Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C488 Favorite Marriage 420

C488 Favorite Marriage 420

4Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo started living a small life. After going to that ball, the other couples started to interact. One day, Xia Yihan even saw Lin Ling and Hai Zhixuan having coffee together in a café.     1


Soong Wanting also racked her brains everyday to separate Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo, making Xia Yihan wish she were dead already become a part of her life.    


As the weather gradually turned warmer, Ye Zhengheng's illness did not turn sunny due to the change in weather. Instead, he had an early onset of illness before the fifteenth day of the third month.    


March 5th. It was a sunny day.    


Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan walked into the villa side by side. From afar, they looked like a perfect couple, both male and female.    


Soong Wanting stood alone on the second floor. Watching the two of them being so intimate that they had forgotten to hide their feelings, Ye Zimo seemed to have sensed something and raised her head to look at them with a cold gaze.    


Soong Wanting cried out as the mother and son were connected. Soong Wanting looked at Ye Zimo with fear in her eyes. She held a fat cloth doll in her hand, and her eyes kept rolling while she tried to come up with a plan. Ye Zhengheng cried beside her.    


"Soong Wanting." Ye Zimo looked at her with a smile instead of anger. The light pupils in her eyes became darker and darker. In the end, the color of thick ink could not be removed. These past few days, he let Soong Wanting go too easily, to the point where he actually made her forget what kind of place this was.    


Jiu Jiu and Yan Qingyan also happened to walk in at the same time. Upon seeing this scene, Jiu Jiu muttered to herself, "Madman."    


Song Wan glared viciously at Jiu Jiu. Jiu Jiu wasn't afraid of Soong Wanting's gaze at first, but right now, Soong Wanting was just a toothless tiger. She was no longer the arrogant Soong Wanting.    


Madman, not bad. Soong Wanting smiled sinisterly at Jiu Jiu.    


Jiu Jiu, oh Jiu Jiu, thank you for your reminder. You have given me a good idea, but you probably didn't think of using it on your good friend Xia Yihan. I really look forward to her expression when she's kicked out of Ye Family.    


What a lunatic does will not be blamed, and Xia Yihan will be enjoyed from now on.    


Xia Yihan ran upstairs and hugged Xiao Budian as she looked at him in the cradle. Ye Zimo also came up to take a look, to see if Soong Wanting didn't want to stay.    


"Soong Wanting, if you want to walk out of the Ye Family, scram immediately." It was the first time Crown Prince Ye had spoken so loudly. It seemed like he was quite angry, and Jiu Jiu started to gloat, because as long as Soong Wanting was walked out of Ye Family Great House, her threat towards Yihan would be reduced. This woman was too insidious, and Yihan was kind, so if she was not careful, she would be fooled.    


"Mo, lower your voice. The child is here." Xia Yihan lightly pulled the sleeves of Ye Zimo's black suit. Upon closer inspection, she found that Ye Zhengheng was crying unnaturally.    


Ye Zimo looked at the crying child in the cradle, her face remaining cold and silent.    


"Mo, you see how this child is doing?" Xia Yihan didn't dare to jump to a conclusion. Ye Zhengheng's situation wasn't common, poor child.    


Ye Zimo lowered her head to look at the child. No, this child must have a good look.    


Seeing the heavy expression on Ye Zimo's face, Xia Yihan started to worry. She bent down to check on Ye Zhengheng, but before she could even touch the baby, Song Wan yelled: "You are not allowed to touch him! "You're a bad guy." She tightly held onto the child in her hands, afraid that Xia Yihan would approach closer.    


"Soong Wanting, stop messing around, now is not the time." Xia Yihan said patiently. At this time, she was still pretending to be crazy.    


Yan Qingyan saw that Soong Wanting was delirious and thought that she had suffered too many blows. He was afraid that if she wasn't careful, the one injured would be her child.    


"Brother, be careful not to let her injure the child. Madness is not the main point. The child's safety is what we care about."    


Mad or not, that's not the important thing. So it turns out that she's just a pitiful person that doesn't matter, and I won't let you have it easy. Since you won't let me have it easy.    


Hearing Yan Qingyan's words, Xia Yihan began to change the method.    


"I won't touch him, but I'm taking the kid to the hospital now." Xia Yihan said gently while gesturing for Soong Wanting to calm down. She was really afraid that Soong Wanting would hurt her child with a dance.    


Ye Zimo glared at him coldly, her lips pursed into a scowl as she remained silent.    


The crying sound of the child started to die down. Soong Wanting said with a smile, "Baby, are you alright? Baby is fine." Soong Wanting said as if no one else was there, talking about the treasure while looking at the doll in her hands. She had to thank the maid for leaving the doll for her daughter here today.    


Was Soong Wanting crazy like this? Jiu Jiu wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death. Her sixth sense told her that this evil woman, Soong Wanting, would not stop.    


A bad feeling started to flash through Xia Yihan's head. Could it be that Soong Wanting had gone mad?    


Was he going crazy over such a small matter? No, it was not to investigate Soong Wanting's condition, but to check the child's condition.    


Ye Zimo snatched the doll from Soong Wanting's hands and said coldly, "I don't mind if you really want to go to a mental hospital." After she finished speaking, she did not care about Soong Wanting's reaction and walked out with her child. The family doctor had been busy these past few days with other things and had applied for leave.    


