System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C6 Can't You be a Bit More Healthy?

C6 Can't You be a Bit More Healthy?

4"Then how are you going to thank me? Will you marry me? " Fann Binn's sudden words scared Faang Yixuan so much that she almost jumped up from her chair.    3


"What... what did you say?" Faang Yixuan could not believe her ears.    


"Haha, don't be nervous. It was just a joke." Fann Binn stopped and said, "There's no need to thank me. I don't like to express it verbally. Those are all false."    


"Then, then how do you want me to thank you?" Faang Yixuan lightly bit her pink lips. She was obviously very shy. For a bad student like Fann Binn, she normally would not come into contact with him at all. So when she sat there, it had already made many of the students' jaws drop. They whispered among themselves. How could this not make her feel embarrassed?    


"How can I thank you? Hehe, then I really never thought about it." Fann Binn was not stupid enough to ask her to marry him. He smiled and wanted to refuse. Suddenly... A flash of inspiration. That's right, wasn't he just worrying about how to differentiate the answer from the treasure's analysis? Since that's the case, although my results aren't good, as long as I study some formulas through hard work... Then wouldn't I know how to choose? And in order to study, I naturally need other people's help. Isn't the Faang Yixuan in front of me the best candidate?    


Thinking up to this point, Fann Binn coughed lightly and said, "About that, if you don't mind, I really have something I want to ask you for help with."    


"Go ahead. As long as I can do it." Faang Yixuan was a little nervous. Obviously, she was afraid that Fann Binn would ask her to marry him again.    


"It's like this. I'm not afraid that you will laugh at me. Actually, I want to..." Fann Binn was a little embarrassed when he said this. After all, this did not seem to come from the mouth of a bad student who did not know anything. However, he gritted his teeth and still said, "I want to treat you to be my tutor."    


"Huh?" Faang Yixuan looked at Fann Binn in surprise. She did not expect him to say this. Although she felt shocked, this request was undoubtedly what she could do. She quickly nodded her head and said, "Okay, okay."    


"Thank you, thank you so much." Fann Binn was very excited. Among all the subjects, the only ones that needed formulas were mathematics and physics chemistry. As long as he could remember these three formulas, he could become a student with excellent results!    


"Haha, you just said that you don't like to express your gratitude verbally." After Faang Yixuan finished speaking, she stood up from the chair and said, "You, don't sleep during the next self-study session. If you have questions you don't understand, come and find me. I will answer them for you at any time."    


Fann Binn quickly nodded his head in agreement and watched Faang Yixuan leave the empty seat beside him. Although Faang Yixuan was wearing her school uniform today, a beauty was still a beauty. That graceful figure was still very attractive, causing him to be unable to help but have some distracting thoughts. But very quickly, he broke out in cold sweat and stopped his thoughts. Afraid that the precious golden needle at the back of his head misunderstood and wanted to help him peep again.    


"Fann Binn, alright. I really can't tell that you are also able to talk to the class flower." Just as Faang Yixuan returned to her seat, Hu Li in the front row suddenly turned his head and said with a somewhat ambiguous smile, "How far has it progressed?"    


Fann Binn rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say, "I say, can you be a little healthier? I have the purest friendship with the flower of our class, do you understand?"    


"Tsk tsk, come on, there's still pure friendship between men and women? It's more like you're lying to a ghost." Hu Li said in disdain. "F * ck, seriously speaking. I advise you not to have any thoughts about Faang Yixuan." Hu Li looked mysteriously at the side a few times before saying softly. " Do you know that our class's student council member, Zheng Jian, has always liked her? This kid's family is amazing. His father is the secretary of the county's disciplinary committee. You dare to snatch a woman from him? Be careful, you won't even know how you die! "    


" Zheng Jian? He likes Faang Yixuan?" Fann Binn widened his eyes. He clearly did not believe it. "You won't lie to me, right? I have never seen Faang Yixuan and Zheng Jian talk before."    


"Hey, don't you see who I am?" Hu Li continued to report proudly," That old man of my family often has to curry favor with the Zheng family when he has matters to attend to. He knows that the Fang family and the Zheng family have been in an old relationship for many years. I heard that Faang Yixuan and Zheng Jian's parents seem to be interested in matchmaking. Father said that he had seen Zheng Jian and his parents go to Faang Yixuan's house several times. "    


Hearing this, Fann Binn gradually felt uncomfortable in his heart. But soon, he laughed self-deprecatingly." What does this have to do with me? I'm not a rotten toad. Do you still want to eat swan meat? "    


"It's good that you know. As a friend, I just want to remind you. Don't get too deeply involved. Don't get into trouble." Hu Li patted Fann Binn's shoulder and said earnestly, "This world is too realistic. Without strength, a beauty will not throw herself into your arms."    


Fann Binn didn't say anything. He knew very well how much weight he had. Faang Yixuan was just a dream that was out of his reach. Hu Li made him understand this point clearly once again.    


Fann Binn spent this day in a daze, even though he said it didn't matter. But there's still a little bit of disappointment in my heart. He felt that this world was really unfair. Why did those rich and powerful people get what they wanted so easily? But ordinary people like him often craved for nothing.    


