Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C788 Wealthy Marriage 717

C788 Wealthy Marriage 717

2"Miss Xia, your things." As soon as Ye Zimo left, Xia Yihan received her package.    


Yuv Ze held the package for Xia Yihan and said softly, "You have to rest up. Just let the nanny do these things from now on."    


Xia Yihan smiled as she shook her head and opened the package. Puzzled, she opened her shirt. A shirt with a distinct lip print was placed in front of her.    


"Is this Director Ye's shirt?" Yuv Ze said as he looked at his shirt. Xia Yihan held her shirt and looked at it. Then, she pressed the walkie-talkie with a cold voice.    


"Miss Xia, what can I do for you?" The nanny on the phone said respectfully.    


"Go check all the surveillance videos in the corridor." For the first time, Xia Yihan's voice carried an order. The babysitter's voice paused as she hurriedly responded.    


"Yihan, it might be a prank. If you're angry, you'll be ugly once the baby comes out." Yuv Ze wanted to persuade Xia Yihan, but Xia Yihan looked him in the eye and said seriously, "My surrender doesn't mean that I really don't have a temper."    


Soon, a timid girl was brought before Xia Yihan by the supervisor. "Miss Xia." My daughter said timidly.    


Seeing that she was only seventeen or eighteen years old, Xia Yihan's anger was slightly extinguished. She did her best to speak slowly, saying, "Tell me, who asked you to bring this package?"    


The girl rolled her eyes but didn't say anything. Xia Yihan said lightly, "I already know who it is. I just want to confirm something with you."    


"Miss Bao‘er, Miss Bao‘er asked me to bring it over!" The little girl blurted out. She did not intend to offend the woman who was the most important to the man in charge of the entire villa, Xia Yihan, for the sake of the hotel owner.    


Yuv Ze watched as Xia Yihan took her shirt out the door. A trace of gloom flashed across his eyes. "Stupid woman."    


Bao‘er was taking a bath while a waiter stuck a drill on her fingernails on the left and right of her. "Look at what you've stuck, it's a mess." Bao‘er raised her hand in dissatisfaction, pouring water from the bath onto the waiter.    


The waiter looked at the arrogant young mistress and dared not to voice his anger. When the door was pushed open, a waiter hurried forward and said, "Miss, I'm sorry, but this hot spring pool has already been reserved by Miss Bao‘er."    


"Where is she?" Xia Yihan said politely to the waiter.    


"Er … Miss, may I ask who you are?" The waiter looked at the slightly protruding belly of Xia Yihan as he tried to guess which of the big figures was in the hotel.    


"I'm Xia Yihan, I'm looking for Bao‘er." Xia Yihan squeezed out a smile. She didn't want to be angry with the five innocent people. Looking at Xia Yihan, the waiter silently retreated to the side.    


Bao‘er's eyes were still closed as she applied the mask to her face, but it had been removed by someone. "What are you doing!?" You must be tired of living! " Bao‘er yelled in anger. She turned around and saw Xia Yihan's ugly face.    


"What are you doing here?" Bao‘er turned her head to look at her finger. Xia Yihan saw that Bao‘er didn't care and covered Bao‘er's head with her shirt, so she said coldly, "Miss Bao‘er, if you still want to use such a three-legged trick, I don't think I need to be polite to you."    


Pulling down her shirt, Bao‘er's face contorted. She didn't expect Xia Yihan to come looking for her instead of holding her shirt to make Ye Zimo angry.    


"It's really Ye Zimo's shirt and my kiss. Don't you want to know what happened between us?" Bao‘er looked at the crowd of waiters who had gathered around to watch a good show. She found it difficult to keep her face straight, so she purposefully used a flirtatious phrase to make Xia Yihan anxious.    


Xia Yihan glanced at Bao‘er with a smile and condescendingly said to Bao‘er, who was in the bath, "Do you need me to personally find Ye Zimo to confront you?"    


Bao‘er was silent. It wasn't easy to get a job with Ye Zimo, she really didn't want to give up just like that.    


"Hahaha!" Interesting, I didn't expect this resort to have not only beauties, but also beauties fighting competitions. " A tall man in casual clothes walked out from the side and looked at Xia Yihan and Bao‘er with a smile.    


"Do your best, I won't tolerate you a second time." Xia Yihan blurted out a warning before turning around and leaving.    


Bao‘er stood up angrily, and the man beside her whistled. Bao‘er screamed and squatted into the bath. She was too agitated to notice that the towel had fallen off.    


"Miss, I think I've seen you before." The man chased after Xia Yihan with a few strides.    


Xia Yihan walked forward and said nonchalantly, "Sir, your way of speaking is out of date."    


"Hehe, you're really too cute. My name is Xue Wenjun, what's your name?" Xue Wenjun stopped Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan's braking was unstable and her stomach almost hit Xue Wenjun's arm. Xue Wenjun quickly let go: "Are you pregnant?"    


Xia Yihan looked down at her outfit. The casual Bohemian dress and the thick coat made her think it was just a belly.    


"So you're disappointed?" Xia Yihan was still angry at Bao‘er, so her tone was stiff.    


"No, no, no, you really misunderstood. I just want to ask about a person called Yuv Ze. Do you know where he is?"    


"Yuv Ze?" Xia Yihan stopped and looked at Xue Wenjun.    


