Ancient Ancestral Gods



4In the vast and cold starry sky, Xiao Fan held the middle-aged supreme being in one hand and looked down at the Winged Dragon Star that was being burnt by the Nine Thunder Nirvana Fire.    


The middle-aged Martial Saint's face was filled with fear, his expression distorted.    


As he looked at the planet that was disappearing, his gaze swept across Xiao Fan's face, making him even more terrified.    


The middle-aged Zhi Zun had never thought that there would be such a terrifying Zhi Zun like Xiao Fan in the lower realms.    


Despair and fear filled his heart, death was unavoidable. The entire planet had been destroyed, the ancestors of the Winged Green Serpent Clan had been destroyed, and countless Winged Green Serpent Clan had died in an instant.    


"You don't seem to know who I am. When your master gave you the mission, he didn't tell you who to attack." Xiao Fan said as he calmly stared at the middle-aged Zhi Zun.    


"I have no idea. We will do as we're told, no need to ask too much!" The middle-aged supreme being gasped for breath with difficulty as he answered anxiously.    


He did not know what kind of background he was going to attack, so he did not dare to ask too many questions.    


As a subordinate, it was sufficient for him to listen to orders and do things loyally.    


Xiao Fan's inquiry could only prove one thing, the people from the lower realms who were being ordered to kill, were mostly related to Xiao Fan.    


Even the middle-aged Paragon could never have imagined that such a terrifying Paragon would be involved.    


However, this terror was only to him. To his master, it should still be too weak, unable to withstand a single blow.    


"Fine, since you don't know my identity, then forget about it. However, I think I know your identity!" Xiao Fan asked, "You are from the Divine Sect. A year ago, did the upper echelons of the Divine Sect order you to go to the lower realms to carry out a mission?"    


"I don't know what you're talking about." The middle-aged Zhi Zun denied firmly and asked puzzledly, "How did you get down here? And you're even the real body?! This kind of thing shouldn't happen!"    


Although his life was in danger, the loyalty he felt in his heart prevented the middle-aged Paragon from admitting to it. He could not admit to himself that he had betrayed his master.    


Xiao Fan was an extremely terrifying Zhi Zun.    


In the Immortal World, it was extremely hard for one to use one's will to form clones in the lower realms.    


In order to reach the lower level, one had to open a spatial crack and build a safe passage. Opening a spatial crack and maintaining the stability of the passage required a tremendous amount of energy.    


Only those with great power would have the ability to use such a large amount of effort to open up a passage of time and space to the lower realm.    


This space channel was located in a spatial crack, so it was not stable. If a powerful Martial Saint came down, the tunnel would collapse under the pressure, and the people inside would die.    


Even if it was a low level Martial Saint, once the original body entered the passageway, their powerful energy aura would easily cause the passage to collapse. They could only use their mind avatar to descend.    


The mind clone was much weaker than the original body. It was relatively safe to enter the tunnel. Even if the tunnel collapsed, it wouldn't deal much damage to the original body.    


Thus, it could be said that it was impossible for the original bodies of the Immortal World's people to come down here.    


However, the Xiao Fan in front of him was indeed this sovereign, and not a clone.    


The middle-aged Zhi Zun found it hard to understand and it was hard to imagine how Xiao Fan had gotten down there.    


His master was a supreme power behind him, so he didn't have the ability to have the original body of a Martial Saint descend into the lower realms.    


"You don't need to know. I just have the ability!" Xiao Fan calmly said: "I know that you are someone that came from a Divine Sect. Although Ao Wuhen is unable to kill me, he used such a despicable method to send people to the lower realms to kill my family and friends.    


Even without the middle-aged Zhi Zun admitting it, he was certain that it was the Divine Sect's doing.    


In the entire Immortal Realm, other than Xin Er, Spirit City, Jiang Yan and Jiang Yun, only Ao Wuhen knew that he had went up from the lower realms.    


A year ago, the clone of this middle-aged Zhi Zun had descended on Winged Green Serpent Clan and started the operation to strangle the Ancestral God Alliance.    


Coincidentally, a year ago, it was the first time he had fought against Ao Wuhen's clone head on, and he had escaped defeat.    


When the middle-aged man heard Xiao Fan's words, he was shocked and in extreme pain.    


Ao Wuhen was a legendary figure of the Divine Sect, and was extremely powerful. It was rumored that even the sect master couldn't be compared to Ao Wuhen.    


If Ao Wuhen was not able to kill Xiao Fan, it showed how terrifying his true strength was.    


Xiao Fan could clearly see the change in the middle-aged Zhi Zun, everything was within his expectations.    


"Don't worry, and don't be afraid. I won't let you die. I will make you go back and receive your rewards!" As soon as Xiao Fan finished speaking, a Brand of Faith appeared in his hands. It was bright and resplendent as it entered the mind of the middle-aged Zhi Zun.    


In the blink of an eye, the middle-aged Paragon felt as if he had experienced an unfathomable tribulation. He was in incomparable pain, and cold sweat poured down his face.    


In the next moment, the pained expression on the middle-aged Zhi Zun's face disappeared, and was replaced with endless joy and respect for Xiao Fan.    


