Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C781 Wealthy Marriage 710

C781 Wealthy Marriage 710

2There were all kinds of women who liked to be pretty. Bao‘er looked at the luxurious clothes enviously and imagined herself wearing them. She smiled and said to the designer, "How about I send them on your behalf? Xia Yihan and I are good friends."    0


The designer looked at Bao‘er happily. "I'm so lucky. It just so happens to be my boyfriend's birthday. I can go find her earlier this summer."    


The female designer happily handed the clothes over to Bao‘er. Bao‘er watched as she hooked the clothes up to her room and changed into a formal dress. The extravagant dress was filled with expensive symbols. The hem of the dress slightly expanded.    


Bao‘er continued to pose in front of the mirror. Suddenly, she covered her mouth and laughed, "Xia Yihan, you'd better be careful not to make a fool of yourself today!"    


Jiajia was standing at the entrance of the resort, eagerly waiting for her new boyfriend to come to her banquet. A few days ago, this man had chatted with her. For Jiajia, this was undoubtedly the best decision.    


The phone rang. Jiajia quickly picked it up and complained, "Shu Huang, why aren't you here yet? The banquet is about to start. Today, I want to introduce you to everyone.    


The reason why Jiajia was so worried was that Shu Huang's store in China needed money and time to exchange US dollars. Without telling her father, Jiajia had pawned all the properties in the house.    


"Darling, where's my racing car? "Thanks to baby you for the money, my store is under control." The voice on the phone sounded like it was filled with affection.    


Jiajia happily hung up the phone. Next to her, a bunch of sisters who had just gotten to know each other started asking, "Who is this?"    


Jiajia proudly said, "One of the boys who has been chasing me for a long time, a Harvard double degree, with a family business in Los Angeles, the only son in the family."    


"Wah!" "Jiajia, this is not worse than Ye Zimo at all. In the future, you can feel at ease being a Young Mistress." Some of the surrounding women were envious of her, while others were jealous of her good looks but bad luck.    


Time passed. Jiajia also became more and more nervous. Beside her, the girls were all waiting to see a good show. "Jiajia, when is your boyfriend coming? He's not going to use us, is he?"    


Jiajia didn't dare to reply. Shu Huang's cellphone was no longer connected from half an hour ago. The lights from the distant came on. After a while, Jiajia's confidence returned and she stretched out her neck to wait for someone.    


The car was an old Honda that was about to be eliminated. Jiajia subconsciously felt that it was impossible for it to be Shu Huang. She gave it a slight glance before withdrawing her gaze.    


"Jiajia, I'm here!" Shu Huang came out of the Honda car and greeted Jiajia with a smile. Jiajia looked at the Honda and Shu Huang and asked in disbelief, "You … why did you drive this kind of car over here?"    


The surrounding girls all treated it as a slap to the face to make him look fat. They did not intentionally embarrass her and said, "Honda is actually not bad too. It's durable."    


Jiajia felt that she had lost a lot of face. She lowered her head and did not speak. All the women left with contented expressions. No matter how much she boasted, it was still the truth before her.    


"Darling, why are you angry?" Shu Huang smiled as he watched the others leave. He walked up and gently put his arm around Jiajia's shoulders.    


"What lousy car is this!" She bit her lips in grievance as she complained.    


"My Porsche is just on its way to be taken care of. As for the other women, I just happen to have friends to borrow it for a meeting. This time, I just took a random car." Shu Huang explained in a good mood.    


Jiajia did not want to cause a ruckus, so she collected herself and said, "Let's go. This time, I want to introduce you to my friends." Shu Huang nodded with a smile as a trace of pride flashed across his eyes.    


During the banquet, Ye Zimo supported Xia Yihan's waist with her arms out of thin air. Xia Yihan wanted to dodge, but she was pulled back by an even greater force.    


"Sofia, you look beautiful today." Yuv Ze looked at Ye Zimo timidly. After seeing that Ye Zimo was not at all displeased, he said to Xia Yihan.    


"Thank you." Xia Yihan only nodded her head indifferently. She didn't feel anything, especially after the incident with the videotape. She always felt that someone was watching her from behind the scenes.    


As soon as Jiajia entered the door, she rushed straight to Xia Yihan's place. She climbed onto Shu Huang and said, "I want to introduce my boyfriend."    


Xia Yihan frowned and was about to leave when Ye Zimo, who was standing behind her, gently pushed her away. Xia Yihan stopped and looked at Ye Zimo curiously.    


"This is a happy present I gave you today." Ye Zimo whispered in Xia Yihan's ear. Jiajia was angered by the two's blatant disregard and glanced at Shu Huang.    


"Hello, my name is Shu Huang, I'm currently a worker at the repair workshop." Shu Huang changed what he said to Jiajia and happily accepted himself.    


A lot of people had long since been paying attention to the situation over here. When they heard Shu Huang's words, they all started whispering to each other. What did you say!? Is this April Fool's Day? Are you kidding me? " Jiajia could not help but raise her voice. Almost everyone at the banquet was laughing at her.    


Ye Zimo straightened her sleeves and said indifferently, "After the introductions, you can leave."    


