System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C387 A Disaster Is Coming(2)

C387 A Disaster Is Coming(2)

4Who wouldn't listen to Tan Shitong in Tan Fang Town? The moment he said stop arguing, the entire room immediately fell silent. With this silence, everyone immediately heard this buzzing sound. And it gradually became louder and louder, as if it was getting closer and closer.     0


"This, this can't be the sound of a helicopter, right?" Tan Youlin was a little drunk when he heard this sound. He quickly recalled it. The sound of a helicopter landing in a movie he had watched a while ago seemed to be this kind of sound. So he immediately said it.    


"Helicopter? What the hell is that? Son, don't get drunk. This is Tan Fang Town. What kind of plane can fly above our heads? Is that possible? " Tan Shitong clearly did not believe it. It was not as if he had never seen a helicopter on television. However, the low altitude of H Country had always been a no-fly zone, unless it was the army that had a helicopter. How could Tan Fang Town appear? It was simply a fantasy!    


Tan Youlin was obviously not too sure about his conclusion. He could only stand up and push away the woman in his arms and say solemnly, "Dad, no matter if it's a helicopter or not, it can make such a loud noise and sound near our house. Something must have happened. Why haven't your subordinates reported it yet? Are all of them asleep? "    


Hearing his son's words, Tan Shitong finally reacted. Yeah, there were many of his subordinates and security guards patrolling around the villa. Just now, he was bragging to the bald Dabao and the Immortal Mountain that his villa didn't need a safety deposit box. But now, such a loud voice rang out from the side of the villa. How disgraceful was that?    


Thinking about it made Tan Shitong extremely angry. He immediately shouted angrily at his subordinate beside him, "What's going on? Why did you make such a loud noise? You didn't even report it. Where did you die?!"    


The subordinate felt really wronged after being scolded. He had been standing in the room all along. How would he know what had happened outside the villa? He could not help but repeatedly apologize and bow. "Boss, please calm down. Boss, please calm down. I will go and find out right away..."    


"Bang!!" Just as the hand was about to bow and withdraw to the door to see what was going on, the door of the private room was suddenly kicked open. A guy in a security uniform with a panicked expression rushed in from the outside and crashed into a chair by the dining table as soon as he entered. He fell heavily to the ground.    


"Not good, something bad has happened! The army... A lot of troops... soldiers, a lot of soldiers... surround this place!!" The security guard who had fallen to the ground howled loudly as he wailed. His voice was extremely miserable.    


"What did you say!?" Tan Shitong did not quite understand. He grabbed the security guard by the collar and lifted him up. He said angrily, "What army? What soldiers? Say it clearly again!"    


Perhaps he was frightened by Tan Shitong's voice and aura, but the security guard seemed less panicked and frightened at this moment than before. He swallowed hard and pointed at the door of the room with some lingering fear. “ Outside, I, I clearly saw... Many soldiers, many soldiers surrounded the villa! They, they are armed with real bullets, they are all real soldiers!"    


" What? How is this possible! An army? How could an army suddenly appear in Tan Fang Town?"    


" What's going on? Where did the army come from? "    


"This, Mayor Tan, what's going on?"    


The moment the security guard said that, the whole crowd went into an uproar. Obviously, everyone inside was shocked by the news, and they were clearly at a loss as to what to do.    


"What's going on? I still want to know what's going on!" Tan Shitong threw the security guard back onto the ground and looked at his son with an ashen face. He gritted his teeth and said, "I really don't believe it. What kind of army would appear in such a small place like Tan Fang? Let's go out and take a look. Let's see who the hell is coming! "    


Tan Shitong left in a hurry because he simply didn't believe that there would be any inexplicable army appearing in his territory. His guests seemed to have started to ponder. They looked at each other, and in the end, they still followed him out of the room. The bald man called Dabao pulled on Boss Shan's sleeve and said in a low voice, “ Immortal Mountain, what's going on? Don't tell me this fellow lied to me and wants to get rid of me? "    


When Boss Shan heard this, he glared at him and replied," Little brat, you think you can disturb Mayor Tan and call the army? Don't think too highly of yourself. We still don't know what's going on, but don't worry. It definitely has nothing to do with you."    


After thinking for a while, the baldy laughed self-deprecatingly. Indeed... Even though he, Dabao, was a drug dealer in the underworld, he had to use the army to arrest him. This was too exaggerated. If he, Tan Shitong, really wanted to arrest him, he could just call for the security guards and subordinates in the villa. This was Tan Fang Town, his Tan Shitong's territory. Was there a need to make such a big fuss? This was clearly impossible.    


Then... what exactly was the reason for the army to appear outside the villa for no reason?    


