Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C881 Wealthy Marriage 810

C881 Wealthy Marriage 810

2The woman wearing sunglasses was Si Si. Si Si followed the crowd out of the court. The voice in her bag rang, and the man on the phone shouted in Cantonese, "Miss Si Si, should we continue the promotion?"    


Si Si frowned in disgust. If it wasn't for the fact that these hoodlums were good at spreading rumors, she really didn't want to interact with these hoodlums in society.    


"Continue with the promotions. Propaganda anything that sounds bad." Si Si hung up the phone. She was betting on when Ye Zimo would come and find her. She knew that this company was Ye Zimo's hard work, and it was impossible for Ye Zimo to hand the company over to someone else just like that.    


After Xia Yihan left the court, she went straight to the hospital. At the corner outside the hospital, Hai Zhixuan stopped Ye Zimo in his car.    


"The incident at the court hearing today still leaked out. Now, there's a group of reporters blocking the hospital's entrance, using the VIP channel to leave."    


Ye Zimo nodded and drove Xia Yihan through the hospital's exclusive VIP passageway. The moment Xia Yihan entered the room, she called out in surprise, "Cloud!"    


Yun Li hugged Xia Yihan with a smile, and raised the newspaper in her hands with her back facing Xia Yihan. Ye Zimo glanced at Yun Li gratefully. If it was possible, he really wouldn't want Xia Yihan to be exposed to these matters.    


Yun Yun and Xia Yihan chatted for a while before making an excuse to go out to buy something. Ye Zimo knew that Yun Yun had something to say this time, so she went out to find Yun Li after coaxing Xia Yihan to sleep.    


In the corridor outside the hospital, Yun Yun looked at Ye Zimo and asked, "Is Yihan asleep?" Ye Zimo nodded.    


Yun Xiao flipped open the newspaper and looked at the intimate photo he and Ye Zimo were supposed to take. He said helplessly, "If it's outside the country, this newspaper will definitely go bankrupt."    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and said, "It's time to turn initiative into passivity."    


A day later, all the major media newspapers received an invitation from President Ye in his personal capacity. The next morning, the reporters who received the invitation all filed into a hotel lobby. Yun Yun and Ye Zimo were present at the same time.    


At the press conference, the reporters saw the story of the heroine of the cloud, the camera has been flashing on the cloud.    


Clouds came from the general public to begin with. They did not reject such occasions and sat there naturally to be filmed by reporters.    


"Mr Ye, may I ask why this matter was delayed until today before it was clarified?" the reporter asked.    


"Now, I know that there are a lot of comments. However, which statements are true and which are false will depend on everyone to identify them." On one hand, it indicated that the rumors regarding the Ye Group and Cloud were fake, and on the other hand, it hinted at the authenticity of the current rumors surrounding the Ye Group.    


"Could it be that the Ye Group rumors are true? Right now, not only is the boss run by an unknown woman, but you even have to sign an iron order?" Another reporter cleverly caught the message Ye Zimo was trying to convey.    


Ye Zimo smiled as she looked at the reporter. The reporter then quickly wrote down in her notebook, "Former President of Ye Group admits that the Ye Group has changed hands. Please look forward to the future of Ye Group."    


"But Mr Ye, you and Miss Yun are the only ones attending this event today, don't you feel that you did it on purpose?" A reporter from an entertainment newspaper answered with a sharp question.    


Before Ye Zimo could reply, the door of the meeting room was heavily opened. A man walked in from outside, he was wearing a blue casual suit, his hair was a little long, and his bangs slightly covered his eyes, but it could not conceal his feminine temperament.    


This man was Yu Lan. Yu Lan's eyes swept across the crowd and finally landed on the entertaining reporter who had just asked the question. He raised his pretty eyebrows and pointed at Ye Zimo and Yun Li. "Do you think that woman is very compatible with that man?"    


The entertainment reporter who was being questioned swallowed his saliva. Although the man's question was very casual, the sharpness in his eyes made him seem like he was about to be eaten.    


The surrounding reporters got even more excited. Yu Lan, who had appeared out of nowhere, had become the best catalyst. Many of them were even preparing a topic. 'New and old lovers are gathered together, and the mysterious woman.'    


The entertaining reporter who had been questioned at the front of the group saw that Lan had been staring at him. He gulped and said, "Then you still don't have any evidence to prove that they're not worthy."    


After Yu Lan heard the reporter's reply, he suddenly laughed out loud. His peach-like eyes slightly squinted, causing many female reporters to feel a bit enthralled. Clouds, who was still sitting in his seat, coldly snorted.    


Yu Lan smiled and nodded. "Your question is very valuable. I like it. Should I prove it?"    


Finished speaking, Yu Lan turned around and walked towards the cloud with large strides. Walking to the front of the cloud, Yu Lan stretched out his hand to grab the cloud by its wrist. The cloud was pulled up, and with a stagger, he threw himself into Yu Lan's arms.    


Yu Lan put her arm around Yun Xiao's waist with a smile on her face. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at the clouds. Yu Lan whispered into Yun Xiao's ear, "I was wrong, Yun. I will never see another woman again."    


Without waiting for Yun Yang to speak, Yu Lan turned her head and kissed the cloud lip. At the beginning, the cloud was pushed a little, but later, it was pushed back into a hug, letting out a series of soft cries. The lights were on, and some reporters went over to see Ye Zimo's reaction.    


