Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C214 I'm Going to Give It to Dad

C214 I'm Going to Give It to Dad

2Yang Ningxin looked around curiously. From time to time, she would stick her head out and ask Old Zhang, "Old Zhang, do you have a lot of food? Do you want to participate in this competition? "He can win a golden dumpling."    


Elder Zhang shook his head and rejected her suggestion. He was old, so he didn't have the energy to compete with young people.    


"Are you sure you don't want to go? That's a golden dumpling! Even if you work hard for a whole year, you still wouldn't be able to earn that much gold! " Yang Ningxin did not give up and continued to coax her.    


Old Zhang still shook his head and said to her, "Fifth Miss, I heard that there's an Creative Wrap Competition on the next street. Would you like to take a look?"    


"Really?" Yang Ningxin was immediately attracted, she turned and chased after him while asking, "What kind of competition is the Creative Wangzi Competition? What should I do? "    


The dumpling was a thorn in her heart. She had to prove it to her sixth brother with her strength so that he would know that she was a genius. No matter what she did, she could learn it easily.    


Shen Jingli couldn't help but laugh when he saw her determined look. This girl was really narrow-minded, not letting go of anything.    


"It doesn't follow common sense." In the face of Yang Ningxin's enthusiasm, Elder Zhang was a little unable to resist, and he stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, as he replied.    


"Oh, that's my forte." Yang Ningxin was very confident and quickly urged Old Zhang, "Old Zhang, hurry up and go over, I want to participate in this competition."    


Elder Zhang started to get a little nervous from her urging, and he quickly drove the horse carriage towards the next street.    


The Creative Packaging Zongzi Competition on the next street was organized by the Lin Family, the richest man in Jinling City.    


They didn't even get close to the stage and could already see from afar that there were many people lined up at the registration area. Everyone was rubbing their hands together, eager to give it a try.    


"Wow, so many people are queuing up." Seeing the spectacular scene, Yang Ningxin shouted out in shock.    


"Of course, every year, the Jinling City and Lin Family would hold a competition like this at the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice, and Yuanxiao. The prizes are extremely rich, and many people in the city would come to participate, so even if they don't get the prize, they would still want to have fun." Qing Sheng lifted the curtain and looked outside, his eyes were filled with nostalgia.    


Hearing him say that, Yang Ningxin looked forward to the competition even more. With a happy smile on her face, she continued to ask: "Sister Qing Sheng, have you also participated in these kinds of competitions before?"    


Qing Sheng smiled mysteriously, and poked between her brows, "Do you think that everyone is as playful as you?"    


"How am I a playboy? I'm a adventurer. All of you …" She suddenly stopped and looked at Qing Sheng and Shen Jingli with disdain, "You two elders might not understand."    


Saying this, she hurriedly jumped down from the carriage and ran towards the queue. Without looking back, she called out, "Old Zhang, why don't you take the sister-in-law to the restaurant. I'll come over after I'm done."    


Shen Jingli looked at her quick running and shook his head in amusement, then turned to Old Zhang and said: "Come, let's go watch the Dragon Boat Competition."    


"But …" Is it really okay to not tell Fifth Miss that the Dragon Boat Competition is about to begin?    


Old Zhang frowned, seeing that Shen Jingli and Qing Sheng did not have any plans to wait for them, he took the carriage and left.    


Fifth Miss was very interested in the Dragon Boat Competition. How could she not know when it would start?    


When they went to the Riverside Inn, Shen Yue'er and Mu Xi were already there, accompanying them and playing.    


Xun Er was just playing happily when he saw Shen Jingli coming in, he immediately opened his hand and pounced towards him, "Mama, little uncle went on a dragon boat, he said that he wanted to win a big prize back."    


Shen Jingli raised his eyebrows in shock, he had never heard Mu Jin mention this before? That kid hid himself quite well.    


"Little uncle, you're amazing. You'll definitely be able to win first place." Xun Er was filled with confidence in Mu Jin, so he pulled Shen Jingli towards the window, "Da Hui and Er Hui come and cheer for little uncle too. Mama, quickly look, Da Hui and Er Hui are over there …"    


He extended his chubby little hands and pointed at the two White-shouldered Eagle hovering above the canal, laughing non-stop in excitement.    


"Yeah, Da Hui and Er Hui are awesome." Shen Jingli said.    


When Xun Er heard it, he immediately smiled in delight, revealing two small teeth. "When daddy comes back, I'll let father take Da Hui and Er Hui out to hunt. Da Hui and Er Hui are very powerful, they will definitely be able to hunt a lot of prey …"    


Waving his hands, he drew a circle in front of himself, then smiled towards Shen Jingli before running to the window to greet the two White-shouldered Eagle s.    


"Da Hui, Er Hui …"    


After the two eagles heard his voice, they turned around and called out to him a few times before flapping their wings and flying over. Xun Er quickly turned around, "Brother Nian, hurry and bring the dried meat on the table over. Da Hui and Er Hui are hungry …"    


Nian Hua unwillingly walked over with a plate of dried meat. He stretched out his hand and threw it out. The two eagles immediately dived down and picked up the dried meat to eat.    


