System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C505 People's Resentment Boiled

C505 People's Resentment Boiled

1Zhou Juhua greeted the dense crowd below the stage, waved his hand, and briefly said some words to support the development of Ping'an County. Then, it was the county secretary's turn to speak.    4


"Hello comrades!" Xu Changfa stood on the high and mighty platform in high spirits. He waved at the crowd with a smile. "Today is the day that the construction of our county's industrial park will officially start. It is also the perfect embodiment of the overall progress of Ping'an County. Although the new year has just arrived, we can't wait. Use it! The hard work and sweat finally exchanged for today's industrial park's first day of construction! What did this mean? This means that as long as we, the peaceful people, work hard to become stronger, the happy tomorrow will definitely come!"    


When Zhou Zhihua heard this, he obviously frowned. This Xu Changfa had obviously changed a lot since he became the county secretary. He was no longer the calm and composed little bureau chief from before. Power had made his confidence soar. He had high standards and low standards. He had no respect for anyone! What did he mean by what he said just now? What did he mean by as long as a peaceful person worked hard, happiness would come? He was openly insulting the previous generation's leaders! According to what he meant, the previous few Ping'an County's four division leaders would not work hard. The civilians of Ping'an County would not work hard in the past? It was simply playing the piano!    


Now, he really had the impulse to pull him off the stage and scold him, but he also knew that he would do so in front of everyone. It was simply impossible. Zhou Zhihua sighed deeply. For the first time, he had a very bad feeling. He felt that this high-spirited Xu Changfa in front of him would definitely bring him endless trouble.    


Those who were complacent would always receive the punishment they deserved.    


"Then for the project in this industrial park, the key is to attract investors. So, we county leaders are fighting at night to think of countermeasures. The Development Regulatory Committee is working hard to achieve this. This... is how we can see today's results. It can be said that all the city leaders have seen what we have done. Our results are obvious to all! Next, I declare the first phase of the heavy industry economic development zone project... "    


Xu Changfa's carefree speech had just reached this point when his eyes noticed that something was wrong below the stage. His voice could not help but stop. He saw a large group of media reporters with cameras and cameras under the stage. They quickly gathered towards the rostrum. He looked at the head of the Ministry of Public Relations standing behind him blankly, seemingly wanting to use his eyes to ask him what was going on.    


Usually, for major matters in Ping'an County, it was very normal to have reporters interviewing them. However, the reporters that were interviewed were either reporters from the county television station or reporters from Jiangde. Besides reporters from these two places, who would frequently come to this kind of impoverished small county to interview and report? And now, there were more than a dozen media outlets that were coming in all directions. If such an incident happened, who else would the county head ask?    


When the publicity minister saw this situation, he was completely dumbfounded. Facing the county head secretary's hostile questioning gaze, he immediately wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in panic and seemed to explain something to the two subordinates behind him.    


"Kacha kacha..." Before the head of the Ministry of Public Relations could give any instructions and reaction, the flashlights of the cameras started flashing non-stop. There were even a few female hosts dressed in traditional and beautiful clothing who started recording the news of the program. This caught the leaders of the county government off guard.    


Zhou Zhihua, who was standing on the stage, suddenly narrowed his eyes. His expression became uglier and uglier. At this moment, not only did he not step forward to inquire about anything, but he also did not step forward. Instead, he wanted to escape immediately. However, County Head Wei, who was standing beside him, pulled him back.    


“ Huh? Secretary Zhou, why are you leaving? The ceremony isn't over yet. " Wei Zhide said with a smile," Look, with so many news media interviewing, it will definitely increase the reputation of the Ping'an County Industrial Development District by a lot. In a while, you have to tell your friends and media about our Ping'an County... "    


Zhou Juhua frowned and stared at Wei Zhide for a while. After a while, he said, "You called these reporters here?"    


"Me? Hey, Secretary Zhou, you really think of me. I'm just a small county head. How can I have that ability? " Wei Zhide obviously took pleasure in Wei Zhide's misfortune and extended his hand towards the group of media reporters. "Tsk tsk, look. Phoenix Television, the big media in XG Special District. What kind of logo is this? Ah, isn't this the Star Television Station? The most mainstream foreign media, if, if I'm not mistaken... Could it be the Central Television Station? My goodness, even Beijing Television Station came to join in the fun. Looks like it's impossible for Ping'an County not to become famous today!"    


Hearing Wei Zhide's words, Zhou Zhihua's face turned paler and paler. He let out a cold snort and was about to flick his sleeves and leave, but at this moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared...    


"Objection to the construction of the garden! Objection to the black screen! Objection to the contamination! Objection to forceful demolition! We want green mountains and green waters, we want to warm our home, we want the beauty of our home! " Just as chaos was raging in front of the chairman's desk, in the outer area of the venue that was a bit further away... Suddenly, a large group of people wearing all kinds of clothes and holding banners rushed in. The number of people shouting slogans had actually reached a few hundred people! They shouted loudly, as if they were venting all the dissatisfaction in their hearts.    


Instantly, the entire scene became even more chaotic. Media reporters swarmed towards the protest crowd like a swarm of bees. They continuously took pictures and videos of the chaotic scene. Everything indicated that today's initiation ceremony was about to begin. It was destined to be extraordinary!    