"Yes, yes. You know Yuv Ze?" Xue Wenjun raised his hand to cover the sunlight above his head as he looked at Xia Yihan with a smile.    


Xia Yihan guessed that the other party might be Yuv Ze's good friend, but in order to not cause trouble for Yuv Ze, she cautiously asked, "May I ask if you have any business with Yuv Ze?"    


Xue Wenjun said with a smile, "I'm his patient. He ran away halfway through treatment. I dragged him back."    


Xia Yihan nodded in understanding and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, maybe I was a little rude when I said that, but Yuv Ze is a good doctor and there might be some misunderstanding between you two."    


Xue Wenjun looked curiously at Xia Yihan and suddenly said, "Let's make a bet. If you lose, promise me one thing. If I lose, promise me one thing."    


Xia Yihan asked curiously, "Why should I bet with you?"    


Xue Wenjun took out a coin and said with a smile, "Every time I see a beautiful woman, I'm helpless to make a bet with her. Let's quickly figure out who is facing up.    


Xia Yihan looked at him suspiciously and casually said a "front". When Xue Wenjun opened it, it was actually a "back" side. " "Now you owe me one thing."    


Staring at Xue Wenjun in a daze, Xia Yihan was confused as to why she owed him a favor. Do you still want to come back? Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan mysteriously.    


Xia Yihan nodded. The only thing she had promised was to ask for money or to do something else, but she could still afford the money now.    


The reverse side of the selection was the front when it was opened. Xia Yihan sighed and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to see Yuv Ze."    


"You owe me two things. This is our secret, so you can't tell others." Xue Wenjun looked at Xia Yihan with a smile. When he smiled, his eyes were like crescent moons.    


"You stupid woman, if there's a next time, I won't forgive you." Yuv Ze said fiercely to Bao‘er and hung up without waiting for her explanation.    


"Yuv Ze, are you there?" Xia Yihan's voice came from outside the door. Yuv Ze put on a gentle expression and opened the door. When he saw the person who came in, his face sank.    


"I thought you would never see me again with that hypocritical expression." Xue Wenjun looked at Yuv Ze coldly.    


Yuv Ze pulled Xia Yihan to his side and closed the door without any hesitation. Yuv Ze... he said he was your patient. " Xia Yihan hurriedly said when she saw the stiff atmosphere between the two of them.    


Yuv Ze looked out of the window expressionlessly: "He is right, he is crazy."    


The door was kicked open. Xue Wenjun stretched his wrist and sneered: "You dare to say that."    


"You … what is going on with you?" Xia Yihan could vaguely feel the violent waves between them, but she could not say it out loud.    


"It's fine. Yihan, come over here. Don't be with this lunatic." Yuv Ze said expressionlessly, trying to pull Xia Yihan away.    


"Ha, so your name is Yihan. Your name really sounds nice." Xue Wenjun looked at Yuv Ze, his eyes cold, but bright when he turned to Xia Yihan.    


"Let him go." A cold voice came from the door. Wu Tie subconsciously let go of her. Xia Yihan rushed into Xue Wenjun's embrace and grabbed Xia Yihan's waist even faster. She then hugged Xia Yihan tightly.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I was trembling the moment I heard that voice." Yuv Ze looked at Ye Zimo carefully and apologetically.    


A tall figure covered Xue Wenjun. He frowned as he looked at Ye Zimo and asked, "Ye Zimo?"    


Ye Zimo looked at Xue Wenjun and nodded. She walked outside with Xia Yihan in her arms. Xia Yihan muttered, "What happened?"    


Ye Zimo's voice was flat with a hint of doting as she said, "It's time to exercise after dinner."    


"That man is really interesting. I don't think he has anything to do with Yuv Ze. I have never seen the expression on Yuv Ze's face before." Xia Yihan said as she walked slowly, holding her stomach.    


"What do you think of the old housekeeper?" Ye Zimo suddenly asked Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan thought about the old housekeeper, whose face was full of wrinkles, and said, "He … he's fine, right?"    


Ye Zimo pulled Xia Yihan over to block the warm sunlight from falling on her face and whispered, "Then let's talk about the old housekeeper. Don't talk about other men."    


The kiss was hot and hot, with the intoxicating scent of an afternoon. Xia Yihan's hands, which had originally been relaxed on either side of her, grabbed tightly onto Ye Zimo's sleeves.    


Xia Yihan had her eyes closed, so she didn't notice the coldness in Ye Zimo's gaze when she looked at Xia Yihan. It wasn't that he didn't know what Bao‘er was doing.    


The reason he gave that woman the chance was mainly to see Xia Yihan's performance. Ye Zimo's heart ached a little more when she saw this silly woman who could not act coquettishly.    


In the huge office, Ye Zimo calmly looked at her watch and said, "So, you are here to handle the matter of Xingan Tower?"    


Xue Wenjun sat on the chair lazily and nodded. Bao‘er stood up and said, "Hello, I'm Bao‘er, the person in charge of this project. We can interact more in the future."    


Xue Wenjun looked at Bao‘er and praised, "As expected, Director Ye is surrounded by beauties."    


Bao‘er's eyes reddened. Yuv Ze, who was forcefully dragged over, glared at Xue Wenjun and said, "It's a big deal."    


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