"Good. Li Yan, you can go back now. Say that the mission to go down into the world has been completed and not a single fish has escaped the net!"    


Xiao Fan waved his hand, and a ray of light energy entered the middle-aged Zhi Zun's mind, an image of an enemy being killed appeared in his mind.    


In those scenes, Xiao Fan's mother, two older brothers, older sisters, and all of his good friends were killed one after another.    


The image in Li Yan's mind was an illusion created by Xiao Fan, so that when Li Yan returned, he would be able to perfectly cover up the differences.    


Since Ao Wuhen and the people from the Divine Sect had come down to kill his family, they must have prepared well in order to deal with him.    


Just give Ao Wuhen and the Divine Sect the result they wanted, and let Li Yan bring it back to deceive the truth.    


Since the other party wanted to play, he might as well.    


Li Yan, as the lowest level manager of the Divine Sect, would definitely receive a reward and his status would definitely rise after completing this mission.    


In the Divine Sect, it could be said that he had a pair of small eyes.    


"Yes, God!" Li Yan replied respectfully.    


"Alright, let's go back!" Xiao Fan said: "I will not treat you unfairly in the future!"    


Li Yan left for the Immortal World while Xiao Fan returned to the 9th star region.    


Winged Green Serpent Clan's lair had been completely destroyed, all of the core elites had been killed, and the only people left in the universe were the people who were sent to the Ancestral God Alliance to be tidied up.    


However, the Tai Yi Immortal School s of the ninth star field had not been annihilated. This time, when they returned, they should have exterminated this sect.    


The Winged Flood Dragon star was destroyed and the core elites of the Winged Green Serpent Clan were destroyed. For the time being, no one had been able to detect it.    


In the entire universe, everyone was still in the midst of Winged Green Serpent Clan and Tai Yi Immortal School killing them.    


The entire sect was in a state of extreme excitement at the ninth star region's Crimson Flame Star, where the Tai Yi Immortal School's headquarters was located.    


The humiliation from back then could finally be recovered today.    


In the central hall of the Tai Yi Immortal School, the core members of the Tai Yi Immortal School were gathered there. The Chief Elder, Cui Yunjian, was presiding over a large conference, a Great Trial.    


In the great hall, not only were there core members of the Tai Yi Immortal School, but there were also outsiders.    


"Zhao Jing, you brought the two little girls here today. It's too late!" Cui Yunjian spoke coldly to the Celestial Pavilion's Pavilion Master, Zhao Jing, who was kneeling on the ground.    


Other than Zhao Jing, there were two other beautiful and lively fairies kneeling on the ground. Behind them were a few Celestial Pavilion disciples who had followed them as well.    


"Elder Cui, this is too much. No matter what, I am the master of a pavilion, and the master of a Celestial Pavilion, you have tied me up!" Zhao Jing roared in anger, "Don't go overboard with your Tai Yi Immortal School!"    


Zhao Jing was extremely angry. As the master of a powerful force, he was forced to kneel in the great hall of the Tai Yi Immortal School, just like a prisoner.    


What Tai Yi Immortal School had done was a humiliation to him, a humiliation to Celestial Pavilion.    


If today's matter were to spread out, how could they meet people, how could the Celestial Pavilion stand in the universe.    


"This is too much, how can I not feel that this is too much, I already gave enough face to the Celestial Pavilion if I don't kill you immediately!"    


"Knowing that we are going to launch the final battle against the Ancestral God Alliance, you panicked. You wanted to use two girls to please us, and since you want to please us, why didn't you send them over earlier? I know that you have been imprisoning these two girls in the Celestial Pavilion all this time!"    


"For a fence-sitter like you, you really don't have much dignity to give. Other than looking down on you, there's nothing else but disdain!"    


"As for our Tai Yi Immortal School going too far, you are wrong, it is not that we go too far, it is that we go too far, it is that we go too far." As for our Tai Yi Immortal School going too far, you are wrong, it is not going too far. Cui Yun Jian taunted him coldly.    


Zhao Jing had brought two girls from the Ancestral God Alliance here today in order to curry favor with the Tai Yi Immortal School. Unfortunately, they refused to accept him.    


One of the two girls was Xia Youyou and the other was Si Yue. Their status in the Ancestral God Alliance was not considered too low.    


According to common sense, if Zhao Jing brought two girls here to claim credit, then he would have given them a quick death and let Zhao Jing gnaw on them.    


In reality, Xia Youyou and Si Yue had already been imprisoned by Zhao Jing for a long time. Seeing that the Ancestral God Alliance was about to be annihilated, they had brought two girls here to seek credit.    


A fence-sitter like Zhao Jing swayed in the wind. Whichever side was strong would show their goodwill. No one would think highly of such a person.    


The current Tai Yi Immortal School was especially strong, so it was easy to destroy them. There was no need for a fence-sitter like Zhao Jing to curry favor with them, they could be destroyed at any time they wanted to.    


"Hehe!" "Zhao Jing, that year you sold me once, and today you sell me again. You really disappoint me and completely disappoint me. It's better if you die, it's a shame that you're still alive!" Xia Youyou who was at the side had a face full of crispness, her eyes filled with disdain.    


