Sweet Mommy, Go!

C160 Without Sincerity

C160 Without Sincerity

3It was just that the people who were here today did not have the mood to eat. They had all heard that the Huangyingping wanted to apologize to the Muxiangwan and watch the show.     2


This was the first time such a thing happened since the founding of the Leeda, so everyone was very curious.    


Many of the department heads had come to see what was going on.    


Soon, the exciting moment arrived.    


Suddenly, the ear-piercing sound of a megaphone could be heard in the chaotic dining hall, followed by the voice of a woman.    


"Huangyingping from the design department apologizes to the designer of the Muxiangwan! "I hope that you can forgive me for the harm I have done to the designer of the Muxiangwan because of my words and actions."    


"Huangyingping from the design department apologizes to the designer of the Muxiangwan! "I hope that you can forgive me for the harm I have done to the designer of the Muxiangwan because of my words and actions."    


This sentence echoed in the hall many times, and everyone could clearly hear it.    


Some of the more trustworthy people started to look for Huangyingping, and very quickly, they found him holding his phone in a corner.    


So it turned out that Huangyingping's phone was connected to several audio systems. As long as she spoke into the phone, the audio system would synchronize with her voice.    


This was something she had thought of all night, so that she wouldn't have to show her face.    


There were a lot of employees in the Leeda, so no one cared about a small designer like her. As long as no one saw her, they would quickly forget about it.    


However, her plan failed!    


At night, just as she was about to leave the office, she discovered that Guchenzhe was already standing there.    


When the Guchenzhe appeared, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. When they realised that the Guchenzhe was staring straight at them, everyone turned to look at the Huangyingping with jealousy.    


When Muxiangwan came out, she discovered that the corridor was crowded with people. She looked over curiously to find that Guchenzhe was standing at the entrance of Huangyingping's office.    


Not a single person came out. The people outside watched from a distance, and no one dared to step forward.    


Muxiangwan didn't know what had happened, he could only see the back of Guchenzhe.    


But when she found out that Guchenzhe wasn't here to pick her up, but was instead looking for someone else, she felt a wave of discomfort in her heart.    


She didn't know what kind of feeling that was, but she felt her heart sour, and wanted to drag Guchenzhe away and leave this place.    


But she did not do so. If she wanted to leave this place by herself, perhaps she was afraid that in the next second, Guchenzhe would walk right in front of her with her arms around her waist!    


"Where are you going?" Guchenzhe's cold voice came from a place not far away.    


Muxiangwan immediately stopped and raised his head. He realized that Guchenzhe was looking at him.    


"Me!" Muxiangwan pointed at himself.    


When she discovered that Guchenzhe was emitting an angry aura, she was sure that Guchenzhe was talking about her.    


"Hehe!" Muxiangwan forced a smile. As the saying goes, don't hit people who are smiling.    


Realizing that the Guchenzhe was angry, he immediately laughed out loud. It was a move that the Muxiangwan had just discovered.    


As long as she smiled, Guchenzhe would not go on a rampage.    


"I'm going down to wait for you!"    


"Come here!" Guchenzhe was still cold.    


Muxiangwan rolled his eyes and decided to obediently walk over. With this many people, it would be hard for her to anger Guchenzhe.    


This man who cared about face, Muxiangwan licked the spot where he was bitten as he dragged his feet towards Guchenzhe.    


Gently hugging Muxiangwan's waist, Guchenzhe softly asked: "Is it still painful?"    


"It hurts!" Muxiangwan said with exaggeration.    


Although it was not good, it did not hurt anymore. The reason Muxiangwan said this was because she felt that this was the only way to make Guchenzhe feel more guilty.    


Only then would Guchenzhe remember not to bite her again.    


Her plan worked.    


"Then I'll bite gently next time!" Guchenzhe had an expression of heartache.    


"Ah!" Muxiangwan exclaimed softly. He did not expect that his plan of tormenting himself would only result in a light bite.    


It seemed that he had to change his plan.    


Muxiangwan was still thinking about how to make the Guchenzhe not bite her when he discovered that someone was walking out bravely from the office of the Huangyingping.    


Muxiangwan tactfully stood to the side, and that person walked close to her.    


Guchenzhe didn't say anything. She just held onto his hand at home, afraid that others would accidentally touch her.    


Someone started the conversation, and the people behind all bravely walked out.    


Seeing that, Huangyingping gathered his courage and walked over.    


Just as she was about to walk past Muxiangwan, she heard Guchenzhe's voice sounding above her.    


"What doesn't Huangxiaojie intend to say?"    


"About that, I've been too modest!" Huangyingping lowered his head, not daring to look at her.    


She stood right beside Muxiangwan. The atmosphere was extremely awkward and she wanted to escape, but she didn't dare to take a step forward.    


"I don't seem to see the sincerity of the Huangxiaojie!" Guchenzhe's voice was so cold that the entire Leeda was about to freeze.    


"Then what do you want me to do?" Huangyingping was somewhat unable to stand this oppressive atmosphere and roared loudly. At the same time, he raised his head and met Guchenzhe's eyes that were tainted with snow.    


"I just want Huangxiaojie to apologize for being late!" Guchenzhe's mouth curved up in a beautiful smile.    


However, there was not a trace of warmth in this smile. Instead, there was a bit of mockery.    


"I have been too modest!" The instant the Huangyingying met the Guchenzhe's eyes, he immediately became terrified.    


Those eyes looked at her like a hungry wolf staring at food, making people feel threatened.    


"I don't mind having my parents teach me what is called sincerity!" The mocking expression on Guchenzhe's face became even more pronounced.    


"You!" Huangyinglian's face turned extremely ugly.    


Seeing Huangyingping in such a predicament, Muxiangwan didn't want to make things too difficult for her and forcing her wouldn't do anyone any good.    


She quietly pulled at the corner of Guchenzhe's clothes, signalling him not to make things difficult for Huangyingping, but Guchenzhe did not budge an inch, as if he did not notice anything.    


Seeing that, Muxiangwan increased her strength. She was sure that Guchenzhe knew she was pulling him, but he did not have any reaction.    


In front of so many people, Muxiangwan was not in a position to say anything directly.    


After a long while, Huangyingying finally said slowly, "Don't worry, Guxiansheng. I will definitely give you an explanation at noon tomorrow so that you can see my sincerity!"    


"Not an explanation for me, but an explanation for being late!" The Guchenzhe corrected him.    


"Yes, I will definitely let Miss Mu see my sincerity!" Huangyingping lowered his head and said resentfully.    


However, her head was pressed down too low that no one could see her expression.    


When he raised his head again, Huangyingping found that the two people in front of him had already left.    


There was only a bunch of people watching her.    


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