Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C929 Married to a Rich Family 858

C929 Married to a Rich Family 858

0Time passed. When Ao Xue woke up, there was no one around her other than the steaming night and the computer which was neatly filled with the names of the people already on the list. Is it Nianmo? Was it all done by Nianmo? Tonight was destined to be another sleepless night.    


In the coffee shop, Hai Zhuoxuan looked around before sitting in a corner. He frowned and said to Si Si, "Why did Ao Xue break up with Ye Nianmo? Do you know how rare this opportunity is?"    


Si Si looked at the anxious Hai Zhuoxuan patiently. The young people these days were not patient enough, and after experiencing so much, it would not be bad to see what happened next.    


"Ao Xue's heart isn't ours yet. We have to make her hate Ye Nianmo completely before we can have the chance." Si Si said confidently. There was nothing better at toying with the hearts of people than her.    


"What are you going to do?" Hai Zhuoxuan frowned. He had to be careful of this old fox in front of him. Si Si smiled and moved closer to Hai Zhuoxuan. A conspiracy came out of her mouth.    


The next day, Ye Nianmo appeared at the door of Ding Yiyi's class. He placed an invitation in Ding Yiyi's hand and said, "Chu Qing is out of the hospital, there's going to be a party at home. Chu Qing asked you to join."    


Ding Yiyi took the invitation and couldn't help but ask, "Ao Xue isn't here."    


Ye Nianmo replied, "I know, she's in the library looking up information right now." Although Ao Xue had always been hiding from him, he had always been aware of her movements.    


Ding Yiyi nodded and didn't say anything else. It was better not to get involved in other people's matters. After class tonight, Ding Yiyi hurriedly went to Dihao Hotel for a part-time job and saw Ye Nianmo's car at the door. Strange, was he drinking again?    


In a bar with special Dihao Hotel, Hai Zhuoxuan toasted Ye Nianmo, "Are you still blaming me for not accepting Chu Qing?"    


Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan clinked their cups and drank it all in one gulp. "I can't wait to have a fight with you and then pack it up for Chu Qing's bed."    


"Hahaha!" Hai Zhuoxuan patted Ye Nianmo's shoulder and laughed heartily. Behind him, a waiter came up to Hai Zhuoxuan and politely said, "Sir, is that Porsche yours? It may be necessary to move again, as the main road is blocked. "    


Hai Zhuoxuan's face fell, and he threw the Car key to Ye Nianmo, muttering, "I drank too much, Nianmo. Help me move the car a bit, no, I can't do it anymore!"    


Ye Nianmo didn't refuse. This friend of his might look cultured, but he loved to drink. Making Zhuoxuan drive a car now would probably be more painful than killing him.    


Looking at Ye Nianmo's back, Hai Zhuoxuan's eyes no longer had that smile from before. He looked at his watch and smiled meaningfully. The good show was about to start.    


Ding Yiyi walked into the private room gloomily. Previously, the manager had asked her to come to room 3 for help. Before she even entered the room, Ding Yiyi had heard the deafening noise coming from inside.    


Dihao Hotel had set up the KTV and bar. It was a comprehensive hotel. When Ding Yiyi pushed open the door and entered, she was almost scared out of her wits by the man with the high-pitched voice inside.    


"Waiter!" "Come, let's play some songs!" One of the middle-aged men shouted drunkenly at Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi stepped forward to help him play a few songs, then suddenly slapped Ding Yiyi's butt with her hand.    


"Rogue!" Ding Yiyi turned around and glared at him. The man smiled as he took out a stack of cash and placed it on the table. "Don't make it sound so bad. Come, as long as you stay with us for the night, the money will be yours."    


Ding Yiyi looked contemptuously at the two drunken men. She opened the door and was about to leave when her wrist was grabbed. The man shamelessly touched Ding Yiyi's hand. "So delicate!"    


Ding Yiyi couldn't take it anymore. She struck out with her palm. What was faster than Ding Yiyi was a pair of powerful fists. The man was sent flying. He got up with difficulty and shouted at the man at the door, "Who are you!"    


Ye Nianmo leisurely stood in front of Ding Yiyi and adjusted his sleeves. "If you still don't get out of here, I can't guarantee that others will recognize you."    


The man carefully sized Ye Nianmo up and shouted: "So it's the Young Master of Ye Group Group, for your sake, I won't mind!" The man was hobbled away by another man. Ye Nianmo frowned, he hated living under the radiance of Ye Group, and even more so hated others bearing the name of Young Noble Ye Group when they talked about him.    


"Is your hand okay?" Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo's cracked palm and guessed that he must have scratched something in the fight.    


"I'm fine." Ye Nianmo turned around and wanted to leave, but the door couldn't be opened. Obviously, someone had closed the door from the outside. It must be those people who did it! " Ding Yiyi couldn't hold her phone during work hours, so she could only look at Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo dialed Hai Zhuoxuan's number, but showed that he couldn't get through. He left a message and Ye Nianmo sat back on the sofa, closing his eyes to rest.    


Ding Yiyi sighed, sat opposite Ye Nianmo and said, "Thank you for just now."    


"You're not angry?" Ye Nianmo asked. Ding Yiyi deliberately pulled her face up and said seriously to Ye Nianmo, "Angry, I'm very angry. Come over and give me a punch!"    


