Ancient Ancestral Gods

C568 Trap

C568 Trap

0"Good, good, good! The vice clan leader has come at just the right time, if he still hasn't arrived, we all don't know what to do. "     2


Hearing the voice of the vice clan leader, the elites present were incomparably happy.    


Not only were they under attack from the thieves, and seizing territory, the biggest threat was Xiao Fan and the rest, afraid that they would attack until here.    


At that time, their losses would be even more tragic.    


First of all, at this crucial moment, their vice clan leader, Yan Xing, had finally arrived.    


The Vice Patriarch Yan Xing was a Half Immortal expert. With the half-immortal expert here, they would feel a lot more at ease.    


Not to mention that the appearance of severe punishment would definitely bring about more powerful people within the clan, so their terrible situation would be greatly alleviated.    


Under the excitement of a group of people, soon a group of people appeared. The person who led was an old man with white hair fluttering in the wind and a scar on the left side of his face. It was their vice-chief, Yan Xing.    


Other than the severe punishment, the people who followed them were all elite warriors in their own clans.    


Their situation had been alleviated, and the anxious hearts of many people had finally eased up as they let out a long sigh.    


"Welcome, Vice Patriarch!"    


As soon as he walked in, everyone respectfully saluted him.    


This old Vice Patriarch was half-immortal expert. Be it his strength or his position in the clan, everyone admired him.    


Moreover, this old deputy chief had already become famous several thousand years ago.    


Putting aside the status of deputy chief, everyone present, who was a few generations away from Yan Xing, as an old man within the clan, already had enough respect and punishment from everyone.    


"No need to be so polite!" Yan Xing waved his hand, signaling the younger generation to not need to be overly courteous. Then, he said very seriously to the crowd, "The situation here doesn't seem to be too optimistic. Report the latest situation to me."    


His heart was heavy as he desperately wanted to know more about the situation.    


He had initially chased him from the fifth to the ninth star regions, but he had indeed not found any trace of Xiao Fan.    


After all, all of the Winged Green Serpent Clan s in the ninth star field had been wiped clean by Xiao Fan, yet he could not find any trace of Xiao Fan.    


He had chased them all the way to the second star field. However, after he entered the second star field, the overwhelming amount of news indicated that the situation wasn't looking good for the second star field.    


"Vice Patriarch, our losses are extremely heavy. Not only have we lost a large number of our tribesmen, but nearly 90% of our land has been taken advantage of by those bandits."    


"If all of this was caused by Xiao Fan, then it would be fine. But I hate those shameless people who used Xiao Fan's name to steal our territory, they are extremely detestable."    


"Vice leader, now that you have brought an expert with you, we don't have anything to worry about. We will let you decide everything and take back everything that we lost."    


All of them had a bit of anger on their faces as they complained to the vice head.    


During this period of time, they had suffered unspeakably. In less than half a month, they had lost nearly 90% of their territory, and a large number of their clansmen were killed.    


And these losses were not caused by Xiao Fan alone. Most of them were caused by the vicious bandits who attacked their territory and took over everything in the name of Xiao Fan.    


Now, not only must they find Xiao Fan and kill him, they must also take action against the thieves that had seized their territory.    


Tomorrow, we will begin a purge. We will take back all the lost territories and even make them pay ten times the price, if not, we will kill all of them one by one, leaving none behind. We will let them know that we, the Winged Green Serpent Clan, cannot be offended. Yan Xing said to the crowd.    


Both sides knew that the thief who had carried Xiao Fan's banner knew that it was the doing of a few big powers secretly.    


Now that he was in the second star field, he needed to snatch back all the territories and re-establish the dignity of the Winged Green Serpent Clan.    


"That's right, we must definitely make those people pay a heavy price. If they don't agree to our conditions, we will destroy them all."    


"Vice Patriarch, what should we do to deal with Xiao Fan?"    


Yan Xing had said that they would launch an attack on the thieves who were seizing territory, but he had not mentioned the most crucial point, which was how to deal with Xiao Fan.    


Although those thieves had taken over their territory, and had suffered heavy losses, the one who had caused the greatest damage to the Winged Green Serpent Clan was Xiao Fan, so killing Xiao Fan was the most important priority.    


"There's no need to worry about that. We need to leave his matters for now." Yan Xing said with a face full of confidence: "In another month, the Road to Immortality in Refinement will open. Everyone is ready to move, and we, the Winged Green Serpent Clan, must also make preparations to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement."    


"That's right, the Road to Immortality in Refinement is a good place, we can't miss it."    


"It's just that, we really don't need to care about Xiao Fan's group. If he attacks us after you and the rest of the clan's elites leave, wouldn't that be more than worth it?"    


