Ancient Ancestral Gods

C777 Truth be told, the battle between the gods had begun!

C777 Truth be told, the battle between the gods had begun!

4"It seems like the general director has really decided to kill!"    


"That's right, he did move!"    


"Whoever lies is unlucky. Just you wait!"    


As everyone was discussing, General Manager Levi's ordinary sentence was filled with killing intent.    


No one in power would tolerate an intruder.    


Now that the High Lord was in closed door cultivation, the General Manager Levi had the authority to handle all matters.    


Adding on the fact that General Manager Levi was a righteous and selfless person, it made this matter even more interesting.    


If Xiao Fan lied, then when it was proven, the only road left for him was death.    


If the Huangfu and Ye Families were lying, then these two families would be the unlucky ones.    


Although the General Manager Levi was related to the Huangfu Family, his integrity did not favor the Huangfu Family.    


The excitement of this scene became even more intense. After all, the Huangfu family had concealed from him what they shouldn't have done.    


Everyone was discussing while Xiao Fan stood there smiling.    


Everyone could testify to this in public. Even if the general director wanted to practice favoritism, it would be difficult.    


On the other hand, the Huangfu and Ye Family elders pretended to be very calm and composed on purpose, but in their hearts, they were extremely conflicted, anxious, and afraid.    


They had lied, and the fault lay with them. If they succeeded in obtaining evidence, then the moment of misfortune would come.    


At this moment, even if the two of them wanted to escape, there was nothing they could do. Doing that would simply prove that they had done something wrong.    


They were waiting, but there was still a trace of a fantasy in their hearts, a fantasy that they would not succeed in obtaining evidence.    


After anxiously waiting for a while, the person that was sent to take the evidence returned.    


It was a middle aged man, and his Qi was equally strong, comparable to Zhang Li's.    


"Reporting to the general director, after careful examination, it was indeed the Huangfu and Ye Family who set up this killing trap. It seems to have something to do with the intruder!" The middle-aged man replied seriously, "The following is what happened during the restoration process!"    


The middle aged man's palm flickered with light and a burst of immortal power shot out into the air. A screen appeared, and the content within it was the entire process from the start of the transaction to Xiao Fan's escape.    


Even if he really was an intruder, he should immediately report this to the High Lord Palace, and have me capture him, it is not time for you to act on your own, furthermore, you have no right to kill people in the city, you have committed a heinous crime! The general director's solemn voice carried anger as he scolded the two old men.    


He already knew a part of the truth. The matters on the royal family's mountain was indeed set up by the two families to kill Xiao Fan.    


Simply without the High Lord Palace's permission, killing people in the city was a huge crime.    


The Huangfu and Ye Families disregarded the rules, disregarded the High Lord Palace, and disregarded his power as the general director.    


"General director, we want to deal with this intruder as soon as possible. He's too crafty!" Huangfu Haoyue explained to General Manager Levi with a panicked expression.    


"Yes, general director. For the sake of the small world's safety and to eliminate this tumor, to prevent it from escaping after receiving the news, we can only act on our own. I hope general director can understand this!" The Ye family's old man also quickly explained.    


The general director was enraged. That was a terrifying situation.    


If they were angry, it was very likely that they would be killed without a sound.    


In order to survive, they could only try their best to distort the explanation of the truth and make the general director believe them.    


"That sounds good. According to your explanations, it seems like you have rendered meritorious services. However, from what I hear, your actions are an insult to the High Lord Palace and a belittlement to me!"    


"Could it be that you all think that by notifying the High Lord Palace ahead of time, this general director will allow an intruder to slip away, or that you two have set a trap for us? You all are really trying to silence us by killing us!" The general director angrily said, "Your actions are looking down on the High Lords. You deserve punishment!"    


The furious General Manager Levi raised his hand and two blazing and resplendent handprints came out.    


Without waiting for the two old men to react, they were struck in the chest, causing their entire chest to cave in as they vomited blood and fell to the ground.    


"The general director is truly terrifying. It's a good thing that nothing happened!" Xiao Fan was secretly shocked in his heart.    


General Manager Levi's strength was very terrifying, he did not react when he punished the two old masters just now.    


If the General Manager Levi found out about his true identity, he really wouldn't have the chance to escape.    


Fortunately, something unfavorable to him did not happen, or else his situation would have been even more dangerous.    


"It really is the work of these two guilds. They're shouting for the thieves to be caught!"    


"It's most likely a thief calling for a thief to capture him or setting a killing trap for him in the capital behind his back. He does indeed seem a little guilty of being a thief!"    


