Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C181 It's a Lazy Guy

C181 It's a Lazy Guy

0On the second day, Shen Jingli found out that Mu Chen had brought back a stack of books. Most of them were green-gray colored covers, and there were a few dark yellow books.    


"What are these books?" It didn't seem to be an army book, Shen Jingli was curious, he stretched out his hand and flipped through it, "What do you need to know, Gemini?"    


He twitched the corner of his mouth and flipped through the next few books. "Gestapo, how do you sit during the post-partum period, and when you're pregnant …"    


His voice dropped, and a faint red color flowed behind his ears. Mu Chen took it, "Why is there this? "I …"    


Shen Jingli snatched it back and stared at him angrily. He said with a rough voice: "So what if I do? Do you still want to study hard? "    


You beast, he's already pregnant, but he's still thinking about that. Shen Jingli's temper was quick, he picked up the stack of books and threw it on the ground, and then, he stomped on it a few times.    


Seeing him like this, Mu Chen remembered that the steadier man who had lent him the book had reminded him that there were some people who would change their emotions after they became pregnant, and turn their faces faster than flipping books. As their husband, he had to understand and advise more, otherwise problems would easily arise.    


"There are still a few more, do you want to try stepping on them again?" Mu Chen thoughtfully handed over the other books in his hands.    


Seeing him like that, Shen Jingli suddenly became angry, and poured himself a cup of tea from the water bottle. Before he could even take the tea, Mu Chen had already taken it away, "You are carrying a child, so you cannot drink tea."    


Shen Jingli frowned, looking at his serious look, he shrugged his shoulders and picked up the books one by one, "Where did you go to borrow these books?"    


"Lend it to a famous man in the village." He went to the clan leader's house early in the morning to ask around, and found out that there was an old stable man in the village who had collected a lot of books on twins for decades, so he personally came to ask for help. But the stable man himself was a double, and upon learning that he wanted to learn about twins' pregnancy because of his wife, not only did he readily lend the book to him, but he also reminded him of a few things he had to pay attention to.    


"He's perfectly fine. Why would he think of reading these books?" Since he couldn't drink tea, Shen Jingli asked Jin Yu to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water.    


"Make your preparations earlier. When you produce, it won't be so dangerous." Perhaps because when he thought about how he gave birth to Xun Er, Mu Chen's heart was thrown into disorder, and her face was actually somewhat pale. She extended her hand to hold Shen Jingli's hand, and even more so, discussed with him, "How about it, don't give birth to him?"    


He was only happy that he was pregnant, but he forgot about the dangers of having a child. If he were to lose his life for the sake of a child, he would hate himself for the rest of his life.    


Shen Jingli looked at his nervous appearance and couldn't help but laugh. He poked his waist with his index finger and said, "People say that those who get pregnant will get prenatal depression. When I was pregnant with Xun Er before, why didn't I see you so nervous? "    


Mu Chen was rendered speechless by the question. He recalled what Shen Jingli was doing when he was pregnant with Xun Er, and the more he recalled, the uglier his complexion became.    


Jin Yu brought a pot of hot water and came in. She told Shen Jingli that Qing Sheng had brought Mu Xi to find him.    


"Then I'll go out and take a look." Shen Jingli immediately stood up and pointed to the pot of hot water, "Bring the pot of water over, Qing Sheng is also carrying a child, you can't drink tea."    


Jin Yu nodded her head, took the water kettle and followed Shen Jingli into the hall. Qing Sheng sat in the hall embroidering, and when he saw Shen Jingli coming over, he immediately stood up and shouted, "Sister-in-law."    


Shen Jingli looked at the embroidery he placed at the side and raised his eyebrows, "Why did you bring this?"    


"I want to make a few sets of clothes for Xun Er and measure his size." Shen Jingli had bought a lot of things for Mu Xi in the past few days. He did not have that much money, so he could only put in some effort and personally make some clothes for Xun Er.    


"You are a double body person now, don't work too hard." Shen Jingli sat down, allowing Jin Yu to pour some hot water, then she added some snacks, "You came here precisely for this matter?"    


"Not really." Qing Sheng paused, as though he didn't know what to say, as his face suddenly turned red.    


"Just say it directly. I'm your sister-in-law, is there anything else that you're not willing to say?"    


"I heard that Fourteenth Brother borrowed some books from Master Rong this morning, so I wanted to …" His voice got lower and lower and his ears turned red.    


"That's it?" Shen Jingli laughed, "What's there to be embarrassed about, I'll go get it for you right now."    


He entered the house, and in a while, he brought out a few books and gave them to Qing Sheng, "Take a look at these first, after Mu Chen has finished reading those books, switch them over."    


"Fourteenth Brother is watching?" Qing Sheng's mouth was wide agape in shock, feeling that this was inconceivable, shouldn't these books be read by the pregnant Gemini? What kind of man would read such a book?    


"Can't he look?" There is such a rule.    


"Normally, men wouldn't read this kind of book. This kind of book is usually read by married couples." Qing Sheng said, but in his heart, he was slightly envious of Shen Jingli.    


