Domineering Female State Advisor



2Those who lived at home in the capital could even return home to accompany their wives and parents after finishing their working hours. They could even bring home food and comrades to chat …    4


Ever since he came up with this new rule, these people only wanted to follow him. They thought that if they became soldiers, then it would mean that they had no fate with their home, and might even die on the battlefield some day and never come back. Now that they were able to go home every day, even those living far away looked forward to the day when they would have to take a vacation.    


"Princess Anning, these are the literate people we've chosen. They have a total of 27 people. These are ironmongers who know how to work. They know how to run a house …"    


Most of the soldiers did not know a single word, it would be a little difficult to choose talents from here. Dongfang Ning had no choice but to let the Intelligent Brain choose someone with nimble mind to teach them how to use machinery, and then let them teach them.    


"This is not easy to do, it is not easy to get a smart person to accept the new technology, Intelligent Brain, what do we do?"    


However, she could not get any more replies from the Intelligent Brain. Dongfang Ning wanted too much things today, and it seemed that the energy source for the Intelligent Brain was insufficient.    


"Intelligent Brain?"    


What happened to the Intelligent Brain?    


Dongfang Ning's heart skipped a beat. Could something have happened?    


Today, she took out a lot of science and technology from the Intelligent Brain. Could it be that the Intelligent Brain would also be tired?    


Since she could not get a response from the Intelligent Brain, she could only rely on herself to determine the outcome. She thought to herself that she would check the Intelligent Brain's system at night to see if there was anything wrong with it.    


Therefore, she gathered everyone together and taught them what to do and put them aside with a pen. She explained the various parts one by one, the principles of their work, and so on, dictating them to everyone.    


This was the mountain, he had to think of a way to get himself a wind turbine … He could only do that in the future, since he couldn't even get the original one, and could only take large scale items from the physical storage of the Intelligent Brain.    


There weren't any large scale machinery inside. All the medicines it could provide had to be concocted by itself. This was truly a big problem.    


"Today you will learn all the names and uses of these things. You must remember them all within three days. I will come for the examination in three days and anyone who meets the standards will become a techie, engineer, teacher, and so on …" At that time, your wages will be increased by several times. Naturally, I will tell Battle King to ask you to stay here and specialize in producing medicine … "    


The entire day was wasted by Dongfang Ning. Thinking that there might be a problem with the Intelligent Brain, she even mixed the meat with the seasoning and could not bear to waste it.    


However, this activity of eating and drinking around the bonfire still made everyone extremely excited. This kind of boldness was too rare. This was a group of people who were brimming with hope for the future.    


Dongfang Ning had something on her mind, so she only chatted with them for a while before she prepared to leave.    


"Wang Meng, you, Zhao Xin, Zhang Jun, Zhang Yong … "Your team must keep an eye on all the projects, without any mistakes. Whether this factory can be set up will depend on its leadership, and there will be a lot of work for you to do in the future …"    


Dongfang Ning had done a lot of things today. She had formed a leadership team, and each of the leaders now had their own leadership team … If this continued, she would soon be able to obtain a team with skills.    


When Dongfang Ning returned to the Princess Mansion, it was already night. When Xue'er saw that she had returned safely, she heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly went to get her food.    


After Dongfang Ning finished eating, she rushed towards the hot spring in a hurry to take a bath. She needed to calm down and take a good look at the Intelligent Brain.    


Without the Intelligent Brain, her life would be very, very difficult …    


"Xue'er, guard outside. No one is allowed to enter without my order!"    


Dongfang Ning had never given such an order before. Xue'er was shocked. Did something happen?    


She didn't dare to be negligent and stood outside the door saying, "Yes!"    


After a simple reply, she stood outside the courtyard like a gatekeeper. Her eyes and ears were focused on the surroundings as she entered a state of alert.    


Dongfang Ning quickly took a bath in the hot spring and sat on the soft couch, calling out the main interface of the Intelligent Brain.    


Seeing the transparent screen of the main interface of the Intelligent Brain floating in the air, Dongfang Ning felt slightly more at ease.    


But when she saw the words on the screen, her heart went cold again.    


Because there was only one line of words on the virtual screen that was emitting blue light:    


Please choose the way you want to enter the Intelligent Brain: 1 Manual    


She remembered that the first time she entered this Intelligent Brain system, she had two choices. One was by hand, and the other was by Intelligent Brain.    


But now, the Intelligent Brain was gone, where did the Intelligent Brain go? This was obviously the Intelligent Brain's system.    


Dongfang Ning took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She had to recover her calm mind and check to see what was wrong with the Intelligent Brain.    


After manually entering the system, the menu bars were still there, but the Intelligent Brain was no longer able to function.    


Dongfang Ning took out her virtual keyboard and skillfully typed in a bunch of data. She then began to search for clues in the sea of data.    


The moment she entered the realm of thought, it took her more than ten hours. Only on the second night, did she finally exit this new system.    


Right now, Intelligent Brain was like a phone that had lost its network. They could only look at the contents inside, and could no longer have any contact with other planets.    


Except for what she could take out of her personal storage, everything else could only be seen but could no longer be obtained, and this tool bar was the result of a day of hard work.    


"In the future, I can only rely on myself. Meteor, does this world have meteorites?"    


Yes, the Intelligent Brain had already lost contact with the host system on the outer planet, so it was unable to obtain any more information. The Intelligent Brain's self-protection system also stored away the last bit of energy source in its memory.    


The Intelligent Brain could still be used, but if she used this final source of energy, even if she could contact another planet, the Intelligent Brain in her mind would only be a blank slate. At that time, how would she be able to find so many stored items?    


Right now, the only way out was for her to rely on herself. No Intelligent Brain could help her inspect the patient and navigate her coordinates … Help her explore all the unknown.    


In other words, only the original Intelligent Brain retained the items and ideas left behind by the professor. If the last bit of energy was used, then the Intelligent Brain would be useless.    


Everything inside would be redone just like the system. She didn't have time to research and produce another Intelligent Brain, and furthermore, she wasn't a god, so she didn't know everything.    




Dongfang Ning sat quietly on the bed, thinking of these two words. This thing was too hard to find, where could she go to find it. If there were Intelligent Brain s around, she could search them and test them.    




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