System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1001 Yang Yuyan's Probing

C1001 Yang Yuyan's Probing

0"Sister Yang, you... you really want to buy Fann Binn's Soaring Dragon Group?" Zhang Manrou opened the door from outside the bedroom and rushed in, holding the newspaper in her hand, and asked in surprise. " Today, I occasionally read the newspaper and found out that you have already bought the state-owned shares. This is amazing... How did you do it? "     1


Yang Yuyan, who was standing by the bed trying on her clothes and wearing a hanging nightdress, turned around and looked at Zhang Manrou who had barged in. She could not help but laugh," You wretched girl, why didn't you knock on the door when you entered? What if I am not wearing anything?"    


"Cheh, sister, you're not that stupid. If you're not wearing anything, won't you lock the door? " Zhang Manrou placed the newspaper on the coffee table beside the bed and sat on the soft and comfortable bed. She was a little puzzled and said, "Sister Yang, you haven't answered my question yet!"    


Yang Yuyan put on a purple autumn jacket and looked at the mirror. She took it off and looked at her with a smile. " Actually, it's nothing much. It's just that my friends in the capital think that Soaring Dragon Group has no future. That's why they're willing to give me the shares of the state. They just want me to lead Soaring Dragon Group and create a new glory. "    


" Oh my god... Are you kidding me? Sister, are you trying to snatch the company from Fann Binn?!" Zhang Manrou was not a fool. Her father's business instincts had taught her that Yang Yuyan wanted to buy the shares of Soaring Dragon. She was a little confused. "But you and Fann Binn are very good friends. Why... Why did you want to rob his company?"    


Yang Yuyan sneered and looked at herself in the mirror who had a graceful figure. She said lightly. ... "You don't understand. Fann Binn's Soaring Dragon Group has a huge conflict with my family's military group. If we don't destroy the Soaring Dragon Group, my family's properties will be severely damaged. In this world, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. When it comes to interests, friends can also become enemies."    


Zhang Manrou opened her mouth in surprise but found that she could not say anything. Suddenly, she felt that Yang Yuyan seemed to have become a different person. Cold, heartless, and even a little ruthless. She had never seen such a Yang Yuyan. So she felt very shocked and puzzled.    


Seeing Zhang Manrou's expression, Yang Yuyan could not help but laugh lightly, "You are still young and do not understand these business matters. Manrou, when you grow up in the future and truly come into contact with your father's family business, you will understand this principle."    


"Oh..." Zhang Manrou's eyes were a little dim as she said, "I just feel that... Fann Binn is a good person and you are also a good person. Why can't we sit down and talk about cooperation when we are friends, and must fight to the death to become enemies? "    


"Manrou, sometimes, some people are born enemies. They are enemies and will never be friends." Although Yang Yuyan was wearing a veil, Zhang Manrou could still clearly see a trace of melancholy in her eyes. "Furthermore, this enemy might never appear again..."    


"Won't appear? What does that mean?" Zhang Manrou suddenly covered her small mouth in surprise and said in deep shock, "You, you..."    


" Yes! As the enemy, it is either you die or I die. I have no choice." Yang Yuyan lightly sneered and said, "Since you have done it, then you must continue to do it. The Soaring Dragon Group will be mine. Of course, I will also think of a way to take down the Wu's Group in one fell swoop."    


Zhang Manrou stood rooted to the spot and looked at Yang Yuyan. After a while, she said with a trembling body," Sister Yang... You, are you using underhanded means? "    


"In the business world, there is no such thing as unscrupulous means. There is only the victor. Only the victor can stand at the peak forever!" Yang Yuyan smiled and said, "Alright Manrou, you can go out first. I have chosen the clothes that I am going to wear today. I need to change my clothes. "    


Zhang Manrou quietly walked out of Yang Yuyan's room as if she had lost her soul and walked out of Yang Yuyan's room. She gently closed the door.    


Watching her lonely figure disappear outside the door, Yang Yuyan revealed a helpless bitter smile and muttered. "Fann Binn, I have to say that you are a very charming man. It can be seen that Manrou also likes you. Although you are not very handsome, you have a unique charm that other men do not have. It can only be blamed... We are enemies, enemies, we have no feelings!"    


" Ding, ding, ding, ding... " The crisp ringtone of her phone rang and Yang Yuyan's thoughts were instantly interrupted. She picked up the phone and saw that it displayed the number of Engineer Wang from her military shipyard. Then, she pressed the call button.    


"Not good, Director Yang. Something has happened at the shipyard!" Engineer Wang's urgent voice came through the phone.    


"Don't worry, Engineer Wang. Tell me slowly... what happened?" Yang Yuyan frowned and asked unhurriedly.    


Engineer Wang on the other end of the phone quickly answered, "Director Yang, I don't know why, but I went to the construction site today to take a look. I found that the engineers that were borrowed from the Soaring Dragon were all gone. I called the Soaring Dragon Group to ask. The reply from the other side was that all the engineers had gone back for vacation, and they had even taken away the blueprints! Wasn't this just messing around? The shipyard construction was at a critical juncture, and 90% of the construction of the ceiling had been completed. Just as they were about to encounter the most difficult design phase, the engineers suddenly disappeared. What is this Soaring Dragon Group doing!? "    


Yang Yuyan's eyebrows knitted tighter and tighter. She asked curiously, "Engineer Wang, when did these engineers leave? Do you know?"    


"I'm not sure either. Anyway, I didn't see them yesterday. They came and went like ghosts." Engineer Wang couldn't help but complain, "Director Yang, let me tell you the truth. I can only complete 80% of the shipyard construction. Without the help of professionals, the construction of other special structures can't be completed at all. I have completed 70% of the entire construction period. I have to find those engineers as soon as possible. "    


" Alright, I got it. I will contact the Soaring Dragon Group. " Yang Yuyan's tone was still very calm.    


