System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C804 A Difficult Choice(2)

C804 A Difficult Choice(2)

3"White points? Sure, it seemed like Mr. Fann still hadn't thought it through. It didn't matter. We just need to carry out the transaction between us. I don't have any other conditions, I only want one person. If you give her to me, I will immediately give up on being a lawyer of the Ling family. I can also arrange for another lawyer who can completely help you win this lawsuit to help you. What do you think? "    


Fann Binn's heart tightened. He frowned and said, "Who do you want?"    


" Nitta Mieko. " Teng Zhiming said this name very straightforwardly.    


Fann Binn was stunned. His eyes were wide open. He said with an impossible kiss, "How, how did you know... she was in my hands? Who exactly are you? What does it have to do with Yamaguchi-gumi?"    


" Do you think Mr. Fann still needs to ask these questions? "Teng Zhijian sneered on the phone," There is no impenetrable wall in this world. I really have to thank the Ling Family. If it wasn't for the kidnapping, I'm afraid Mieko's whereabouts would still be a mystery. I am the most loyal legal consultant of Yamaguchi-gumi and also the most loyal subordinate of the leader of Yamaguchi-gumi for generations. Do you think that I would help some Ling Family as a lawyer for no reason, and wipe the Ling Family's ass for no reason? To me, money is not important at all. I'm doing this for the orders of the Yamaguchi-gumi's team leader!"    


Fann Binn sat back down on the sofa. Wu Qi vaguely understood what was going on. She covered her mouth in surprise, afraid that she would scream. She did not expect that Nitta and Mieko would be discovered by the Yamaguchi-gumi in the end. Obviously, the Yamaguchi-gumi already knew that Mieko was still hiding with Fann Binn and Wu Qi. That was why the so-called deal was made.    


This was absolute! Fann Binn really had a whole new level of respect for this leader of the Yamaguchi-gumi! From the moment he found out about Mieko's whereabouts, he had always been calm and collected. Send a lawyer to help the Ling win the case, and then force him to hand it over. This series of actions was smooth and fluid, without a single flaw. He did not need to use any manpower or financial resources. He directly forced Fann Binn to the edge of the cliff, and had no choice but to make a difficult choice!    


Or, he could just watch Wu Qi enter the prison and the Wu's Group go bankrupt.    


Or, he could only watch as Mieko was taken away by the Yamaguchi-gumi and become the real wife of the leader.    


There were only two paths in front of Fann Binn. No matter which path he chose, it would be painful and he was extremely unwilling to do so! All of this was a conspiracy, a scheme, and the perfect embodiment of the Yamaguchi-gumi leader's wisdom!    


"How is it? As long as you obediently hand him over, our leader will tell you. Let bygones be bygones, you go on your own path, I'll cross my single wooden bridge... Mind your own business" Teng Zhijian smiled and said, "Our team leader can even pay a few more conditions. For example, we can give you monetary compensation..."    


Fann Binn couldn't help but sneer. He finally understood what it meant to beat a drowning dog. Money as compensation? What Fann Binn didn't lack the most was money, but could money be useful at times? No, to be more precise, money was useful, but when faced with someone as rich as him, it would become less useful!    


Only now did he truly understand that if you don't have the authority... No one, no matter how much money you have, you can only let others toy with you. A monkey that tread on thin ice! The brilliant plan of the Yamaguchi-gumi's leader had shattered all of Fann Binn's self-esteem.    


"Give me some time, let me think about it." Fann Binn gritted his teeth and finally said those words from his throat. He then hung up the phone and leaned against the sofa dejectedly.    


"Fann Binn, you can't give Mieko to them. I'd rather go to jail. You can't sacrifice Mieko's freedom and happiness!" Wu Qi sobbed as she shook Fann Binn's body. "You can't do anything stupid. If you really hand over Mieko, I, Wu Qi, will look down on you for the rest of my life!"    


"I know, I know!" Fann Binn suddenly stood up from the sofa and said painfully to Wu Qi, "Then what do you think I should do now? On one side is you, and on the other side is Mieko. What can I do?"    


"Leave Mieko, I will go and accept the trial!" Wu Qi firmly stood up from the sofa and said very seriously to Fann Binn, "I would rather go to jail than watch Mieko get arrested because of me!"    


"But do you know that Yamaguchi-gumi already knows that Mieko is here with us? How dangerous is it? That is a famous gang in Country R. They will do anything to kidnap and blackmail us. Do you think we can still help Mieko?" Fann Binn held Wu Qi's shoulder and said sorrowfully, "I know how you feel. I also feel pain. But Wu Qi... I really love you too much. I really can't bear to see you go to a place like prison!"    


Wu Qi sobbed and hugged Fann Binn. She sobbed and said," You can't give up Mieko because of me... She was now living in a new, remote villa. They would not find out! Fann Binn, if you do this, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life. I know you love me, I love you too... For you, I can sacrifice everything! But, we can't use other people's happiness and freedom to serve us... We can't do this, we really can't do this!"    


Fann Binn hugged Wu Qi tightly and was about to say something. Wu Qi covered her mouth with her little hand. Wu Qi looked at him with deep affection and said in a lovely voice. " Don't worry too much and don't be too sad. I will always be yours. Love me well, let me feel your existence. Everything is worth it! I won't force you to make any decision. I only hope that before you make a decision... You must not let down your conscience, let down everyone's expectations..."    


