System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C171 She Changed Her Face so Quickly?

C171 She Changed Her Face so Quickly?

0"Old Zhang? What's wrong?" Director Lin saw Captain Zhang standing there with a pale face and did not make any sound for a long time. He could not help but ask nervously in a low voice.    4


Everyone in the room felt strange. What did he say on the phone? It made the calm Chief Zhang lose his composure. However, they did not dare to ask directly. Chief Lin's words had finally revealed what they were thinking.    


After a while, Captain Zhang finally regained his senses. However, what he did next shocked everyone.    


"Surnamed Lin, you f * cking bastard, you really caused my death!" Captain Zhang was so angry that his brain was going to explode. His pale face instantly turned red. A glass of white wine was poured on Director Lin's hand. All of it was poured on Director Lin, who was still in a daze.    


"This... Elder Zhang, what are you doing?" Director Lin felt wronged in his heart. How could he have known that Captain Zhang had poured the wine all over his body without saying anything after answering the phone call? He had never thought that his old friend would suddenly become so angry.    


"What are you doing? Why are you asking me? You bastard, I knew it wouldn't be good to call me! It's over... My career has been completely ruined by you!" Captain Zhang was depressed, angry, and sad as he cursed. " Don't drag me down with you even if you want to die! I, I... Hey! How did I make a dog friend like you!!"    


Chief Lin was getting more and more baffled by the scolding. The anger in his heart also burst out. He slammed the table and said angrily, "Old Zhang, what nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean I'm harming you? What did I do to hurt you?! What happened that made you bite like a mad dog?! "    


" What happened? Hey, you still don't know what happened when you are about to die!" Captain Zhang's face turned red. It was obvious that he was not embarrassed, but angry. He pointed at Director Lin, whose face was also filled with anger, and said in a dispirited manner, "Do you know who called me just now? Damn it, it's my superior, Director Zhang of the Industrial and Commerce Bureau! And you know why he called me? Just because you owe money! "    


" What? " Director Lin was at a loss by Captain Zhang's words. He said in disbelief, "Impossible. How did your leader know that I owe money? Isn't this a little too exaggerated? "    


"Hmph, exaggerated? Did I hear it with my own ears? Was it not a fact or was it a dream? Do you know why Director-general Zhang called me? Elder Lin, Elder Lin, you really kicked a steel plate this time! Even Mayor knows about this!"    


" How... How is this possible? Impossible! Impossible! How could this restaurant have such a strong backer? Are you lying to me?" Director Lin still did not dare to believe it and firmly shook his head, "Impossible. If this restaurant had such a strong backer as Mayor, how could it be willing to let me owe money and eat for free? I've been in contact with the Lady Boss for more than a day or two. It's impossible for her to have such a strong backer. Impossible!"    


"The Lady Boss is impossible. Then let me ask you, what about the waiter? Are you familiar with him? " After his anger subsided, Captain Zhang calmed down a little. He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath. He was still in shock. He said," Elder Lin, now is not the time to argue. We need to quickly understand the situation. It's time to settle the matter! Think about it carefully. Recently, you've offended someone you shouldn't have. Or have you offended some big shot in this restaurant? If you didn't do this, do you think my boss would call so late at night? He has nothing to do! "    


When he heard Captain Zhang say this, Director Lin was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat. After thinking carefully, he frowned and said, "Elder Zhang, to tell you the truth, I haven't offended any big shots recently. If you want to offend them, you just owe them a few meals in this restaurant or use some tricks to avoid them. I'm very familiar with this Lady Boss. It's impossible for her to have any big background. As for the waiter... Eh? It's true, the waiter is really unfamiliar."    


" Damn it, then we can be sure that this matter must have happened to that waiter! " Captain Zhang said with some pain and regret, "Elder Lin, Elder Lin, how much do you owe this restaurant?"    


"No, not much, just a few thousand dollars..." When Director Lin said this, his face turned red and he said anxiously, "Elder Zhang, did your leader really say that even Mayor was alarmed?"    


"Is that true?" Captain Zhang glared at him and sighed helplessly. "Elder Lin, this time, I was really hurt by you..."    


"This... What is going on? How could a mere waiter suddenly have a relationship with Mayor? Why would someone who has a relationship with Mayor come to this small restaurant to be a waiter?" The more Director Lin thought about it, the stranger he felt. That was true. If he had such a deep background, he would be able to earn money wherever he went. Why would he need to be such a laborer?    


Unfortunately, what Chief Lin did not know was that Fann Binn did not come here to be a waiter for money. He only came here to take care of the restaurant owner, Aunt Li, and take care of her safety. He was unexpectedly bumped into by Director Lin just like that. It had to be said that Director Lin's luck was really too bad.    


"Regardless of whether he's a waiter or not, I know that this matter must have happened in this restaurant. Right now, the leaders are waiting for us to deal with this matter. If we don't handle it properly... Let's not talk about losing a small official, we might even have to pack up and leave! That's why we can't panic now. We have to think of a way to avoid this disaster. " Captain Zhang's brain was working at high speed, but even after thinking for a long time, he still did not know what to do.    


