System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C800 A War Without Smoke(3)

C800 A War Without Smoke(3)

3"All of you who have come to the court, first of all, I would like to express the most precise meaning... That is, the defendant, Mr. Ling Yongchen, and his son, Ling Gao, as well as his friend, Bao Yanzhe... He is innocent, innocent, and framed! "     0


"Hua..." The crowd immediately went into an uproar. As the witnesses and material evidence gathered, the lawyer from the prosecution spoke frankly and confidently. Even the judge was clearly leaning towards the plaintiff's standpoint, yet the defense's lawyer actually declared him not guilty? This was simply too shocking!    


Fann Binn's expression immediately darkened to the bottom of the valley. Hwa Xinxin, who was beside him, also instantly tightened her grip on his little hand! Although he did not know what ability this Teng Zhiming had to dare to speak such big words, but the fact that he dared to say it was enough to prove that he had come prepared!    


"Silence! Silence!" The scene was filled with whispers, and the judge could not help but wave his small hammer again. Frowning, he said, "Please maintain order at the scene. Defense, you cannot easily come to such a conclusion. If you speak nonsense, I can expel you from the court on the grounds that you bewitched the jury! "    


"Your Honor, there must be a hundred percent reason and evidence for my words. Let me slowly analyze and defend my client. " After bowing respectfully to the judge, Teng Zhijian first picked up the agreement. He went in front of witness Hua An Sheng.    


"Hua An Sheng, may I ask, this is the one you mentioned. Is the agreement that my client requests you to sign?" Teng Zhijian raised the agreement in his hand and glanced at it. "It clearly states that your company has no connections with Starlight Pharmaceutical. There is no personal relationship between you and Starlight Pharmaceutical, and the medical fees that Starlight Pharmaceutical owes you have been paid off. Right? "    


"Yes, they forced me to sign this contract, and those policemen even misused me. I have scars all over my body now. If you don't believe me, you can ask the doctor!" Hua An Sheng said agitatedly, "Those policemen said that if I don't sign this contract, I will never have peace! But I won't sign it. I know that as long as I sign this agreement, my family will be finished! I, I still owe a huge debt... Starlight Pharmaceutical caused me to be like this, I must seek justice!"    


" Receive justice? May I ask if you have any justice that you can seek justice for? " Teng Zhijian pointed at the agreement in his hand and sneered. " Let me ask you, is there a signature of my client on it? Is there a stamp of my client? You keep saying that you were abused by the police, but what about the evidence? Even if the police used torture to force a confession, it was still the police's problem. Please don't mix the police with my client. This agreement doesn't have any legal effect at all. It is completely illegal, it is a useless agreement! As long as I am willing, I can forge 1,000 copies at any time, 10,000 copies! "    


" Protest Your Honor! I protest the defense lawyer's wild speculation!" Lawyer Wang immediately stood up to protest. Clearly, there was panic in his eyes.    


"The protest is invalid. What the defense lawyer said is correct. There is no stamp and signature agreement. There is no legal effect " The judge's words stunned everyone on the plaintiff's side. Fann Binn stood up from his chair in shock!    


How is this possible... The agreement that the Ling family wanted so badly was actually... ineffective? There was actually no legal effect! At this moment, Fann Binn finally realized that he had made a very serious mistake. He did not even take a look at the agreement. He had already treated this document as a treasure! So many people were worried about the agreement. Fann Binn naturally regarded the agreement as important evidence. However, the result made him greatly disappointed!    


Not only him, but everyone in the Ling family, including the police, probably did not expect that this agreement was just a piece of broken paper. It did not have any legal effect at all!    


"Haha, hahaha..." Ling Yong Chen laughed loudly, but as he laughed, tears couldn't help but flow out of his eyes! No one knew why he was so excited. But in his heart, he knew very well that his intelligent life had been wasted. He actually had a hot head at that time, and for that agreement that was basically like a piece of paper, he let his precious son do the kidnapping business. It had caused him to suffer so much! This was a disaster caused by not knowing the law...    


Others did not know if his signature and stamp were on the agreement, so the police chief was anxious. The Secretary of the Political and Law Committee was anxious. Everyone who was afraid of causing trouble was anxious! But what happened after all this time? In the end, this agreement was a piece of scrap paper! For a piece of scrap paper, they had been plotting against each other until now. Do you think he, Ling Yongchen, should laugh or cry?    


Wu Qi's pretty face instantly lost all color. She clenched her fist tightly and her entire body trembled. Amazing, amazing!! It was actually a flaw that no one had thought of. But it was caught by this lawyer from Country R! This fellow is truly worthy of being a world-renowned lawyer...    


But at this moment, she could still remain calm. After all, the agreement is useless. The witness is still there. The kidnapping is still there, right? If the Ling family wanted to escape again, let's see how he could!    


"In the face of a piece of scrap paper, the prosecution's lawyer can confidently and confidently say that my client is guilty? Isn't this too much of a joke! " Teng Zhijian's attack was far from over. He suddenly turned around. Facing the inexplicably shocked Hua An, he said sternly, "Mr. Hua! Do you admit that you have a criminal record at the police station? I investigated your identity, and the answer given by the police was... You once owed a large sum of money to a loan shark, and in order not to be beaten up or even killed by them, very quickly, you were forced to collude with the loan shark. The one million yuan you owe the loan shark was inexplicably paid back, right? Through this matter, can I think that... You have reached some sort of agreement with the loan sharks, and this agreement is even related to some sort of conspiracy that involves my client!"    