Shen Jingli laughed, how could Mu Shisi become a good man's role model?    


The two of them sat down and chatted for awhile, until the sun had set. Only then did Qing Sheng bring Mu Xi home.    




Shen Jingli had just taken a bath and was lying down on the bed, playing with the Nine Links, on the bed. Mu Chen was currently resting on the foot of the bed, holding onto the pages, carefully and attentively reading.    


Because he was afraid that Xun Er and Huaixin would have trouble sleeping at night, Mu Chen decided to have Jin Yu and Nian Hua bring them to bed from today onwards.    


The candle flame flickered, and the room was completely silent, except for the sound of Mu Chen flipping the pages of his book from time to time.    


He was reading very attentively, and looked as if he was completely focused. Shen Jingli was completely captivated by him, and stared at him without blinking, thinking that he looked really good.    


He suddenly had a sudden impulse, he extended his leg and pulled away the blanket on Mu Chen, then pulled off his clothes and stepped on his lower abdomen. His abdomen was very warm, and as he stepped on it, Shen Jingli was actually reluctant to pull back his foot.    


Mu Chen was still focused on reading the book, and didn't feel anything from him. Shen Jingli stepped on it a few more times, and used his thumb to circle around Yue Yang's stomach, and when he saw that he still didn't react, he unwillingly withdrew his leg, but was stopped by a hand.    




"Be good and warm again." Mu Chen grabbed his ankle with one hand and continued to flip through the pages with the other. Shen Jingli looked at him strangely and then continued to play with the Nine Links in his hands.    


After a while, the nine parts of the chain had not been broken yet, but Shen Jingli was tired. He threw it to the side and tilted his head to look at Mu Chen.    




"Fourteen, fourteen …" He shouted a few times.    


"Hmm?" Mu Chen raised his head and looked at him.    


"Nothing, I just wanted to call you out of the blue." he said, his innocent eyes wide.    


Mu Chen kept the book, moved the pillow back, and laid by his side. She extended his hand and pulled him into his embrace, and said: "Good girl, go to sleep."    


He smiled, slipped into his arms, and soon fell asleep.    


— —    


Ever since Xun Er found out about Shen Jingli's pregnancy, he had become very interested in his stomach. Every day, he would stroke his stomach and ask him various questions.    


"Mama, when will little brother come out?" After eating breakfast, Xun Er laid on Shen Jingli's stomach again and started to chat quietly with his little brother, who was still a little kid like him.    


"In eight months." Shen Jingli patted Xun Er's head and patiently replied him.    


Xun Er looked at him, as if he was thinking about how long eight months was, and after a while, he stuck it on Shen Jingli's stomach. Shen Jingli was not even two months pregnant, and the child in his stomach had not fully grown, so there were no movements at all.    


"Mama, did Xun Er live in your stomach in the past?"    


"Yeah, I lived here for a long time." Children's questions are so strange that sometimes they are hard to answer.    


"Xun Er must be very obedient." Xun Er said, then lowered his head again, and looked at Shen Jingli's stomach, mumbling something unknown.    


Shen Jingli looked at his serious expression and felt it was kind of funny, so he asked, "What did you whisper to little brother about?"    


Xun Er became stern face and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "This is a secret, I cannot tell you."    


"Mama can't say it either."    


"This is a secret between me and my brother. No one is allowed to speak of it." Xun Er firmly shook his head, his expression serious.    


The more serious he acted, the happier Shen Jingli's smile became.    


"Xun Er, you can't lie on top of Mama forever. Mu Chen walked over, picked Xun Er up and placed him on the ground, "Be good, let's go out with Huaixin to play."    


Xun Er raised his head and looked at Shen Jingli before running over and rubbing his stomach, and said seriously: "Be good, little brother, don't disturb the Mama, big brother will be back to accompany you after playing for a while."    


Shen Jingli was amused by his actions, and felt that his son was extremely cute. He watched as Xun Er happily went out of the door and leaned into Mu Chen's embrace, and said: "Xun Er seems to be very happy to have a younger brother and sister."    


"All he wants is for his little brother to be able to play with him when he's born." A wise son does not need to be treated like a father. Mu Chen saw through Xun Er's true thoughts with a single glance.    


"He's just a child after all …" Shen Jingli yawned as he was tired, so he closed his eyes slightly.    


"Sleepy again?" Mu Chen asked.    


"That's right. I've been feeling very tired and always want to sleep. I'm afraid the little guy in my stomach is lazy." Not only was he lazy, he was even picky.    


"It's fine. Even if you're like you, you're also extremely good." Mu Chen kissed his cheeks, "Do you want to go to bed and sleep for a while?"    


Shen Jingli laughed, and started to feel dizzy, he nodded his head.    


Mu Chen carried him to the bed and covered him with a blanket. After he had soundly fallen asleep, Mu Chen then walked over to the desk, took out a ink stick and started to grind the ink on it.    


After studying the ink, he wrote a letter to King Jing and Xu Yanlin, informing them that due to Shen Jingli's unwell condition, they would not be returning to the capital for a short period of time.    


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