Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C180 He Looked like a Fool

C180 He Looked like a Fool

0Shen Jingli was frightened by the thought that flashed through his mind, he quickly drank a cup of water to calm himself down.     3


It won't be, it won't be. Shen Jingli, don't scare yourself, you are just being greedy lately. Your taste has changed a bit, how could you possibly be pregnant? Never... The more he comforted himself, the more he thought it was possible.    


Noticing his abnormality, Qing Sheng carefully asked: "Sister-in-law, what's wrong? "His face is so ugly."    


It was more than ugly, it was so green that one could not even look at it.    


Shen Jingli shook his head and forced out a smile, "I'm fine, just a little dizzy."    


"Then bite some ginger. That works." Qing Sheng turned around and looked at the cabinet at the side. He remembered that Jin Yu had put some pickled ginger slices in.    


"Bo, are you not feeling well?" Mu Xi also noticed that Shen Jingli's face was ugly, he carefully moved towards Shen Jingli and sat down, his peach blossom eyes staring straight at Shen Jingli's face, seeing that Shen Jingli's complexion had turned from green to white, he even touched his forehead, "Is there a fever?"    


When Qing Sheng came out of the carriage, and saw his son's actions, he could not help but laugh, and lightly knocked on Mu Xi's head: "What nonsense are you talking about, your uncle is just a little dizzy in the carriage, he is not sick." Only then did he pass the ginger ale to Shen Jingli. "Sister-in-law, hurry up and take a slice of ginger ale. It'll make you feel better."    


Shen Jingli took the ginger slice, which had been marinated with white sugar, and took it into his mouth. At first, there was a sweet taste in it, but then he felt the spicy taste of the ginger, making the overall taste pretty good. Even Shen Jingli, who didn't like eating ginger, wanted to eat them one by one.    


"Bo, are you really not sick?" Mu Xi watched as Shen Jingli ate the ginger slices, and could not help but frown. He only drank the ginger soup when he was sick, why was he not sick, why did he eat the ginger?    


"No, I'm just a little dizzy." Shen Jingli reached out and rubbed his head, explaining with a smile.    


Mu Xi looked at Shen Jingli again and saw that his expression was slightly better.    


— —    


Two hours later, the carriage entered the Jinling City.    


Jinling City were still bustling with noise and excitement, as the streets were filled with people. There were all kinds of stalls on both sides of the street, and shouts rose and fell one after another.    


Mu Xi opened the curtain excitedly to look. His cheeks were flushed from his excitement, looking like a big red apple.    


"Mama, there are people selling small rabbits …" Mu Xi excitedly pulled Qing Sheng to go take a look.    


On a stall outside, there were several large cages. Some cages held eighth brother, parrot, while others held rabbits. There were small rabbits with white and gray hair, making them look very cute.    


Seeing him so happy, Qing Sheng said: "If you like it, when we return home, I will buy one to raise."    


"Really?" Mu Xi clapped excitedly, "Great, I will definitely feed them to the brim everyday."    


Seeing him so happy, Qing Sheng also laughed and reached out to stroke his head.    


After getting off the carriage, they headed straight for the infirmary.    


There were not many people who saw the doctor, after waiting outside for a while, it was Qing Sheng's turn. He sat in front of the doctor and asked: "Doctor, let me see, is he pregnant?"    


"Pregnant?" The doctor looked up. "What are your symptoms these days?"    


"I've been addicted to sleep recently, and my taste has changed drastically as well. It's so disgusting." Qing Sheng was also an experienced person, so he felt that he was likely pregnant with his symptoms. That was why he came to the medicine hall to seek confirmation.    


Mu Xi was already seven years old, yet he still had not given birth to a second child. Instead, he had given birth to a man for Mu Yifann, causing him to feel extremely guilty.    


"Hand it over." the doctor said to him.    


He put his hand on the small pillow and the doctor put his finger on it. Soon, he said, "You are indeed pregnant. It has been two months, but your pulse is a little unstable. Let me prescribe some medicine for you to relieve your pregnancy. Don't do any heavy work these days."    


Before Qing Sheng could even speak, Mu Xi stared at him with wide eyes, and said in surprise: "Mama, I'm going to have a little brother now?"    


Qing Sheng was beaming with joy as he touched his belly, nodding in joy, "That's right, Xi Er is about to have a little brother, are you happy with Xi Er?"    


"Happy." Mu Xi clapped happily.    


The doctor looked at the father and son's happy expressions and also laughed. He said, "Don't be in such a hurry to be happy. Hurry and get the medicine."    


"Good, good, good." Qing Sheng took the prescription, and pulled Mu Xi along to find a disciple to obtain the medicine.    


"What?" Mu Xi suddenly turned his head and saw that Shen Jingli was still sitting in the clinic.    


When Qing Sheng heard his son's shout, he turned around only to see Shen Jingli extending his hand and placing it on the small pillow that was used to check his pulse, "Doctor, give me a vein as well."    


"What is it? You're pregnant, too. " The old doctor ridiculed, his finger went to Shen Jingli's pulse, and his eyes suddenly opened wide, "..."    


"It really is a wedding vein." The old doctor never thought that this would happen, he once again seriously took Shen Jingli's pulse, "Your body is very good, your child is very healthy, you don't need to prescribe medicine."    


Sure enough, this was the case. As expected, Shen Jingli thanked the doctor and accompanied Qing Sheng to get the medicine.    