Back then, in order to not infuriate the Winged Green Serpent Clan, Zhao Jing had wanted to hand her over to him.    


Fortunately Xiao Fan had appeared in time to take her away, leaving the Celestial Pavilion behind.    


One year ago, the Winged Green Serpent Clan and the Tai Yi Immortal School were about to make a move on the Alliance of Ancestral Gods. She and Si Yue were out sightseeing when they coincidentally ran into Zhao Jing.    


Seeing that the Ancestral God Alliance was about to be annihilated, in order to curry favor with the Tai Yi Immortal School, he sold her once again.    


"I really suspect that you are relying on selling your father and mother to become the pavilion master of the Celestial Pavilion. Shameful!" Si Yue said angrily.    


"See, even two girls look down on you, how failed are you as a person!" Cui Yun Jian coldly ridiculed: "From today onwards, our Tai Yi Immortal School can command the universe, and your Celestial Pavilion, on account of you kneeling here today, might be able to escape this calamity!"    


"You, you can't do this!" Zhao Jing glared furiously at Cui Yunjian.    


Cui Yun Jian wanted to humiliate him to the world, the safety of Celestial Pavilion was something he had to kneel for.    


With a soft hat on his head, his reputation in life was over.    


"No, why can't I? In front of absolute strength, my Tai Yi Immortal School can do whatever she wants, even the most powerful Elder God Alliance and the Heavenly Dao Academy have been conquered by us. What else can't we do, hahaha!" Cui Yunjian laughed out loud.    


"Is that so? Your Tai Yi Immortal School is so impressive! "    


An ice-cold voice came out from the hall, shocking everyone. A light flashed in the hall, and one person appeared, standing in front of Xia Youyou and Si Yue.    


"It's you!" How could you be here? When Cui Yun Jian saw Xiao Fan appear, he was shocked, but he also felt that it was unbelievable.    


The person who just appeared looked exactly like Xiao Fan, but Xiao Fan had flown into the Immortal World, so he shouldn't be here.    


Inside the palace, those who had seen Xiao Fan all those years ago all paled in shock.    


"You're not mistaken!" Xiao Fan ignored everyone in the hall, he looked at Xia Youyou and Si Yue, and two rays of light shot into their bodies, in an instant the two of them recovered back to normal, their faces turning red, their faces filled with surprise and joy.    


That familiar person had returned, and the eyes of the two wronged fairies were red as they shed tears.    


"Humph!" "So what if you come back, you will still die!" Cui Yunjian quickly calmed the shock in his heart, recovered his proud demeanor, and said fiercely.    


"When I was on the Winged Flood Dragon planet, Yan Taihong told me the same thing. After that, the entire Giant Flood Dragon Star was destroyed by me, and all the core elites of the Winged Green Serpent Clan were destroyed by me!"    


"Since you, Cui Yun, have said the same thing, then it's your turn Tai Yi Immortal School to reunite with your old brother Qin Wenjian!"    


Xiao Fan extended his hand out, releasing light that shot in all directions, grabbing towards Cui Yun Sword.    


Xiao Fan had destroyed the Winged Flood Dragon, destroyed the core elite of Winged Green Serpent Clan, and killed even his Sect Leader, Qin Wenjian.    


Cui Yunjian found it hard to accept the unexpected and hopeless outcome.    


But he didn't even have the time to accept it. Before he could even make a sound of despair, his body was crushed by Xiao Fan's palm.    


All the core members of the Tai Yi Immortal School s in the hall had terrified expressions, and their entire bodies were trembling violently.    


Xiao Fan did not stop, rays of energy shot out from his hands.     0


When those rays of light shot out, each ray of light was like a sharp blade that reaped life ?    


Wherever it went, whoever was hit by the light would instantly turn into fine powder.    


In the blink of an eye, other than the Pavilion Masters and disciples of the Celestial Pavilion who were still kneeling on the ground, the rest of the core figures of the Tai Yi Immortal School, who were already so frightened that they could not close their eyes, had all died.    


"Zhao Jing, let's just forget about today's matter. You Celestial Pavilion, take care of yourselves. You two little girls, let's go!" Xiao Fan warned Zhao Jing and pulled Xia Youyou and Si Yue. A ball of light surrounded the three of them and they disappeared in the next moment.    


"How is this possible? How is it possible for him to return? He killed all of the core members of the hall in an instant, and even the Winged Green Serpent Clan's lair was destroyed!" Zhao Jing woke up from his stupor and took a deep breath. His heart was beating rapidly, and he had a terrified expression on his face.    


Xiao Fan returned. With a wave of his hand, all of the core elites of Tai Yi Immortal School were annihilated. He was simply too terrifying.    


The aura on Xiao Fan's body made him feel as if he was an ant.    


The elites of the Tai Yi Immortal School were annihilated by Xiao Fan. Even the nest of their ancestors was destroyed.    


The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Fortunately, the Celestial Pavilion had never done anything too excessive to the Ancestral God Alliance, otherwise, his entire clan would have been exterminated and exterminated by Xiao Fan.    


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