System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C75 Dispotic and Unruly Young Lady

C75 Dispotic and Unruly Young Lady

0This week, the Liu called him early. After looking at the blueprint of the gas turbine he designed, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed to half of Fann Binn's patent rights. And... After agreeing to Fann Binn's contract, he converted 50% of the patent into 15% of his Machinery Company's shares. He could be considered a small shareholder.    


Fann Binn suddenly felt that it was so easy to earn money. Why didn't he think of letting his mother live a hard life in the past? He smiled bitterly and shook his head. But then again, with his current wealth, he wasn't really that rich. If he wanted to become a real rich man... Then he would have to work hard.    


Fann Binn originally wanted to continue researching the stock prices that had risen. But at this time, Liu Ting suddenly called him. She said she wanted him to go out and play with her. Fann Binn started to feel puzzled. He didn't know what was wrong with this young lady. She actually wanted him to go out and play with her? But later on, he heard that she was going to see a car and couldn't help but become interested, so he agreed.    


Fann Binn really liked vehicles like cars, which were much more advanced than his Phoenix bicycle. He also thought in his heart that when he made money in the future, he must go and buy a car. It was better to go and take a look now as experience.    


Liu Ting's red Buick quickly drove to the bottom of Fann Binn's house. Fann Binn quickly went downstairs and went in. Today, Liu Ting wore large brown sunglasses and a cute white T-shirt with a puppy print on it. She also wore a pair of red checkered shorts. She was young and beautiful. Fann Binn glanced at her and turned his face away. He didn't want any misunderstanding.    


The car started and Liu Ting quickly turned around and left this old neighborhood. She glanced at the silent Fann Binn out of the corner of her eye and chuckled. " Fann Binn, why do you look like you're on a pirate ship? Do you need to be so nervous? It's not like I'm going to eat you. "    


Fann Binn turned his head and said, somewhat speechless," Miss Liu, you're flattering yourself too much. It's not certain who will eat who. "    


"You shouldn't be talking about me. Be careful, I'll sue Faang Yixuan." Liu Ting stuck out her tongue. It was rare that she was in a good mood today and was not angered by Fann Binn's words.    


"Don't tell Faang Yixuan everything with your big mouth, okay? If you want to do this, I'll get out of the car right now." What Fann Binn hated the most was Liu Ting's big mouth. The last time he had gone shopping with Hwa Xinxin, she had told him to listen to Faang Yixuan. Up until now, his anger had not dissipated.    


"Hey, I'll say it again. I really don't have a big mouth. Believe it or not, it's up to you." Liu Ting retorted unhappily and sped up the car onto the street.    


Fann Binn snorted. Of course he didn't think it was true. But thinking about it, since the two of them had come out today, they could not keep bickering. If they were really going to fight, then what was the point of coming out to play? After thinking about it, he still said, "Don't you have a car? Why are you going to see a car today?"    


Seeing that Fann Binn had taken the initiative to change the topic, Liu Ting no longer argued, "Who says that I can't see a car if I have a car? This car belongs to my mother. I will be going to Jiangde after summer vacation, so I want to buy a new car."    


"What? You want to go to Jiangde? What are you doing? " Fann Binn was shocked by these words and suddenly jumped up. He said in a serious tone," Don't tell me... you want to go to Jiangde's No.1 Middle School in the second half of the semester? "    


"What? Only you are allowed to go, and I am not allowed to go?" Liu Ting looked very excited when she saw Fann Binn's deflated face. Her gloating expression made Fann Binn's teeth itch.    


"Why are you going? Don't tell me your results in Second Senior High aren't good enough for you?" Fann Binn was speechless. Why did this she-devil want to go to a high school with him? He did not want to see this unruly young lady all the time.    


"Tsk, what's so good about the Second Middle School? Yixuan went to Jiangde. I naturally have to go with her. Don't forget, I am Yixuan's best friend." Liu Ting glanced at Fann Binn with a smug look, as if it were only natural.    


Black lines appeared on Fann Binn's face. He really wanted to use his hands to strangle this beautiful daughter who was driving in front of him. Unfortunately, reason told him not to be impulsive. He really had a headache right now. Originally, he had fantasized about the pure and happy world between Faang Yixuan and himself. It seemed like it was going to be completely ruined again... With this unruly young lady's temper, it would be weird if she did not interfere!    


Liu Ting looked at the depressed Fann Binn, but she appeared extremely happy. She actually started to sing and hum a song. Fann Binn had been completely defeated by her. He put his face outside the window in an extremely bad mood and never looked at her again.    


The car quickly drove into the car shop in the new city area of Ping'an County. As it was a county-level car shop, there wasn't really a good car to admire. Fann Binn got out of the car and saw that there were only a few ordinary shops. He asked Liu Ting in confusion, "Miss Liu, your family is so rich. Why are you looking at cars in this poor county? Doesn't Jiangde have more good cars?"    


Liu Ting glanced at the car shop next to her and turned to say something to Fann Binn that almost made him crawl into the bottom of the car. "I'm here to look at ordinary cars. Good cars? My home is already full. It's too flashy and I don't want to drive. "    


Fann Binn wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and muttered, "So that's how it is..."    


