Corporal of C Nation's Gendarmerie. I estimate that the highest ranking soldier in this outpost is only at the same level as you. You don't have to be afraid of them. "    


Hsu Rann nodded nervously. He was pretending to be a soldier, and he was also a Corporal's captain. This was probably the first time in her life. However, since she had received a high education, she quickly calmed down. It was a matter of life and death. She could not afford to be careless.    


As they got closer and closer to the outpost, Hsu Rann could not help but swallow her saliva. She faced the outpost and used her thickest voice to imitate the male voice, "What are you doing? What are you doing? Hurry up and take the block wood away. We are going over!"    


Fann Binn secretly gave Hsu Rann a thumbs up. He really did not see that Hsu Rann's voice mimicked the male voice was really vivid.    


Hearing Hsu Rann's shout, the soldiers in the sentry post quickly came out. Their uniforms were different from the military uniform of the gendarmerie. It seemed that these soldiers in the sentry post were real soldiers. The military police were in charge of the internal affairs of the country, which was similar to the armed police force of H Country. So theoretically speaking, they were a level lower than the real military. However, the situation in C Country might be special. The military police here were more like the ancient Embroidered Uniform Guard. It should be similar to a real soldier or even more.    


Sure enough, when the sentinels saw that Hsu Rann was a military police Corporal, they could not help but hurriedly salute and want to open the wooden fence in the middle of the road.    


"Wait!" At that moment, a Corporal officer suddenly came out of the outpost. He looked at Hsu Rann carefully and saluted, "Thank you, comrade. Please show your ID."    


Identity? Of course Hsu Rann would not have an ID, because the photo in the pocket of that shirt was clearly different from hers. It could not be used at all! Immediately, everyone became nervous.    


A trace of panic flashed across Hsu Rann's eyes, but she quickly pretended to be calm. She also bowed towards the Corporal who drew the gourd and said, "Comrade, you have worked hard too. It is like this. We were ordered to collect the food. We were just about to rush to Zhong City's military camp to report. The Bureau Chief had been waiting there for a long time. If he was not in a hurry, he would dare to go. I'm afraid the Bureau Chief will be angry!"    


Fann Binn secretly heaved a sigh of relief. It was good that Hsu Rann did not panic in the face of danger. Regardless of whether the chief could scare this Corporal, at least he could not lose in terms of momentum. At this time, he lowered his head and gave a look to the baldy and the others beside him. They immediately understood and quietly moved closer. They arrived at the border of the sentry post. As long as the situation was not right, they would forcefully barge into the outpost. Kill all these soldiers!    


"Collect rations? Why do I remember that the gendarmerie squad that went to collect grain today wasn't you? Furthermore, seeing that your hands are empty, where did the grain come from? " The Corporal frowned and looked at Hsu Rann playfully. With a cold expression, he said, "Please show your ID. You can't let me go without your ID."    


"How dare you! We are the Chief's gendarmerie. How can you check us?" Hsu Rann pretended to be angry and shouted angrily. " Get out of the way. I have an important matter to report to the chief. If you are late, it will be too late! Do you know? A group of illegals crossing the border silently entered C Nation. The grain collection team you saw was already killed. I am now rushing to report this matter to the chief. In order to not increase the weight, I hid the grain in a village. You actually didn't let me go even though you travelled through the night. Are you going to take responsibility if something goes wrong? "    


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