"Director Lin, why are you so shocked? It's just a waiter. You are the director, and you are the captain. Are these few people not a match for you? " The lady accompanying the wine smiled coquettishly and spoke with some dissatisfaction. "You are all important figures in the official circles. Don't you have any backing to resolve this matter?"    


"Bah! What does your lady know? Shut up and stop talking nonsense. You are making me feel annoyed!" The moment the drinking lady said those words, it immediately attracted Director Lin's angry glare and insults. She was so scared that she immediately did not dare to make a sound. "That's the person Mayor cares about. How can it be the same? How dare you, a mere science officer, fight with a serious officer? You should think twice before letting out a fart. This is not even on the same level, you said it so easily!"    


The lady who accompanied him was so angry that she didn't dare to make a sound. There was a strange dead silence in the room. Director Lin sat back down on the chair with a pale face and said to Captain Zhang anxiously. "Old Zhang, what do you think? Should we do something else now?"    


Elder Zhang glared at him and said helplessly, "What else can we do? Pay up and say good things! "    


"This... I, I didn't bring enough money..." When Director Lin said this, his old face immediately turned red again. The admiration and admiration in the eyes of the lady who accompanied him earlier had long disappeared, and what replaced it was faint disdain and ridicule.    


"Elder Lin, it's not that I'm criticizing you. You didn't even bring a few thousand yuan with you? Then, go and get it quickly." Elder Zhang sighed, "I hope you can forgive me after I pay you. Otherwise, our career will really come to an end! How old are you and I? If we just let it go like this... I'll definitely blame you for the rest of your life!"    


Director Lin stuttered, "Elder Zhang... Actually, I owe you here. I owe you about twenty thousand, I..."    


"What!! Two, twenty thousand?" Captain Zhang's eyes widened. He was really dizzy. He was so angry that he laughed and said, "Elder Lin, good. It's really you. Sure. You are really a typical representation of the exploitation class. No wonder the people in this restaurant want to settle accounts with you! "    


"Old Zhang, we're on the same boat now. Even if I die, you will also be implicated. You can't leave me to die... " Director Lin gritted his teeth and said, "Lend me as much as you have first. I promise I'll return it to you tomorrow."    


"Fine, count it as eight lifetimes of bad luck for me, Old Zhang!" Captain Zhang helplessly took out his wallet and took out all the money in it. He said to his subordinate beside him. "I only brought two thousand with me. You two can take out whatever you have. I'll return it to you when I go to the police station tomorrow."    


Seeing Captain Zhang so nimble, Director Lin naturally started to anxiously borrow money from his friends. After putting everything together, he only managed to gather 15,000 yuan. He was still short of 5,000 yuan.    


Captain Zhang and Director Lin looked at each other and revealed bitter and ugly smiles. After tidying up the money, Director Lin walked out of the room with Captain Zhang, feeling a little uneasy.    


At this time, Fann Binn, Aunt Li, and Li Tong Tong were chatting at the cashier counter downstairs. Seeing Director Lin come down from upstairs, Aunt Li immediately stood up in a panic because she knew that this matter was finally going to end.    


Aunt Li obviously did not know who Fann Binn had called when he went to the toilet. Just from her expression, it was obvious that she was very nervous and afraid. Facing an official at the level of a section chief, a small businessman definitely did not have any confidence. How else could he say that it was good to be an official? Having power was equivalent to having money. This was a famous saying.    


"Director Lin, have you eaten? Have you finished eating? Hehe, as long as you have eaten well, it's fine. Wait, take care... " Aunt Li was so afraid that her entire body was trembling. It was as if she was afraid that Department Director Lin would have to pay. At this moment, the unyielding attitude that she had displayed earlier had been completely retracted into her bones. Actually, it was also true that she was an honest and honest village person. It was not easy to open a restaurant. In the face of a restaurant's survival, she had to make a choice. She was still frightened and didn't dare to face it.    


Director Lin had just gone downstairs when he was stunned by Aunt Li's words. He almost subconsciously nodded his head and left. At this moment, Captain Zhang pushed him from behind. He saw Fann Binn, who was sitting at the side, staring at him with a pair of cold eyes. Only then did he wake up. He immediately forced a smile and said. "Hehe, Lady Boss, I'm sorry to bother you. To be honest, I've seen your craftsmanship. There's no shop on this street that can compare to yours. Your chef is really a good master. "    


"I've won the award. I'll be happy as long as Director Lin is happy eating." Aunt Li was slightly stunned for a moment before she quickly replied. It was obvious that she was not used to Director Lin's straightforward praise.    


A trace of a cold smile appeared on Fann Binn's face. Wasn't this guy just saying that the dishes tasted bad? Heh, he changed his expression very quickly?    


Captain Zhang looked around the cashier counter and nodded his head in satisfaction. "Lady Boss, the renovation of your shop is not bad. I think the environment can even be a level higher than dining. When I have time, I will ask the people from the Health Bureau, Industry and Commerce Law Enforcement Department to reevaluate you. The higher your level, the easier it is for you to do business, right? "    


"Huh?" Aunt Li obviously did not understand what had happened. She was just very surprised that the two of them, who were like fierce tigers and wild beasts wanting to eat her and the guy in the restaurant, suddenly had a 360-degree change in attitude. She could not adapt at all. Wasn't this flattery a little too much?    


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