"Da Hui, Erlang Shen is so powerful. He can even eat something like that." Xun Er clapped his hands excitedly, grabbed his own hands, and threw them downwards. He watched the two condors chase after the dried meat, and laughed very happily.    


Suddenly, the sound of a cannon could be heard, followed by the sound of gongs and drums resounding across the horizon.    


"The Dragon Boat Competition is about to begin." He quickly spilled all the dried meat on his plate. After placing the plate on the table, he pulled a chair over to occupy his seat by the window.    


"How can you be like this?!" Madame hasn't sat down yet. " Seeing him so anxious, Jin Yu immediately patted his hands, reminding him that she still had a master here.    


"Madam is such a good person, she won't blame me." Nian Hua clung onto that spot and turned to smile at Shen Jingli. "Madam, what do you think?"    


"You still don't have the sense of being a servant?" Jin Yu slapped his head.    


Nian Hua immediately held his head and cried out, "Sister Jin Yu, if you hit me so hard, I will definitely be stunned."    


"It's better to hit him until he's dumb, since I can quickly kick him out of the mansion." Jin Yu said in frustration.    


Nian Hua pouted, rubbed his head, and muttered, "Big Sister Jin Yu is so heartless, to actually want to knock me silly, then chase me out …"    


He pretended to squeeze out two tears of sadness. Xun Er and Huaixin were naive, they had originally thought it was fun watching them fooling around, but now that they saw Yue Yang crying and tensed up, they quickly used their handkerchief to wipe his tears.    


"Brother Nian Hua, don't cry. If Huaixin whoops for you, it won't hurt." Huaixin tiptoed, raising his handkerchief to wipe his tears.    


He hugged him, strongly rubbed his chest, and then strongly kissed his cheeks, "Huaixin, why are you so obedient?"    


"You can't kiss Huaixin, Huaixin is mine, only I can kiss him." Xun Er said in all seriousness.    


Huaixin looked at him suspiciously. Huaixin couldn't figure out why Elder Brother Nian was crying and laughing at the same time, but he soon realized that Huaixin was probably just laughing at the same time.    


While they were playing, the gongs and drums below had stopped. The host was announcing the rules and awards for the upcoming Dragon Boat Competition.    


"Hurry, hurry, hurry. The match is about to start." Once Nian Hua heard from the host that the Dragon Boat Competition was about to begin, he immediately called for them to carry Xun Er and Huaixin to the chairs, and instructed them, "Young Master, you must not climb up the window, you will fall down."    


"Da Hui and Er Hui will catch me." Xun Er said with an innocent face.    


"Young Master, Da Hui and Er Hui are still young, even if they catch you, they won't be able to bring you up. You will fall into the river and be washed away by the river to become the River God's son."    


"Then, wouldn't it mean that I won't be able to see father and Mama?" Xun Er opened his eyes wide.    


Nian Hua nodded. "That's right, we will never see each other again."    


Xun Er hurriedly shook his head like a rattle drum, "I definitely won't fall down, I want to be with father and Mama forever." He turned and clutched the back of the chair.    


"Alright, I'll definitely protect you in your prime." Then, he moved two chairs for Shen Jingli and Qing Sheng.    


They rented a large room with two windows. Shen Yue'er, Mu Xi and Jin Yu were at the southern window while Shen Jingli and Qing Sheng, the two children were at the northern window.    


The teams that were participating in the Dragon Boat Competition were doing their best to row the boat. Moreover, many of them were experienced players, so the game was very intense.    


Mu Jin followed along with Mu Family Village and put in a lot of effort as well. However, they were unlucky, and met with some accidents along the way, so they only got third place.    


After the Dragon Boat Competition, Shen Jingli and Qing Sheng, accompanied by Jin Yu and her youth, strolled around the streets together.    


Unlike the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Lantern Festival, there were all kinds of lanterns and performances. Therefore, although the streets were bustling with activity, it wasn't very crowded.    


They casually strolled through the streets and discovered that there were dumplings for sale. There were many flavors, some were sweet, some were salty, some were meatball, some were egg yolk, some were red bean and some were red date dumplings … There were all kinds of flavors and shapes.    


Other than that, there were also a lot of other delicacies that Shen Jingli had never seen before. Qing Sheng introduced them to him one by one, while listening to him salivating over them, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, There were really a lot of delicious foods in the ancient times.    


"There will be a martial arts competition at night in the city. Many rich families will take the opportunity to choose their son-in-law for their daughters." Qing Sheng looked at the bustling street and explained to Shen Jingli happily.    


Ever since he had married into the Mu Family Village, it had been many years since he had come out to play during a bustling festival. Now, he felt like a bird that had been trapped in a cage for many years, had suddenly soared into the sky, and the entire world had opened up.    


"Why would the competition be held at night?" Isn't it better during the day?    


This question was extremely difficult for Qing Sheng. Although he knew that it was night time for the competition, he did not know the reason.    


