Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C772 Wealthy Marriage 701

C772 Wealthy Marriage 701

2Thirteen's face turned serious and he entered the room with his back towards Ye Zimo. Soon after, he stepped back with an ugly expression on his face. He had already made a mistake after so many missions, and it was enough for him to get back to Ye Zimo's side. He said in a low voice, "They found out."    


The man walked out with Nianmo, while covering his face with his arms, and pointed a gun at Nianmo's head. Let me go! Or I'll kill the kid. "    


Yan Qingyan looked at the black mass of people holding guns with trembling hands. He couldn't die here and let Jiu Jiu not be able to raise her head in front of Xia Yihan.    


"What did you do to Nianmo?" Xia Yihan rushed into the crowd and looked worriedly at Ye Nianmo.    


"He's only in a short coma right now. If you don't let me go, he'll probably be in a long slumber." Yan Qingyan pretended to be relaxed.    


"I won't let you go." Ye Zimo's palms were sweating, but her tone was calm. Xia Yihan looked at the calm Ye Zimo in fright.    


Yan Qingyan didn't expect Ye Zimo to be so cruel. He panicked and subconsciously wanted to pull the trigger.    


On the rooftop next door, a sniper aimed at the man's head. The fifth brother secretly gave Ye Zimo a reassured look.    


"Qingyan, stop quickly!" From behind the crowd came a heart-wrenching cry.    


Xia Yihan looked at the masked man in shock. Even Ye Zimo was momentarily shocked. After a moment of surprise, Ye Zimo waved her hand, signaling Ol 'Five to stop attacking.    


"Jiu Jiu?" Yan Qingyan took off the mask on his head and stared at Jiu Jiu.    


"Why did you do that? Yihan is our friend, yet you want to force our friend for money. Why have you become so bad!?" Jiu Jiu clutched her stomach as she screamed out in pain. Xia Yihan quickly stepped forward to support her.    


"It's all that Si Si woman, she seduced me. I didn't want to do it, but this child remembered my face. I had no choice. I can't let you and the child live in the shadow of the kidnapper." Yan Qingyan apologized to Jiu Jiu while crying.    


"Let him go." Ye Zimo ordered coldly, waving her hand again. Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo's hand and shook her head. "Don't let the child be born without a father."    


"Qingyan, let go of Nianmo. I promise you that you won't be held responsible. In the future, you will treat Jiu Jiu and your child well." Xia Yihan advised Yan Qingyan.    


Yan Qingyan shook his head in excitement. "With a kidnapper like me, I can't even lift my head. I …" Yan Qingyan moved the gun to his forehead and prepared to pull the trigger with trembling hands.    


"My stomach!" Jiu Jiu suddenly held her stomach and cried out in pain.    


Xia Yihansheng knew that Jiu Jiu was about to give birth, so she shouted excitedly at Yan Qingyan, "It's about to give birth, what are you still standing there for!"    


Yan Qingyan looked at Jiu Jiu in a daze. David quickly went up and grabbed the wall to carry Nianmo back to Ye Zimo's side. Xia Yihan hugged Wu Tie and kissed him again and again. The crowd rushed Jiu Jiu to the hospital.    


In the ward, Yan Qingyan was kneeling in front of Jiu Jiu. Jiu Jiu turned her head to the side, her haggard face full of fatigue. Excited, she gave birth to a child in the car.    


"Let's get divorced." Jiu Jiu said lightly.    


Yan Qingyan said with a trembling voice, "I know I was wrong. I don't deserve to be by your side, and I also let down that prematurely killed child. Don't ever tell Mingyao that he has a kidnapper's father. "    


Xia Yihan walked to the side of the ward to Ye Zimo, who was silent as she looked at the two of them choking with sobs.    


"You want to plead on his behalf?" Ye Zimo said indifferently. The orange light on her fingertips was faintly discernible.    


"Everyone has to pay for what they've done." Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan to her side and smoothed out Xia Yihan's messy hair.    


"But a child can't be without a father." Xia Yihan said in a low voice.    


Ye Zimo extinguished the cigarette and said in a calm voice, "He must be punished."    


Xia Yihan lowered her eyes and nodded slightly. What Ye Zimo wanted to do would not change. She wanted to tell Jiu Jiu the news. Behind Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo said faintly, "There will be a meal with Principal Zhang tomorrow."    


Yan Qingyan was sentenced to 10 years in prison for kidnapping.    


"I'm sorry, Jiu Jiu. I was unable to help you." Xia Yihan supported Jiu Jiu out of the courthouse.    


Jiu Jiu hugged Yan Mingyao and smiled at Xia Yihan. "It's a good thing we got your help," she said. "That's why there's so little to do. All I have left is to hope for Mingyao."    


Looking at Jiu Jiu's serene expression, Xia Yihan could only sigh. A pair of powerful hands wrapped around her waist. Ye Zimo whispered into Xia Yihan's ear, "You're still blaming me?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head and hugged Ye Zimo, saying, "Thank you."    


A word of thanks had turned all the heartbreak, turmoil and uneasiness of the past few days into ashes. What Ye Zimo wanted to do the most right now was to pamper her beloved wife.    


The phone rang and the butler whispered, "Mr Hai called to take all of our servants away because they are moving next door to us."    


Xia Yihan urged the driver to return home anxiously. Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan stood obediently by the side of the yard. Hai Zhuoxuan wore a small suit and a small bow tie, just like a young man.    