"Vice Patriarch, you have to think of a way to prevent something more serious from happening."    


"Don't worry, he will definitely go to Road to Immortality in Refinement. That is a good place to kill him, I will kill him myself." With a hint of ruthlessness, killing intent flashed in his eyes as he spoke.    


The Road to Immortality in Refinement was about to open, and anyone who did not have the qualifications to enter would have to try their luck.    


Even if he was unable to become an Immortal and was able to quickly increase his strength, it would be good for him to enter the Half Immortal Stage as soon as possible.    


Furthermore, Xiao Fan was still so young, and already possessed the qualifications to enter the trial. Every hot-blooded youth wished to reach the peak of the Great Dao and become an undying expert.    


"Road to Immortality in Refinement is filled with danger. That is indeed a good place to kill him."    


"Vice Patriarch, you are going to take action yourself. Could it be that you want to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement again?"    


At this moment, everyone was stunned by the harsh words spoken. Everyone's heart was filled with excitement. He felt a hint of sadness.    


Their Vice Patriarch was actually going to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement again.    


One must know that the current Vice Patriarch Yan Xing was a half-immortal expert. He had entered the Road to Immortality in Refinement a few thousand years ago and became a Half Immortal.    


If their Vice Patriarch were to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement again, their blood and Qi would probably start to dry up, and there was not much time left. They wanted to take the chance to fight, and find a chance to become Immortal in the Road to Immortality in Refinement.    


Once he had the chance to become an immortal, it would be an unparalleled honor for their Winged Green Serpent Clan.    


However, if one failed to become an immortal, then the result of waiting for severe punishment would be the loss of all their vital energy and blood, and their ultimate demise.    


"There is no need for this. Everyone will wait until that moment when their blood runs out and they still have the power to fight. Then they will fight for the chance. Even if I die in the end, it will be worth it to regain some face for their people!" It was a severe punishment to comfort everyone.    


"Vice Patriarch, it's been thousands of years. Unrivaled divine art, I'll definitely be able to achieve Immortal Ascension!"    


"That's right, that's right. When our ancestors formed dragons and became Immortals, the Vice Clan Chief transformed dragons and became Immortals!"    


"Not only can you transform into a dragon and become an immortal, you can also kill Xiao Fan. This is killing two birds with one stone.    


They all hoped that their Patriarch would become an immortal and bring unparalleled honor to the Winged Green Serpent Clan. At the same time, they also wanted to kill Xiao Fan to save the reputation of the entire Winged Green Serpent Clan.    


"Don't say too much. Time is of the essence, immediately dispatch some men and strike back at some important places to snatch back our territory. As for those thieves, don't leave a single one of them, we want them to know the power of our Winged Green Serpent Clan." Yan Xing ordered.    


With the opening of the Road to Immortality in Refinement at hand, time was of the essence. If they wanted to take back all the places in a short period of time, they would have to launch an attack on a few important locations and carry out a purge.    


Warn the thieves that had taken over the territory, if they did not return to the place they had taken over, they could only face the Winged Green Serpent Clan's crazy purge, and would have to pay the price of blood.    


"We are following the vice clan leader's orders!"    


Everyone obeyed the strict punishment, and began a crazy purge. They wanted to use a large amount of blood to retaliate and take back everything they had lost.    


In the short span of two to three days after he arrived on Cang Hai Star, under his guidance, he led a large group of strong experts from the Winged Green Serpent Clan to counterattack, massacring a lot of bandits and seizing back the important planet.    


Not only did they have to return all the territories owned by the Winged Green Serpent Clan, they must also pay ten times the compensation. Otherwise, they would have to carry out a purge of the forces that joined them in the entire second star field.    


Winged Green Serpent Clan's counterattack was very effective. The lost territory was being quickly taken back, and the forces that were involved in seizing the territory had all made reparations.    


This was because they had received news that the vice head of the Winged Green Serpent Clan was actually a half-immortal expert.    


In the entire Second Star Region, other than the Heavenly Dao Academy, the other powers did not have any half-immortal expert s overseeing the Second Star Region.    


Facing the's Deputy Patriarch's severe punishment, they simply did not have the ability to resist. If they did not surrender, it would bring about a great disaster.    


In the midst of the Winged Green Serpent Clan's counterattack, Xiao Fan calmed down and did not continue causing trouble.    


At this time, Xiao Fan and Xiao Yun had already arrived at the Heavenly Dao Academy on the Golden Star, in order to pay a visit to the Daoist Xuan Qing.    


