System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C386 A Great Disaster Was Coming(1)

C386 A Great Disaster Was Coming(1)

2"Look, it's so lively inside. Master Tan must be playing with beauties again, right? I'm really envious. How nice would it be if I could secretly take a look. " Outside the villa, the security guard Da Kui, who was shivering from the cold, glanced at the second floor of the villa, where the laughter of men and women could be heard from time to time. He threw the cigarette butt violently onto the ground and stepped on it, muttering discontentedly. "This damn weather. It's so cold at noon, like a dog. He didn't even open the sun to warm people up. Second Prawn, do you think the difference between humans and humans is that big? They are eating, drinking, and playing with women inside, so we can only watch over the house and let the cold wind blow. What the f * ck."    


Next to them, Second Prawn, who was holding an electric baton, rubbed his frozen hands as he received the cigarette sent by Big Kui. After lighting the cigarette with his trembling mouth and looking at him like he was looking at an idiot, he said speechlessly, "Da Kui, can't your mouth stop for a while? What are you complaining about? Are we the same as those grandmasters? Your brain has been smashed. You don't know who this villa belongs to. Who paid you? That is Master Tan, the biggest and biggest overlord in our town! Speak ill of him, you don't want to live anymore?"    


"Hehe, isn't that the weather? It's unfair." Da Kui laughed foolishly and looked at the few brothers walking their dogs in the distance. He gestured with his mouth and said, "Look, that fellow from Team Two is even more interesting than us. At least he can walk the dogs and patrol. Our job is so tough. If it wasn't for the money, we would have stood guard and blown the cold wind. Who cares about this job?"    


"How much money? Hey, Da Kui, it really wasn't me, Second Prawn, that said something about you. What kind of work can you do in this Tan Fang Town that can earn more than blowing the cold wind here? Master Tan is very generous. He's famous throughout the entire town. It's already good enough that you have this security job! " Second Shrimp curled his lips in dissatisfaction as he spoke up to this point. His eyes revealed a trace of envy as he shrugged his shoulders and said in a low voice. "But then again, did you see the bald man who attended the banquet just now? The pretty girls who walked in behind him were really pretty. Tsk tsk, if we brothers can get one, then it would be worth it even if we die."    


"Look at your little bit of prospects..." Da Kui cockily rolled his eyes at Second Shrimp and said with a smile, "We don't play together with you. If you want to play, then we have to play alone."    


" Beautiful you. Aren't you afraid of blowing your own boast? Don't say anymore. Concentrate on standing guard. Young Master Tan has instructed before. You must be serious today. This is the time to show the standards of us security guards." Speaking up to this point, Second Prawn even specially puffed out his chest. He tidied his hat and specially straightened his uniform a little.    


"Amazing, isn't he just a small security guard? Why did he need to be so serious? Did you really get involved in this mess when you didn't do your job properly and didn't pay your salary seriously? You're not one of those policemen in the police station. No, that's not right. Look at the police in town. They are worse than you. Look at how serious you are. Let alone the police, I think the soldiers in the army must be able to do this. " Da Kui looked disdainfully at Second Prawn, who had his chest puffed out and his abdomen retracted. He leisurely smoked a cigarette and said with a smile. " Looks like you really are a soldier. When did the security guard become a soldier? Then... "    


Just as Da Kui lazily joked to this point, the cigarette in his mouth suddenly fell to the ground with his mouth wide open. His eyes were wide open as he looked forward. As if he couldn't believe it, he subconsciously wiped his eyes and took a closer look. This time, he suddenly grabbed Second Shrimp, who was observing from the other side, and stuttered in shock. " Second... Second Shrimp... Am, am I having a hard time using my eyes? I, how did I see the army? ? On the other side, those dogs walking... Yes, are they being pointed at by a gun? Quick, look to the side!"    


When Second Shrimp, who was observing from the side, heard Da Kui's words, he couldn't help but laugh. He pushed Da Kui's hand away. Then, he turned around and said, "Stop messing around. What kind of trick are you playing again? I'm not going to fall for your trick if I tell you. Army? Aren't you lying too much? Let me tell you... Then..." Second Prawn's words had barely come to an end. When his gaze followed the direction that the stunned Da Kui was pointing at, he was instantly stunned.    


Yes, Da Kui wasn't mistaken at all, because it was right in front of him. Outside the villa, green military trucks covered in dust were driving towards the direction where the two of them were standing. And not far away, the group of security guards who were walking their dogs and patrolling had long been surrounded. Under the black gunmen of the soldiers in camouflage uniforms, they raised their hands and squatted on the ground. They were so scared that they kept trembling.    


"See, damn it... This, this is going to be a war? " Second Prawn suddenly reacted. He grabbed Da Kui's hand and said in horror, "Quick, send out the alarm!"    


"Don't move!" Just as Second Shrimp was about to press the alarm on Da Kui's belt, a low roar suddenly came from behind the two of them! When Second Shrimp and Da Kui were inexplicably horrified to find that there were several gun muzzles of black submachine guns beside them, da Kui could no longer endure this kind of stimulation and fainted with a flip of his eyes. Second Shrimp's legs trembled and he immediately begged for mercy. "Don't, don't kill me. I surrender, I surrender..."    