"Oh, there is something else I need to report to you." Engineer Wang seemed to have thought of something and said, "I say, Director Yang, I don't know what the Penglai District Commissar is up to these two days. He is opposing the shipyard everywhere, not sealing off the road to the shipyard. He blocked the trucks for the shipyard to build the transportation materials and said that they were heavily fined. In short, it was not a good thing. It was not like that in the past. Why do I keep feeling that the District Commissar is deliberately making things difficult for our shipyard? You have to go and tell them. "    


" Oh? Is there such a thing?" Yang Yuyan was rather surprised and sneered," Looks like this shipyard is most likely being watched by someone with ulterior motives... Are you sure that the District Committee is making things difficult for you? It can't be... The Secretary of the District Committee is Faang Fumin, that's Fan... "She was about to say Fann Binn, but she quickly stopped herself. " In short, I think that someone must have done this on purpose. It shouldn't have much to do with the District Committee."    


"Being watched? What does that mean? Chief Yang, you're saying that someone wants to annex the shipyard? Hey, who ate a bear heart leopard and dared to have such a big appetite! I reckon that at most, it's your business rival who wants to cause destruction. The problem isn't that serious, right?" Engineer Wang clearly didn't believe it. After all, this shipyard was built for the country. It was highly confidential. Who would dare to cause such a mess? They would be in big trouble!    


"I don't know for the time being. Engineer Wang, you can start work as usual at the shipyard. I'll take care of the places that need to be taken care of. Anyway, you can't slow down the work period. You can't not hand in the work. I'll take care of all the problems, that's all. Goodbye!" Yang Yuyan hung up the phone, but her beautiful eyes were full of doubt. Who was it? Who was trying to ruin the construction of the shipyard?    


"Could it be... Fann Binn?" Yang Yuyan quickly shook her head and rejected the guess that popped up in her head. She muttered to herself. " He has already died in a remote mountainous area. The poison that Jie Donglai had personally inflicted on him was the last remaining deadly poison in the family. There was no one in this world who could cure it. Even if he, Fann Binn, had extraordinary abilities... It was impossible for him to find the antidote! Furthermore, he had fallen into a bottomless abyss. He was a Divine Immortal. Humph, no matter who it was that wanted to take advantage of my shipyard, I must first take Soaring Dragon Group under my banner! It would be a pity if I don't take such a huge trophy!"    


Yang Yuyan's eyes were filled with excitement as she said this. Suddenly, her body froze. She changed her attitude and thought, "But what if... this guy really came back to life and hid in the dark, waiting to deal with me. What should I do then? Hm... No, I have to make sure everything goes smoothly. Jie Donglai wasn't really that reliable. If he hadn't seen Fann Binn die with his own eyes... I still have to be careful. However, is there any way to determine whether Fann Binn is really dead or not? "    


For a moment, Yang Yuyan fell into a dilemma. She paced around the bedside, slowly pacing back and forth as she pondered. Suddenly, her phone rang again. This time, it was Jie Donglai who called. He was a guy that she hated and disliked.    


"How is it? The people I gave you have already gotten rid of the person you hate the most, right? Now that you have returned with the woman you love, why are you still calling me? " Yang Yuyan picked up the phone and said coldly," Don't you know that I hate you? "    


"I know. You hate me, a guy who can even sell out my brothers. But don't forget, you're the one who made me sell out my brother!"    


Jie Donglai's resentful voice came from the phone, and he sneered. " Fine, it's your freedom to hate me. I am indeed a disgusting rotten person. I called you today because the thing you promised me is not over! According to your investigation, xue Qiang did not die. He was actually saved by Wu Qi! Now that he is in the hospital, I need you to help me find Number Five. I want him and his brothers to help me kill Xue Qiang! "    


"Number Five? Are you dreaming? This is a big city. Do you think it's still in the remote Gannan? " Yang Yuyan said with a face full of tender anger," Since Wu Qi saved Xue Qiang, then there must be a lot of people protecting him in the hospital now. If you go and kill someone now, if you are not courting death, what is it? "    


"Alright, then I will listen to you. Wait until Xue Qiang this fellow is discharged from the hospital before making a move! But... I have to tell you good news." Jie Donglai smiled grimly and said, "Other than finding out that Xue Qiang isn't dead, your subordinates also found another piece of news. Xue Qiang actually told Wu Qi the bad news of Fann Binn's disappearance. She fainted on the spot. What Xue Qiang did not know was that Wu Qi was actually pregnant. The seed of Fann Binn in her womb is very likely to have an abortion! "    


Yang Yuyan's entire body trembled, and her eyes revealed anger. "What kind of good news is this? Jie Donglai, I'm warning you! Fann Binn and I are only business enemies, not mortal enemies with deep-seated hatred. I will only be satisfied if I have to cut off all my children! You..." She had just cursed until here when her eyes suddenly widened as if she had thought of something. After standing there in a daze for a while, she took a deep breath and spoke in a slightly steady voice, "Okay, I know about this, Jie Donglai. I remember that Hwa Xinxin also seemed to have some kind of unclear relationship with Fann Binn, right? Go and find out her phone number and tell her that Wu Qi is in the hospital! "    


" Hwa Xinxin? Yes, she should be Fann Binn's woman too. Okay, I will do it immediately. I'm hanging up. " Jie Donglai's tone was somewhat puzzled, but he still decided to do it.    


After hanging up the phone, Yang Yuyan frowned and thought for a while. She muttered very seriously, "Maybe this matter of Wu Qi can let me do the final test. Although it is basically impossible for Fann Binn to survive, but in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, I still have to be absolutely certain before I can make a move! "    


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