Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C2615 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2542

C2615 Marry of the Wealthy Class 2542

2"Although I kept on saying that we shouldn't be in a hurry to repay her, that with our relationship, we would rather work in a Chinese restaurant than to owe her too much, let alone 88,000 yuan."     3


"I'm a bastard." Zhang Xiaohui slapped himself twice. He felt that it was not enough, so he slapped himself a lot more and his face immediately swelled up.    


"I know that she will never forget you. If you still have love for her, then work hard and don't waste her heart. A girl like this should be blessed and should not suffer."    


Zhang Xiaohui nodded with tears in his eyes. His calm and guilty eyes suddenly felt a little weird. First, he restrained himself, then his forehead was covered in sweat and his body was shaking non-stop. Even Ye Shuimo could see the difference.    


"What's wrong with you? "I don't feel well, could it be that I've gotten addicted?"    


"Right." Zhang Xiaohui squeezed out a word from between his teeth. His flabby face was shaking as he suddenly fell off his chair. "Give me a little, just a little is enough."    


Ye Shuimo jumped in fright and rushed to help him. The latter immediately kneeled on the ground and begged for her poison. Seeing that she couldn't get her hands on it, he hit his head heavily on the ground.    


"Hurry up and get up. I'll take you to see a doctor." Ye Shuimo rushed to help her, but was stopped by the wrist.    


At the same time Zhang Xiaohui put his hand on her neck, Ye Miao and the others outside also noticed the change and rushed in. Everyone tensed up when they saw Ye Shuimo being strangled.    


"Let go." Ye Miao said coldly.    


"Let me go, I only want to leave." Even though he was suffering from an illness, Zhang Xiaohui still felt fear and unease towards this cold man in front of him.    


At this moment, Ye Shuimo's backhand knocked on his ribs, causing him to immediately pull back when he was crying out in pain. Meanwhile, Liu Qiang went up to Zhang Xiaohui and gave him another punch.    


Zhang Xiaohui was already exhausted, and even Ye Shuimo couldn't beat him, let alone Liu Qiang, who immediately lay on the ground and twitched, talking incomprehensible words.    


The doctor who had been waiting outside gave him a tranquilizer, and the staff took him away.    


This was the first time that Ye Shuimo had been in such close contact with a patient.    


"How did he become like this?"    


The doctor said, "It is normal, usually early in life, to feel mental excitement, alternating temperature, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, restless, and so dependent on craving and on drugs that the addict has to go back to the drug, the patient's intermittent sobriety and coma.    


In the middle of the period, the drug addiction showed that it was difficult to calm down, restless, decisive, quick and sloppy, high spirits, excited expressions, and endless words. His mind was extremely active. He was like this now.    


In the later stages of the game, the headache, dizziness, high heart rate, palpitations, thirst, pallor, high blood pressure, fever, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, and even spasms all over the body, cerebral hemorrhage, depression, easy to lose control, and some even choose to commit suicide. "    


Ye Shuimo shuddered subconsciously. She hated that thing so much in her heart and felt sorry for Qin Xiaoya at the same time.    


After the first month of Qin Xiaoya's stay in England, Zhang Xiaohui came out of the drug poisoning. He was very grateful to Ye Shuimo, but he was already as skinny as a bag of bones and no longer had his usual elegance.    


Originally, Zhang Xiaohui's education was not a problem at all. He was also a major in literature, so if he did not become a teacher, then it would be best to do the paperwork.    


He knew that the drug addict would probably take it back, so he also told Ye Bo to watch it more often and not let anyone fall into the abyss again.    


Everything seemed to be progressing well, but after half a month, Ye Bo found out that Zhang Xiaohui had applied for leave three times a week, all because he was sick.    


Time off duty    


In the men's restroom, Ye Bo was standing in a cubicle, listening to the occasional voice of Sissel. His eyes were calm.    


As soon as the person inside opened the door, they were shocked to see him. Just as they were about to speak, their hands were grabbed and something fell from their palms onto the ground.    


Zhang Xiaohui couldn't hold it in.    


Perhaps it was because he was embarrassed after being discovered, he pushed Ye Bo away and ran away. Ye Bo did not chase after him, so he could only report this to Ye Miao.    


Everyone was thoroughly disappointed. What could be more frustrating than having the person you are trying to save fall into depravity?    


After escaping from the Ye Group, Zhang Xiaohui didn't have a single cent on him, so Ye Shuimo didn't dare to borrow any more money. After escaping from the Ye Group, Zhang Xiaohui didn't have any more money, so Ye Shuimo didn't dare to borrow any more.    


When Ye Shuimo received another call from her friend, the person on the other end of the line was sobbing hysterically. "He said he was taking drugs and couldn't quit. If I didn't lend him the money, he would die."    


Ye Shuimo hated Zhang Xiaohui very much now. He even said those words in order to get the money. He really didn't care about Xiaoya at all.    


"Did he borrow money from you?" Qin Xiaoya's voice trembled.    


"No, he didn't borrow money from me." Ye Shuimo immediately denied that she could not allow her friend to fall into another despair. "He will be fine."    


