System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1009 Fan Bin's Trump Card

C1009 Fan Bin's Trump Card

2Fann Binn felt the gaze of wisdom coming straight at him. He could not help but feel as if he was sitting on pins and needles! The business world was like a battlefield, and those who could stand still on the battlefield, did not have excellent analytical abilities and judgment?    


Fann Binn finally knew what a business tycoon was today. Just by relying on Yang Yuyan to acquire the Soaring Dragon's shares, it had to be said that in terms of scheming, he could see so many things. He was not a match for Zhang Haiyang at all. The older the wiser, the wiser. This sentence made sense no matter where it was.    


"But now, it seems like my daughter wants to get involved as well. This makes me have no choice but to ask about this matter. " Zhang Haiyang looked at Fann Binn and said with a smile, "Fann Binn, you are a smart man. There is no need to beat around the bush when talking to smart people. You should know that I, Zhang Haiyang, only have a daughter like Zhang Manrou in my life. In other words, whoever obtains my daughter will be able to obtain everything that I have worked so hard for my entire life."    


"Perhaps you still don't know how much my value is, but just the title of 'King of Ships' on the surface. I'm afraid that's enough. I really didn't expect that my daughter would actually fall in love with an ordinary looking boy like you. In the past, I always thought that my daughter would find a future partner... It's either handsome or suave, but you... I feel that it's alright in terms of ability, but in terms of looks, I feel that it's lacking."    


Fann Binn was speechless. Was this old fellow sick? Who said he wanted to get well with Zhang Manrou? He actually did not mention the matter of his appearance when he was serious. Damn it, why did a man need to be so handsome?    


"Director Zhang, if you have something to say, just say it. I'm a straightforward person, and I don't like to go through all those twists and turns. " Fann Binn thought for a while. He felt that he was no match for Zhang Haiyang in terms of scheming and playing tricks. He might as well just say what he wanted to say. Since he had decided... He said bluntly, "I was framed by Yang Yuyan. She used a trick that almost killed me in the deep mountains. I escaped with my life on the line, and now I'm hiding in this villa. It was to make her lower her guard so that I could give her a fatal blow! I called Zhang Manrou over today. I want her to help me, please... Please transfer the shares of the military shipyard to me."    


" Oh? Is that all?" Zhang Haiyang leaned back on the sofa and said with a gloomy expression, "But why do I see that my daughter's expression and words just now seem to have other secrets?"    


"President Zhang, as you said, I have no other merits. I'm afraid I still have self-awareness. My looks are not good enough for Zhang Manrou, so Zhang Manrou and I are just ordinary friends. Not the kind of relationship you think we have. The reason why Zhang Manrou acted like that just now was actually to make you misunderstand. From there, she was willing to help me. Initially, I refused her to do this, but I didn't think that she would still... "    


Before Fann Binn could finish his words, Zhang Haiyang stretched out his hand. He stopped him from continuing, "Enough, smart man. You don't need to say too much to understand. If he said too much, it would become nonsense. But... according to what you said, my daughter is your ordinary friend... Why did you work so hard to help you, even cheating her biological father?"    


" Er... this... " Fann Binn was dumbfounded. Zhang Haiyang was really asking the best of questions. How should he answer this? Could it be that Fann Binn wanted to say that your daughter, Zhang Manrou, likes me? So she was willing to help me, and not that I liked her? Once he said this, Zhang Haiyang would definitely scold him harshly.    


"Don't stutter. Just say whatever you want!" Zhang Haiyang berated and said discontentedly, "I hate people who want to say something in front of me the most. Don't you know... Is this very disrespectful to people? Or do you want to fabricate a lie to deceive me? "    


Fann Binn felt some resentment in his heart because of Zhang Haiyang's words, but he held it in. He had to lower his head under the roof. After all, he had a request to make with Zhang Haiyang, so he could not make things difficult for him. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Actually, Zhang Manrou is a kind-hearted girl who is very enthusiastic about her friends. The reason why she helped me with all her might was mainly because I was played too badly by Yang Yuyan. But Yang Yuyan did not receive the punishment she deserves. "    


"Is that really the case?" A questioning look appeared in Zhang Haiyang's eyes once again.    


"Yes, that's right!" Fann Binn nodded firmly and said, "Please believe me. Zhang Manrou and I are innocent. We are very good friends!"    


"Humph, if there is a pure friendship between a man and a woman... Then there's a ghost!" Zhang Haiyang's words immediately refuted Fann Binn. He stood up and sneered. " Since Fann Binn and my daughter have nothing to do with each other, then I advise you to stay away from each other in the future! Since the matter had already been clarified, he would drink the tea as well. It's time for me to leave. Manrou is still waiting for me downstairs. Goodbye. "    


" Director Zhang... " Fann Binn was stunned. He did not expect Zhang Haiyang to leave just like that. He could not help but urgently say, "Director Zhang, I know that it may be very difficult for you to transfer the shipyard shares. But this is the only way I can catch Yang Yuyan by surprise. As long as you are willing to transfer the shares... It doesn't matter even if the price is higher. "    


"Why should I help you? Why should I transfer the shares to you?" Zhang Haiyang turned around and said to Fann Binn. He stared at ___ and said, "Listen to me clearly. Do you know how much money I got from the projects I worked with the Yang family for a year? What's your relationship with me? How much profit can you bring me? "    


"If it were anyone else, he would transfer the shares to someone he is not familiar with and has nothing to do with it. To frame his business partner? Do you think I'm stupid! If I do this kind of business every day, I'll be given the title of King of Ships. I would have changed hands a long time ago! Doing business is a very realistic young man. I advise you to stop daydreaming. Do more realistic things!"    