Jiajia glared furiously at Shu Huang and was about to turn around to leave when Xia Yihan called out from behind her, "Wait a moment."    


Everyone was waiting to see Jiajia make a joke out of herself. A few days ago, the incident of Jiajia going on a rampage against Xia Yihan had caused quite a stir. Some of the more famous people knew that Jiajia had been set up by someone.    


"Say what you want to say." Jiajia's face turned red. She just wanted to quickly leave this embarrassing place.    


Xia Yihan extended her hand towards Shu Huang: "It's a pleasure to meet you. I originally had a friend who was a maintenance worker. His skills are very good." Not only Jiajia, even Ye Zimo and Shu Huang's expressions became more subtle.    


"You don't have to be so merciful!" Jiajia glared at Xia Yihan as she took the lead to leave. Ye Zimo did not look too good either. The act he directed was specifically for Xia Yihan to avenge herself.    


"What are you doing?" Ye Zimo did not bother to conceal her displeasure.    


"Although she bullies me, I don't hate her, so stop targeting her." Xia Yihan told Ye Zimo that she had experienced Ye Zimo's stubbornness too many times.    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and grabbed Xia Yihan's shoulder, forcing her to sit on the bar counter. She ordered a glass of milk for Xia Yihan.    


"What I just said is true …" Xia Yihan saw that Ye Zimo didn't express anything, so she hastily opened her mouth and placed her finger on it. She gently caressed the soft and beautiful skin while her eyes were cold.    


"What happened to you just now? You are really different from the one I know today!" Jiajia pulled Shu Huang aside. He had been too ugly today.    


Shu Huang's good mood was in stark contrast with Jiajia's anger. There was obvious ridicule in his eyes as he slowly said: "Don't you mean that I should have a garage full of luxury cars, a house with Los Angeles, and a large family business?"    


Jiajia was speechless. Shu Huang said with a smile, "Darling, don't you know you've been tricked?"    


Shu Huang's words made Jiajia's body tremble. She said in disbelief, "You're saying that you approached me with a purpose? All of this is fake?"    


Shu Huang looked at the woman with sympathy and said, "Think carefully about what kind of person you have offended."    


Xia!" the word came out of her mouth. One! "HAHA!" "HAHH!" Shu Huang smiled as he lightly caressed Jiajia's face. After that, he was hit away by Jiajia and said indifferently:    


"That's right, you dared to do it to my darling, but you were so careful. You knew why that man would pinch you to death with one finger, and even took so much effort to make me lie to you?" "You should apologize to Xia Yihan in the lobby."    


Jiajia pursed her lips and kneaded the rose in the vase desperately. "You want me to apologize? Don't even think about it!"    


Shu Huang looked at the woman in front of him and lamented how there were so few good women like Xia Yihan in the world. He bluntly reminded Jiajia, "I'm not talking to you, I'm telling you what to do. Don't forget the three hundred million on my hands."    


Jiajia looked at Shu Huang in disbelief. She grabbed onto Shu Huang's hand in panic, "No, those are all my dad's money. He's not in a good condition. You must know that I will definitely be furious if I mortgage all his house!"    


Shu Huang looked at Jiajia with an expression of pity. "It depends on your performance."    


Xia Yihan sipped the milk. Jiajia walked up to Xia Yihan and watched her push her away. She bowed deeply and said, "I'm sorry I talked back to you a few days ago. Please forgive me."    


Xia Yihan jumped in fright and hastily asked, "What are you suddenly doing?"    


Jiajia bent over as tears fell from her eyes. She listened intently to the man's leather shoes. It was he who made her lose face for a woman. However, she was not Xia Yihan. There was no Ye Zimo in the world.    


"Forgive me!" Jiajia clenched her teeth and repeated. The laughter from her surroundings made her feel extremely wronged.    


"I don't need to forgive you." Xia Yihan's words caused an uproar among the crowd. Jiajia cried even harder and said in a sobbing tone, "I've already achieved this much. What else do you want?"    


Xia Yihan wanted to support Jiajia by saying calmly, "Although I disagree with what you are saying, I will defend your right to speak. If I do the same, then what is the difference between you and me?"    


Jiajia wanted to straighten her body, but when she saw Ye Zimo looking at her meaningfully, she bowed to Xia Yihan and said, "Please forgive me!"    


No matter how Xia Yihan supported Jiajia, she refused to get up. She turned around and walked towards Ye Zimo. "Let her go!" Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan with a cold tone. "Do you know who you're talking to?"    


Xia Yihan took a step back from Ye Zimo's cold provocation. After that, she stubbornly looked into Ye Zimo's eyes and said, "Today, all of these are not what I wanted. Let her go!"    


Xia Yihan's gaze was too serious. Ye Zimo waved her hand at Jiajia, "Let's go!"    


Jiajia hurriedly turned around and left this awkward moment that she would never forget. Ye Zimo's gaze never left Xia Yihan's face. She suddenly approached Xia Yihan and whispered, "Tell me, what do you want?"    


"Maybe I don't need anything." Xia Yihan said.    


Bao‘er stood at the side watching the two argue. Her eyes were fixated on Xia Yihan's dress, looking at her watch as she counted the time. Soon, Xia Yihan's show was about to end.    


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