On top of a mountain peak within the Heavenly Dao Academy, a simple and unadorned tall building towered. On the highest floor of the building, the two brothers Xiao Fan and his disciple, the master and disciple of the Daoist Xuan Qing, overlooked the entire Heavenly Dao Academy's scenery, enjoyed the beautiful scenery, and talked about it.    


"These beasts are too overbearing, the Winged Green Serpent Clan has been causing trouble recently. The second star field is like their home, domineering and tyrannical. Brother Xiao Fan, you have to be careful." Taoist Tian Wu said with a disgusted expression.    


He was very dissatisfied with Winged Green Serpent Clan's recent actions, as if the was the head of the second star region.    


It had to be known that the number one power of the Second Star Region was their Heavenly Dao Academy. Their Heavenly Dao Academy's goal was to have no desire, to not ask for anything, to advocate for the entire Second Star Region to establish an environment where they could coexist peacefully, and to reduce their killing.    


However, the things that Xiao Fan caused happened recently, started killing in all four directions in the Second Star Region, and the Winged Green Serpent Clan was even more tyrannical. They ignored everything, carrying out a brutal purge, and in this purge, many innocent people died.    


This sort of brutal slaughter went against the purpose of the Heavenly Dao Academy.    


The actions of the Winged Green Serpent Clan ignored the existence of the Heavenly Dao Academy, causing him, a disciple of the Heavenly Dao Academy, to feel extremely angry.    


"Speaking of Winged Green Serpent Clan, you two brothers really must be careful. Especially if you want to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement, you must be even more careful of them." Daoist Xuan Qing said to Xiao Fan.    


"I don't know what senior has to say, but I hope to speak frankly." Xiao Fan realized that Daoist Xuan Qing had something to say, and asked respectfully.    


The grudge between him and the Winged Green Serpent Clan was already deep to the point where it could not be resolved.    


Of course, the reality was that the Winged Green Serpent Clan did not want to retreat, they wanted to fight to the death with him.    


Personally, he was still unwilling to follow Winged Green Serpent Clan to that step.    


When the Road to Immortality in Refinement was opened, there would definitely be experts participating. Meeting the people from the Winged Green Serpent Clan was unavoidable.    


Moreover, the dangerous circumstances in the Road to Immortality in Refinement had been clearly discussed with him before, which allowed him to make some preparations.    


Now, the Daoist Xuan Qing was warning him to be careful of the Winged Green Serpent Clan. It seemed that the Daoist Xuan Qing knew some things that he did not, and the Winged Green Serpent Clan would pose a huge threat to him.    


"Bro, if you have anything else to say, just say it directly!" Xiao Yun stared at Daoist Xuan Qing, he could also hear a different meaning behind Daoist Xuan Qing's words.    


"You guys should all know that the Winged Green Serpent Clan's Deputy Patriarch, Yan Xing, has also come. If I'm not mistaken, he might have come to the Road to Immortality in Refinement to kill the two of you!" The Daoist Xuan Qing said straightforwardly.    


"He wants to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement. Why?" Xiao Fan said with a puzzled expression.    


His punishment was half-immortal expert, and according to the circumstances, as a half-immortal expert, he shouldn't have entered the Road to Immortality in Refinement.    


After all, the Road to Immortality in Refinement was a very dangerous place. After entering the Road to Immortality in Refinement, there was only one way, and that was to become an immortal.    


The path of a Half Immortal in the Road to Immortality in Refinement was deeper than that of others, and only by nearing the end of the Immortal Path would one be able to break the restrictions of the heavens and earth and become an Immortal.    


However, in all these years, it seemed that not a single half-immortal expert had entered and escaped alive.    


"He has already been in the Half Immortal Realm for thousands of years, and it's about time for his blood to be drained. He doesn't have much time left, and if he doesn't take this opportunity, he won't have much time to waste." The Daoist Xuan Qing reminded him, "So he will enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement, and he will also guess that you will enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement, and he will definitely chase after you to kill you. At that time, your situation will be very dangerous."    


"So that's how it is. If that's really the case, then I must be careful!" Xiao Fan nodded his head, he understood Daoist Xuan Qing's warning to him.    


This time in Road to Immortality in Refinement, his big brother would definitely not go in and let him go in alone.    


If the punishment was severe enough to allow him to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement, he would definitely look for him and kill him before giving it his all. Facing the half-immortal expert's attack, he did not have the power to fight back, so his situation was extremely dangerous.    


"However, you don't have to worry. Heaven's will will also allow them to enter the Road to Immortality in Refinement. I'm preparing to mix you with the people from our Heavenly Dao Academy, making it difficult for him to discover you!" Daoist Xuan Qing suggested.    


"Thank you, senior." Xiao Fan said gratefully.    




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