Baldy could not understand the reasoning behind it, and Boss Shan could not figure it out either. Actually, the most confused ones were the father and son pair, Tan Shitong and Tan Youlin. It was common knowledge that their authority in Tan Fang Town had not been shaken. But now, something that they could not control and foresee had happened. Of course, there would be a lot of confusion. None of them would have thought that... Why was there an army outside the villa?    


Tan Shitong's restaurant was on the west side of the villa's second floor. When he led the people behind him out of the room, he went down to the first floor and jogged all the way to the large courtyard in front of the villa. The scene in front of him made him dumbfounded. He immediately stood in the middle of the yard, unable to make a sound.    


"I... saw a ghost..." After a while, Tan Youlin let out a curse from his mouth. Yes, if it wasn't for his brain telling him that he was in the real world... He would have thought that he was dreaming, having a dream that couldn't possibly happen in the real world. Unfortunately, the truth was the truth. No matter how hard he refused to believe it, after all, it really happened right in front of his eyes.    


Yellow dust danced in the air as he looked out from the villa's courtyard. About two hundred meters away from the villa that was built on a small hill, a dozen green military transport vehicles were parked in a neat row. A hundred meters in front of these transport vehicles, on the outskirts of the villa. Soldiers armed with loaded guns were standing everywhere! These soldiers were armed with submachine guns, standing straight outside the villa. They surrounded the entire villa, not even a drop of water could leak out.    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." The noisy sound of the propellers came from the sky. Tan Youlin subconsciously looked up. He saw two black armed helicopters spinning steadily above his head in the sky above the villa. Obviously, the sound he heard in the villa was coming from the propellers of the helicopters. Tan Youlin guessed right.    


"Damn it, what the hell is going on! Why is my villa surrounded by the army for no reason? What the hell is going on!?" Tan Shitong was shocked. Of course, he knew that the army would not surround his villa for no reason. These soldiers had clearly come prepared and specially came to find him, Tan Shitong! No matter how he thought about it, he did not understand who he had offended. That's why so many troops came to deal with him? Being surrounded by so many armed soldiers, how could anything happen!    


Boss Shan frowned. He was so scared that his legs went soft. Military soldiers were rare, not to mention armed soldiers. An aggressive soldier! At this moment, he pulled Tan Shitong's arm and said in a slightly trembling voice. " Tan... Mayor Tan, you, you have recently provoked people from the army? What, why did you create such a huge commotion... "    


It would have been fine if Boss Shan hadn't said anything, but once he said it, Tan Shitong felt even more aggrieved and wronged. He slapped his thigh in distress and said, "It's impossible to provoke the army even if you provoke a ghost. I've been staying at home recently. Not to mention provoking the people in the army, I haven't even seen a few strangers. How is that possible... How could these soldiers surround my home? "    


As soon as Tan Shitong said that, the surrounding merchants looked at each other. Some of them did not understand the situation. At this time, Tan Youlin said to his father with a livid face, "Father, why do I keep feeling like something bad is going to happen? I keep feeling that these soldiers aren't here to cause trouble. They're purely here to flaunt their might and show off. "    


"Nonsense. Is there a need for you to teach them? Although your father is doing well in Tan Fang Town, he is not stupid. He knows which bullet is hard!" Tan Shitong's eyes stared intently at the army soldiers standing in a straight line outside the courtyard without making a sound. A sense of killing intent made him somewhat impatient. "So many soldiers with guns surrounded my villa. This... This is a cow knife used to kill chickens. It's a show of strength for me!"    


"Who is it? Who on earth could mobilize so many troops to Tan Fang Town?" Tan You Lin was very puzzled. With his father's intelligence, it was absolutely impossible for him to provoke the military. There must be a reason behind this.    


"Young Master Tan, logically speaking, it's unlikely that there's an army in the area of Tan Fang Town. There is neither a military district nor a military base. The army closest to Tan Fang Town should also belong to an infantry division stationed in River Stream Town, right? " Just as Tan Youlin was wondering what was going on, a merchant beside him reminded him. "Young Master Tan, could it be that these soldiers all came from River Stream Town?"    


"River Stream Town?" Hearing the name of this town, Tan Youlin couldn't help but furrow his brows. River Stream Town wasn't very far from Tan Fang Town. However, because of the rugged mountain paths and the shabby roads, therefore, the officials of the two towns basically did not interact with each other and did not interfere with each other's business. If these were troops stationed in River Stream Town, then what were they planning to do by sending so many troops here, with trucks and helicopters?    


When Boss Shan heard the word River Stream Town, he could not help but think of something. He opened his mouth and said urgently, "Young Master Tan, I remember that Fann Binn was planning to escape to River Stream Town a few days ago, right? Do you think it would be..."    


"Impossible!" Tan Youlin firmly stared at Boss Shan and firmly rejected his words. He gritted his teeth and said, "Boss Shan, as I said, I saw Fann Binn jump down the cliff that was dozens of meters high and enter the Tan River that was flowing faster than the current with my own eyes!"    


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