System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1013 Capture Jie Donglai(1)

C1013 Capture Jie Donglai(1)

0"Mansion Number Six on East Nanshan Hill, in the dense forest of Chongshan, 15 kilometers deep. The environment is elegant and remote. It's the best blessed land for couples who like to enjoy nature or go on outdoor trips. " Fann Binn held the introduction book in his hand and took a look. He looked at the two-story villa hidden in the forest not far away. He could not help but laugh, "It is because there are so many speechless developers that Jie Donglai and the others who want to hide in the dark and do bad things have a better hiding place. If it wasn't for this idiot who wrote his real name when he was registering, I'm afraid it would have been difficult to find him. "    3


"I can't tell. This Zhuge Yuyan seems to have given Jie Donglai a huge reward. Although this place is remote, to buy such a villa... It must be at least three million, right? Jie Donglai was also willing to spend money. However, even if he bought a place to hide, it would be useless. The heavens never let the net go. Karma will come sooner or later!" Lee Shiqi half-squatted beside Fann Binn and hid in a patch of reeds. She could not help but speak in a low voice, "This time, Jie Donglai's retribution has come!"    


Beside the two of them, there was also a large group of armed police and a few uniformed police. One of the valiant female police officers was the deputy captain of Beihai City's Key Case Investigation Department, Miss Tang Yiyi.    


Fann Binn had secretly met with Tang Yiyi yesterday. Of course. It was Fann Binn's help that Tang Yiyi was transferred to the Beihai City Police Station. After all, during the major reshuffling of the Beihai City police station, Lee Dapeng took the opportunity to enter the police department. He had also obtained a huge harvest. If Fann Binn wanted to ask him to help, wouldn't it be a piece of cake for him to stuff someone in? Furthermore, Tang Yiyi had outstanding abilities to begin with. Naturally, she was transferred here without much trouble.    


For some reason, Tang Yiyi looked so capable and capable in her police uniform. She looked serious, but Fann Binn's mind was filled with thoughts. As long as he glanced at her, he would remember when he was at her house during the New Year. In her room, there was a comfortable bed and the time when she was deeply in love, as well as her expression of wanting to reject and welcoming.    


"Fann Binn, the basic situation of the outpost has been figured out. We can confirm that Jie Donglai is in that villa. When are we going to make a move? Fann Binn? " Tang Yiyi said as she turned her head to look at Fann Binn, but she found that his eyes were always looking at her with some bad intentions. She could not help but blush shyly. It was obvious that she already understood why Fann Binn had such a gaze.    


Seeing Tang Yiyi lower her head and not dare to look at him, Fann Binn coughed awkwardly twice. He said to the police and martial police behind her, "Haha, that... Since everyone is in position, then we can start to arrest people. Everyone still has to be careful of their personal safety. The suspect Jie Donglai has a group of well-trained subordinates. It is very likely that they are equipped with firearms. If they are discovered, don't be rash. In any case, he had already become a turtle in a jar. There was no place for him to escape at all. Most importantly, Jie Donglai himself was advantageous to the case. We absolutely can't kill him. Everyone, please pay more attention!"    


Tang Yiyi saw Fann Binn speak and held back her shyness as she said to the policemen behind her, "Also, you must ensure the safety of the hostage, Liu Haiyan. You must not shoot unless it is absolutely impossible."    


"Yes..." The policemen nodded in unison. Tang Yiyi regained her dignity as a policewoman. She waved her small hand and said seriously, "Check the ammunition. Let's go!"    


At Tang Yiyi's command, the policemen split into five teams and led the armed police towards different directions towards the villa quietly. Invisibly, they formed a rapidly shrinking encirclement. At this time, Fann Binn and Lee Shiqi closely followed their movements. They also slowly advanced towards the villa.    


Fann Binn originally planned to come alone this time, but the girls considered Fann Binn's safety and sudden events. They unanimously agreed to let Lee Shiqi follow him. No reason, just because of Lee Shiqi's martial arts, it was more than enough to be his female bodyguard. With her around, the girls would feel more at ease.    


"Husband, do you remember the two treasures we took out in the Sacred Land? I have been researching the Five Poison Chant recently and have successfully developed a few poisons. Colourless and odorless, very powerful. Do you want to give it a try? " Lee Shiqi took advantage of the time when she was walking and whispered to Fann Binn.    


When Fann Binn heard that, he immediately felt a chill run down his spine. He hurriedly shook his head and said," Shiqi, no, no. This is modern society. That poison of yours is already outdated. Do not use it. Do you hear me? "    


Lee Shiqi's eyes clearly showed some helplessness. Although her face was covered by a veil, her expression could not be seen. But even a fool would know that she was naturally a little disappointed. How could Fann Binn not know that Lee Shiqi was very knowledgeable about poison? But ever since he was poisoned by Crane Top Red, he was really afraid of poison. That feeling of not being able to beg for life and not being able to die left a lingering fear in his heart. It was really too terrifying.    