"I don't know." Qin Xiaoya cried her heart out. "I gave him all the money for the job, and he said this is the last time I'm going to take it. I want to go back, but I can't. I can't give up my job right now, so I have nothing left."    


You still have me, so come back if you want to come back. I'll lend you money.    


The crying voice on the other end was slightly suppressed, "Thank you, Shuimo. You are my best friend, but you can't. I can't rely on anyone else. Since I chose this path myself, then I will continue walking."    


"Break up with him. Don't worry about him anymore. He was the one who left you first." Ye Shuimo couldn't help but shout out.    


Qin Xiaoya cried again, "Did you know? When he said he wanted to try to be together again, I was really happy, so happy that I was about to die. He knew that I had a terrible past, but he was still willing to accept me again. Shuimo, you love Director Ye so much, you should know that I love him too.    


Her good friend's reaction was somewhat unexpected. It was precisely because Qin Xiaoya was also a stubborn person that she didn't dare to tell her about Zhang Xiaohui's situation. Unexpectedly, her obsession with Zhang Xiaohui was also very deep.    


Not wanting to let her friend suffer any longer, she sent Zhang Xiaohui a text message, "Tonight at the coffee shop beside Ye Group, at 21 o'clock. I have money to lend it to you."    


As they ate at night, she was obviously absent-minded and continued to eat without even taking a bite.    


"The rice grains have reached my nose."    




She reached out her hand to touch it, but she couldn't find anything. Where did the rice come from?    


Ye Miao scooped a bowl of soup, "You have to focus on eating, otherwise you will suffer from indigestion."    


Ye Shuimo looked at the soup with a bitter face, "What kind of soup is this? I'm already done with it, so I don't need any rest now."    


Ye Miao looked at her, "Her face is still very pale and her lips are bloodless. It hasn't recovered yet."    


The latter complained, "Her face was pale because I had wiped the foundation, and her lips were bloodless because this was the most popular cheesecake in recent times."    


What else can you do to someone who doesn't want to eat properly?    


"Alright, I won't be making this soup today after drinking it."    


"It's a deal."    


Ye Miao nodded. He thought to himself, "If I change the soup, I can listen to her everywhere. What do I do if I bleed so much blood to make up for my anemia?"    


"Right." Ye Shuimo stirred the soup. "I want to go out and buy something later."    


"Whatever you want to buy, just ask others to buy it. Don't go out and make a fuss." Ye Miao had already prepared to go get the phone.    


"No need, it's a woman's item." she said quickly.    


Ye Miao didn't think much of it, "Isn't it enough to just let a woman buy her stuff."    


"I want to go by myself, because I can still pick out some tags and stuff." Ye Shuimo quickly thought of all sorts of reasons.    


Ye Miao's eyes flashed, but he did not emphasize anything. He nodded, "I will drink the soup."    


Eight in the evening. Ye Shuimo calculated that it was about time, and seeing that the light in the study was still on, she took her Car key and went out.    


Ye Miao only drove after seeing the red dot on the shared location for a distance.    


Ye Shuimo came early and waited for a cup of coffee. She wasn't sure if Zhang Xiaohui would come. It was just after 21 o'clock when Zhang Xiaohui arrived. His body was even thinner than before.    


As soon as he sat down, he asked, "Is that true? You said you wanted to lend me money. "    


The person in front of him was a stranger. Ye Shuimo said in disbelief, "Teacher Zhang, you weren't like this before, are you really willing to do this? Have you forgotten how strict you used to be, how much you loved literature, and how seriously you lived? "    


Zhang Xiaohui was a little impatient, "The world is hard to predict. Who could have thought so much? Anyway, I was just like this and didn't get in the way of anyone else."    


Ye Shuimo had already given up. "I'll give you 50 thousand yuan. I don't want you to pay it back, but there's one condition. You must break up with Xiaoya and never come and bother her again."    


Zhang Xiaohui rolled his eyes, "If that's the case, 50 thousand is too little. After all, I can get money from her in a steady stream."    


Ye Shuimo was so angry that she threw the cup of coffee on the table. The others looked over in surprise.    


But Zhang Xiaohui laughed, "One hundred thousand then. Give me one hundred thousand and I will break up with her and not bother her again. "You were once my student as well, and you know that I mean what I say. After all, I was once a teacher."    


If he had held any respect for his teacher or the slightest bit of care for his friends before this, then now, there was nothing left.    


Ye Shuimo warned, "You'd better remember what you said. I'm not the Little Girl who doesn't know much about the world. If you dare to slip up after receiving the money, I will make you pay."    


Her income was not small. Back then, Fu Fengyi had made a will to her regarding her personal property and shares. Although she returned the shares later on, Ye Family said that he was unwilling to return them due to the will of the old lady, which was close to 100 million.    


She was also considered a billionaire. Taking out this money was nothing as long as it could stop Zhang Xiaohui's mouth and hands and prevent him from harassing his friends again.    


Zhang Xiaohui's eyes lit up when she took out the paper. He had no job right now and didn't even have a place to live. He had recently stayed at Qin Xiaoya's house and was glad that he didn't sell his house in secret. However, the house was not the issue. The most painful thing was that she did not have the money to buy the powder. Ye Shuimo's short message was just like a timely rain.    


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