Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C763 Married to a Rich Family 692

C763 Married to a Rich Family 692

1Xia Yihan woke up slowly. She was sitting in a car. The scenery outside the window showed how fast the car was moving.    


"Yihan, are you awake? "Are you alright?!" Mejaz looked at Xia Yihan in the rearview mirror as he drove.    


Xia Yihan shook her head. The white light outside the window made her eyes hurt. "Where are we going?"    


Mejaz smiled and said, "I want to take you to my country. It's actually very pretty. Although the place is very small and there are very few people, the people there are very good. We'll be at the airport soon!"    


Xia Yihan looked at the happy expression of the teenager in front of her and sighed. She said, "Mejaz, thank you very much for saving me, but I want to tell you that yesterday's Swiss envoy was my friend. Can you let me go?"    


The car came to a sudden stop. Xia Yihan's head was hit against the seat in front of her out of habit. A pair of big, dry hands were placed on the back of the seat to help reduce Xia Yihan's impact.    


Mejaz's face turned ugly: "So you want to tell me that you want to go back to your country, and then I won't be able to see you again?"    


Xia Yihan nodded carefully when she saw Mejaz's expression. Mejaz pursed his lips, turned around and stepped on the accelerator again: "We'll be at the airport in a while!"    


Xia Yihan looked at the silent Mejaz in shock. Mejaz didn't agree and still wanted to take her away? As the surroundings became more remote and the scenery became more and more desolate, Xia Yihan quickly shouted, "Wait, Mejaz, wait."    


Mejaz did not stop and muttered, "You want me to let you go? No way!"    


Xia Yihan tried to get close to Mejaz and said in a loud voice, "I want to go to the bathroom!"    


Outside the parked car, Xia Yihan's face was red from the cold. Mejaz wrapped the only scarf he had around Xia Yihan's body. His face was a little uncomfortable as he said, "I'm not looking. You … Just find a random place!"    


This kind of thing made Xia Yihan a little embarrassed. She nodded and, seeing that Mejaz really didn't look at her, quietly hung the jewelry she designed on a branch before returning to Mejaz's side.    


Car after car passed by quickly on the snow. Ye Zimo got out of the car and looked at the footprints on the snow in deep thought.    


Si Si followed her expressionlessly. When the sunlight fell on the bush, it reflected a little bit of light. Si Si walked in and found that it was the green gem that Xia Yihan had brought with her this time.    


Si Si smiled happily and threw the gem to the side, exclaiming, "What is this?!"    


Ye Zimo gripped the green gem tightly. Her worries didn't lessen at all as she ordered in a low voice, "Chase!"    


Gradually, they could hear the voices of the people. Mejaz's expression became more relaxed and he added, "Yihan, we will soon reach my country."    


Xia Yihan reminded him doubtfully, "I don't have a passport!"    


Mejaz shook his head and said: "It's okay, we have Private Aircraft."    


"If you have Private Aircraft, why are you still working for Dassa!" Xia Yihan looked at Mejaz in surprise.    


Mejaz scratched his head with a silly look on his face: "I'm not a subordinate, I've always been a guest prince, the guards that day only thought it was fun!"    


As they talked, they arrived at the airport. A man covered in blood rushed out from around the corner. Mejaz quickly grabbed Xia Yihan's shoulder to avoid the person who was charging straight at them.    


"Run! There's a riot! " The man covered in blood shouted in fear and ran away in a hurry.    


Mejaz pulled Xia Yihan's hand and wanted to run, but it was already too late. Large numbers of people rushed out, waving their sabers in protest.    


Mejaz lowered his voice and said, "This is the border, the situation has never been good. I didn't expect to encounter such a bad luck today."    


Xia Yihan lowered her voice as well. "This is too scary. What should we do?"    


Mejaz grabbed Xia Yihan's hand and sneaked towards the corner. The crowd surged and the two of them wanted to pass through the crowd, but they were caught by a group of people.    


"Run!" Mejaz held Xia Yihan back and the people behind him caught up with him. Mejaz used his hands to block and was cut by the enemy's knife.    


"Ah!" Shouts of pain rang out! Xia Yihan dropped the sand in her hands and ran out of the airport with Mejaz in tow.    


The residents of the town all closed their doors and windows. Xia Yihan looked at Mejaz, who had lost too much blood, and frowned. She traded the ring Ye Zimo gave her for a room.    


Si Si sat expressionlessly outside the airport while her heart churned. She thought that Ye Zimo might discover some suspicious points, but she didn't expect that Ye Zimo, who had only driven a few hundred meters, would make the car return to its original location. After looking at the scene for a few minutes, she correctly found the route of Xia Yihan's ring drop.    


Lin Jie looked at Si Si thoughtfully as the question in his heart became bigger.    


Xia Yihan looked at the sleeping Mejaz as her heart churned. In the end, she got up and tucked Mejaz in. She couldn't go to his country with Mejaz because there was still Ye Zimo and Nianmo who were looking for her.    


There were more people on the street than when they first arrived. Xia Yihan walked hurriedly, and the sound of messy footsteps came from behind her as she hid in the alleyway. Mejaz, who was in the distance, looked around anxiously as he called Xia Yihan's name.    


