Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C894 Wealthy Marriage 823

C894 Wealthy Marriage 823

3The originally calm and clear weather was suddenly overcast by dark clouds. Heavy rain suddenly poured down from the sky.    


Xia Yihan walked in the front unsteadily. Her clothes were soaked and stuck to Xia Yihan's body. Xia Yihan stepped into the puddle with her high heels. The puddle mixed with mud splashed onto Xia Yihan's body.    


Ye Zimo's mind was in a whirl as she saw a figure flash past her. Ye Zimo's hand that had pushed open the car door stopped.    


Xu Haorann ran to Xia Yihan's side with the umbrella and placed the entire umbrella on her. He turned his head and glared at Ye Zimo in exasperation. He had been following them the whole time.    


"Big Brother Xu?" Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haorann in surprise.    


The rain was too heavy, so Xu Haorann had to raise his voice: "Let's go!" I'll send you back! Ye Zimo, you will definitely regret it! "    


Ye Zimo listened quietly as she watched Xu Haorann support Xia Yihan as they walked further and further away. Xia Yihan's thin shoulders were protected by Xu Haorann.    


Ye Zimo opened the door and got out of the car. Her expensive suit was soaked by the rain and her vision blurred until she couldn't see the two of them.    


Seeing Ye Zimo getting out of the car, Zhang Fengyi also accompanied her. Ye Zimo looked at the spot where Xia Yihan had disappeared, her tone carrying a sense of loss. "Was what I did wrong?"    


"It's good that you don't want to hurt your own heart, but sometimes it's better to take on the same responsibility so that you don't hurt your opponent." Zhang Fengyi Ruo pointed.    


Xia Yihan didn't know that Ye Zimo had been standing with her all the way in the rain. When she got up the next morning, the bed sheets were slightly messy and Ye Zimo had come back.    


"Butler, where did Zimo go?" Xia Yihan pulled at the butler who was about to send a servant to clean up the lawn.    


"Young Master has already left for the company. Oh yeah, Mr Xu will come later to pick up Madam to relax." The housekeeper didn't tell Xia Yihan how miserable Ye Zimo's return was the day before, because Ye Zimo had instructed her to do so.    


Xia Yihan nodded and gave Zhang Fengyi a call. Inside the coffee shop, Xia Yihan asked Zhang Fengyi urgently, "You must know what's wrong with Zimo. Something's not right with him recently."    


Zhang Fengyi remained calm and said, "It would be better to ask Director Ye personally."    


"He won't tell me. You stay by his side. Please tell me." Xia Yi knew Zhang Fengyi must know something.    


"There's a fairy tale called The Wolf's Love. I think it's very good." Zhang Fengyi picked up his briefcase and said meaningfully before he left.    


At the bookstore, a young woman was squatting in the fairytale area and searching. This person was Xia Yihan, on the top of the bookshelf, there was a book with a large, colorful picture on the cover, The Wolf's Love. Xia Yihan stood on her tiptoes, her hands still a long way away from the book.    


A figure surrounded Xia Yihan, and a slender hand reached out from beside her ear, easily taking the book and placing it on Xia Yihan's hand.    


"Big Brother Xu? What a coincidence that you are also here? " Xia Yihan looked at Xu Haorann and smiled.    


Xu Haorann patted his gray hands and said with a smile, "It's not a good coincidence. Did the butler not tell you that I'm coming to find you today? I've been following behind you to see when you'll find me. "    


After listening, Xia Yihan lowered her head. She had indeed forgotten the appointed time with Xu Haorann. Right now, her heart was filled with Ye Zimo.    


"Let's go, little fool." Xu Haorann pulled Xia Yihan to a chair beside him and started reading a book.    


Xia Yihan opened the book and started reading.    


In the forest, there was a lone wolf. No animal could be faster than him.    


In the forest, it was the top of the food chain, and one day, a sheep broke into its world.    


Under its fierce gaze, the sheep quietly ate the grass. It was not afraid to run away.    


The wolf was curious. This was the first time no animal had seen it, so he ran away, thinking that since food was so easy to get, why not keep the lamb?    


From then on, the lamb became a follower of the wolf. Sometimes, the wolf threatened to eat the lamb, but after the threat, it would always protect the wolf.    


Gradually, the other animals in the forest began to see the lamb as an accomplice of the wolf. Some animals even tried to kill the lambs out of jealousy.    


The wolf protected the lamb and never told him about it until the wolf was shot in the eye by the hunter and was about to lose his sight.    


Fearing that the lamb would be harmed after his death, he massacred the entire forest. He would not let go of any of the animals.    


Finally, when the wolf was on its last breath, it made a gesture of wanting to eat the lamb. The lamb ran away in fear, leaving the wolf struggling in the cave before finally passing away.    


It was a simple story and a simple painting. Xia Yihan's face was already full of tears after she finished reading it. Xu Haorann silently handed over a tissue paper and finished reading the book in Xia Yihan's hands.    


He didn't know why Xia Yihan cried, but he knew that the only one who could make Xia Yihan cry without restraint was Ye Zimo.    


"I'll go find him!"    


"Big Brother Xu, don't. Promise me you won't go to Zimo about this." Xia Yihan pulled Xu Haorann along. She was confused and wanted to ask Ye Zimo about it at the first possible moment, but it didn't take her long to realize it. He shook his head and said to Xu Haorann, "Big Brother Xu, please satisfy him if he wants to hide something."    


"But you." Xu Haorann said hesitantly. He knew how much Xia Yihan loved Ye Zimo.    