After entering a few car shops, he saw that they were all domestic cars. Even a joint venture Volkswagen Buick was pitifully few, let alone a BMW Benz. Fann Binn was very interested in studying it. Liu Ting saw that he was so interested. She casually asked, "Fann Binn, you like cars so much. I'll ask my dad to give you a car?"    


"Ah?" Fann Binn shook his head when he heard that. "No need, no need. Your dad's money is not mine."    


"Look at you. If you want to buy it, my dad will definitely give it to you. Did you forget that you already have one-tenth of my father's shares in the Machinery Company?" Liu Ting waved her hand and said, "Don't worry. My father likes you so much, so buying a car is nothing. He even called out his most beloved daughter to accompany you... " When she said this, her eyes blinked and she immediately stopped talking.    


"What did you say?" Fann Binn immediately knew that something was wrong. He immediately understood everything. “ So it turns out that your father asked you to find an excuse to accompany me after all this time? I was wondering, how could you, Miss Liu, look at the low-class cars here? Hey, your dad really has good intentions. I really want to feel honored."    


"Don't say that about my dad. He's just afraid that you'll be bored at home alone. That's why he came up with this idea. Your injury just so happens to be... He just wanted you to come out and exercise more. He was kind enough to treat you like a donkey's liver and lungs. Hmph. " Liu Ting snorted coldly in dissatisfaction. Her pretty face was slightly red with embarrassment. Perhaps it was because she had said something wrong.    


Fann Binn shrugged speechlessly. His good mood instantly disappeared. He did not need the pity of others, nor did he need to send Miss Liu to accompany him. He looked at Liu Ting and said with a smile, "That's good. Esteemed Miss Liu, I think I have already come out. I have already played. Can I go back now?"    


"Hey, Fann Binn, why don't you look like a man at all? You don't even have a heart?" Liu Ting pouted unhappily when she heard Fann Binn's words. "I really don't know why Faang Yixuan likes a man like you."    


"I don't have a heart? Of course I don't have a heart for a woman like you." Fann Binn rolled his eyes at Liu Ting, turned around, and walked towards the parking lot.    


Liu Ting looked at his back and stomped her foot angrily. "Let's go, let's go. I don't know how to drive. Either you take the bus home yourself!"    


"Why would I be afraid of you?" Fann Binn muttered to himself and strode towards the bus station.    


"Fann Binn, you... You're pissing me off, you cheapskate!" Liu Ting's face was pink as she clenched her fists. It was as if she wanted to chase after Fann Binn and hit him on the back at any moment.    


At this time, Fann Binn and Liu Ting did not see that on the other side of the car store, a man suddenly revealed a faint sneer.    


"Hey, Fann Binn, come back. I can send you back." Liu Ting saw that Fann Binn was walking further and further away and ran out of the car store helplessly. She shouted at him, "Wait there. I'll drive over."    


Fann Binn ignored her and continued to walk forward. He did not want to have anything to do with a young lady like Liu Ting. If he had known at the beginning that she would invite him to see the car, it would have been because the Liu Kingdom was pitying him. Fann Binn wouldn't have come here.    


"Ah! What are you all doing? What are you doing! " Just as Fann Binn continued to walk forward without turning his head, Liu Ting suddenly let out a panicked scream from behind him." Fann Binn... Fann Binn, come and save me! "    


Fann Binn suddenly turned his head and narrowed his eyes to block the sunlight. He saw Liu Ting, whose neck was being held by a strong man with a painful expression. This time, his face turned ashen and he immediately charged toward Liu Ting.    


" What are you doing? Let go of her! " How could Fann Binn know where this man came from? He dared to grab Liu Ting and not let her go in a place like this. He saw the sinister smile on the brawny man's face, but Fann Binn was sure that he did not know him at all.    


Liu Ting continuously struggled to get rid of the brawny man's thick arms behind her. However, how could she, the heiress, be able to fight this kind of person? It was very obvious that she was doing useless work.    


Fann Binn ran over with large strides. He really didn't understand. How could this fellow dare to arrest someone so brazenly? When he was more than ten steps away from Liu Ting, a black figure suddenly rushed over from the side. Before Fann Binn could react in time, he discovered that he had been ruthlessly smashed by someone. He fell heavily to the ground, dizzy from seeing stars.    


If it was Fann Binn from a month ago, perhaps he wouldn't care about such a violent collision at all. But now it was different. Why? Because he had been shot in his left shoulder. He had just been removed from the hospital not long ago. The wound would not heal so quickly.    


The intense pain in his left shoulder made him clench his teeth and let out a cry of pain. Liu Ting, who was watching from the side, also screamed in fear. Tears rolled down her face. Fann Binn really did not understand why his luck was so good. How long had it been since he met a murderer who had escaped death? Where did this happen again? Kidnapping? Or robbery?    


"Hehe, little bastard, we meet again." Just as Fann Binn was trying hard to shake his head to keep himself awake, he suddenly heard a familiar cold laugh. "This world is really small, even I am surprised. I actually met you here. Does the heavens want me to get even with you? "    


Fann Binn tried his best to raise his head. Following the sunlight, he saw the person standing not far away from him smoking a cigarette. The bald man's heart immediately sank. This guy was not someone else. He was actually the one who flirted with women on the bus last time and plotted against him. He wanted to take liberties with Faang Yixuan at the clothing store, but was chased away by the bald gangster. Heimu.    


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