Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C865 Wealthy Marriage 794

C865 Wealthy Marriage 794

2Xia Yihan opened the door and ran out. There were only a few people left on the open ground. Hai Zhixuan quietly came over. Xia Yihan lowered her voice and said, "Baker is not here."    


Seeing that Xia Yihan was fine, Hai Zhixuan nodded and said, "It has already been reported to the police." Just as he finished his sentence, two police cars stopped in front of the door.    


"What's going on?" Luo Guiyao went up and asked. The lead police officer waved his hand and a bunch of police officers rushed into the house. The scene suddenly turned chaotic.    


In the panic, someone patted on Xia Yihan's shoulder. Xia Yihan turned around and shouted in surprise, "Baker, where did you go?"    


"Someone locked me in a room." Baker said in a low voice. Ye Zimo openly pulled Xia Yihan's hand and walked in front of Luo Guiyao when she saw the police, "Elder Luo, it seems you have some matters to take care of. I'll take her back first."    


In the car, Ye Zimo left with Xia Yihan. In the car, Baker said strangely, "I found some lovers cups in the room and the same style of lovers' clothes. I didn't know that Luo Guiyao was wearing a dream shirt with his wife when he was so old."    


"Your identity might have been leaked." Ye Zimo said as she drove the car. Xia Yihan was also a bit worried when she heard this. Baker nodded without a care and said, "He doesn't seem to think that Xia Yihan and I are together. Maybe he thinks that I was also monitoring Xia Yihan and didn't make a move on her."    


"Are you in danger?" Xia Yihan asked anxiously. Baker smiled and told Ye Zimo to stop the car. He opened the door and said, "I'm a police officer, so don't worry."    


After Baker left, Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo went straight home. After a full day of work, the two of them were in no mood to do anything else.    


"Buzz." Feeling embarrassed, Xia Yihan thought about how she had to drink at night. Ye Zimo stood up and picked up the walkie-talkie to call the butler. Xia Yihan held her hand and said, "It's getting late, the housekeeper is already asleep. Do you want me to make some food?"    


Of course, Xia Yihan didn't have any objections if she could cook herself. She boiled the noodles on the counter, boiled them in boiling water, scooped them up, and added sesame oil.    


After the two of them wolfed down their noodles, Xia Yihan put the bowl and chopsticks into the sink. Ye Zimo picked up the phone and hung up with a few simple words. Baker had a car accident! "    


Inside the hospital, Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo hurried to the emergency room. Baker sat frowning as he cleaned the wounds on the doctor's arm. Seeing Xia Yihan and Zimo, Leaf only nodded.    


"A big part of the car has been wiped. I hope the insurance can compensate for it." Baker said in a daze. Ye Zimo said, "It's not an accident?"    


"Right." Baker answered straightforwardly while Luo Guiyao tried to avoid Xia Yihancai. This proved that Luo Guiyao did not suspect Xia Yihan, which made Ye Zimo feel a lot more assured.    


"Where's Xia Yihan?" Baker asked. On the other side, Xia Yihan pushed open Ye Chuqing's door. Ye Chuqing's chicken pox was already out, so she could go home tomorrow.    


Xia Yihan bent down and kissed Ye Chuqing. She saw a figure standing beside the bed, but that figure disappeared very quickly. "Who?" Xia Yihan yelled as she walked towards the door. The door slammed into Ye Zimo's chest.    


"What's wrong?" Ye Zimo asked. Xia Yihan rubbed her eyes and said, "I just saw a person standing at the window."    


Hearing that, Ye Zimo walked out of the room, looked around before returning to Xia Yihan's room, and said, "This is the last room, I just came from the other side, there's no one here."    


Xia Yihan nodded tiredly. She was probably too sensitive recently. The next day, Baker continued to work with Xia Yihan as usual.    


When Luo Guiyao saw Baker ask about the wound on his arm, he was surprised. Baker laughed in his heart, but he still said nothing and pulled over. He had a premonition that this was going to end soon.    


Not long after that, Baker's phone rang. Xiao Chen's voice was a bit nervous, "The one you told us to keep an eye on was hit, but it's not very serious. He's lying in the hospital."    


"Damn it!" Baker pounded on the table and got beaten up by someone one step earlier. Just when he sat back at the police station, the bureau chief knocked on the door and said rudely: "Things have already dragged on for so long, I want you to finish the case quickly and not cause so much trouble."    


Baker looked at the bureau chief in confusion, it was as if this person was urging him to end the case. Could it be that he was the spy in Bureau C?    


"Did you hear what I said?" The man slammed the table loudly. Baker was wondering if he should tell the man in front of him the results of his discovery.    


"If you have something to say, just say it." The man clapped his hand on Baker's shoulder, and Baker remembered that when he first entered the police station, he was also pulled up by him. Baker calmed down and said, "We have found a lot of clues, and they initially locked onto Luo Guiyao. The person in the hospital is an important person."    


"Since it's locked on, then do it wholeheartedly. Don't overthink things. Who cares what officials they are, I'll carry them on my back!" The man's imposing voice caused Baker's eyes to light up.    