"Let's go. Didn't you say that you want to take a walk?" I want to go to a park nearby. " Xia Yihan said to Xu Haorann with a smile.    


In the park, Xia Yihan was walking aimlessly. Xu Haorann was quietly accompanying her as the leaves on the ground creaked.    


Two children in fashionable clothes walked by. The boy kept saying something to the girl as if he was trying to please her. The girl replied indifferently, turning her head occasionally to look at the boy and reply him once or twice.    


Xu Haorann was stunned when he saw the female teacher turn around. He then frowned and said to Xia Yihan who had her head lowered, "Yihan, I'll go over for a bit."    


Without waiting for Xia Yihan's reply, Xu Haorann walked towards the two people who had stopped talking.    


Ao Xue responded impatiently to the boy called Yan Mingyao. The tall figure standing in front of her startled Ao Xue.    


"Uncle, you're blocking the way!" Yan Mingyao turned his head and looked at the displeased Xu Haorann as he said in a tender voice.    


Ao Xue recognized Xu Haorann. She had met him before in Los Angeles, and they bumped into each other a few times later. Ao Xue didn't hate this man in front of her at all.    


As he pulled Yan Mingyao and Ao Xue away, Xu Haorann stepped forward to stop Ao Xue. With an infuriated tone, he said, "I have to attend class today!"    


Ao Xue frowned and wanted to leave from the other side, but Xu Haorann continued to block them. He warned Yan Mingyao with an unfriendly expression: "Don't harm her!"    


"Enough! You're not mine, so you have no right to care about me. I'll do whatever I want! " Ao Xue grumbled in annoyance after hearing Xu Haorann's reprimand.    


"Ao Xue? Mingyao? " Xia Yihan ran over and was surprised to see Ao Xue and Yan Mingyao.    


"Aren't we going to school today? "Wandering around outside is really dangerous."    


Ao Xue's face darkened when she saw Xia Yihan. She pulled Yan Mingyao over to contradict Xia Yihan: "There's no need for you, you chicken woman."    


Yan Mingyao pulled at Ao Xue and wanted to leave. If his mother knew that he had come out to play, she would definitely break his legs.    


"Ao Xue, you can't be so rude!" Xu Haorann stopped her. He still felt a sense of familiarity towards Ao Xue and couldn't help but want to care about her.    


Ao Xue rolled her eyes. Seeing Yan Mingyao cowering to the side, Xia Yihan and Xu Haorann turned around and ran to the side of the road. An electric car drove by the side of the road.    


The people around them were discussing while the owner of the electric car stood to the side in a daze. Xia Yihan pushed the crowd aside and saw Xu Haorann sitting on the ground with Ao Xue in his arms.    


Ao Xue laid in Xu Haorann's arms blankly, her knee was torn and bleeding. Apparently, she was still in a daze.    


"From now on, you have to look left and right when you cross the road. You can't just keep running!" Xu Haorann comforted Ao Xue as he taught her education, holding her in his soft voice. Xu Haorann looked at the owner of the electric car and said in a loud voice, "This road was originally a park sidewalk. There are more people coming and going. Don't drive so fast in the future!"    


The owner of the car left while bowing and bowing. Xu Haorann could save a sum of money if he did not pursue the matter. Xia Yihan looked at Ao Xue's bleeding knee and hurriedly said, "Let's go to the hospital first."    


They rushed to the hospital. In the ward, Ao Xue lowered her head and didn't say anything. Xu Haorann asked patiently, "Tell me, why did you skip classes?"    


"Those lessons aren't interesting at all. They're too simple, I don't want to listen to them!" After the shock just now and Xu Haorann's concern, Ao Xue became a lot more obedient.    


"You damn kid, you're going to skip class for me. Learn from others, Yan Mingyao, get the hell out here." Jiu Jiu's voice came from outside the ward.    


Hearing that, Yan Mingyao turned his body around, and with his crew cut, he wanted to hide under the bed.    


"Yan Mingyao!" Yihan? " Jiu Jiu shouted in surprise when she saw Yan Mingyao yell and his gaze fell on Xia Yihan.    


In the corridor, Yan Mingyao was holding his head while standing at the side. Jiu Jiu looked at Yan Mingyao's slightly red ears with a pained expression.    


"Yihan, you two?" Jiu Jiu's gaze shifted between Xia Yihan and Xu Haorann, who was in the sickroom urging Ao Xue to call her teacher. Xia Yihan lightly patted Jiu Jiu on the shoulder and rebuked, "What are you talking about!"    


Jiu Jiu giggled and said, "I'm not talking nonsense. Xu Haorann only got married once and then left again. I think it's all because of you. It's really great to have someone he loves so much."    


When Jiu Jiu thought about Yan Qingyan, her eyes darkened. Xia Yihan then remembered the conversation between Ye Zimo and Jiu Jiu during Dihao Hotel. She asked, "I'm sorry about that day at the hotel."    


Jiu Jiu looked at Xia Yihan in surprise. "You know about it?!"    


Xia Yihan nodded and said, "Zimo is worried about Qingyan, but I'm with Qingyan, who hasn't made a mistake?"    


Jiu Jiu looked at Xia Yihan gratefully. Yan Mingyao, who was beside her, started to mutter, "I starved to death! I starved to death!"    


Jiu Jiu wanted to hit him again when she heard that. Xu Haorann walked out and said with a smile, "It's time to have lunch, why don't we go to a nearby restaurant to eat?"    


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