System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C202 It Was Just a Small Business.

C202 It Was Just a Small Business.

3The aunt's arrival obviously made Grandpa very happy. In the current generation of the Old Lee family, perhaps only his aunt would be able to marry the best. She would be the most successful. Originally, Fann Binn's mother also married quite well, but after the divorce, it naturally did not count. Of course, this aunt was obviously the one who got married the furthest. Furthermore, she had not returned home for so many years, so naturally it was also the reason why his grandfather was happy.     2


Compared to his aunt's inexplicable excitement and happiness, his aunt's husband's coldness and Han Xiao's indifference formed a very obvious contrast. His grandfather also knew that this son-in-law had always been proud and arrogant. Moreover, he was only a farmer himself. How could he let go of his pride, so he did not say anything.    


On the contrary, his uncle seemed to feel a little impatient sitting in this village style mud house. He stood up and pulled Han Xiao along, saying that he was going to find the other three uncles.    


At this time, Fann Binn was a little surprised. He really couldn't understand why this great uncle, who had always had a high opinion, would take the initiative to look for his three uncles. It seemed that he hadn't returned to the village for two or three years just like him, right?    


The more suspicious he was, the more he felt that this great uncle had an unusual impulse in his heart. However, he would not be foolish enough to go with them to find his uncle. He seemed to have some guesses now, but they were still vague. He just couldn't be sure.    


At this time, he realized that Wu Qi was not in the room. After asking his mother, he found out that this little girl actually went out to take pictures with her camera on her back.    


At noon, his grandmother quickly cooked a meal with the help of his three daughters. Everyone knew that Aunt Ye's arrival was a signal. It was obvious that her two uncles were going to come back to the house to split the family property. If the three uncles were to come to the maternal grandfather's house, it could be said that other than the second aunt in the neighboring village, it could be said that... It could be said that they were really going to be a family reunion.    


In the afternoon, Fann Binn was comfortably lying on a chair and watching television. When he saw the Liu Kingdom on the news on TV, Fann Binn smiled. There seemed to be a hint of wisdom in his smile. Around three o'clock, the second aunt of the neighboring village, Sister Li Hui, finally arrived. The four sisters had finally reunited. There was no need to mention how happy they were. Fann Binn glanced at his mother and the four sisters and found that his second aunt was the oldest. In the end, the quality of life in the countryside and the city were different. This first aunt was five years older than his second aunt. However, from the looks of it, he could not tell that his aunt was older than his aunt.    


Finally, it was past five o'clock in the evening. The four maternal grandparents' daughters began to get busy in the kitchen. Tonight was a day where the whole family was united. This was very rare. In Fann Binn's memory, it had been more than ten years since it had been so lively.    


Wu Qi finally came back from playing outside. She was really infatuated with this mountain village. She was actually able to settle lunch with some dry food outside. Fann Binn really did not know whether it was right or wrong to bring her here. He felt a little helpless.    


The entire grandfather's house was filled with a strange silence. It was like the calm before a storm, giving people an inexplicable sense of pressure. Fann Binn knew that these past few days, the mysteries of the investigation and the contemplation... Tonight, the truth could finally be revealed.    


The three uncles had come from the front and back respectively. This time, they were obviously not as arrogant as before. When they entered the room, it was very quiet. From time to time, their gazes would sweep towards Eldest Aunt Li Huifeng. It was obvious that they were afraid of her. That was why they were so silent.    


Fann Binn looked at the expressions of his three uncles and could not help but frown even more. This time, he was basically certain about the matter of dividing the property. These two uncles must have discussed this matter with his aunt and uncle beforehand. He could not help but sneer in his heart. These two uncles were really snobbish. Seeing the rich aunt being so respectful, seeing his mother and aunt who had no money, he mocked them. It was really a bit too cold...    


When Grandfather saw these two unfilial sons, his smile instantly disappeared. He turned his face away with a cold snort, clearly angry. At this time, a burst of laughter came from the courtyard. From outside the door, it was Uncle and an unfamiliar man. However, as soon as this man entered the house, his gaze met Fann Binn's.    


"Brother Lil Bin, I suspected that you might be here when I saw your car at the door. I didn't expect it to be true." The stranger smiled and said to Fann Binn, "We are really fated to meet."    


Fann Binn sneered in his heart. It turned out that this strange man was none other than the man who bought cigarettes at the village's Little Merchandize Shop at noon, Zhou Hai Bo Zhou!    


" Oh? Hai Bo, you still recognize my nephew?" Eldest uncle clearly looked at Zhou Hai Bo and Fann Binn with some surprise. Only then did he speak in a fair manner," Dad, this is a good friend of mine. His name is Zhou Hai Bo. "    


" Zhou Hai Bo? " Grandfather seemed to have obviously furrowed his brows. Clearly, he seemed to be quite familiar with this name. However, he did not think of it immediately. He forced a smile and said, "Hello."    


"Grandfather, your body is so strong. Hehe, sorry for disturbing you. I hope you won't take offense. " Zhou Hai Hai Bo was very familiar with the place. It was obvious that he was not the least bit unfamiliar with the place.    


"I'll borrow your auspicious words. If I don't disturb you, I'll be a guest from afar. Come, come, come, sit inside. Let's eat." Grandpa waved his hand and sat down at the dining table with his grandmother. The others then sat down on their seats. Wu Qi followed Fann Binn and sat at the right corner.    