Seated on the seat, Ye Zimo was indifferent to the two who were inseparable. This made the reporters believe that there was nothing wrong between Ye Zimo and this woman called Yun Yun.    


"Cough, cough." When Ye Zimo saw that Yu Lan's hand was already about to attack Yun Xiao's chest, she shouted a warning. Ye Zimo pushed Yu Lan away and glared at her.    


Yu Lan smiled ingratiatingly and circled around the thin waist of the cloud once again. She turned to Ye Zimo and said, "It should be none of our business now, right? I'll retreat first. "    


Ye Zimo nodded. Yu Lan immediately left with Yun Yang. He couldn't wait to enjoy this runaway lover of his.    


After Yun Yun and Yu Lan had left, Ye Zimo continued, "As everyone has seen, one of the most important skills of an adult is not only to have eyes to see things, but also to use one's heart."    


After listening, the reporters knew that Ye Zimo was mocking the reporters for not knowing how to think, but they couldn't do anything about it either. Especially the entertainer who was choked by Yu Lan's choking voice just now, he really wanted to dig a hole in the ground.    


In the hospital, Zhang Fengyi was guarding the door of Xia Yihan's ward, which was Ye Zimo's order when she left. He was watching the live broadcast of the press conference on a flat surface, and Zhang Fengye felt a little helpless about Lan's sudden kiss. According to Ye Zimo's previous plan, as long as Yu Lan appeared and took the clouds away, it would be fine.    


While he was looking, Zhang Fengyi's stomach suddenly felt a wave of pain. Zhang Fengyi muttered: "Didn't you eat anything in Chinese?" The pain was getting more and more obvious. Zhang Fengyi opened the door and saw that Xia Yihan was still sleeping. He thought it would be fine to leave for half an hour.    


Ye Zichen casually put the tablet on the chair. This was a VIP ward, and all the surveillance cameras wouldn't steal anything. Thus, Zhang Fengyi ran into the bathroom with a sense of relief.    


Xia Yihan, who was in the room, had not been sleeping soundly. When she heard the sound of running in the corridor, she woke up with a frown. The curtains in the room had already been closed.    


Xia Yihan looked at the dim room and felt a little lonely. She felt a little bloated and aching in her stomach. After she finished with the bathroom, Xia Yihan went back to her bed and got up to go for a walk outside the door.    


Opening the door, Xia Yihan was attracted by the tablet computer on the chair. She took it and looked at Ye Zimo who was talking on the tablet in surprise.    


"What's going on?" Xia Yihan turned on the automatic recording function of the tablet, and played it forward bit by bit. When she saw a reporter saying that the Ye Group was already owned by a woman, she was so surprised that she almost dropped the tablet in her hands.    


"A woman in charge? What happened to the Ye Group? Who was that woman? " Xia Yihan had no idea that so much had happened while she was in jail and in the hospital.    


He suddenly thought of Si Si. Could that woman be Si Si? The more Xia Yihan thought about it, the more likely it seemed. She hastily changed into her hospital gown and left the hospital without the medical staff noticing.    


Xia Yihan came out of the hospital and stopped a taxi in front of the entrance. When she was about to get on the taxi, she realized that she didn't have a wallet with her.    


"Miss, are you going up or not? This is very difficult for me to do." The driver urged Xia Yihan as he saw her hesitation.    


"I want to go to Phoenix Street, but I don't have any money on me." Xia Yihan said with an embarrassed expression.    


The driver stared and said, "No money! Then why did you tell me about it? You want me to bring you there for free?! "    


Xia Yihan quickly waved her hand. Suddenly, she heard someone call her from behind. Turning around, she saw that it was Hai Zhixuan. Hai Zhixuan also looked at Xia Yihan in surprise and said, "I thought I recognized the wrong person. Yihan, why did you come out on your own?"    


Xia Yi pulled the car door shut and walked in front of Hai Zhixuan. Hai Zhixuan had been here recently, could it be that Hai Zhixuan also knew about the Ye Group? Xia Yihan said ambiguously, "I want to go to Ye Group."    


"Go to the Ye Group? Do you know? " Hai Zhixuan thought that Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan had already confessed, so he coaxed Xia Yihan, "There's really nothing better to do there now. Let's go back to the ward, Nianmo and Zhuoxuan got the noun for the speech contest at school, you don't know. I even specially recorded it, let's go back and watch it."    


Hai Zhixuan's tacit approval made Xia Yihan confirm that Ye Group must have encountered a great crisis this time. With a smile, she said to Hai Zhixuan: "Zimo agreed to let me out. Otherwise, do you think that with his temper, he wouldn't find someone to look at me?"    


Hai Zhixuan thought it wasn't Ye Zimo's style to let Xia Yihan run out alone. He opened the car door and said to Xia Yihan, "Alright, I'll send you there."    


The car drove all the way to Ye Group. Xia Yihan got off the car, and Hai Zhixuan instructed, "I'm going to the parking lot now, wait for me here obediently. Don't you know that I can't run around without you."    


Xia Yihan nodded. Hai Zhixuan then entered the underground parking lot without worry, and seeing Ye Group people coming and going, Xia Yihan walked towards the Ye Group Hall. There were some things that she had to tell Si Si, which was Soong Wanting herself.    


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