Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C150 Soak in Hot Spring Together

C150 Soak in Hot Spring Together

4The news of Zhao Wenrui's pregnancy made all the elders of the Xu Family very happy, especially the Mrs Xu. Ever since something had happened at home, his husband had resigned from office, and his eldest son had been demoted to another place, she had always been depressed.     2


"Did the doctor say how many months he was pregnant?" The Mrs Xu helped Zhao Wenrui to sit down, she turned her head and asked his son who was standing behind him with a pleased look on his face.    


Previously, he was worried that Wen Rui might be too old to be pregnant, but after not even a year of marriage, he had already gotten pregnant. Now, he wanted to see if the long-tongued women outside had anything to say.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was a man, he would have been very popular. But since he was a man, he didn't like this kind of man who couldn't control his wife, so the girl and the girl also rejected him, thus, Zhao Wenrui and Xu Yanlin's marriage was always criticized.    


Especially after Xu Yanlin and Zhao Wenrui's grand wedding, some people who were jealous of him secretly said that Zhao Wenrui could not bear children, that he was a hen that could not lay eggs.    


Mrs Xu had watched Zhao Wenrui grow up since he was young and he really liked this straightforward and dutiful child. When he heard the rumors outside, he was so angry that he didn't want to go out.    


"Not even two months." They were probably pregnant after returning to Qingyang County. When they first returned, their relationship was like glue, and they had been together every day.    


"The first three months were unstable, so I have to take good care of myself." "Mrs Xu is an experienced person, she had a lot of experience, so she immediately told Xu Yanlin," From today onwards, you should move back here. I will personally take care of Wen Rui, and before Wen Rui has children, you must all sleep in separate rooms.    


"Why?" Xu Yanlin shouted in dissatisfaction. Their relationship was still heating up, wanting him to sleep in a separate room was simply asking for his life.    


"When you're pregnant, you naturally have to sleep in separate rooms to prevent yourself from messing around and injuring your child."    


Once the legal wife was pregnant, in order to properly raise the baby, the husband and wife had to separate rooms to sleep, and in order to win the husband's heart, the legal wife would open up the face of her husband, maidservant, first as a concubine, then as an aunt after giving birth to a child.    


Mrs Xu naturally thought of this. In order to let the Xu Family have their way, she should indeed bring up Wen Rui, and choose a few rooms for Yanlin. However, looking at Zhao Wenrui's face, she could not find the right words to say.    


"I won't mess around, I won't sleep in another room." Xu Yanlin's face darkened, and resolutely refused. He thought to himself, I'll look for Zi An for guidance tomorrow and see what they did in the beginning.    


Hearing Xu Yanlin's words, Zhao Wenrui's heart felt as sweet as if he had eaten honey. He was not willing for Xu Yanlin to take in a concubine, but he knew clearly that for a family like the Xu Family, where the legal wife was pregnant, she would definitely have to take in a concubine. And Xu Yanlin was clearly protecting him.    


"You child, this matter …"    


"We'll go back later." He might as well stay at Zi An's place. They had an experienced wife and good food, so the most important thing was that they did not need to worry about things like this.    


When Mrs Xu heard this, he knew that his son had a bad temper. She did not dare to persuade him again, as she was afraid that his son would take Daughter-in-law away immediately.    


"Fine, fine, fine. Do whatever you want, but don't hurt my grandson." The Mrs Xu warned before instructing the mama next to him to go to the kitchen to make chicken soup for Zhao Wenrui.    


Ever since he was pregnant, Zhao Wenrui had become the treasure of the Xu Family. The entire family surrounded him, afraid that he would not eat well, or fall asleep.    


When his parents heard that the twins were pregnant, they hurriedly prepared a large amount of tonic and a few capable men to rush over.    


There were a large cart full of medicinal ingredients and supplements, two midwives, three cooks and two servants waiting on them. This showed how much the Zhao Family valued Zhao Wenrui.    


"You are a double body person now, you can't be like before, constantly shouting and shouting." Mother Zhao grabbed her son's hands, her eyes were moist. Her precious son had gone through so many hardships, he had finally come to the end of it.    


Seeing his mother like this, Zhao Wenrui couldn't help but blush and lean into his embrace, "Mother, I'm doing very well, don't worry."    


"I'm your mother, how can I not be worried?" Mother Zhao's tears turned into smiles, she touched her son's face, "Your reaction is too big?" "Look at you, you've lost weight."    


"No, it's just that a few days ago, I wasn't able to eat much." Zhao Wenrui was speaking the truth. Other than the reaction a few days ago, everything he felt after that was very good.    


"That's good." Mother Zhao said, "I've chosen a few people for you, two experienced midwives, and three cooks. They specialize in taking care of pregnant women, and each of them specializes in different dishes, so whatever you want to eat, let them cook for you. And two pairs, they'll take special care of you."    


"Thank you, Mother." Zhao Wenrui said.    


Father and Mother Zhao stayed at the Xu Family household until night before they reluctantly left in the horse carriage. Before they left, they even reminded Xu Yanlin to take good care of Zhao Wenrui and not let him suffer any grievances.    