Faang Yixuan's beauty made him captivated, but he had to give up. It was not that he was really afraid of Zheng Jian, but that she might not have any good impression of him, a poor kid. He also absolutely believed that he could not get close to the daughter of a rich family.    


Just like that, after class, Fann Binn tidied up his mood and played two sets of pool with Hu Li on the table by the roadside before riding back home.    


As soon as they entered the door, Fann Binn heard his mother cooking. His mother's job was usually to make second and third shifts. His mother, who was resting today, would naturally prepare dinner for him.    


"Mom, don't be busy. Just eat something." Fann Binn always felt especially warm towards his mother's heartache for him. Perhaps this family was very poor, but his mother's love for him always existed.    


"Little Bin, school is over? I just finished cooking." His mother carried the dishes out of the kitchen with a smile on her face. She was only over forty years old, but she already had white hair. The hard work made the skin on her face turn yellow and aged. All of this was because she had a son she had to raise.    


Looking at the good dishes on the old dining table, Fann Binn had an impulse to choke. But life was like lust. If he couldn't resist, he had to silently bear it. Fann Binn was enduring it. His mother was also enduring it.    


"Mom, don't cook these good dishes in the future. It's a waste." Fann Binn felt that his face was a little red. He didn't dare to raise his head and directly picked up the white rice he had taken to sit on the chair and stuffed it into his mouth.    


"Little Bin, you are about to take the middle school examination. I heard from Auntie Hua next door that... You must grasp the nutrition before the examination. You must not neglect it to affect your performance." Her mother placed the steaming braised carp in front of Fann Binn and smiled. " Eat your son quickly. Eat the fish to replenish your brain. You will get good results."    


"Mom..." Fann Binn looked at the millet porridge in his mother's bowl and the two leftover dishes beside her. He did not know why, but... Every time at this moment, he would have the thought of making a name for himself. But usually, after leaving his home, he would forget everything. Perhaps, this was called puberty rebellion?    


"Oh right, Little Bin, have you been studying hard recently?" His mother said happily, "Today, Xin Xin told me that you can do many of the questions she gave you. She was praising you for being smart."    


"Uh..." When Fann Binn heard this, he immediately swallowed the food in his mouth. He almost choked on his anger. He finally managed to knock on his chest with great difficulty to calm himself down, and only then did he say perfunctorily, " Hehe, there's no need to take the middle school exams. You have to work harder. "    


"Yes, that's right." His mother appeared very happy. "Son, your father and I have already discussed this. As long as you can get a decent result, he will be able to help you spend money to buy into the Second Senior High School."    


When he heard his mother mention his father, Fann Binn's body suddenly trembled. His face was filled with a cold smile as he said, "Why would he be so kind?"    


"I promise him that as long as you can get into the Heavy High School, he will be exempted from the maintenance fees for the remaining two years."    


"What?! Mom, how can you do that? Don't you know how poor your family is?" Fann Binn was dumbfounded when he heard that. Two years of pension. That was a huge expense for the family. His mother did not have that money. How could she live like that?    


"So what if she is poor? As long as he clenches his teeth, he will be able to survive." Her mother did not seem worried at all. She said with relief, "As long as you can enter a key high school to study, I'll die in peace..."    


Fann Binn was touched. Other than being touched, he could not say anything else. The heavy burden and painful memories that this family had brought him disappeared completely at this moment because of his mother's firm words. He raised his chopsticks in a daze, staring blankly at his mother, who had brought him up with great difficulty. Finally, his heart was knocked over like a five-flavored bottle.    


"Mom, don't worry. I will definitely get into a high school and let you take a look!" For the first time, Fann Binn's eyes were filled with determination. In these two years of his lazy life, for the first time in his life, he steeled his heart and made a decision. "I don't need that bastard to buy it for me. I will rely on my own strength to get into the Second Senior High School!"    


"Okay, Mom believes in you." Tears flashed in her mother's eyes. This was also the first time she felt that her son had really grown up...    


All the grievances and repressed feelings in Fann Binn's heart were finally released and vented because of this firm promise. At this moment, he really understood a lot. It turned out that a person could not choose to escape forever. As the only man in the family... Not only did he have to fight for honor for his mother, but he also had to fight for it. He must not be looked down upon by others! He finally understood how ridiculous his thoughts were in the past. If he could not choose to escape, then he must face it bravely!    


Wasn't it just a matter of how important it was? Wasn't it just high school exams? What was so difficult about it! Furthermore, he had the magical golden needle in the back of his head, which made it much easier for him to achieve twice the result with half the effort. It made him full of confidence. He could completely ignore the gossips of others, but his mother cared. For his mother, he had to make everyone look at him in a different light!    


After eating the rice in his bowl, Fann Binn turned around and walked into his room in a daze. This was his heart-wrenching venting, and also his farewell to the past. Only after obtaining the golden needle did he realize how much he desired this world!    


He yearned to have Faang Yixuan. He yearned to have money to let his mother live a happy life. He yearned to have the respect and admiration of others! From today onwards, he wanted to have everything that belonged to him. He wanted to have everything that he wanted!    


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