Fann Binn stared blankly at Zhang Haiyang and listened to what he said. His heart instantly turned cold to the bottom of the valley. It seemed that Zhang Manrou was right. If there was no suitable reason... With Zhang Haiyang's personality, he would never agree to the transfer of the shipyard's shares. Even an idiot could tell that Zhang Haiyang and Yang Yuyan had a deep relationship. Since they were not relatives, they were naturally good partners. How could he possibly transfer the shares to someone who had nothing to do with him?    


Looking at Zhang Haiyang who had turned around and left, he took one more step towards the door. The more Fann Binn felt that the possibility of his plan to deal with Yang Yuyan had been lost. He did not have 30% of the shares of the military shipyard in his hands. He would not be able to make Yang Yuyan suffer!    


"Director Zhang, what if I use the Soaring Dragon's shares to exchange with you?" Fann Binn finally could not help but say his bottom line, "I am willing to take 10% of the Soaring Dragon's shares to exchange for 30% of the military shipyard's shares. This deal is absolutely worth it. You might as well consider it! "    


With the current situation, Fann Binn had no choice but to throw caution to the wind. 10% of Longteng Military's shares were worth billions. Compared to the 30% of shipyard shares, it was obviously much more tempting! As long as it was a normal businessman, it'll all be settled. Actually, Fann Binn originally wanted to use Zhang Manrou to connect with Zhang Haiyang, but now it seemed that the result had completely exceeded his expectations. Zhang Haiyang's experience and power far exceeded his imagination, so he could only take out his final trump card. The shares of Soaring Dragon Corporation had been exchanged!    


"If my guess is correct, this is your last trump card. Am I right?" Zhang Haiyang turned around again and said with a sneer, "If it is another company's shares, it would be tempting to exchange for your shares. I will definitely agree without any hesitation. But... I cannot agree to Yang Yuyan's shipyard. "    


Zhang Haiyang's words were like a bomb exploding in Fann Binn's heart. He could no longer hold his temper. He frowned and said angrily, "Director Zhang, you are not playing with me, are you? If you have no intention of cooperating with me from the beginning, why did you come up to drink tea?"    


"Young man, calm down. Back then, I also had similar examples like you. I suffered a huge loss and almost went bankrupt. People have to get up from falling continuously. In the past, I didn't have anyone to help me. Now, I can't help you either."    


Zhang Haiyang smiled casually, as if he had thought for a while before saying in a serious manner. " I will not interfere with the business interests between you and Yang Yuyan. I will not help either of you. I will not tell Yang Yuyan that you are still alive. Of course, I will not give the shares in my hands to you. Do you know why? Forget it... For the sake of my daughter and you being friends, for the sake of your stubbornness, for the sake of getting even with Yang Yuyan, let me tell you a secret... I will make you completely give up on this idea. This secret is related to Yang Yuyan."    


" What secret? " Fann Binn's heart tightened. He was naturally very curious about Yang Yuyan's identity. There was no one with the surname Yang in those families in the capital. Yang was just a code name. The real secret of the Yang family. Of course, Fann Binn was eager to uncover this mystery.    


"Do you know that I have been doing business with Yang Yuyan's family for fifteen years? Until now, I still haven't figured out the true strength and background of this family. Mysterious families are usually like this, causing you to be even more confused. The better for them."    


Zhang Haiyang glanced at Fann Binn and said indifferently, "I am like you. I am always worried about my unknown partners. Therefore, over the years, I have secretly sent people to investigate. But did you know? Over ten years, the light is as dark as water, but I can't help but admire this family. I can't find any clues at all."    


"This family will always be the one to take the biggest share of this business in the past ten years. I earn small profits, but I don't care. After all, it's not like I'm just doing business with this family. To be honest, I'm quite surprised that Yang Yuyan came to my house this time. It can be seen that she possesses very high authority and status in this family. However, such a figure is willing to come out of the family. At that time, I was thinking... There must be an enemy that she must personally deal with. But I really didn't expect... that the person she wants to deal with would be you. "    


"Sometimes, I really don't understand. I, the dignified Shipkeeper, have worked with this family for so many years. Yet, there is not a single one of you that is worthy of this family's attention. After Yang Yuyan arrived, I gradually got closer to you and realized that... Her target should be you. That's why I investigated you. After that, I finally understood. Why is this family so nervous about you?"    


Zhang Haiyang smiled and said, "Young man, you are smarter and more capable than me. You have started from scratch for so many years, but you have made the Soaring Dragon Military Group so famous. What Yang Yuyan is afraid of is not your commercial ability, but the speed and level of development of the new weapons in your company! "    


"My people did some analysis reports. After your company was established, in a short period of over a year, China's weapons standard has been raised by an entire generation. And the increase in the level of weapons in this generation directly made the mysterious family who owns the largest military industry. At the very least, they had lost tens of billions of arms sales from the military! You said that Yang Yuyan would not treat you as a thorn in her side. A thorn in her flesh? "    


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