Seeing him like that, Shen Jingli knew that his own question made him feel troubled, so he laughed and said: "I'm just casually asking, don't mind it too much."    


They walked on again, but at the corner they saw a large crowd, forming a circle, as if to watch the excitement.    


"Get out of the way, get out of the way. Look at how amazing Eldest Young Miss is …"    


A clear and melodious voice came out from inside, upon hearing it, Shen Jingli felt that the voice was very familiar.    


"Cousin, it's Cousin …" Xun Er pulled Shen Jingli's hand and jumped up happily, "Mama, my cousin is inside."    


Eh, it's true.    


Nian Hua and Jin Yu hurriedly opened up a path in the crowd. Shen Jingli and Qing Sheng walked in and realized that Yang Ningxin was actually playing a touring game.    


The game store owner kept shouting, "Fifty coins for ten arrows, five arrows for one Jade Guan Yin, a fake Jade Guan Yin. I won't lie …"    


Hearing the boss's voice, Shen Jingli could not help but laugh. It was the same feeling as those people buying divine medicines on the streets, although it was said that they would cure all kinds of illnesses, in reality, they would just eat normal health care plants. At most, they would be harmless to the body and would not be able to treat any diseases.    


"Mama …" Xun Er suddenly raised his head, and pulled Shen Jingli's hand, causing him to quickly lower his head: "What's wrong?"    


Xun Er pointed at Yang Ningxin, and said crisply: "Xun Er also wants to play."    


Shen Yue'er and Mu Xi were also eager to give it a try, but they felt that they should hold back.    


Clang! Clang...    


Yang Ningxin's arrow had hit, and was enjoying the flattering with her hands on her waist. Shen Yue'er and Mu Xi also shouted happily.    


"I've got it, I've got it …"    


Hearing that he had hit the target, Xun Er immediately stuck his head out to look, and saw an arrow stabbed into the pot. He immediately clapped his hands in joy, "Cousin is so powerful, so powerful …"    


Yang Ningxin proudly raised her tail, and listened to the cheers of the people around him. She kept talking in her heart, shouting louder, louder …    


"Okay, okay, I'm going to vote for the second one." She stretched out her hand to tell him to stop, then took out another arrow. She waved her hand to test the feeling before shooting it out.    


Bang! The arrow hit the bottle and was ejected.    


"Ah, what a pity, I almost got it …"    


Sighs came from the crowd. Yang Ningxin's face was flushed red from embarrassment as she adjusted her breathing and shot another arrow.    


She heaved a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to shoot the fourth arrow, she felt something hugging her leg. She looked down and heard Xun Er say: "Cousin, I want to play."    


"Xun Er?" She turned around and saw Shen Jingli and the rest. Shen Jingli nodded at her, but Shen Yue'er and Mu Xi looked at her with a face full of worship.    


"Alright, be careful." Yang Ningxin placed an arrow in Xun Er's hand, showing him how to shoot it.    


Xun Er thought it was interesting, he raised his hand and casually threw the arrow out, and before the arrow even touched the pot, it fell down, he immediately wrinkled his nose, and turned to Yang Ningxin and said: "Cousin, it fell."    


"Xun Er, use a little more strength." Yang Ningxin encouraged him.    


"Boss, I'm just a two or three-year-old kid, why don't you bring the pot closer? Otherwise, wouldn't it be a blow to the kid?" When the spectators saw the cute Xun Er, they immediately stood up for him.    


"Right, you're an adult, how could you bully a little kid?" The others also agreed and passionately encouraged Xun Er.    


The boss wanted face too. Being called by so many people to be bullying a little brat who was still wet behind the ears, he felt embarrassed, so he moved the pot forward.    


This time, Xun Er struck the spout, but was bounced out and not thrown in.    


Xun Er unhappily puffed up his cheeks, threw another cigarette, and missed. He was so angry that he huffed and puffed in his nose, suddenly running over and inserting the arrow in his hand. Then, he raised his head and said to the owner, "I'm in."    


The boss was confused by his actions and stared blankly at him. Only when the surrounding people burst into laughter did he start laughing as well. This little kid was quite interesting.    


"Xun Er, come back." Shen Jingli waved at him.    


"Mama, I'm betting." He was even proud to claim credit from Shen Jingli.    


Shen Jingli could not bear to disappoint his son, so he praised him with a smile: "Xun Er is really amazing."     2


Xun Er smiled shyly as he hugged Shen Jingli's calf, twisting and turning his body non-stop.    


After that, Shen Yue'er and Mu Xi both tried it out, but both of them did not get the five arrows. In the end, it was Qing Sheng who got the five sticks, and the boss gave them a small Jade Guan Yin Statue according to the rules.    


"Mama, look, a beautiful little girl." Xun Er raised up the Jade Guan Yin in his hands for Shen Jingli to look at, and then put it away like a treasure, "When daddy comes back, I'll give it to him, Daddy will definitely praise me."    


Fourteen back …    


Shen Jingli touched the warm jade around his neck and suddenly thought of something. He seemed to have given Mu Chen a gift before.    


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