"Butler." He didn't know if Soong Wanting had really gone crazy. It didn't matter if she was crazy or not, Ye Zimo didn't care at all.    


"Mr Ye." The butler had known this the moment Ye Zimo had entered the room. He jogged over, but he still hadn't caught up with her yet. He respectfully lowered his head to ask Ye Zimo.    


"Call Dr. Song immediately." Ye Zimo picked up the baby from the cradle and said, The child has to be rushed to the hospital.    


The steward didn't dare to hesitate at all. He immediately took out his phone and began to call.    


"Give me back my child." Soong Wanting didn't dare to run towards Ye Zimo. She reached out her hand towards Xia Yihan's face and started shouting.    


Ye Zimo didn't even turn her head as she said in an extremely light tone, "Soong Wanting, if you want your child to die, I'll give it to you right now." After five minutes of standing still, he saw that Soong Wanting did not make a move and quickly left.    


Ye Zhengheng was also Soong Wanting's son, and she couldn't stop Ye Zimo from leaving. No matter how hard she tried, Soong Wanting wasn't thinking about Andrew's death yet.    


Lin Dahui drove the car over early and opened the door.    


Without even looking at Soong Wanting behind her, Ye Zimo left with her child and Xia Yihan.    


Soong Wanting looked at the person who had left and a cold fire flashed in her cloudy eyes. Soong Wanting had interacted with her in the past and he understood Soong Wanting, this venomous snake. The butler's face darkened and snorted coldly, "Don't think that pretending to be crazy is so useful. I will keep an eye on you for Mr Ye!"    


The new maid rubbed her eyes. He must have been seeing things. How could Soong Wanting, a woman who had no power, no power, and no favour, have such a cold hatred?    


"Mo, has Soong Wanting really gone mad?" Xia Yihan asked carefully. It was true that Soong Wanting did not leave any way out for the future, but it was also because she wanted to get Ye Zimo.    


"Pretending to be crazy," Ye Zimo said affirmatively. When he entered, he had noticed that Soong Wanting's eyes were rolling around, and he didn't know what she was thinking. As long as she didn't do anything excessive, Ye Zimo didn't care if she was pretending to be crazy or not.    


Lin Dahui increased his speed to his fastest. This was simply a race car. Soon, he arrived at the hospital entrance. Ye Zimo and Lin Dahui ran into Ye Zong's room with their children.    


Xia Yihan patted her somewhat terrified chest. She could finally relax a little.    


After the child entered the emergency room, Ye Zimo walked to the VIP room, which was unique to Ye Family.    


Doctor Song looked at the child and shook his head without a word.    


"Don't worry." Xia Yihan patted Ye Zimo's hand to comfort her. She tried to comfort Ye Zimo with her words, but she was no less worried than Ye Zimo. Ye Zhengheng had always been looked after by her own child. Seeing that the child was sick, her heart rose up a long time ago.    


In the VIP room, only Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan, and Lin Dahui were helping Ye Zhengheng get hospitalized. The room was very quiet.    


When her phone rang, Yihan saw that it was Lee Heetai calling and quietly walked out of the room.    


"Brother Heetai, what's wrong?" Xia Yihan asked doubtfully. Lee Heetai had called her, so she couldn't really guess what was going on.    


"Mom is sick." Lee Heetai went straight to the point.    


"Where?" Xia Yihan asked anxiously, her face full of worry. A few days ago, Zhao Wenying was still fine.    


"Dongjiang City People's Hospital." Lee Heetai could feel Xia Yihan's worry and anxiety, but he started to comfort her instead. Don't worry. "    


Xia Yihan hung up without even saying goodbye. She wanted to rush over to see her mother.    


"Yihan, you take care of Ye Zhengheng first, I'm going to go see my mother." Xia Yihan pushed open the door and told Ye Zimo before she hurried out of the hospital.    


The little thing was so anxious that it wanted to be by her side. Hai Zhixuan was right. With Ye Zhengheng, it was almost impossible for him to take care of her wholeheartedly.    


"Mr Ye, everything is done. Dr. Song wants to talk to you." Lin Dahui kept looking at Ye Zimo's careful report.    


"Got it."    


Dr. Song nodded at Ye Zimo, then looked at Lin Dahui. This kind of thing is better known by fewer people.    


Ye Zimo understood what Dr. Song meant and silently ordered Lin Dahui to leave.    


Lin Dahui always carried out what Crown Prince Ye didn't want to know. Otherwise, it would be the beginning of a disaster. He nodded and left respectfully.    


"I'm sorry, Mr Ye, I've tried my best. How long you can live will depend on how you take care of me. Take it home and raise it well, maybe you can live a little longer." Doctor Song couldn't bear to say these words as he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.    


"Thank you." After saying that, Ye Zimo opened the door and asked Dr. Song to leave. Soong Wanting, you really don't want children anymore?    


It was still early, so Xia Yihan didn't give him any information. It seemed like she still hadn't returned home yet.    


"Dahui, take the child to take care of the housekeeper first. I'll go find Yihan." Zhao Wenying was her mother-in-law, it was only right for her to perform filial piety. After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she left with large strides.    


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