Xu Changfa was completely shocked. He stood on the rostrum and actually forgot to give the order. He just stood there in a daze. He had never expected such a change to occur at the scene, and he was even more confused. Why would so many people protest in such a well-prepared venue?    


"Police? What about the police? Where did the police security go!? " When Xu Changfa realized what was going on, he furiously cursed at the confused and panicked Secretary of the Political and Law Commissar," Hurry up and let the police take control of the scene! "    


"This..." The Secretary of the Political and Law Commissar felt wronged. He said to Xu Changfa with a bitter face. "Secretary Xu, I have already arranged the police at the venue beforehand. But I really don't know why this happened... "    


"Bullsh * t! My eyes are only filled with the people who are protesting, not a single police officer standing guard!" Xu Changfa was really angry. Of course, he knew that once the people protested, they would be taken seriously by the national and global media reporters. First of all, regardless of who was right or wrong, the Ping'an County government would be the first to bear the consequences!    


"This is a vicious move..." Zhou Juhua looked meaningfully at the public demonstrations swarming towards the main platform. He finally let out a helpless sigh. " With these media outlets here, it would be impossible to forcefully suppress them. It seems like this storm is still brewing. This momentum was truly not something that an ordinary person could do.    


Just based on these well-known media outlets who were not afraid of the government, these people who had created this big show behind the scenes... He was probably also someone with a great background. Could it be? Could it be that Fann Binn? If it really is him, I have to be prepared for this kind of scheming..."    


Just as Zhou Jinghua's thoughts became increasingly gloomy, the entire desolate area where the ceremony was about to begin exploded. The workers who were supposed to stand orderly were scattered by the crowd. Some of them had no choice but to walk to the platform before they could understand what was going on.    


Below the stage, the reporters captured this rare scene. What made Secretary Xu even more furious and livid was that among the reporters, there were actually a few female hosts broadcasting live. This was simply slapping the Ping'an County government's face!    


It was chaotic, it was completely chaotic. The chaotic scene was beyond his control. After the secretary of the Political Law Committee urgently called the police chief, he walked to Xu Changfa's side and said anxiously, What happened? " Xu Changfa looked at the secretary and said, Secretary, Secretary... Well, the police chief just called to say that the police he sent were all from the Criminal Police Brigade. But now, the police of the Criminal Police Brigade actually withdrew their team and did not stop them. Obviously, there are people in the criminal police team who bribed these demonstrators..."    


Xu Changfa's face turned cold, and he almost roared out loudly. " What I want now is not your explanation, but how to make up for it! How can I drive away these damn reporters! How can I drive out these troublemakers!! "    


The Secretary of the Political and Justice Committee, who was being scolded in front of his face, immediately stopped talking. He hurriedly bowed and retreated. He did not want to be unlucky at such a moment. It was not his fault that the police did not listen to orders. It seemed that Xu Changfa was really anxious and red in the eyes when he scolded people like this.    


"Objection to forceful demolishing! Objection to pollution! Objection to the destruction of our home!!" There were men and women among the citizens who were shouting slogans. Their faces were filled with anger and dissatisfaction towards the policies of the officials.    


What made Xu Changfa even more depressed was that most of these civilians were old men. They did not carry any weapons with them, so once he gave the order to arrest them... The civilians would inevitably cause harm. But not to mention him, even a provincial leader wouldn't dare to be under so many media outlets. Arrest people openly! This was not the case either. It made him feel sad.    


He didn't know how to deal with this matter, but he had to deal with it. And it had to be handled beautifully. Once the news of the people protesting against the government spread, not only would Ping'an County become famous, but it would also become famous. Xu Changfa would be the first to suffer because of the exposure.    


It was too late to rely on the police. Xu Changfa had no choice but to take a step forward. He grabbed the microphone and shouted, "Villagers, citizens of Ping'an County, everyone quiet, quiet! If you have any dissatisfaction, you can raise it, but you can respond. Not to mention the consequences of causing trouble like this, isn't this tarnishing the reputation of our Ping'an County?"    


"Pah! It is because of you, a bastard secretary who has no reason to hate us that our Ping'an County has been tarnished. It is you, a bunch of black-hearted officials, who have caused us to have nowhere to go. If we are forced to do nothing, why would we gather together to protest! "    


"That's right. Now the entire county has been spread. Secretary Xu has personally recruited relatives to invest in the Ping'an County. If we don't report the discovery of the silver mine, we will build this development zone. You want to get rich profits from this? You are too greedy! "    


"Well said! Why are you officials able to use your authority to make money for yourself and your relatives, and let us commoners pay for it? Contributing to the development of Ping'an County? My fetus! Don't say it in such a dignified manner, all of you ugly faces know who doesn't understand! Let's talk about the last time when we forcefully demolished the house, how many civilians were injured by those hoodlums! "    


" Also, the civilians in the east of the city went to protest in front of the government. Find an explanation. Why should they all be detained? They wouldn't let them go even if they were arrested for a week! You officials' conscience has been eaten by dogs. This is obviously harming the people of Ping'an County. How is this helping!?"    


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