Sweet Mommy, Go!

C166 Pay Attention to Image

C166 Pay Attention to Image

3"From the looks of it, you look like a soldier!" Gumu revealed the curiosity in his heart.     4


"Right, Grandma, you're awesome. Lushushu is a police officer!" The Xiaoqi explained on the side.    


He wanted to get close to Luxiangfeng, but Muxiangwan was afraid that Yue Yang would touch his arm again, so she kept looking at him.    


"You're a cop?" Gumu's expression slightly changed, as if he had already thought of something.    


"En!" Auntie has good eyesight.    


"Then come this time!" Gumu glanced at Muxiangwan who was talking to Xiaoqi and hesitated to speak.    


"I just happened to be there, otherwise how could I be so fast!" Luxiangfeng knew what Gumu meant and immediately explained.    


"Mom, your mind is too sensitive. Do you want Xiangfeng to drag his friend here to prove something to him?" Guchenzhe asked.    


"No need, no need, we are all patients, there's no need to go through with it!" Hearing Guchenzhe's words, the Gumu calmed down.    


It was precisely because the Guchenzhe knew this that he said this to make his mother feel at ease.    


Luxiangfeng asked about the situation in detail while they chatted.    


He'd been a cop for years, and he'd learned to ask questions in small talk, and you'd unwittingly answered his questions, and you didn't know it.    


After exiting the sickroom, Luxiangfeng said, "I need to go back and check on this matter."    


"It's a good thing that the place is monitored. It's easier to investigate."    


"Hm!" I'll leave this matter to you! " Guchenzhe patted Luxiangfeng's shoulder.    


"There's no need to say such words between brothers!" Luxiangfeng laughed, "I will go back first. 36 hours of investigation is golden time, after that time it will be hard to investigate."    


"I need to find the driver as soon as possible!"    


Guchenzhe knew a lot of police officers, and many of them held positions higher than the Luxiangfeng, but regarding this matter, the Guchenzhe was relieved to leave it all to the Luxiangfeng.    


The morning of the second day, Muxiangwan called Luanchuying and requested for a few days of leave.    


Luanchuying expressed his understanding after hearing about the situation, he only asked Muxiangwan not to forget about designing the diamond ring for the Liaofuren.    


The Guchenzhe said that the company still had some matters to attend to.    


But he had already decided on the company's matters a long time ago. The only reason he said that was to make the Gumu and Muxiangwan at ease, so that he could go straight to the police station that the Luxiangfeng was at.    


Guchenzhe met Jingchajuzhang at the door who had just come to work.    


Jingchajuzhang knew Guchenzhe, when he saw him, he immediately came over to shake his hands, "Hello Guzong!"    


"Why did the Guzong come to visit us?"    


Jingchajuzhang was lean and lean, his skin was dark, and his eyes shone brightly. He did not look like the righteous aura that was seen on TV, but instead looked like a mouse that had matured into a spirit.    


Guchenzhe knew this person, they had met him before. It was not because the Guchenzhe had good memory, but because this person was too easy to remember.    


Guchenzhe had always wondered how a person like him could become the bureau chief of this place for so long.    


He was even more curious how the Luxiangfeng had endured under his hand for so long.    


"There's something I need to find Luxiangfeng for!" Guchenzhe didn't even have the intention to extend his hand to shake hands with the chief, as he coldly stated.    


"I'll call him for you right now!" Saying that, Jingchajuzhang walked in.    


As soon as he entered, he pointed at someone and said: "You, go and call out Luxiangfeng for me!"    


"Yes sir!" A person in a police uniform swiftly ran into the room.    


The Luxiangfeng quickly came out. Due to checking the surveillance, he did not sleep the whole night, nor did he put on his police uniform.    


The director looked at his disheveled and unshaven appearance, and his anger began to rise.    


How could he go see the Gudazongcai like this, what would he do if he pissed him off!    


"Why did you come to work just like that!" the director asked loudly.    


"Ah!" Luxiangfeng yawned, stretched and said: "Bureau Chief, for the sake of investigating a case, I haven't slept for the entire night. This kind of look can already be considered very good, okay!    


The bureau chief was not willing to get entangled with him on this matter. Afraid that Guchenzhe would be impatient while waiting outside, he waved his hand and said, "Wash your face clean, shave off your beard, change into a police uniform and then come see me!"    


"Why?" Luxiangfeng really did not understand, why would the bureau chief start to care about his personal image at this time?    


"There's someone outside who wants to see you!" The bureau chief said helplessly.    


"Who?" Luxiangfeng was a little curious, who would look for him this morning?    


"You don't know anyone!" The director rolled his eyes at him. Only then did he realize that something was wrong.    


How is it alright, the Guzong doesn't know the Luxiangfeng, why are you looking for me by name?    


"Do you know the president of the Gushi Group?"    


"Him!" The Luxiangfeng was suddenly enlightened and headed towards the door. He must be getting impatient from all the waiting.    


"Stop!" The director stopped him when he saw that he was about to leave the room.    


Luxiangfeng stopped and looked at the bureau chief in surprise.    


"What if you scare the Guzong like this? Go clean up quickly and then come back to see him. I'll go entertain him first, hurry up!"    


"It's settled!" Luxiangfeng waved his hand, "He's seen my appearance before!"    


The two of them had slept in the same bed when they were little!    


"If something happens, you will be held fully responsible!" Seeing that he could not even call for Luxiangfeng, the bureau chief said flustered and exasperated.    


"Why did you come here? You aren't with them at the hospital!" When Luxiangfeng walked out, the sun was shining brightly, causing him to be unable to keep his eyes open.    


He pinched the bridge of his nose. Having not slept for the entire night, he was indeed a little tired.    


"You haven't slept all night?" Seeing Luxiangfeng's exhausted look, Guchenzhe guessed the situation.    


"Let's go in and talk. Don't stand here!" With that, the Luxiangfeng walked in with his arm around the Guchenzhe's shoulders.    


The bureau chief took advantage of the fact that Luxiangfeng was out to run to his office and brew two cups of tea with his own good tea. He wanted to have some tea with Guchenzhe later.    


When he saw that Luxiangfeng was hooked onto Guchenzhe's shoulder, but Guchenzhe did not have the slightest bit of impatience on his face, he was completely dumbfounded.    


"Let go of Guzong, how can you be so disrespectful to him!" The bureau chief yelled while carrying two cups of tea.    


His words scared all the busy policemen. Originally, no one noticed when Guchenzhe and Luxiangfeng walked in, but his voice made everyone look over.    


The Luxiangfeng scratched his head and loosened his arm around Guchenzhe's shoulders. He also felt that it was inappropriate for the two men to hug each other's shoulders like this.    


"What's wrong?" Luxiangfeng was puzzled.    


The bureau chief immediately put down the teacup in his hand and walked over. He enthusiastically helped Guchenzhe tidy up the suit that had been crumpled up by Luxiangfeng, and said respectfully: "Sorry, Guzong."    


"The people here don't understand the rules, don't be angry!"    


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