Domineering Female State Advisor



3"Mom, if you have something to say, just say it. Don't hesitate to say it!"    


"Sigh, it's alright. There's a long way to go in the capital. When we get there, mother will teach you some manners. Look at how disrespectful you are to Old Prince. If you do that in the capital, you will be beheaded." When she thought about how Dongfang Ning didn't seem to care about other people, she turned pale with worry.    


Ever since she was young, she had never thought that this child would return to the capital and be faced with such a situation, so she did not teach her any etiquette. Who knew that in one night, not only had she changed, she was also about to enter the capital. Most importantly, she had even gotten to know the Shan Nation's Old Prince.    


"Etiquette? "Alright." Dongfang Ning was speechless. Wasn't etiquette supposed to be saluted by a superior, or a friendly handshake from someone familiar to her? What was there to learn about these things?    


"..." He really didn't do that these two days. Should he give Old Prince a hug later to make up for it?    


She also knew that the ancient etiquette was different from the old days. However, the things she learned were mainly military, so she had never really come into contact with other things.    


"Intelligent Brain, find me information on ancient human etiquette!"    


"It's only been 25 seconds. The Intelligent Brain was unable to find any relevant information. Not good, the Intelligent Brain actually has something that you don't know. Professor, you're lagging behind ~ You're seeking to level up …" The electronic voice grumbled in her head.    




Was this some profound knowledge?    


"Don't be afraid, Uncle, Auntie, Brother Hu has to rush to the capital to take the exam. Just keep him company and Niuwa will also be studying in the capital. Once Third Uncle has someone he loves, he will marry them back and our Fang family will be settled in the capital. You don't have to worry about money, I do."    




"This girl …" Her words had already settled everything, but her Third Uncle's face was completely red. A younger generation had arranged their marriage …    


Grandfather will stay here for now. After we earn some money, we'll come back to buy a house and bring Grandfather back to be buried …    


"Shouldn't we go home and take a look?" Madam Yang thought of the seventeen taels of silver she had hidden underground. She originally wanted to take it with her when she came out yesterday, but she was afraid that if she ran out of money in the future, she would have more. Who knew that after leaving, even a single person from the village would die. And now, they still had to go to such a faraway place? It was likely that they wouldn't be able to return.    


She didn't dare to say it out loud because she was afraid that the Fang family would chase her away after they found out. Now, she could only follow her son. Faang Tianzheng seemed to be very cold to her these two days and she was afraid of being abandoned.    


"Mother, we're not going back. I heard that the soldiers have already sealed the mountain and no one is allowed to enter." Faang Ann, who was also Fang Hu, immediately stopped her.    


"If you have something important to take, I can go back once. We will be leaving for the capital in two hours. However, if you have money and property, I can give you a gold mountain."    


Dongfang Ning glanced at Madam Yang as she spoke indifferently.    


Dongfang Ning unintentionally spoke out Madam Yang's thoughts. She couldn't help but shrink back. Why was this girl so good at talking?    


"Ning'er, you have to be polite when you speak to your elders. You have to call them auntie first and pay your respects to them …"    


Madam Wang could not bear to see her daughter behaving like this in the wilderness. If she was still like this in the capital, it would be a fatal disaster at any time.    


"Sister, it's alright. Ning'er is just being straightforward. Where did all these rules come from?"    


Madam Yang hurried to help her out.    


"Auntie is one of us, don't bother about her. Hurry up and greet her and apologize!"    




"Second Aunt, don't be angry. Little Sister Ning'er is still young. Don't bring up this matter anymore. How can you change your personality so easily? You should slowly change it in the future …"    


"Tiger child, don't get used to her. You're entering the capital now. If you were to meet any noble or powerful people in the capital, it would bring about a fatal disaster. From today onwards, it must be changed!" All of you must change as well! "    


Madam Wang was truly worried …    


She thought back to those years ago, when some poor people or girls would be caned because of a single faux pas. Some people with precious statuses would also be severely punished or retaliated against for speaking rudely.    


As for this Dongfang Ning’er, her fate was destined to be a noble king. This was a secret, and she couldn't explain it now. But looking at the current situation, her future development was not something she could stop.    


Madam Wang was worried, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.    


"Mother, what's wrong with me? Where is the wrong place? Where is the wrong place? You have to say it!"    


"Ning'er, you will be in your prime next year. This year, you have to properly learn about the virtues of women with your mother. Female Discipline …" Madam Wang looked worriedly at Dongfang Ning. How could that be good!    


"Alright, mother, you can do as you say …" He turned around and was about to leave.    


"Halt!" Madam Wang's eyes reddened as she assumed the posture of a mother. "Have you grown up and don't want your mother anymore? Mother, you're not even going to listen to mother's words? "    


"…" Dongfang Ning was speechless, so she could only stand there and wait for her to speak.    


No matter whether the elders are right or wrong, you must listen to them before you can reply. If the elders tell you to retreat, you can leave, but before you leave, you must pay your respects to leave, and if you come from a high official's house, you must kneel down to rest …    


Say, that woman, who's like you? "Ignorant of his elders?"    


"…" Dongfang Ning's head hurt. Where did all these rules come from? Do you even have human rights?    


"Little sister Wang, where did all this etiquette come from? I've never heard of it before!" Madam Yang panicked. She didn't know where Madam Wang came from, nor did she know Madam Wang's family. All she knew was that she didn't talk much, but her words sounded very reasonable. This was one of the reasons why she loved to bully Madam Wang.    


"These are just basic etiquette. You all have to learn it. And Big Bro, Third Bro, Niuwa, Hu Wa, all of you have to learn it. Otherwise, if you go to the capital, you will be in trouble everywhere." Madam Wang was no longer silent. Going to the capital was not like going to the wilderness.    


She brought out the imposing aura that she had learned from a young age and slowly began her tutorial on everyone in the room.    


"As a person, the first thing you have to do is pay your respects."    


"Kneel down, bow down, bow down, bow down …"    


"Stop, stop stop stop stop, I have something to do. I'll be leaving first. I'll teach you on the road, Mother!" She hurriedly slipped away.    


"This damned girl!"    




"Second Aunt, Mister taught us how to learn the etiquette. If a person doesn't learn the etiquette, then I will slowly teach them in the future. Rest assured."    


Faang Ann quickly went to rescue her. His little sister had changed a lot. When did she change?    


But turning into such a Fang Ning was much more lovable.    


"Sigh, baby tiger, hurry up and teach us. Teach Niuwa well, your mother, your father and the rest of them. This capital is a place to eat people …" Madam Wang began to show everyone the high status of Coptic Capital City. In those circles, etiquette was essential.    




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