Shen Jingli had not been having a good time recently. Ever since he found out that Zhao Wenrui was pregnant, Mu Chen seemed to have been provoked.    


Touching his waist, Shen Jingli laid on the soft couch with a face full of hatred. A thin blanket was covering his body, and he was muttering curses at Mu Chen.    


Recently, when the Nanny Jin had forced her to embroider, she had started to suspect herself, so she took the chance when the Nanny Jin was not paying attention to her and ran over to Shen Jingli's room to hide.    


"Fourth Brother, what are you muttering about?" Shen Yue'er sat on the Arhat Bed across him. While listening to Shen Jingli mutter, and also being unable to hear what he was mumbling about, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.    


"Nothing." Shen Jingli replied unhappily. He couldn't possibly tell her that he was complaining about Mu Chen being too brave and fierce at night, right?    


Thinking about the days that had passed, Shen Jingli couldn't help but blush slightly. He didn't mind loving Mu Chen, but could that fellow not be so concerned about letting him have children!    


When Mu Chen walked in, he saw Shen Jingli lying on the soft couch sighing, while Shen Yue'er was lying on the Arhat Bed, looking at his fingers, counting.    


"What's going on?" Mu Chen sat next to Shen Jingli and asked in concern.    


"Back pain." Shen Jingli rolled his eyes at him, still daring to ask, and didn't think whose fault this was.    


Looking at his angry little eyes, Mu Chen couldn't hold back his laughter. It seemed that he was exhausted these past few days.    


"The Purple Bamboo Association is officially closed today. Do you want to go soak in a hot spring?" Mu Chen tried to curry favor with them.    


"A hot spring?" Shen Jingli's eyes lit up.    




"Then what are we waiting for?" He quickly got up from the bed and was about to leave.    


Mu Chen curled his lips, he liked his appearance of being full of energy the most.    




Although the Purple Bamboo Hall was closed, the staff inside did not leave. Instead, they left a portion of their staff to guard the building to face any unexpected accidents.    


When Shen Jingli and Mu Chen arrived at the Sacred Hall, there was someone who brought them into a private room that was prepared beforehand.    


The Purple Bamboo Association had a large spa that could accommodate dozens of people. There were also a few small rooms that could be used by individuals or families, and the fees were also extra.    


In the middle of the room was a hot spring that could fit five to six people at a time. Bubbles were constantly coming out of the pool, and steam was rising from the inside. There was a pipe at the side of the pool to lure the hot springs in, maintaining the water's temperature and freshness at all times.    


Potted plants and plants were placed all around the hot spring pool and at every corner of the private room. There were also plates of fruits, tea and melon seeds on the side. They were all for people to eat while soaking in the hot spring.    


Shen Jingli took off his clothes and entered the hot spring. The hot spring was of a moderate temperature and felt extremely warm and comfortable after soaking in it. He could not help but sigh.    


He closed his eyes and leaned against the side of the hot spring. He felt so comfortable that he was about to float up and down.    


Mu Chen came down following behind him, came close to his side and reached out his arms to hug his waist. Shen Jingli leaned back against his chest.    


The surroundings were quiet and peaceful. He felt as if his whole heart had sunk down, and as he listened to the powerful heartbeat of the person behind him, he suddenly felt that everything was so solid and satisfying.    


Mu Chen seemed to have the same feeling as well. He leaned over and intimately rubbed his chin against Shen Jingli's neck. Shen Jingli felt that it was a little itchy and pushed him behind his.    


"Stop fooling around, can't you soak in the hot spring?" He turned around to face him. The spring water started rippling. Their eyes met, and the water was hazy. The man in front of them became more and more handsome.    


Both of his hands wrapped around Yun Che's neck, and as he lifted his head to kiss his lips, Mu Chen took the initiative to reply. He quickly grasped the initiative and pried open his teeth, and while his tongue gently probed about, he did his best to tease him.    


After a deep kiss, Shen Jingli's face was completely red. It was unknown if it was because he was embarrassed or because the hot air was suffocating his.    


He left Mu Chen's embrace and sat down by the side, quietly bathing in the hot spring. Mu Chen followed and sat beside him.    


"Why do you want me to have another child?" Mu Chen's thoughts were so obvious, even a fool could feel it.    


"I want our child." He emphasized the word "we", his eyes blazing as he looked at Shen Jingli, as if he wanted to see through his face and see through his soul.    


Shen Jingli did not realize the profoundness of his words, and said: "We already have Xun Er."    


Shen Jingli felt that he had to properly convey his feelings to Mu Chen, in case there was a misunderstanding.    


"I don't want to have children." He felt that Mu Chen was frowning, but was not angry.    


Mu Chen did not speak. He looked at Shen Jingli, and the thing that he had accumulated in his heart wanted to charge out, was forcefully suppressed by him. He did not want to scare him, and if he was not willing to say, then he would pretend that he did not know anything.    


"But there are no condoms here, so you can't tell when you'll be pregnant. Don't be discouraged, your life will find its own way out." Shen Jingli patted Mu Chen's shoulders to comfort him.    


Mu Chen's face revealed warmth, he looked at Shen Jingli, his eyes filled with deep emotions.    


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