When he was with Ding Yiyi, he felt relaxed. Ding Yiyi never seemed to hide her worries in her heart because he was a man, and he wasn't good at guessing women's thoughts like his father. If only Ao Xue could be like Ding Yiyi, then that would be great.    


Ding Yiyi's teasing made the atmosphere between the two of them much better. Ye Nianmo picked up the wine on the table that had never been opened before and started drinking with Ding Yiyi. As time passed, the two of them obviously started to talk more.    


"Why haven't you made up with Ao Xue yet!" She's such a good girl! " Ding Yiyi slapped the table while scolding Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo took a gulp of the wine and looked up dejectedly at the rotating lanterns above his head. "You women, what do you have to say to me?" Men are not gods. They cannot guess your thoughts. "    


"That's because you're not giving us a sense of security!" Ye Nianmo was silent. Did he really never give Ao Xue a sense of security? That was why she didn't believe him?    


Having been given a poke by Ding Yiyi, Ye Nianmo was left completely speechless. He immediately took out his phone and gave the restaurant a spot. He must have a frank and honest talk with Ao Xue.    


The door was opened from the outside and Hai Zhuoxuan walked in. Seeing Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo chatting happily, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. He quickly covered it up and pretended to be confused. "How did you two get locked inside?"    


Ye Nianmo stood up and patted Hai Zhuoxuan's shoulder before hurriedly leaving. Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ding Yiyi in confusion. "Where is he going?"    


Ding Yiyi briefly told Hai Zhuoxuan that Ye Nianmo was going to find Ao Xue. Hai Zhuoxuan's expression changed, then he smiled and said, "That's good. Nianmo is my brother. I also hope that he will be happy with Ao Xue soon. Yi Yi, let me make a phone call."    


Ao Xue was writing in her diary. Today was a day without Nianmo. Did he not want me to do anything? Was their relationship really going to end like this? I wanted to go to him and tell him how much I loved him.    


The phone rang, and Ao Xue subconsciously picked it up. I'll be downstairs in ten minutes. " Ye Nianmo hung up after speaking briefly.    


Down in ten minutes? Ao Xue stood up frantically and rushed to the wardrobe to pick out clothes and put on makeup. When the person she was thinking about was about to appear in front of her, it didn't matter why he came.    


As she was putting on her makeup, the phone rang again. Ao Xue answered, "Ten minutes, right?"    


"My good daughter, did you get back together with Ye Nianmo?" Si Si asked gently. Ao Xue couldn't help but smile and happily said, "Not yet, but now that he's looking for me, I think he's going to get back together."    


Ao Xue started to regret her words. Her mother tried her best to deal with Nianmo, so she couldn't say it quickly. After thinking for a moment, she said worriedly, "Mom, I won't help you deal with Nianmo."    


"Silly child, although I hate Ye Nianmo, you are my child. Of course, I hope you are well, but mom has used her identity as someone who's experienced in the past to tell you that that woman is a threat. Maybe you guys will argue again because of her."    


Ao Xue's heart skipped a beat as she subconsciously asked, "Then what do we do?" Seeing that Ao Xue had taken the bait, Si Si smiled and told him the plan she had prepared.    


Ten minutes later, Ye Nianmo got off the car. Ao Xue was already standing at the door, looking nervously at Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo signaled for Ao Xue to get on the car, and the car sped all the way to the fancy clothing store.    


The surrounding shops had all been closed, leaving only one open. Several employees took the initiative to step forward and smile at Ao Xue as they brought her to a locker room filled with clothes.    


"You brat, wake me up at this time. How are you going to compensate me?" Lin Jie had grown a mustache and became more calm. This shop was his property and he didn't expect Xia Yihan's son to come looking for him.    


"Uncle Lin, thank you this time." Lin Jie looked at Ye Nianmo with appreciation. This kid inherited the good skin of Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo. Although he was young, he was still calm. However, that girl just now looked very similar to Si Si.    


"Nianmo, who are your girlfriend's parents? I think the kid looks a little like an old friend. " The more Lin Jie thought about it, the more he felt that Ao Xue looked like Si Si.    


Although Ye Nianmo was curious why Uncle Lin would ask such a question, he didn't care and replied, "Ao Xue is an orphan."    


The door to the locker room opened and Ao Xue walked out in a fluttering evening dress. Her figure was smooth and graceful. Ye Nianmo nodded in praise and took out his card.    


Lin Jie turned serious and refused to take Ye Nianmo's money. He could not help but size up Ao Xue with a gentle smile. Like, too much like, Lin Jie thought.    


Ao Xue followed Ye Nianmo out of the clothing store and went straight to the most famous Western restaurant in Dongjiang City. When they arrived at the entrance of the Western restaurant, there was a black paint on the inside of the door.    


Ye Nianmo made a call. The originally pitch-black restaurant was suddenly lit up by lights. The melodious sound of the piano rang out. Ao Xue looked at Ye Nianmo emotionally.    


The restaurant had already closed for business, only Ao Xue and Ye Nianmo were the only two suitable people to serve the sweet drinks. Ao Xue had something on her mind, but she still said it after some thought.    


"Nianmo, can you promise me one thing?"    


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