System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C381 Survived a Great Disaster(1)

C381 Survived a Great Disaster(1)

3The mountains are still a few sunset red. When the red rays of the setting sun shone on the green mountains, the green waters, and the vast land of the mountains... The feeling of winter was almost undetectable, except... The cold wind that was still blowing and the rapidly flowing ice cold water that pierced into the bone.     2


In the deep mountains of the Northern Continent of the H Country, there were few people. There were dense forests and tall mountains everywhere. Apart from the sound of water hitting the valley, everything here was so quiet that it was enough to let people understand what true nature was.    


However, in this place where the sun was setting and the mountains and rivers were still, there was no sound at all. The strange sound of flowing water suddenly broke the silence here. In the Tan River that had already passed through the valley and gradually became quiet, loose hair suddenly appeared from the water. The head that was breathing heavily in large gulps quickly drilled into the water again. After a while, it drilled out again, and from the beginning until the end, it was still there. It continued to work tirelessly, and gradually approached the shore.    


Because his head was covered by his black hair, his face could not be seen clearly. However, one thing was certain: This person was a woman, a very embarrassing woman. Why did she say that? Because just from the few hidden red scratches on her snow white neck and her frozen purple lips, it could be seen that she had already reached the limit of her physical strength.    


As this woman gradually approached the shore, her body gradually revealed itself. The clothes that were completely soaked by the river water were very tattered. The faintly discernible snow white skin was covered with scars that were as red as purple. It was obvious that she had suffered many minor injuries, and these minor injuries would only appear because of the not intense impact.    


When she reached the shore, she seemed to be able to stand up with great effort. But just as she stood up from the water, she could not help but moan in pain as she fell into the water. After a few times like this, she could only helplessly stretch out her fair arm. She crawled out of the water in a sorry state as she walked. At this time, her other hand was pulling something into the water. After exerting all her strength, a tree trunk that was not very thick and the figure of a unconscious man appeared in the river. She was dragged to the shore with great effort.    


The woman sat down on the shore beside the river, which was filled with pebbles. With a slightly exhausted and dazed expression, she looked at the quiet mountains and rivers around her. Her body trembled in the cold, and her beautiful but lifeless eyes were quickly covered by tears. She sobbed softly. Her lips were slowly moving in the midst of this slightly hoarse sobbing. It was as if she was continuously telling something to the man who was lying on the shore, covered in wounds and still unconscious...    


"Fann Binn, I did it, I really did it..." The woman's voice was very weak, as if the sound waves could be blown away by the wind at any time. She tried to raise her exhausted arm to stroke her hair. She finally moved the hair covering her face to two sides. She revealed her beautiful face. It turned out that this woman had jumped off the cliff with Fann Binn. Entering. Hsu Rann, who was raging in Tan He! The man lying unconscious on the shore was Fann Binn. They fell into the rapidly flowing Tan River and actually didn't die. They actually survived!    


Looking at the unconscious Fann Binn on the ground, Hsu Rann's tears kept flowing down her cheeks. Only she knew what had happened in the surging Tan River. However, from the torn clothes and the wounds all over their bodies, it could be seen how dangerous the situation was at that time.    


"Fann Binn, wake up. We survived. We really survived!" Hsu Rann tried to push Fann Binn's body with her hands. Maybe it was because she did not have any strength. Fann Binn did not have any reaction with this push. She nervously crawled to his side, bent down, and pressed her face against Fann Binn's chest. Finally, as if she had caught her breath, she took a deep breath and said, "There's still a heartbeat. I knew you wouldn't die so easily! Fann Binn, wait. I'll find a place to start a fire. I'll find a place for you to rest. No one will come after us again. We're free now, we're alive!"    


Regardless of whether Fann Binn listened or not, Hsu Rann spoke excitedly like a happy child. She told him everything. As she spoke, she forced herself to stand up. She limped and dragged Fann Binn towards the woods by the shore. Although she dragged him along very slowly, her eyes revealed a kind of determination as if she had bid farewell. There was nothing that could stop her determination and confidence to live!    


"If it wasn't for the fact that I caught a tree trunk in the river after falling into the water, perhaps neither of us would have been able to survive. Since God doesn't want us to die, then you must persevere! You only lost too much blood and used all your strength to soak in the cold water, causing a fever and coma. As long as I have a fire, you will be able to maintain your body temperature, and you will be fine. You will definitely be fine..."    


It was unknown whether she was comforting herself or comforting the unconscious Fann Binn who was being held by her hand. Hsu Rann was struggling to walk towards the forest by the shore. She bit her pink lips tightly, even though she bit out blood due to the strenuous effort, she did not even frown. Now, there was only one belief supporting her, and that was to continue walking forward, and that was to live. Live on well!    