"The general director is truly impartial. That old man from the Huangfu clan also took quite a hit!"    


The enraged general director had already sent down a temporary punishment, beating down the old masters of the two families and severely injuring them.    


Speaking of which, the two families couldn't blame anyone but themselves.    


Besides, based on the current situation, the two guilds had probably set up a killing trap to cover up the truth.    


If not, the two families could report it to the High Lord Palace and wait for the general director to decide on the operation.    


Even if the two families were to be afraid of Xiao Fan escaping after receiving the news, they would have set up a killing trap for the High Lord Palace to find out.    


Half of the truth has already been solved, and the other half can wait for Zhang Li, who went to the Mizar City area to gather evidence to return, to completely unravel the truth.    


"Men, put them in prison. Notify the Huangfu and Ye Family Patriarchs to come to High Lord Palace!" General Manager Levi ordered the guards.    


The guards took the two old men, Huangfu and Ye Family, into the prison of High Lord Palace.    


But Xiao Fan was not put in jail, and was taken away by the General Manager Levi.    


For a moment, everyone felt that the truth had already been revealed, because Xiao Fan was not put in jail, and was brought away by the General Manager Levi.    


Xiao Fan was not wrong, the ones at fault were the Huangfu and Ye Family.    


Among the High Lord Palace s, Xiao Fan followed the General Manager Levi to the main palace hall.    


He did not know what the General Manager Levi wanted to do to him, nor did he know what it wanted to do to him.    


He did not feel any killing intent from the General Manager Levi, so this could be considered a good thing.    


Although the matters today have not yet been properly investigated, your crimes should be as grave as those two old men's, or perhaps even more severe. After all, you killed two people in front of the High Lord Palace. The General Manager Levi calmly stared at Xiao Fan and said: "Do you know why, why I didn't punish you for taking you in?!"    


"If you really want me to explain, then there are only two things. Firstly, although the truth of the matter has yet to be completely proven, with the wisdom of the general director, he already has the answer in his heart, and everything that I said are all true. Huangfu Shenghua and Ye Tianze had secretly stashed away the intruders, and they even set up a trap to kill me.    


Secondly, I think that I already obtained the talisman to enter the Path of Void, you didn't punish me. Even if I did commit a grave mistake, I'm afraid that you wouldn't kill me. Xiao Fan explained.    


"You are very smart, and your potential is also very strong!" General Manager Levi praised: "I really can't touch you. It's indeed because of the second reason, the value of your life is greater than death's. We need you!"    


"Is it because of the matter of the Void?" Xiao Fan asked.    


"This is indeed related to the godly void. We need a large number of truly intelligent and capable people to be able to accomplish such a great feat!" The general director said, "Specific matters. The only important thing to do right now is to train in the War of Gods and increase your strength. I believe that if you enter once, there will be a huge change! "    


"Thank you for the care of High Lords and the general director. I will work hard!" Xiao Fan smiled in gratitude.    


He did not know what major event was going to happen in the Divine Void, nor did he know the purpose of General Manager Levi and his group, but when it came to Xiao Zhe, no good things happened.    


However, he still had to go to the battlefield of the gods. Experiencing and tempering himself would be of great benefit to his strength.    


"Since you're talking about the Divine Void, I have to tell you something. In the War of Gods, it's not just us who are entering the seventh minor world, but also others from other minor worlds. After entering, not only will you face the threat of the World of Gods itself, you will also have to face the attacks of others!"    


"Also, you've used several divine rank cultivation techniques today. This will be a threat to you as well. I'm afraid some greedy people will attack you from the inside!" The General Manager Levi reminded.    


"Thank you, general director. I will take care of this matter!" Xiao Fan said with gratitude once again.    


"Alright, you can go back now. I will take care of the rest myself. The battle between the gods will begin in the next few days. Prepare yourself!" The General Manager Levi said.    


"Then I'll take my leave first!" Xiao Fan left the main palace hall and returned to the southern region of the city.    


The war between the gods was about to begin in a few days, so he really should make some preparations.    


In the War of the Gods, the danger factor had greatly increased.    


Not only did he have to face the threats in the battlefield of the gods, he also had to face the threats by his side.    


Today, he had set up a trap between the Huangfu and Ye Families, and two of the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation had died. Today, he had set up a trap between the Huangfu and Ye Families, and two of the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation had died.    


In addition, those greedy people would also want his divine rank cultivation method, so they would act against him.    


He was not afraid of danger and had already anticipated it.    


Before entering, he really should take care of the things around him.    


When he returned to the residence, Xin Er, who had a face full of worry and fear, finally relaxed and revealed a sweet smile.    