"Uncle, do you have a little brother?"    


Just as he walked out of the clinic's gate, Mu Xi curiously walked over and stared at Shen Jingli's stomach.    


"Yeah, you're going to have two younger brothers, aren't you happy?" Shen Jingli rubbed his face.    


"Happy." Mu Xi raised his head and smiled brilliantly at him.    


"Uncle is also happy." It was so mysterious, that a new life was born in his stomach. Shen Jingli looked at his own flat stomach, nevermind, this was probably heaven's will.    


"Whatever Xi Er wants to buy today, I will buy for you." After he thought it through, Shen Jingli's mood became more cheerful as she held Mu Xi's hand and started strolling around happily.    


"Really." Mu Xi's eyes lit up, and after a while it dimmed again. He placed his hands together and whispered: "Xi Er wants to study."    


"Then we'll go buy the four treasures of the study, and buy a few more comics." Shen Jingli said as he pulled Mu Xi along to the bookshelf.    


After buying the Four Treasures in the study, Shen Jingli picked out a few books on enlightenment and some simple comic books for Mu Xi. When he heard that it cost over ten taels of silver, he was shocked and hurriedly stopped Shen Jingli.    


"Sister-in-law, these four treasures are too expensive. It's better not to buy them." Ten-odd taels of silver. If he wanted to sell his embroidery and vegetables, he would probably need to sell them for several years before he could save up enough.    


"It's alright, I can afford it." Shen Jingli magnanimously paid them and brought Mu Xi to the next house.    


Mu Xi hugged the few books, and continued to smile happily, following closely by Shen Jingli's side, using his hands to carefully protect him, afraid that if there were any reckless people along the way, they would accidentally run into him, and leave the Mama behind.    


Qing Sheng looked at his son's happy expression, and the words of advice were stuck in his throat. He just couldn't say anything, and wanted to send something back to Shen Jingli so that he could repay him.    


Knowing that Gemini would learn how to sew during this time, Shen Jingli took Mu Xi to the cloth shop, bought him two pieces of cloth, a box of embroidery threads, and then went to the grocery store and bought him nine links, shuttles, and other toys. They also bought him a bunch of snacks.    


After buying the things he wanted to give Mu Xi, Shen Jingli went to the market again and bought an old hen, two catties of meat, and even a catty of wine.    


— —    


played with Huaixin for the entire morning. Just as he fell asleep at this time, Mu Chen was practicing a punch in the courtyard. When he heard the sound of the carriage, he walked out.    


"Fourteen." Shen Jingli exclaimed in a happy mood.    


Seeing him, Mu Chen smiled lightly, then went forward to carry Shen Jingli off the carriage and said, "Did you enjoy yourself?"    


"Yes." Shen Jingli stayed in his embrace for a while before he said, "I'm pretty happy."    


Jin Yu and Nian Hua came out after him. Seeing their husband hugging each other and talking about private matters, Jin Yu covered her mouth and laughed, then went back to wait.    


"Fourteen, go on in. I have something to tell you." Thinking about Mu Chen's reaction after hearing the news, Shen Jingli couldn't help but laugh.    


Mu Chen held Shen Jingli's hand and entered the house. He instructed Jin Yu and Nian Hua, "Bring in the things that Madam bought, and warm up the Madame's porridge."    


"Understood, Master." Jin Yu acknowledged, and dragged Nian Hua to bring out the things inside the carriage.    


poured some tea for Shen Jingli after entering the house.    


"Fourteen." Shen Jingli opened his mouth, but suddenly became nervous, as though he had no way of speaking.    




"That one of mine, is …"    


"What is it?" He poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Shen Jingli, preparing to pour himself another cup.    


"I'm pregnant." He said it in a low voice, and heard a snap. Shards of glass came bounding up and bounced off his feet.    


"You, what did you say?" Mu Chen held the water bottle in one hand and the water cup in the other. He stared at him in a daze, no one knew what kind of expression he had.    


Shen Jingli could not hold back his laughter and said again, "I said that I am pregnant, and I have a child."    


Shen Jingli raised his head to look at him and saw that his expression had changed from a dull state to one of fanaticism, the corners of his mouth became bigger and bigger, he rushed over and picked him up, and kept on shouting his name, "Jinglee, Jinglee..."    


Shen Jingli's face was flushed red, he reached out to pat his shoulder, "Quickly put me down, I'm dizzy."    


He put him down, and with a smile on his face, he carried Shen Jingli and sat down, "Jinglee, I'm so happy."    


Seeing that he was so happy that he didn't know what to do, Shen Jingli reached out two of his fingers and poked his forehead, saying in disdain, "So stupid."    


His words were full of disdain, but his heart was as sweet as if he had eaten honey. He leaned into Mu Chen's embrace and couldn't help but smile.    


"I'm going to be a father again. Of course I'm happy." didn't say this sentence out loud. He turned around and looked at Shen Jingli, thinking that he should find some time to ask him clearly. Otherwise, with his personality, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to confess to him in his entire life.    


Shen Jingli turned his head to look at him. Seeing that he was grinning from ear to ear, he could not help but ask again, "Idiot."    


Mu Chen was still smiling, both of his arms were tightly hugging him and whispering intimately into his ears. Perhaps he had said something interesting, Shen Jingli chuckled softly.    


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