The armed soldiers didn't even look at Two Prawns and Da Kui before kicking Two Prawns to the ground and instantly subduing him! Second Shrimp was called under the feet of these soldiers and he could only vaguely hear these words...    


"0101, I am Squad Eighteen. The final obstacle at the periphery of the villa has been cleared. The door has already been controlled by my team, the big fish has not been alarmed. We can proceed with the second step. I repeat, we can proceed with the next step. End!"    


Tan Youlin was obviously in a much better mood as he hugged the beautiful woman who was as soft as water. To be honest, Hsu Rann had left a deep impression in his heart. Since he was young, he had deeply fallen in love with this woman and was unable to extricate himself. But just two or three days ago, he personally saw this woman jump off the cliff with that bastard Fann Binn. She was actually willing to accompany that bastard to death, but she wasn't willing to beg Tan Youlin for mercy. This was the reason why Tan Youlin felt a chill run down his spine.    


Tan Youlin had drunk countless glasses of white wine, and it was obvious that he was somewhat happy.    


"Young Master Tan, let me toast you again." The beauty in his arms reached out her fair hand with a red face and picked up the glass, sending it into Tan Youlin's mouth.    


"Good boy, good, I'll drink, I'll drink..." Tan Youlin seemed to be slightly drunk. As the saying goes, if you don't get drunk, you will get drunk. Those who have something on their mind don't drink alcohol, they only drink alcohol.    


Tan Shitong, who was sitting beside Tan Youlin, looked at his son. There was still a hint of worry in his eyes. Of course, he knew that his son would forget Hsu Rann, that woman, just like that. It was totally unrealistic. Time. What his son needed was time. Only time was the best medicine to forget a woman.    


"Mayor Tan, come, come. Today, we must have a good drink. I'll do whatever you want. " Boss Shan had obviously drunk a little too much. It was impossible to tell how weak the Jiangnan people were from his crimson face. However, he seemed to be a bit more forthright than the northerners. He raised his wine glass and drank it all with a hearty smile. "This is really satisfying, really comfortable! I have been having a headache these few days. So many workers have died in the mine, and they lie about their disappearance and are always on tenterhooks. Now, the compensation for those families should be... Each and every one of them had given up on looking for their missing husband, and even sent the meddlesome foreigner, Fann Binn, into the river as a water ghost. This time, I'm really free of worries. I won't have to worry about the mine anymore! "    


"Heh, I say, Immortal Mountain, what are you afraid of!? In Tan Fang Town, with me here, I want to see who dares to look for trouble with you! " Tan Shitong patted the back of the Immortal Mountain and said with widened eyes. " To put it bluntly, Fann Binn wasn't just a little kid with a strong background and backing. The older the wiser. Fighting with us? Even if we lend him a few heads, he still wouldn't be a match! He deserved it. Who asked him to go to Xufang Village for nothing? So what if he had a strong backer? Now that he was dead, wouldn't it be a waste? "    


Hearing Tan Shitong's words, Boss Shan seemed to have thought of something. He said," By the way, Mayor Tan, Fann Binn jumped into the river and died. Then he died in Tan Fang Town. If his backer knew... Will he be furious?"    


" Investigate? How do you want to investigate? Investigate with what? Hey, if you want to investigate, you can do it. What do we need to be afraid of? If we want evidence, we don't have evidence. If we want suspicious points, we don't have any suspicious points. Fann Binn died in the remote mountains and forests. Only a ghost would know how he died! Even if they found that fellow's corpse, they could argue that it was Hsu Rann who had accidentally fallen off a cliff and drowned in Tan He when she brought him to the mountains to travel. Wouldn't that be fine? In any case, when a person dies, their mouth will grow on us. Wouldn't it be a matter of one sentence for us if we die an injustice and distort the truth? " Tan Qingtong rolled his eyes at Boss Shan and said discontentedly," I say, Immortal Mountain, you're too cowardly. You little men from Jiangnan, you really don't have f * cking guts! "    


"Heh, after hearing what Mayor Tan said, I really felt enlightened. Come, come, I should really give you another toast." When Boss Shan heard that, he naturally felt that it made a lot of sense. He hurriedly filled up his wine glass and toasted with Tan Shitong to perfection. He drained the wine in one gulp once again.    


However, at this moment, he suddenly stopped pouring the wine. Although the surroundings were very noisy, he seemed to hear some incompatible sounds from the banquet. It was a type of buzzing sound. It was very obvious that this sound was not coming from the table.    


"Mayor Tan, listen, there seems to be some kind of buzzing sound?" Boss Shan listened carefully as he pulled Tan Shitong, who was still drinking beside him, and asked curiously. " It's like, it's similar to the sound of an electric fan."    


When Tan Shitong heard what Boss Shan said, he also listened carefully. Sure enough, he heard it too. He smiled strangely and said, "Hey, it's really strange. Where did this strange sound come from? When did this strange sound come from the table? "    


"No, it wasn't from this room. Did you hear it? This sound is getting louder and louder from here! " When Boss Shan said that, he suddenly looked out the window. He said in surprise, "Could it be that the sound came from outside?"    


Boss Shan's words immediately alerted Tan Shitong. He put down his wine glass and waved his hand. "Don't be noisy. Quiet!"    


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