After soaking in the cold river water, wearing a drenched tattered shirt, the cold winter wind blew. Hsu Rann did not have any strength from head to toe. In fact, in this kind of situation, Hsu Rann was very clear and clear in her heart. If she did not find a place to maintain the temperature of her body as soon as possible, she and the unconscious Fann Binn would really die in this primitive forest because of the cold. So she had to grit her teeth and persevere. She had to persist and continue like this!    


"Cough cough..." While Hsu Rann was trying her best to drag him, the unconscious Fann Binn suddenly coughed violently. A large amount of water choked out of his throat and flowed out of his mouth. Hsu Rann hurriedly knelt on the ground and helped him turn over his back as she knocked him hard. Of course she understood that this water was poured in by Fann Binn in the river. As long as he spat it out, it would be fine.    


After Fann Binn spat out the water, he suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood. Hsu Rann was instantly frightened. Luckily, after Fann Binn coughed out the blood, he fainted again. He did not continue to cough. She could clearly feel that Fann Binn's body temperature was gradually dropping due to the cold. Hsu Rann, who was burning with anxiety, quickly hugged him. She wanted to use her body temperature to recover Fann Binn's temperature, but she soon found out. This method did not work at all.    


The most important thing right now was to find a place that could resist the cold and start a fire as soon as possible. Use the temperature of the fire to maintain Fann Binn's body temperature. Hsu Rann raised her head and looked around while crying. She was not far from the shore. She found an inconspicuous small hole that could fit two people. Without saying a word, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to drag Fann Binn towards the hole with all her might.    


This cave was indeed very small, and it looked like it was formed by water when the water rose. It was all because the soil was not firm at all, but at this time, Hsu Rann could not care much anymore. She brought Fann Binn, who was still unconscious, and used the last of her strength to climb back to the cave. She took big breaths as she began to search Fann Binn's body.    


"Fann Binn, you must hold on. I will start the fire now. Start the fire now... Wait, wait... "Hsu Rann, who grew up in the village, naturally knew how to start the fire. In such a situation where the fire was needed, she naturally knew how to start the fire. There must be something that could start the fire. In the wilderness, it was unrealistic to rely on stones to create a fire. Fortunately, she remembered that Fann Binn probably had a lighter in his pocket.    


It was a coincidence. Fann Binn, who usually did not smoke, would definitely not carry a lighter. However, since he came to the Xu Lane to visit Hsu Rann's family, even if he did not smoke during the New Year, he had to prepare a pack of cigarettes to send to his friends and family. Of course, sometimes he would take the initiative to light the cigarette, and the lighter naturally had to be prepared.    


Sure enough, after Hsu Rann fumbled around in Fann Binn's pocket for a while, she took out an iPhone that had been filled with water and could not be used at all. She quickly found the cigarette case and lighter in the outer pocket. Fortunately, they did not lose the lighter when they fell from the cliff in Tan He. It was their last hope!    


With the tools to start the fire, Hsu Rann struggled to stand up again. Ignoring the pain from her knees, she gritted her teeth and once again went out of the hole to desperately pull out the dry grass and branches in the grass by the shore. For a village woman like her, starting a fire was an essential lesson. Of course, she knew that the grass was easy to make, but how could it not be easy to make a fire?    


Dragging her tired body, she collected a lot of withered weeds in the winter and small branches from the woods beside her. She piled them up in the cave and lit them with a lighter. As the dry grass was very dry, the cave was quickly filled with fire. The warmth quickly descended to every corner of the narrow cave.    


Hsu Rann looked at the burning flames and finally revealed a tired smile. She knew that Fann Binn and she at least had the hope to continue living. After being busy until now, she finally felt relieved and only felt waves of fatigue attack her. She leaned against Fann Binn's side and fell into a short sleep.    


The flame shone on her beautiful face. Although there were some obvious scratches on her white and red skin and dirt covering it, however, she did not feel ugly at all. Instead, her beauty was filled with the charm of the countryside. Hsu Rann was like a sleeping beauty. She used her last bit of strength to make the final effort and fell asleep. She slept so sweetly that even when she slept, there was still a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.    


Perhaps it was because she had hope for life. Or perhaps it was because she had asked for a chance to live for the man she loved. All in all, this pair of suffering men and women were just like that in the warmth of the fire. There was no movement, only the sound of light breathing could be heard.    


As the sun set, in the wilderness at night, there was only the light from the cave that lit up the area a few meters away. It was as if the light from a house in the mountains was particularly eye-catching. In the cold winter of the wilderness, bursts of warmth could be felt. Waves of warmth...    


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