The matter had already reached the High Lord Palace. Fortunately, Xiao Fan was safe and had returned.    


Xiao Fan gave Xin Er a deep kiss, and without saying a word, Xiao Fan opened the gate of time and space and left the seventh small world.    


The battle between the gods was about to begin. With Xin Er's strength, he couldn't bring him in.    


He left the seventh small world and was also worried about leaving Xin Er in the seventh small world, so he could only send Xin Er back to his small world.    


's sudden appearance in the Zhi Zun Palace made Li Jing and Spirit City happy.    


The two had also left for quite some time before returning.    


"Spirit City, Li Jing, this is a million Spirit Level Deity Source, you two take half each!" Xiao Fan took out a embroidered box that contained a million Divine Spirit Deity Source, and instructed the two of them: "The two of you, take a fifth each, leave the rest for me to groom other trusted subordinates!"    


"One million Divine Spirit level Deity Source. Oh my god, how long have you been gone for?!" Spirit City exclaimed.    


"A million Divine level Deity Source!" Li Jing was also surprised and amazed beyond his expectations.    


This time, when Xiao Fan returned, he actually took out a million Divine Spirit Deity Source s in an instant.    


Based on their current understanding, there was a huge lack of ordinary Deity Source in the entire small world, not to mention Divine level Deity Source.    


"Two hundred thousand spirit Deity Source per person is enough for the two of you to enter the Sovereign Realm and you can still hold on for a long period of time. The rest will be rewarded based on loyalty and contribution!" Xiao Fan instructed: "I still have other matters to take care of, you guys properly manage this place!"    


After saying that, Xiao Fan once again opened the spatial door, and brought Xin Er back to Hongmeng Heaven Alliance.    


Jiang Yun was right inside the Hongmeng Heaven Alliance, he needed Jiang Yun's help to solve the problem of Xin Er's slow cultivation.    


It had been more than eleven years. When he returned to the Hongmeng Heaven Alliance, Xiao Fan had already seen a completely different Heavenly Alliance.    


Although compared to the truly powerful forces, they were still very weak, but they were already much stronger than when he left. Just the number of people in the celestial sovereign was not less than a thousand, and there were even more than a dozen Innates present.    


As the previous Alliance Master, the current Chief Elder, Tian Yi, had already entered the realm of Second Order Supreme Elder.    


With Jiang Yun's guidance in the Heavenly Alliance, there would indeed be a huge change.    


Returning to the Heavenly Alliance, Jiang Yun only gave Xiao Fan a vague explanation that he would help him solve the problem. When he returned, he would see a different Xin Er.    


Xiao Fan did not stay for long. On the second day, after reluctantly bidding farewell to Xin Er, he once again returned to the seventh small world.    


The start of the war between the gods was imminent, and he could not miss the opportunity to enter.    


Moreover, he had also discussed this matter with Jiang Yun before. Jiang Yun had also encouraged him to enter the battlefield of gods to train, as this would bring about an unexpected change.    


The seventh minor world. The capital.    


Zhang Li had already returned, and the entire matter was unclear.     2


All of these were caused by Huangfu Shenghua and Ye Tianze. The two of them had secretly hidden the intruders of the third dimension and they had even sent intruders to kill Xiao Fan.    


Nothing unexpected happened. The two old men from Huangfu and Ye Families were executed.    


However, the Huangfu and Ye Family Patriarchs had personally come to explain everything. They did not know that it was Huangfu Shenghua, Ye Tianze and a few other people who knew about this matter that had been hidden from the clan.    


The two clan heads cleared up the matter. Since the two clans did not involve themselves in this matter, the general director did not punish the two clans.    


However, this had brought a huge impact and impact to the two families. It was a fact that they hated Xiao Fan, so outsiders would not need to guess.    


In the blink of an eye, five or six days had passed, and the people participating in the war of gods had already gathered in the capital.    


No one was willing to miss this chance. If they could come back, they would be able to obtain a placing on the Path of Void.    


Even if he didn't enter the Path of Void at that time, going to the Wars of the Gods would be of great benefit to him.    


Dong, dong, dong!    


At noon that day, the High Lord Palace rang an emergency summon bell which was heard by the entire capital.    


"The bell is coming from the High Lord Palace!"    


"The bell finally sounded, the battle between the gods is about to begin!"    


Hearing the impassioned chime of the bell, the entire capital began to boil with excitement.    


Especially towards the people who were participating in the war of gods, they were all very excited and rushed towards High Lord Palace.    


"This moment has finally arrived!" Xiao Fan rushed out of the house and headed straight for High Lord Palace.    


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