Sick Man Turns Out to be a General



0Shen Jingli had been imprisoned in the palace for a few days, but he had never gone to check on the situation of the stores and farms. Since the weather was good these days, he took the opportunity to bring Da Ji along to inspect the stores and farms.     2


Jin Yu originally wanted to follow along, but Shen Jingli was worried that the Nanny Jin wouldn't be able to take care of the four children by himself, so he asked her to stay at home to help. At the same time, he also left Da Lee at home to play with him, keeping an eye on him to prevent him from causing trouble.    


During the months of the besieging of the capital, many merchants closed their shops as they were afraid of the enemy's invasion. They hid at home, afraid of being caught in the flames of war. Now that the city was lifted, the shops on the Vermillion Bird Street opened up for business.    


Shen Jingli did not ride on the horse carriage. Instead, he brought Da Lee and the young adults to stroll on the main street. He looked over here and looked over there, stopping from time to time to look at the products and ask about the prices.    


Along the way, Da Lee and Nian Hua's hands were already filled with a pile of spoils of war.    


"Madam, this spicy steamed bun is really not bad. It's a pity that the boss isn't willing to buy more. One person can only buy five." The soft flavor of the steamed bun was quite chewy, and he wanted to eat it a second time. Although many people in the capital did not like drinking goat's milk or cow's milk and thought that drinking animal's milk was an unlucky thing, the milk and the steamed bun were very popular in this restaurant. The merchant did not make 100 steamed buns every day, so a single person could only buy 5 each time they came here.    


"I know, but you still keep eating." Da Lee saw him take out another steamed bun from his bag and take a bite contentedly, revealing a happy expression. He suddenly felt indignant, this steamed bun was all bought by the Madam, why was he the only one who ate it with such relish?    


"These steamed buns are really too delicious, I can't control myself." The young Da Lee didn't care what he was thinking about, since his stomach was still empty, he could eat whatever he wanted.    


"Don't finish it, leave two for Xun Er and Huaixin. Huaixin seems to also like this house's fragrant bread a lot." Shen Jingli turned around and reminded him repeatedly that this was a gluttonous glutton with an extremely good appetite.    


When Nian Hua heard this, he stopped and finished the last mouthful of the steamed bun. He licked his lips as if he wanted to continue and then rubbed his stomach that was only sixty percent full.    


Seeing him like this, Shen Jingli couldn't help but laugh, and added: "There's even a red bean dumpling inside, if you're hungry, take it to eat."    


Even if he wasn't hungry, he would probably use it for food. After all, he was a natural foodie and couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.    


They walked along the way and checked two restaurants, three painting stores and a jade artifact store. When they reached a pawnshop, Da Lee told him that it was Mu Chen's pawnshop.    


"How come I didn't know there was such a pawnshop?" 14 When he handed over all the shops to him, he had never told him that there was such a pawnshop.    


"This is Madam's wedding shop. Originally, there was only one shop, but because of poor management, it was almost impossible to continue on. Master asked for the shop to be taken care of by Master Xu, and not only did he revive from the dead, he even opened a few separate shops." Da Lee explained.    


This made Shen Jingli look at him carefully. He thought that Da Ji Da Lee was just a normal servant in the palace, but he never thought that he would actually be Mu Chen's trusted aide.    


"Since Master did not leave it to me, there's no need to worry about it." However, he still secretly memorized this pawnshop. If necessary, it could be used as a last resort.    


After checking his shop, he found that only one shop had not opened for business. The reason was that the shopkeeper was sick, so he thought it would be fine to keep the shop for a few days, so he didn't open it for business.    


was not so unreasonable as to visit the shopkeeper and let him take a good rest. After leaving ten silver coins behind for him to take care of, he brought Young Master and Da Ji to Yang Ningxiu's Embroidery Workshop.    


The Embroidery Workshop rose daily under Yang Ningxiu's painstaking efforts, and in the recent year, she had opened a new branch in Jiangnan.    


Yang Shun and Yang Hu were counting the goods in the shop when they heard the sound of footsteps. Yang Hu hurriedly came out to welcome them. "Guests, what would you like to see? We have …"    


After the voice was swallowed, Yang Hu innocently scratched his head and laughed, "So it's Young Madam Biao, you came to find Miss, right? Miss is currently on the second floor discussing things with the guests and will be coming down shortly. Please take a look inside, there have been a lot of new products recently, perhaps there are some that Young Madam would like."    


"Alright, you guys go back to work. No need to call me over."    


After Yang Hu left, he brought him some hot tea, which Shen Jingli sat on a stool at the side for customers to rest, and then took out a pattern book from a bookshelf for them to look at. These pattern books were all made using the pattern books that Shen Jingli had suggested for them, he made all the patterns from Embroidery Workshop into a pattern book and placed it in the shop for the customers to flip through.    


Nian Hua placed the dessert he had bought on the road onto the table. He looked at the scattered customers and said, "There really aren't many people here today."    


"He probably hasn't recovered yet." Shen Jingli flipped through the book for a while, and then placed it back down, conveniently picking up the red bean bun on the table to eat. Just as he was about to touch the bun, he saw a small hand snatching the bun that he was about to take, he turned his head, and saw a little boy smiling at him, then hiding under the table.    


