Bloody Doomsday: I Became A Tyrannosaurus Rex

C14 He Used His Tail to Kill the Enemy

C14 He Used His Tail to Kill the Enemy

3Growth Body!    


Chen Chu had been waiting for it to take the bait, so he wasn't surprised.    


After the Forest Boa wrapped itself around Chen Chu, it instantly tightened its body.    


The two claws on Chen Chu's chest were squeezed.    


"Those few Northeast Tigers just now are not worthy of being called top predators. In front of me, they can only be killed by me! You too! Become my Evolution Value. "    


Its thick body tightened bit by bit.    


The advantage of a Forest Boa was its huge strangling force. A Growth Body Forest Boa's strangling force was extremely shocking!    


It could even crush a car.    


"What a shocking power!"    


The Forest Boa's head reached in front of Chen Chu.    


Chen Chu opened his mouth and bit at it.    


However, when he bit forward, the Forest Boa retreated. He couldn't bite it at all.    


"It's useless! You will only have difficulty breathing, then suffocate to death"    


"The one who will die is you!"    


Chen Chu ran and crashed into a tree.    


The first to be hit was naturally the Forest Boa's body.    


The tree had been broken, but the Forest Boa's body didn't budge at all.    


It wasn't until he broke six trees that the Forest Boa's body finally moved slightly.    


But at this moment, because of the huge pressure on his neck, it was difficult for him to breathe.    


Clearly, the Forest Boa would not stop until it achieved its goal.    


Chen Chu fell to the ground and lifted his feet.    


The sharp nails on one of his feet penetrated the gap between the Forest Boa and his neck.    


The Forest Boa did not expect his feet to reach his neck!    


It decided to hold on for a bit longer. This way, it would definitely hang him.    


Next, Chen Chu extended his other foot into the gap between the Forest Boa and his neck.    


The Tyrannosaurus's nails were very hard, and they could easily penetrate the car's door.    


The Forest Boa's skin was pierced through by Chen Chu's nails!    


A trace of blood seeped out.    


"Why haven't you let go of me yet? Then I'll cut you in half!"    


The Forest Boa quickly pulled itself away from Chen Chu's neck and wrapped itself around his legs.    


Chen Chu got up and quickly stomped on the ground.    


The surrounding leaves were shaking.    


Even the Forest Boa did not expect him to be so difficult to deal with.    


If he was an ordinary animal, his bones would have been broken and he would have died long ago.    


Now, it was actually at a disadvantage.    


It twisted its body and dodged Chen Chu's foot.    


It opened its big mouth and bit Chen Chu's thigh.    




It bit off a piece of flesh on his leg.    


Then, it was stunned.    


It dodged his foot, but did not dodge his tail that was ready to strike.    


"How could this be?"    


"When you bite me, you are destined to lose. Because you are already in a panic."    


" Why didn't you dodge? "    


"You're not a poisonous snake, why should I dodge? Do you think you can swallow me?"    


Brain matter flowed out from the Forest Boa's nostrils. Its vision was already blurry.    


The strength of Chen Chu's tail reached four tons!    


The Forest Boa's head could not bear such a weight.    


The Forest Boa fell.    


Chen Chu stepped on its heart. Then he ate its gall.    


"So what if you have reached the Growth Body? You have ignored the difference in species."    


His Stats Window changed once again.    


Evolution Value: 301 / 1000    


"At this rate, I'll be able to evolve after killing another seven Growth Body creatures."    


However, not long after the National Beastification started, there were not many Growth Body creatures.    


He was fortunate enough to encounter two Growth Body creatures and kill them all.    


The bear paws and snake gall became his food.    


He laid on the ground and rested until the sky turned dark.    


The edge of the forest was lit up by flames, accompanied by the roars of many wild beasts.    


Chen Chu instantly stood up.    


The surviving humans had already made their move!    


They had driven out all the animals in the city.    


The red dots in the sky flickered, which meant that there were more than ten helicopters.    


There were huge pillars hanging from the bottom of all the helicopters.    


This was the most common practice for humans.    


After they drove the animals out of the city, they would use an electric net to surround the forest and plant mines around it.    


Chen Chu stood up.    


He could no longer stay here. It was time to go to Beihai City.    


At the toll station on the highway in Beihai City.    


There were eight armored vehicles, two tanks, and a group of fully armed humans.    


Military vehicles drove out of the toll station.    


The people who were brought from Changfeng County came out one after another.    


A delicate and pretty girl with a ponytail who was wearing a high school uniform walked out under the pressure of two people.    


However, the treatment she received was obviously different from other people's. She was handcuffed.    


She was Chen Chu's younger sister, Chen Nuo.    


At this moment, a person with a military medal on his shoulder walked over.    


"The person in the report is her?"    


"Yes, sir!"    


The man said, "Take her to the headquarters."    


"Yes, sir!"    


"Why? I don't want to go!" Chen Nuo was extremely afraid.    


"Miss, don't be afraid. As long as you tell me everything you know, you will not be harmed."    


Chen Chu ran around in the dark.    


The closer he got to Beihai City, the fewer animals he saw.    


It seemed like his plan to kill seven Growth Body creatures was not going to be completed.    


The Beihai City was one of the central cities, and all the surrounding animals had already been driven away.    


This also meant that there was a powerful military force here.    


If Chen Chu rashly entered the Beihai City, he would only die.    


Two days later.    


The television station had already started a live broadcast.    


In the live broadcast, the suppressing troops were cleaning up those evil animals.    


When the survivors saw this scene, they all saw hope.    


In the live broadcast, the plan for the central city was announced.    


For a moment, countless people began to think of ways to go to the nearest central city.    


Because that was the safest place.    


Under emergency treatment, most of the highways leading to the central cities were opened.    


They could go from the highways to the nearest central city.    


But this made Chen Chu very distressed.    


Previously, only the suppression force would pass through the highway. But now, there were many cars here.    


He had to be even more careful.    


"What a bunch of idiots. Is the central city safe? After the first Heaven Earth Great Disaster appeared, it will be very difficult for you all to survive. "     2


At this moment, Chen Chu was in a bridge cave below the highway.    


There was a river below the highway.    


He chose this place because he wanted to cause some damage.    


The Central City Plan had been exposed, and more and more people would rush to the Central City.    


At that time, it would be even more difficult for him to find his sister.    


Therefore, he wanted to destroy the road leading to the Beihai City.    


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