"Yihan! Are you okay? " Hai Zhixuan asked Xia Yihan worriedly.    


Xia Yihan smiled brilliantly. "Very good. We will be neighbors from now on. Please take care of me."    


Lin Ling walked over and said respectfully to Ye Zimo, "Director Ye, I've troubled you."    


Ye Zimo was also in a good mood. After the two of them chatted for a while, Ye Nianmo tugged at Xia Yihan's pants and said, "Mommy, I want to help too. Nianmo has grown up."    


Xia Yihan nodded with a smile. Ye Nianmo ran to the garden to help carry the flowers. Even though Hai Zhuoxuan didn't want to fall behind, he still ran back and forth.    


Seeing the children's happy expressions, Xia Yihan suddenly thought of the little girl at the zoo. "That little girl's mother, has no one come to claim her?"    


Zhang Fengyi shook his head on the side and said, "It's been a lot of days, now we can confirm that it's abandoned."    


When Xia Yihan saw the little girl, she was sitting on a chair by herself looking out the window. She asked with a pained expression, "Little girl, do you still remember Auntie?"    


The little girl nodded. "Did you find the little brother?"    


Xia Yihan replied with a smile, "Yes, I found it."    


The girl in front of him lowered her head, her eyes red. "Even my little brother has a mother."    


The girl was pitiable. Xia Yihan wanted to adopt her, but was told she didn't meet the requirements. Ye Zimo consoled Xia Yihan, "If you want, you can help out an orphanage."    


Ye Zimo's words were like a stream of clear spring water that made Xia Yihan excited. "That's right! We can move the Loving Foundation to an orphanage so we can help more people. "    


Xia Yihan took the initiative to tiptoe and give Ye Zimo a kiss. The light in Ye Zimo's eyes gradually deepened as she smiled.    


The orphanage funding made Xia Yihan even more popular. In the spacious car, Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan were sitting on the side, painting. Lin Ling was reading Xia Yihan on the side.    


"The CEO is already very busy, don't put any burdens on him, eat carrots, eat vegetables, and don't draw a design at night when you need to sleep …"    


Lili could only nod at Lin Ling's education, and Hai Zhixuan tried to smooth things over. "Nianmo's still here, and you keep Yihan's face as a mother."    


Lin Ling raised her eyebrows. "I'm already very reserved."    


"Lin Ling." Ye Zimo who was reading a newspaper at the side said lightly.    


Arriving at the resort, Hai Zhixuan smiled and said, "What other industry in the world are you not involved in?"    


Ye Nianmo wanted to go into the yard to play. Hai Zhuoxuan thought about it and also chased after him. Ye Nianmo asked, "Why are you following me?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan raised his small neck: "Who's following you, I want to go this way too."    


Ye Nianmo was at a loss for words as he played with the grass. A rustling sound came from the grass and the two children nervously watched the movement of the grass.    


"A Alaskan dog jumped out and pounced on the two of them." "Run!" Ye Nianmo shouted and took the lead to run forward.    


After running for a while, Ye Nianmo found that Hai Zhuoxuan was still standing at the same place. He ran back to Hai Zhuoxuan's side, took Hai Zhuoxuan's hand and ran to the side.    


The two children sighed as they ran. Ye Nianmo clenched his teeth and pushed Hai Zhuoxuan out, "You go first. I'm the older brother. I'll lure him away."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was pushed back by Ye Nianmo and staggered a little. He then stomped his feet and caught up to Ye Wenmo, "No way, I want to follow you!"    


The Alaskan dogs chased the two of them twice and eventually knocked them both down. Alaska stuck out her thick tongue and licked their faces before leaving in satisfaction.    


"Idiot! Idiot!" Ye Nianmo said in disdain.    


"I'm not stupid, you're the idiot." After following Lin Ling for a long time, Hai Zhuoxuan developed a character of not admitting defeat, and Ye Nianmo was even more so.    


The two kids got angry for a long time with their backs to each other. Ye Nianmo hooked his fingers on Hai Zhuoxuan, "Okay, I'm the older brother. Let's make up. We'll be good friends from now on."    


"Good friend, is he a good friend like Mom, Dad, and Uncle, Auntie?" Hai Zhuoxuan asked curiously. Ye Nianmo thought about it and nodded.    


The two children formed a revolutionary friendship behind the sunset in the summer with drool on their faces.    


In the room, Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes and looked at Xia Yihan, "You're planning to go out like this?"    


Xia Yihan pulled at her swimsuit uncomfortably and said embarrassedly, "I didn't pay attention to the style when I bought it, so I bought this one."    


Ye Zimo's probing gaze made Xia Yihan uncomfortable. Xia Yihan hurriedly said, "Then I'll be leaving first."    


Ye Zimo called out from behind her, "Xia Yihan."    


Taking a step forward, Ye Zimo covered Xia Yihan's eyes with one hand and grabbed Xia Yihan's arm with the other. She lowered her head and gave Xia Yihan a deep kiss.    


"What are you doing!" Xia Yihan ran away like a frightened rabbit. Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and pointed at Xia Yihan's waist dubiously. "Are you sure you want to go out like this?"    


Love: An Estrus Out of Marriage    


An ordinary marriage made her unable to control herself from cheating. Her husband was in love, her mother-in-law was difficult, and the young man was warm and considerate. It was hard for her to resist him …    


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