"Hai Yan, this is the bird nest porridge that I specially asked someone to buy for you with a warm fire. Look at you, you've become so haggard these two days. Why don't you take good care of your body? How will we live a happy life in the future?" Jie Donglai carried the steaming bird's nest porridge and sat beside the bed with a smile. He looked at his trembling body. Liu Haiyan, whose messy hair wrapped around the bed sheet, revealed a gentle smile and said, "Come, have a bite. I'll feed you. How about it?"    


"Devil... Stay away from me, I don't want to see you, don't!!" Liu Haiyan shook her head with all her might, her legs kicking towards Jie Donglai. If it wasn't for the bird's nest porridge that he immediately raised, the porridge would probably have been kicked to the ground. It would have become dog food.    


Jie Donglai suppressed his anger and forced a smile, "Hai Yan, don't be like this. Everything has passed. From now on, you are my woman, and you will only love me!"    


" Why? The one I love is Xue Qiang! Even if you kill him, the person I love is him too. Not you! " Liu Haiyan shouted hysterically. Tears rolled down her stubborn eyes. " Even if you lock me up here and don't give me freedom... Even if you let me suffer loneliness, I won't give in! "    


"Submit? What do you mean submit? Didn't I do all of this for you? " Jie Donglai finally couldn't help but say angrily," I betrayed my best brother for the sake of being able to be with you again. Will I be able to live a happy life with you? But what's your attitude now? Can't you forget that damn Xue Qiang just refuses to accept me?!"    


" Right! I will never accept you, because your love towards others is always forced. I have never loved you, how can I live with you! " Liu Haiyan choked with sobs. "Do you think that I will resign myself to fate and be with you just because you separated me and Xue Qiang? You're dreaming! "    


"Pa!" Jie Donglai slapped Liu Haiyan's face hard, leaving deep marks on her fingers in an instant. He took a deep breath and gnashed his teeth. " I've been so good to you, but you've crossed my bottom line again and again... Liu Haiyan, don't push me too hard. Don't force me! "    


Liu Haiyan used her small hands to cover her swollen cheeks. Her eyes were filled with tears as she stubbornly stared at Jie Donglai. She sneered, "Don't you just want my body? Alright, alright. If I fall into your hands, you can use force on me at any time. I have no choice. But let me tell you, my heart will never belong to you... You will never get it!"    


"You... you..." Jie Donglai was so angry that his entire body was trembling. He violently smashed the bird nest porridge in his hand onto the ground. It instantly shattered! He grabbed Liu Haiyan's collar and said angrily, "Alright, since I can't get your heart... Then I want your body! At the very least, the person who can be with you is me, Jie Donglai. Not him, Xue Qiang!"    


Without waiting for Liu Haiyan to speak, Jie Donglai fiercely ripped open the white shirt on her body. He revealed the red undergarments inside, as well as her beautiful figure. Jie Donglai faced the half-naked Liu Haiyan, his eyes filled with light. This incomparable temptation almost instantly aroused his most primitive desire. He placed his trembling hands on Liu Haiyan's shoulders. He directly pressed her onto the bed, and her entire body was pressed onto the bed!    


Letting Jie Donglai casually kiss her body, Liu Haiyan did not make any sound. She only painfully closed her eyes, shedding tears of sadness...    


Other than her body temperature and heartbeat, Liu Haiyan was like a dead man lying on the bed and being manipulated by Jie Donglai. Jie Donglai greedily kissed Liu Haiyan. At first, he was extremely excited. But then... With the passage of time, he deeply felt the disgust and coldness coming from the depths of this gentle body.    


Unknowingly, Jie Donglai's movements gradually stopped. He panted heavily as he raised his head. He grabbed Liu Haiyan's slippery chin and stared at her. After a while, he punched the wall hard and shouted hysterically through gritted teeth. " I don't believe that I, Jie Donglai, won't be able to obtain your heart! I want to prove with action that I will give you happiness! Now, I have my villa, my subordinates, and my car. What else do you want? Tell me!!"    


"Bah! You murderer, no matter how many things you have. They are all earned by selling your soul, dirty... Despicable! "Liu Haiyan glared at Jie Donglai and said disdainfully," Although Xue Qiang is poor, he's poor to the point of having backbone. He's not like you. For money, you can sell out everything you have! "    


" Haha... Hahahaha..." Jie Donglai started laughing maniacally. He slowly got up from the bed. He sneered softly," I know you look down on me. It's okay, you will know sooner or later... In this world, money and power are the way to go! Why is Xue Qiang humiliated by me and I am still safe and sound? Isn't it because I have money and power, and I have the ability? Hahaha... "    


"Good and evil will always be rewarded. It's not that I don't want to, the time hasn't come yet! Jie Donglai, liu Haiyan lightly covers her body with the blanket as she sneers blankly. "Xue Qiang has left... There is no meaning for me to live, if I have the ability... Kill me as well."    


Jie Donglai coldly looked at the dispirited Liu Haiyan. He did not open his mouth to reply. He only let out a heavy cold snort and sat on the chair. He was so irritated that he began to smoke...    


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