"Lady, there's a thief." The young boy was covered with dirt, and his clothes and face were covered with mud. Even when he was dragged out, he did not run away, but instead ate the red bean bag in big mouthfuls. Seeing the fierce look on the young man's face, he even smiled at him with the sun shining on his face.    


"You little thief who stole the red bean bun, what are you laughing about? Be careful that I don't hit you." He couldn't bear to see Han Li's smiling face, so he swung his fist and threatened him.    


However, he wasn't intimidated at all. After finishing the red bean dumpling in his hand, he reached for the remaining Steamed Bun on the table and angrily grabbed his wrist. "You still want to eat secretly, you thief."    


"Zixuan, what are you doing?" Yang Ningxiu brought the guest down from the second floor and saw Nian Hua clutching Lei Zixuan. He was so excited that she didn't know what to say.    


Seeing that there were still outsiders around, Yang Ningxiu could only suppress her temper and politely send his guests out before turning around and bringing them to the backyard.    


"Zixuan, you've gotten into trouble again?" Yang Ningxiu carried Lei Zixuan over. Seeing how angry she was, it could be seen that Lei Zixuan had done this quite a few times.    


In Lei Zixuan's hand, he held the red bean bun that he had just taken advantage of when he was young and took a big bite. As he ate, he said, "I ate a bun …"    


"Miss Biao, do you know this thief?"    


Yang Ningxiu glared at Lei Zixuan snappily and bowed towards Shen Jingli: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, this child doesn't know better. He stole your bun, I apologize on his behalf."    


"This is Lei Zhen's son?" It was only two red bean buns, so he wasn't that stingy.    


After hearing Shen Jingli mention Lei Zhen, Yang Ningxiu turned red from embarrassment and glared at him. However, Lei Zixuan finished the red bean in his hand in two or three bites, reached out to hug Yang Ningxiu and declared loudly, "I am my mother's son."    


When he said that, Yang Ningxiu's blushing face became even more intense. However, Shen Jingli actually laughed, and did not continue to entangle with him on this issue, and instead asked him about the recent developments in the Embroidery Workshop.    


"After listening to sister-in-law's suggestion, I used a new method to dye the embroidery threads in even more colors. After that, I received inspiration from Ningxin and researched it out … " Yang Ningxiu looked towards Dong Ling, who gave him a handkerchief in understanding.    


"This handkerchief is so strange." Nian Hua picked up the handkerchief and looked at it. "Although it hasn't been embroidered yet, it has a circular outline."    


"There are a lot of girls and couples in the capital who are not good at embroidery, but the red-crowned man who really wants to get married wants to do it himself. "So, we will draw the pattern on the handkerchief in advance. The embroiderers will only need to embroider according to the outline of the pattern. Even if the embroidery work is not good, we can embroider a beautiful handkerchief."    


"It was Ningxin who suggested it." That girl must have suggested such a lazy way of doing things. That girl just wouldn't stay home and learn how to use the zither, chess, painting, and female cooking.    


That's right, last time my aunt forced her to learn how to work female at home, after studying for a month, when even a mandarin duck couldn't be embroidered well, she complained to me, why didn't Embroidery Workshop's embroidery cloth make a good design first, and even asked her to use so much effort to draw her own drawing? In the end, the mandarin duck was embroidered like a chicken, turning into a forest fire.    


"It's not that that girl doesn't have talent, she's just lazy." Yang Ningxin was very skilled, the teachers who taught painting even said that she had a strong learning ability and was very talented in painting, but she just could not progress, so she just wanted to be lazy from day to night.    


"Laziness is one thing, that girl really can't do detailed work." Yang Ningxiu laughed, thinking back to the business she had just talked about, she smiled even more happily, "Oh right, the second wife of the Su Family, the largest embroidery family in Jiangnan province just now, personally came over to discuss a cooperation with me. She said that she wanted to buy our Embroidery Workshop's embroidery threads, and even wanted to buy the diagrams on our Embroidery Workshop."    


The Su Family was an embroidery family, and after seeing the products of Yang Family, they should be able to think of an even better product to reform the management of their own Embroidery Workshop. However, they did not do that, but had come to discuss and cooperate with Yang Ningxiu.    


"The Su Clan's embroidery is renowned throughout the entire Su Clan. I thought that working with them would bring no harm, so I agreed." No matter how you looked at it, being able to interact with the Su Clan was something she earned. With the reputation of the Su Clan, their business was able to go even further.    


Yang Ningxiu brought Shen Jingli to the place where she worked, and told him the whole story of working with the Su Family, as she wanted to hear his opinion.    


Shen Jingli did not have any objections towards the cooperation between Yang Ningxiu and the Su Family. The business was her business, and she would naturally consider whoever she wanted to cooperate with. Although he had many ideas that surpassed this era, he was not a talented person in business, so he was not able to give his many good suggestions.    


After chatting with Yang Ningxiu for a while, Shen Jingli realized that it was getting late, so he did not go out of the city to visit the Tian Zhuang. Instead, he went to Shen Yue'er's roast duck restaurant and picked up a roast duck to eat.    


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