System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C383 I Am Not an Irresponsible Man

C383 I Am Not an Irresponsible Man

1Boom! Hsu Rann's eyes widened. An unprecedented feeling and stimulation caused her entire body to instantly tense up! Her brain had clearly short-circuited and went blank. She had even completely forgotten who she was! This kind of feeling completely crushed all of her rationality!    


She finally could not help but bite Fann Binn's firm shoulder. Tears of happiness and happiness flowed down her face. At this moment, she finally woke up and recovered all of her memories. At this moment, she finally understood that she had already tacitly approved of Fann Binn's invasion. She tacitly approved of all of Fann Binn's actions. Why? Because she loved Fann Binn, and her heart was willing to give her body to him. Even if it was just this short night!    


"I love you, Fann Binn... I love you, have me... I want you!" Hsu Rann let go of everything and threw away all her reservations. She hugged Fann Binn's neck. She wanted to leave this beautiful night deeply in her memory. She didn't want to make herself regret. She didn't want to leave any regrets. At least on this night, she belonged to Fann Binn, the man she loved. It belonged to her completely!    


When the morning sun shone into the cave, the burning fire in the night was only left with black wood dregs and wisps of green smoke. The birds in the desolate mountains and forests sang and sang quickly. The originally silent forest was now full of vitality.    


Fann Binn felt a headache coming on as he forcefully patted his own forehead. In a daze, he slowly opened his eyes. His blank brain finally began to operate. As his vision gradually became clearer, the first things that entered his sight were all yellow soil and stones. He was a little dazed for a moment before he suddenly sat up. He looked at everything in front of him in shock.    


This was a very simple and crude cave. In the narrow space, there were a few pieces of clothing scattered around. Not far away from him, there were obvious traces of the fire being extinguished after being burnt. At this moment, he subconsciously realized that under the heavy coat he was wearing... There was clearly a soft body leaning against him.    


Wait a minute... A soft body? Fann Binn's eyes widened as he thought of this. He stared at the pair of sexy, fair, and slender legs that appeared beside his thigh in disbelief. This pair of beautiful legs was not his, but...    


"Hsu Rann???" Fann Binn finally reacted and clearly remembered some of the things he knew. After he called Hsu Rann's name in surprise, he quickly muttered to himself. " This... Where is this place? I, why am I here? I remember that after Hsu Rann and I were chased by Tan Youlin, jumped off the cliff... And then, and then? And then I was still alive?"    


Feeling that he was still alive, Fann Binn touched his body in disbelief. At this moment, he realized that his body was completely naked!    


Subconsciously, Fann Binn pulled off the torn down jacket that covered him. When he saw Hsu Rann, who was sleeping beside his completely naked body, naked, lying beside him. He quickly covered his clothes again.    


"Oh my God... I, what did I do? " When he saw Hsu Rann, who was not wearing any clothes, and saw the bloodstains on the surface of the down jacket, no matter how stupid Fann Binn was, he basically knew what had happened between him and Hsu Rann. He suddenly felt that his head, which had just become better, started to hurt again. To him, this was... It was a terrible awakening!    


Until now, he still did not understand what had happened when he did not know. He also did not know why Hsu Rann would have such a bad relationship with him. But at least Fann Binn knew in his heart that he must have had an inappropriate relationship with Hsu Rann. Moreover, this relationship had happened without him knowing at all!    


Was it him who had used force? Just as Fann Binn thought of this possibility, he immediately shook his head and rejected it. After carefully recalling it, he realized that he had fainted the moment he jumped off the cliff. A man in a coma could actually use force on a woman? He wasn't that strong, was he?    


But if he did not use force, then would Hsu Rann use force? Fann Binn found it even more unbelievable. Even if Hsu Rann had a good impression of him, as a girl, how could she take the initiative to do such a thing? It was simply a joke!    


After thinking for a long time, Fann Binn still couldn't come up with an explanation. He simply shook his head and did not think about this troublesome matter. He carefully separated from Hsu Rann's body and tried to find his clothes from the scattered clothes on the ground and quickly put them on. He only sat down on the other side of the cave after he finished putting them on and started to look around.    


According to Fann Binn's observation, he was basically certain that he and Hsu Rann must have fallen into a coma after jumping off the cliff. Hsu Rann ignored the danger and dragged him to the cave by the river to take his life. The fire lasted the night. He could still feel the sense of emptiness in his body. The bullet wound on his arm was still visible. It seemed that he had a serious illness.    


"You... You are awake..." Fann Binn was embarrassed and did not know how to wake Hsu Rann up. He could only try to analyze the situation after he fainted. Hsu Rann's voice suddenly appeared in the cave.    


Fann Binn subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction where Hsu Rann was sleeping. He saw Hsu Rann's pretty face exposed outside her clothes. She was staring at him without hiding anything. He was so scared that he quickly lowered his head. He coughed awkwardly a few times and said, "That... Yes, I'm fine."    