Wu Qi was sitting behind Fann Binn just now, so the person who came did not see clearly. When she appeared in front of everyone, her two uncles clearly looked at him in surprise. Little uncle Li De stared at her body with bright eyes and was a little stunned. As for Zhou Hai Bo, he was also immediately stunned. Among everyone, the person who was the most shocked and shocked was obviously that uncle. Han Xiao's father.    


When he saw Wu Qi clearly for the first time, he was almost standing on the spot with a shocked expression on his face. It was as if he thought he was seeing things. After wiping his eyes, he looked at Wu Qi. Only then did he say in disbelief, "You, you are... Manager, Manager Wu?"    


"Uncle knows me?" Wu Qi looked at Fann Binn in surprise. "Don't call me Mr. Wu, she said with a smile. My name is Wu Qi. I'm your nephew's girlfriend."    


"What?!" His uncle was shocked and took a step back. He almost lost his balance because of Wu Qi's calm words.    


"Hubby, what are you doing? Why aren't you sitting down? The whole family is waiting for you to eat!" Aunt was somewhat dissatisfied with her husband's shocked appearance. She frowned and tugged at the corner of his clothes. In Aunt's opinion, her husband was most likely surprised by Wu Qi's beauty.    


This intense change caused her uncle to be unable to change his mind. Fann Binn understood what he was thinking. A poor kid who had nothing to ask for suddenly had a girlfriend who was the chairman. Anyone else would be surprised, not to mention he was always proud and arrogant. What about the self-righteous uncle?    


"How is this possible... You, how can you be Fann Binn's girlfriend..." The uncle muttered to himself, obviously still not believing it. He sat blankly on his seat and said with a gloomy face, "Miss Wu, may I ask if you are the president of Wu's Pharmaceuticals?"    


Wu Qi nodded with a bitter smile and said helplessly, "Uncle, let's not talk about this, okay? Today is a reunion day and we are a family. Let's not talk about these things."    


But Wu Qi's words could not stop the intense shock brought by her Uncle-in-law's words! Other than Fann Binn, his mother and his aunt, everyone in Old Lee's family had no idea about Wu Qi's background. Even the uncles and second aunt of the peasants didn't know what the title of CEO of Wu's Pharmaceuticals was. But the term 'CEO' was obviously prepared for the rich. At this moment, almost everyone in Old Lee's family cast their eyes on Wu Qi.    


"Miss Wu, are you the boss of the Wushi Ganoderma Film Company, Wushi Sound Pill, and other pharmaceutical companies? Ah, Hai Bo really had eyes but did not recognize Mount Tai. He really did not expect that there was actually such a great existence here. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry. " This time around, Hai Bo even thought of something. His face was filled with envy and respect as he said. "My father has always been using the medicine of the Wu clan's medicine. Who would have thought that the boss of such a large company would actually come to such a remote village. It's really the most unexpected thing that I have encountered these few days. Hehe. "    


Wu Qi's pretty face turned red and she lowered her head, not knowing what to do. At this time, she quietly looked at Fann Binn and saw that he still had a faint smile on his face. It was obvious that there was nothing unusual about him. Only then did her heart calm down. She smiled bitterly and said, "It's nothing. It's just a small business."    


When Wu Qi said the word 'small business', everyone immediately sighed again when they heard it. A company with assets close to 100 million was a small business? Then what was their business?    


"Fann, is your girlfriend really the boss of some big company? My goodness, she's so young, why is she so rich? " Grandpa was confused when he heard this, but he still didn't quite believe it. After all, Wu Qi's age was obvious. Under the influence of the village's ideology, who would have thought that the boss of a big company was a woman, and she was so young!    


"Hehe, that's her father's business. She's just taking over." Fann Binn explained. Although his grandfather didn't really understand, he still nodded in understanding.    


His uncle recovered from the shock. At this time, the way he looked at Fann Binn clearly changed. If one were to say that he looked down and disdained at the entrance of the village, then now it was a respectful and equal attitude. It was very obvious that this proud and arrogant uncle had finally regarded Fann Binn as a figure.    


As for Fann Binn's three uncles, they naturally understood that Fann Binn's girlfriend was a very rich person. This gaze naturally became much more respectful. Fann Binn sighed in his heart. This was the benefit of strength. Once you have the strength, no matter who you are, they will definitely respect you. They would show you the courtesy and humility that they had never shown in the past.    


The dinner had finally officially begun. After the matter of Wu Qi's identity being exposed, the three uncles seemed to have really become silent. Even the toasts at the table were coy and coquettish. It was completely different from the momentum a few days ago.    


According to Fann Binn's secret observation, he had clearly noticed that these three uncles seemed to have been glancing at their menses. Now he could confirm that his menses were the mastermind behind these three uncles!    


Whether Zhou Hai Bo was really friends with their first uncle or had a relationship of interest, this point was somewhat difficult to confirm. However, a storm was coming and the wind was blowing. As the saying goes, when a tree wants peace, the wind will not stop. If the son wants to raise him, he will not wait to kiss him. Since they had planned this, tonight would naturally become the day where they would lay their cards on the table!    


As for Fann Binn, it had already taken him four days to wait for this day to arrive!    


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