There were red blood stains on his arm. Mejaz looked for Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan looked at Mejaz and sighed. She still walked out.    


"Mejaz!" I am here! " Xia Yihan opened her eyes wide after she said that. A car was speeding towards them from behind Mejaz, but Mejaz looked at Xia Yihan unconsciously.    


"Be careful!" Xia Yihan rushed to Mejaz's side and pushed him away. She didn't have time to run away before the car got closer to her.    


Everyone present cried out in alarm. Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan and rolled to the side, using her back to press against the wall so Xia Yihan could lie on top of her.    


Xia Yihan stared blankly at Ye Zimo. "Ye Zimo?"    


"Do you want to die!?" Just rush up like that! What should we do if something happens? " Ye Zimo yelled without mercy!    


The sensation of her neck stunned Ye Zimo. Xia Yihan took the initiative to wrap her arms around Ye Zimo's neck, burying her head into Ye Zimo's warm neck.    


Letting out a sigh, Ye Zimo's anger was almost gone. She patted Xia Yihan on the back lovingly and said, "Sofia, don't be afraid. I'm coming to pick you up!"    


Si Si's eyes shone with jealousy as she looked at the two people hugging in front of her.    


Mejaz walked to Xia Yihan's side in a daze. Just now, Xia Yihan almost gave her life for him. Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan and looked at him coldly.    


"You guys can take my plane. There should be less people today!" Mejaz did not dare to look at Xia Yihan anymore. He had almost harmed Xia Yihan, how could he still have any face now?    


One helicopter after another flew over them. Mejaz looked at Ye Zimo in surprise. Ye Zimo pouted her lips and carried Xia Yihan past Mejaz.    


Everyone in the airport was blocked from entering. They greedily watched the man walking into the airport with a woman in his arms.    


Si Si looked at these ragged poor people and threw the ring on the ground. The ring let out a jingling sound and the crowd began to stir. Everyone wanted to bend down and pick up the ring, regardless of the cost.    


"Did you see that? The woman in the arms of the distant man has everything you want, including money. " Si Si whispered into the ear of a man.    


"Yihan/Director Ye" Davy and Zhang Fengyi's voices sounded at the same time, and the whole airport was flooded with people, all of them heading straight for Xia Yihan.    


Ye Zimo's expression changed and she kicked away the person running at the very front. Zhang Fengyi opened the car door and yelled, "Go somewhere else first. We'll come here!"    


After putting Xia Yihan in the front passenger seat, Ye Zimo drove the car back to the airport!    


"Is Zhang Fengyi, Lin Jie, and Si Si all right?" Xia Yihan asked worriedly.    


"Don't worry!" Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan's hand and glanced in the rearview mirror. Soon after, she frowned.    


"Grab my hand!" Ye Zimo whispered as she sped up.    


Xia Yihan looked behind her at the truck that had appeared out of nowhere and felt a little worried. A loud sound came from the roof of the car, causing Ye Zimo to frown even harder.    


Pulling down Xia Yihan's back, Ye Zimo pulled out her gun and fired at the car's tires.    


The tyres that were hit slipped. More people were shooting at Ye Zimo's car with guns, both the roof and the windows.    


"Why are they chasing us?!" Xia Yihan said in a low voice.    


Ye Zimo's face was calm as she controlled the car to head towards the direction of the buildings. Without panic, she said, "The fish are finally about to surface."    


A truck and a car were chasing in the snow. Ye Zimo's car was hit on the tires. The car skidded in the snow and slid to the side.    


Xia Yihan pulled Xia Yihan towards her and wanted to get out of the car. However, Xia Yihan paused and picked up her pistol beside the seat. Then, she jumped off the car with Ye Zimo.    


The two of them hid behind a rock. Ye Zimo stared at the car that was speeding over and suddenly smiled at Xia Yihan. "Can you use a gun?"    


Xia Yihan nodded nervously as she held the gun in her hand. Ye Zimo ruthlessly kissed Xia Yihan and said, "I'll lure them away later. Can you shoot at the mailbox later?"    


Xia Yihan tightened her grip on Ye Zimo's hand, looking a little nervous. "They have too many people. If you go out, you'll be injured!"    


Xia Yihan's hands were tightly clenched, and her body was trembling uncontrollably. Ye Zimo looked into Xia Yihan's eyes, which were filled with tears. She leaned over and kissed him lightly.    


"Xia Yihan, don't let me see your tears." Pulling Xia Yihan away, Ye Zimo quickly ran to the other side. Bullets rained down like a rain of bullets. Xia Yihan's hands were trembling as she aimed at the mailbox.    


"Bam!" The one that got hit was the carriage, and Ye Zimo was holding on awkwardly. Xia Yihan tried her best to calm her heart down and suppress the fear in her heart.    


The bullet carried a powerful stream of air as it pierced through the mailbox. A loud 'splatter' sound was heard, followed by an explosive burst of flames!    


Xia Yihan stared at the fire in the distance, stunned. When she was hugged, Ye Zimo patted Xia Yihan's back to comfort her. "You did a good job, Yihan."    


"What did you just say to them?" Both the inside and outside of the airport were heavily guarded. Lin Jie walked in front of Si Si and looked at her with a frown.    


"What are you suspecting of me?" Si Si looked at Lin Jie with a smile.    


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