"Last night, you had a very bad fever..." Hsu Rann saw that Fann Binn deliberately avoided her gaze and could not help but look a little gloomy. She smiled bitterly and said, "We jumped off the cliff. Thanks to me, I caught a tree trunk that rushed over from the river. Only then did we float to the shore here. You were wounded by a gun and exhausted, then soaked in the bone-piercing cold river water. So you had a fever. I wanted to warm you up. That was why I had to drag you into this small cave and start a fire to keep you warm. Then... "    


" After that... I, you, that... " Fann Binn nervously took over the conversation, but after a long time of incoherent speech, he still did not have the courage to continue. He could only shake his head dejectedly and say, "Thank you so much. Without you, I definitely would not have survived."    


"No, don't say that. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have survived." Hsu Rann looked at Fann Binn with tender eyes. Her throat was slightly choked with sobs. "Don't worry. What happened last night... was my own free will. I, I will never let you take responsibility..."    


Fann Binn's heart tightened when he heard that. He looked up and said with a red face. “ Hsu Rann, don't, don't say that. If you say that, I feel like I'm not a human anymore... Last night, what exactly was the reason why we were here last night? This way? In the end, is it you, or me..."    


" Last night, it was just a beautiful encounter, a beautiful mistake... No one is right or wrong, and no one needs to be responsible for who is right or wrong." Hsu Rann grabbed the down jacket that covered her naked body, exposing her white and smooth shoulders in the air. It was so tempting. At this moment, her eyes were very firm, and there were some tears in her eyes. Hua said with a trembling voice. "Fann Binn, you and I are both alive. This is the most important thing. As for the rest, let it all pass. Is there anything else that makes me happier than being able to survive? "    


" Hsu Rann... I, I... " Fann Binn opened his mouth but could not speak for a long time. He could not help but throw a fist on the ground of the cave and shouted as if he was ready to throw caution to the wind. "I know. It was definitely my fault last night. I was wrong. I, Fann Binn, am not a man who does not want to be responsible, but... But I have something I have to tell you. As long as you accept it... I, I will accept you... "    


Hsu Rann listened to Fann Binn's words and was silent for a while. After a while, she smiled and said, "You are talking about the CEO of Wu's Group, Wu Qi?"    


Fann Binn looked at Hsu Rann in shock. He was stunned and did not react. Then, he replied in surprise, "You, how do you know?"    


"Because last night, you called her by her name." Hsu Rann's voice was very calm, as if there was not a trace of emotion in it. "Last night, you treated me as her."    


"Damn it, I knew it... I knew it was very likely because of this reason!" Fann Binn gave himself a fierce slap. He was angry and regretful. “ I'm sorry, Hsu Rann. I'm a beast. I did something worse than a beast. I, I have let you down... "    


"No, you have nothing to be sorry about. I did it voluntarily. If it wasn't on your own accord, with how weak you were at that time, I could have pushed you away and left this cave." Hsu Rann laid flat on the ground and looked at the top of the cave. She laughed as if she was mocking herself, "Fann Binn, I actually wanted to say this a long time ago. After returning to West River Province, your figure was all over my mind. I knew it at that time. I have already fallen in love with you, and I am unable to extricate myself from you. Last night was enough. Beautiful love is like a rose. There will always be a time when it will wilt... I know that the person you love is Miss Wu Qi. Don't worry, I will definitely not make things difficult for you."    


" What? You did it on your own accord? " Fann Binn looked at Hsu Rann in disbelief and said with regret. " Hsu Rann, Hsu Rann, why did you have to do this last night? This is not harming you, but also harming me! Do you think that it is fine as long as you don't mind? Do you know that doing this will put me in eternal guilt!?"    


" Guilt? Why do you feel guilty? I'm not your girlfriend, and I'm not your wife. You and I are just simple friends, that's all. What do you need to feel guilty about?" Hsu Rann stared at Fann Binn and retorted, "Fann Binn, I said it very clearly. We all forgot about what happened last night. Isn't that enough? ”    


"You can do it, but I can't! I want... Aiya..." Fann Binn suddenly stood up, but he accidentally bumped his forehead into a rock on the top of the cave. He immediately hugged his head and squatted down in pain. This funny action immediately made Hsu Rann laugh out loud. The tense atmosphere in the cave immediately eased up.    


"What do you want?" Hsu Rann blinked her bright eyes. She was so happy that she even looked at Fann Binn teasingly. "Do you want to be with me? Aren't you afraid that President Wu will be jealous?"    


Fann Binn really could not do anything about Hsu Rann. He stammered for a while before saying, " In short, I'm definitely not an irresponsible man. After sleeping with you, pretend that nothing happened. I can't do it. "    


" Oh? Then tell me, what should we do?" Hsu Rann Xiao looked at the man in front of her with interest. Of course, she hoped that Fann Binn could be with her. But was that possible? Reality? With her, would President Wu not be angry? Not jealous? This was obviously impossible.    


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