"Objection to the judge! Objection to the excessive use of words by the defense." Lawyer Wang saw that the situation was not right and immediately protested again.    


"Objection effective. Lawyer Wang, please do not use excessive speculation to mislead the jury into making the correct judgment." The judge agreed with Lawyer Wang's objection this time.    


"Yes, Your Honor, I will pay attention to my words and actions." Although Teng Zhijian said that he would pay attention, in reality, his goal had already been achieved. He wanted to bring everyone's thoughts to the conspiracy theories!    


When Fann Binn heard this, he took a deep breath with a gloomy face. He could not help but close his eyes and sigh. "This lawyer... is amazing..."    


Hua Ansheng's face turned red and he finally could not help but say angrily, "You are talking nonsense! I did not collude with the loan shark. You are talking nonsense!"    


"If I am talking nonsense, why do you insist that it was the police who sentenced you privately? But what kind of place is the police station? Why did they torture you? According to the police, before you were arrested, the person who gave you the loan had already found your home. Your injuries were all because you couldn't afford the money! In the end, you were forced to cooperate with them, which was why the loan shark was exempted! If it wasn't for your collusion with the loan shark, how could you pay the one million!" Teng Zhijian continued to press on, not giving Hua Ansheng a chance to catch his breath.    


"No, it's not like that. This one million yuan was given to me by someone else! Lend it to me!" Hua Ansheng said with a panicked expression, "I didn't. I didn't collude with the person who lent the loan sharks!"    


" Oh? You borrowed it? Well, Mr. Hua, you are a person who goes bankrupt. Who would take the initiative to lend you a million unless they are mentally ill? If others want to borrow you for no reason, I'm afraid they would have lent you the money before your company went bankrupt! " Teng Zhijian sneered," Who would believe what you just said? "    


"It's true, it's true! My million yuan was borrowed by my daughter's friend!"    


"Then who's your daughter's friend? What is his relationship with your daughter? Why did he borrow your million yuan? Why should I lend you this one million! " Teng Zhanzhi turned around and smiled at everyone in the court. " Could it be that the person had so much money that he had nowhere to spend it? One million, not one thousand, not ten thousand. It was one million! Such a huge sum, who could borrow it without thinking? Who?"    


" He's my daughter's classmate. He's very rich! "Hua Ansheng refused to give up and said angrily," I'm not lying! "    


"Then is your daughter's classmate present? Please ask him to testify!" Teng Zhijian said loudly, "Mr. Hua's daughter's classmate, please come on stage. I have the right to ask you."    


"Fann Binn..." Hwa Xinxin looked nervously at Fann Binn beside her. Fann Binn smiled and patted her little hand. "It's okay. I'll be right back."    


After saying that, Fann Binn stood up with a gloomy face. The vague feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger. At this time, he could even see the proud and cold smile on Ling Yongchen's face.    


Facing Fann Binn who had come to the court, Teng Zhaijian sized him up and said, "You are the one who lent Hua Ansheng a million, right? What's your name?"    


"Yes, my name is Fann Binn. I am the classmate of Hua Ansheng's daughter, Hwa Xinxin... and also her boyfriend." Fann Binn said bluntly, "I saw that my girlfriend's family was about to be ruined by some petty tricks, so I borrowed a million from him to pay the loan. What? Can't I help him? "    


"You're lying!" Teng Zao Zhijian pointed at Fann Binn and said loudly, "Fann Binn! According to my investigation, you and the president of Wu's Group, Miss Wu, are intimate friends. Don't you dare to admit it? Since Miss Wu is your girlfriend, why do you say Hwa Xinxin is also your girlfriend? Do you want to learn from the ancient times and marry three wives and four concubines?"    


When Teng Zhijian's words left his mouth, the crowd immediately broke into an uproar once again. Everyone started to discuss Wu Qi and Fann Binn in surprise. This was probably the first time they had heard of them. The boyfriend of a strong woman like Wu Qi was actually a student. This made many people surprised.    


"First of all, I think the defense lawyer made a mistake. Wu Qi and I are indeed in a relationship. But Hwa Xinxin and I are also in a relationship. The national law states that remarriage is not allowed. It does not mean that there are several relationships at the same time. If you think that I am breaking the law by doing this, you can sue me." Fann Binn said coldly," Wu Qi is my girlfriend, and Hwa Xinxin is also my girlfriend. So what? "    


"How is it? That's what I've been waiting for!" Teng Zhijian waved his hand and said to everyone, "I think everyone has heard what Fann Binn said. He admitted to his relationship with Wu Qi without any hesitation! Fann Binn, Wu Qi, Hua An Sheng's daughter, can everyone understand something? "    


When they heard Teng Zhan Zhijian's words, many people could not help but exclaim. Wu Qi, who was sitting on the plaintiff's seat, finally could not help but say, "Nonsense! Counselor, you are deliberately confusing right and wrong. It's not bad that Fann Binn and I are a couple. But Hua Ansheng's matter has nothing to do with me, I..."    


"Oh... What do you mean there is no silver here? Miss Wu, you've exposed yourself." Teng Zhiming smiled lightly, as if everything was under his control!    


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