Facing the perfect Wu Qi, Fann Binn nodded his head vigorously.    




"Sister Yang, I really didn't know that I actually have a cousin like you in the capital. One of us is surnamed Zhang and the other is surnamed Yang. If my father didn't bring you to our house this time, I didn't know that my family and the royal family had dealings with each other. " In the deafening music, in a spacious room... Two young girls were talking to one of them. Her hair was loose, and her face was very cute. After she took off her mink fur coat, she only revealed her beautiful figure in a white dress. It also added a bit of charm to her.    


The woman sitting beside her seemed to be a little strange, because her face from her nose down was covered by a pink veil. Only the upper part of her eyes could be seen, and her clothes were more conservative. It was a traditional pink palace dress that was similar to traditional satin. However, although she was wearing clothes that didn't reveal her figure, her figure could still be seen that she was definitely very good. At least she could wear this old-fashioned female outfit. The only regret was that her face was covered by gauze.    


"What do you mean by royal family? Manrou, you really love to joke around. Although our family has lived in the capital for generations, we have some connections with the royal family. However, it is definitely not orthodox. In the future, this word 'royal family'... You must not mention it. " This woman surnamed Yang seemed to be very taboo as she waved her hand and said, "Manrou, this place is filled with miasma. Why are we here to play?"    


" Sister Yang, you don't know about this. My dad said he wanted to bring you to the big city to take a look. To experience the life of the city. You must have lived in the old mansion in the countryside too much in the past, right? Look, the clothes are all so old, and the way you speak is also elegant. If I don't bring you here to experience it, how do you know what life is like in the city? What are you doing here? Of course I'm here to dance and drink."    


The girl called Zhang Manrou immediately smiled and explained as she opened the red wine beside her and poured a cup for each of them. "Sister Yang, after drinking, you still wear that gauze. Don't you feel tired? You have been at my house for a day, but I haven't seen your real face. From your beautiful big eyes and moving voice, I can tell that you must be a beauty. "    


"No, no, my gauze is covering my ugliness. I can't open it." Miss Yang hurriedly shook her head and said helplessly, "Something has happened in the past, so I cannot see anyone below my eyes. I'm afraid of scaring others."    


When the girl called Zhang Manrou heard this, she immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Sister Yang. I didn't know I offended you in this matter. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to..."    


" It's okay, those who don't know are innocent... Come, let's drink." Miss Yang saw that Zhang Manrou was filled with guilt and could not help but pick up the wine cup and smile, "This cup of wine is for Manrou to find a boyfriend who knows her heart as soon as possible. Hur hur. "    


"Stop making fun of me, Sister Yang." Zhang Manrou's pretty face turned red as she clinked glasses with Miss Yang and said, "Sister Yang, are you going to stay in Beihai City for a long time? I heard from my dad that you are not going back to Beijing for the time being?"    


"Yes, yes. I plan to settle down in Beihai City and take root there." Miss Yang lifted the gauze, revealing her pink lips. She took a sip of the red wine and said. " The family business needs someone to manage, so I'm preparing to come to Beihai City to develop."    


"Really? That's great, we can play together more often in the future!" Zhang Manrou nodded happily and smiled. "I heard from my dad that you want to accept the business of that military shipyard, right? So that's the business of your Yang family. I was wondering why my dad was related to the military. "    


"Haha, you can't say that it's all our family's business. Your dad also has shares in it." Although Miss Yang used a pink veil to cover her face, she could still see that she was smiling shyly.    


"I don't care about that. My dad is a business fanatic. I don't know why he made so much money. I am the only child in the family. I don't even have a brother or a brother. Didn't people say that they wanted to carry on the family line? But my father, on the other hand, forced me to give birth to only one girl." Zhang Manrou drank another mouthful of red wine and felt that it was a little funny. " Why do you think a girl like me needs so much property? It's only true that I spend more time with my family. "    


" Manrou, you don't know how lucky you are. We have a lot of brothers in our family. But none of them are capable. Look, even a girl like me has to take care of the business of my family. Compared to you, it is much worse. " Miss Yang comforted him.    


" Forget it. I don't want to think too much. It's rare that my dad allowed me to come out at night because of Sister Yang. That's why I have the opportunity to come to the bar and see what's going on. Let's go out and have fun. There are a lot of people on the stage below. Why don't we go down and dance too? " Zhang Manrou saw that the music gradually became explosive and she could not help but look at the crowded crowd on the stage. She said happily," Look, there are so many people! "    


"Go on, I'll pass." Miss Yang stopped and said, "It's not safe with too many people. If you want to go, you have to be careful. Remember to call me if anything happens later. I'll call the driver."    


"Okay, wait for me then. I will go and warm up." After Zhang Manrou finished speaking, she skipped down from the private room on the second floor and rushed into the dance floor. She jumped to her heart's content.    


She looked at the young people on the stage who were swinging their waists to their heart's content, looking like walking corpses. Miss Yang's eyes gradually became cold. She picked up the red wine in the cup. She slowly tasted it and after a while, she muttered, "Such a colorful world... is only so-so."    


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