Domineering Female State Advisor



0When she found out that she didn't even know the princess, the princess became even angrier after coincidentally helping her. She treated the two of them even more seriously, which made her want to quickly find a way to help her mother leave this family.     4


She wanted to ask the person who had been in charge of her father's case, Lord Xiao, who had been sentenced to her family's property. She didn't want to continue bearing with her aunt's unreasonable actions and all sorts of mistreatment.    


Could the people from Princess Anning's family tell her?    


"If you don't want to say it, then forget it. I'll help you get the person you're looking for out!" Mei Er saw her troubled expression and felt it was impossible. Mistress couldn't be like this. If Mistress knew, who knew what trouble she would cause?    


Xue'er had told her everything that Dongfang Ning had done in the Zuo family today. She thought to herself: If I'm here, I'll definitely beat up those people who dare to bully their master's friends.    


"Miss, please leave. Don't do anything for me. It's late now, if you don't go back now, you will be scolded by the princess."    


Liu Sisi wasn't surprised that someone was helping her, instead, she was concerned about others.    


"No wonder the princess likes you. It's alright, watch me!"    


As soon as she finished speaking, Liu Sisi saw Mei Er circle around to the back of the restaurant and fly to the top of the building. This restaurant had two floors, so how could she just fly up there like that?    


It was great to have the ability! If he also had this ability, then he wouldn't have to worry. She started to hate him because he knew nothing at all. Princess Anning had been right that day.    


She still remembered what Dongfang Ning had said the other day. "Leave the honorable status bestowed upon you by your parents. You're all nothing. You can't even eat …"    


While deep in thought, he suddenly saw the restaurant catch on fire. After a short while, the customers and servants in the restaurant all shouted and ran downstairs, all of them rushing out.    


"That's a good idea. She actually dared to do such a thing. As expected of someone from Princess Anning's residence!"    


Liu Sisi thought as she rushed to see if there was any Lord Xiao Yongguang in the crowd.    


"Hurry and catch that girl, she's the one who set the fire, it must be her!"    


The sharp-eyed waiter saw Liu Sisi squeezing into the crowd and couldn't help but to cry out. He said it like this, a girl was not staying at home in the middle of the night, wandering around in front of their door. It turned out that she wanted to set fire to the restaurant.    


When everyone heard this, they all looked towards where the waiter was pointing and saw Liu Sisi, who was even poorer than a beggar. How could such a person set a fire?    


He would probably cry from fright if he were to even let out a single roar.    


Although this was what everyone was thinking, some of them still went forward to catch Liu Sisi.    


"It wasn't me, I didn't set a fire!" She was once a young lady of the Shangguan Family. When had she ever seen such a scene before? She was so frightened that she kept saying that she didn't set a fire.    


"If it's not you, then who else could it be? You've been guarding our restaurant for the entire night, you must have some ulterior motives!"    


How could that waiter be willing to let her go? He continuously pointed at her and said that she was the one who set the fire.    


"I've been by the side the entire time. I didn't set a fire, and I didn't see who did either. I'm here to look for Lord Xiao."    


Liu Sisi continued to defend herself, but she never brought up Mei Er's words. She had helped him out of the kindness of her heart, so how could he betray her?    


"Stop messing around, hurry up and put out the fire. Is it even useful to keep pestering people here?"    


Only then did everyone turn towards the restaurant as if they had just awoken from a dream. Only then did they realize that the fire had already been extinguished?    


Many of the people from the shops to the side came out to watch the commotion as well, surrounding them in a circle, "What are you guys doing at Wind Catching Restaurant? Why are you making so much noise when you have nothing to do? Don't you know that our restaurant has an important guest? Seriously!"    


"Why didn't I burn you to death! Such a heavy rain, and you still want me to come out and see what is going on! "    


"Brother Zhang, let's continue drinking …"    


The crowd dispersed as quickly as they arrived. The restaurant also understood that there was no fire. So what happened to the fire just now?    


You clearly saw that fire downstairs?    


"Lord Xiao, please wait!"    


Liu Sisi finally saw the person she had been waiting for. She went up and knelt down in front of the man called Lord Xiao.    


"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"    


Xiao Yongguang suspiciously looked at the girl. He didn't know her, but the waiter said she had been here all day just to wait for him?    


"Lord Xiao, do you remember the Liu Jingcai trial that you were investigating when you were still in the capital five years ago?"    


"Liu Jingcai's case has ironclad evidence. There's no need to ask anymore. I don't want to ask who this lady is and why she is asking about it. It's raining heavily now and I'm going in now."    


After Xiao Yongguang said this, he wanted to return to the restaurant. Although he was standing under the eaves of the house, he was also drenched in the rain. After he finished speaking to Liu Sisi with an impatient expression, he prepared to leave.    


"No, my lord, I beg of you. I heard that my father's house was awarded to me, so please help me break my notary. My aunt …"    


"Don't talk about it anymore. This case has already been concluded and I no longer serve in the capital. How can I interfere with your family matters?"    


After Xiao Yongguang finished speaking, he immediately turned around and returned to the restaurant, no longer looking at the woman kneeling in the rain.    


Tears silently flowed from the corners of Liu Sisi's eyes. It was hard to tell if it was tears or rain due to the rain. She didn't cry loudly. Could it be that she and her mother could only be chased out of the house and live a life of begging?    


She knelt there in despair, tears streaming down her face … She did not want to accept this fate. She wanted to kneel until that Lord Xiao, who had handled the case back then, came out. She did not want to cry for injustice, because she did not know what had happened back then.    


However, the waitress didn't want her to continue kneeling here. What happened just now was too strange, wasn't it really caused by this woman?    


"Hey, hurry up and leave. If you don't, I'll report you!" I wonder if you were the one who set the fire? "    


Without waiting for Liu Sisi to say anything, Mei Er had already flown over. She pulled Liu Sisi, who was completely drenched, and said,    


"Come back with me!"    


Liu Sisi was silent. Her heart was dead. She woke up when she thought of her mother.    


"No, miss, thank you. I still need to go back to take care of my mother …"    


"You go back with me first and change into dry clothes. If you go back like this, your mother will worry …"    


As Dongfang Ning's personal guard, whenever Dongfang Ning paid attention to anyone or anything, she would secretly ask about Liu Sisi's family background and status.    


Therefore, she knew how to deal with this girl to be effective. If she was the master, she would definitely knock him out and carry him away.    


"I …"    


Mei Er's words struck directly at her heart. If her mother knew that she had done this in the rain, she might have immediately died of worry.    


With his current state, how could he go to the Princess Mansion? What kind of place was the Princess Mansion, how could a person like him go there?    


"It's alright. The princess is at home. She won't despise you, right? Come back with me to change clothes, right?"    


"Thank you for your good intentions. I think it's better if I go home. My mother is definitely waiting for me. If I can't see her, she'll worry …"    


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