The door was pulled open, Xiao Chen stuck his head out and asked, "Baker, isn't there a press conference for Luo Guiyao today? You don't need to go with me? "    


Baker shook his head and suddenly looked at Xiao Chen with a weird expression. Xiao Chen smiled awkwardly and said, "Boss, what's wrong with you? You make me flustered."    


In the interrogation room, Xiao Chen looked at Baker calmly and said, "Just because I mentioned Luo Guiyao, I remember that you called and told me about it."    


Baker shook his head as he looked at his right-hand man, "I've never said what I've been doing recently, especially Luo Guiyao."    


Xiao Chen frowned and said, "It's very possible that you remembered wrong." Baker shook his head and looked at Xiao Chen with a serious expression. "I remember that you said before that you want to be a good police officer and let your family live a good life."    


Xiao Chen was surprised for a moment and knew that he couldn't hide it from her. He smiled bitterly, "Being a good cop won't let my family live a good life."    


"When did this happen?" Baker asked.    


"A long time ago, I started asking Luo Guiyao for information. After all these years, he has offended quite a few people, but not many dared to touch him. You will not succeed."    


Baker knocked on the table and said slowly, "That man was also done by you, right? And then you sent him to the hospital. It's just that you didn't expect him to survive."    


"I didn't, so don't slander me." Xiao Chen stood up excitedly. Baker didn't want to see this person anymore, so he turned around and left. With Xia Yihan's trust, he had to give her an explanation.    


"That's why a traitor has appeared." Ye Zimo pointed out bluntly that Xia Yihan had risked her life many times because of an insider.    


"Now we may have to think about how to save a man's life so that he can come out alive and put Luo Guiyao in his place." Hai Zhixuan tried to smooth things over on the side.    


"Sometimes, rumors can achieve good results." Ye Zimo said lightly. The next day, the newspapers were filled with reports of high-ranking officials who had been suspected of having hired a murderer to kill him and then murdered him in order to leave evidence behind.    


Luo Guiyao threw the newspaper on the table and said with a dark expression, "These bunch of people are really anxious to get rid of these laws of nature." Gracefully she sat back on Luo Guiyao's lap, glanced at the newspaper on the table and said, "I think it's better to cut the mess quickly. No one will suspect you if you kill him yourself."    


Luo Guiyao looked at Si Si meaningfully and said, "You can't be thinking of jumping off the boat and leaving at this time, right?" Si Si covered her mouth and laughed. "Of course not. We are grasshoppers on a rope. I don't even have time to love you. I've already asked for you. Xia Yihan's child will be discharged today. As the leader, it's normal for you to go visit her. When that time comes …"    


Si Si's words moved Luo Guiyao's heart. He had already lived most of his life, and it was unacceptable for him to fall in the dark. In the hospital, Ye Zimo carried Ye Chuqing, and Xia Yihan carefully dressed Ye Chuqing. The nanny hurriedly took her clothes from her.    


"Little Xia, if your daughter wants to join the system when she grows up, tell me. I might be old by then, but I can still do something like that."    


Xia Yihan smiled as she expressed her thanks. Ye Chuqing suddenly felt distressed, and the whole room became chaotic. Luo Guangyao took this opportunity to leave the ward.    


In the intensive care unit, a man was breathing lightly. Luo Guangyao pushed the door open while gritting his teeth. Doing all these things in person made him very angry, and he started to regret listening to Si Si's words and disturbing his mind.    


Luo Guiyao quickly took off the man's breathing apparatus and frowned in pain. Governor Luo, I've been waiting for you for a long time. " When Baker came out of the bathroom, the medical staff rushed forward to take care of the man. Luo Guiyao was frightened for a moment before he calmly looked at Baker and said, "You are ruthless."    


After Luo Guiyao was investigated, the matter came to an end. Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo carried Ye Chuqing out of the hospital and saw Sister Lee around the corner. Seeing Xia Yihan, Sister Lee smiled and said, "We're also prepared to move back home."    


"I'm sorry, but I can pay for the ward if you need it." Xia Yihan knew that Luo Guiyao would lose his source of income after the investigation.    


Sister Lee shook her head and said, "I've never seen him like this ever since the accident. I think I was wrong before, giving him the best material, which is not what he wants. I plan to go back and buy a shop and continue living like this."    


"I still remember that Luo Guiyao was a Christian. He said that after he died, he would cremate himself to meet God. It seems like this time, I'll have to use a gun." Sister Lee continued to chatter on at the side.    


Xia Yihan thought about what Sister Lee had said. Since Luo Guiyao wanted to use cremation after death, why did he want to buy such a large cemetery?    


Holding her hand, Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan with concern. "What's wrong?" Xia Yihan shook her head, suppressing the doubts in her heart.    


Luo Guiyao's case caused a huge uproar. The next day, several people from Africa announced that they could testify that Luo Guiyao had embezzled some money. For a moment, it was a mystery where Luo Guiyao's property went to.    


Ye Zimo put down the newspaper. Hundreds of millions of dollars had disappeared from his sight. However, this was no longer a matter of concern to him. Xia Yihan walked up to Ye Zimo, wanting to say something, but she hesitated.    


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