Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C282 Favorite Marriage 215

C282 Favorite Marriage 215

3If she was fast asleep, he could hug her.    


He snuck into the bedroom on the second floor. Just as he had expected, the woman was exhausted. Not only was she sleeping, but she was also snoring softly.    


He sighed in his heart. He took her in his arms on the bed and caressed her hair, wanting her to sleep more soundly.    


Xia Yihan was too sleepy. All she knew was that she found the smell and embrace that would give her the most comfort. She leaned closer to him and curled up into his embrace like a kitten.    


When she woke up, she was the only one on the bed. The smell of that person was already hard to tell whether it was from last night or early in the morning.    


The first thing Xia Yihan did when she woke up was to reach for her phone and call her mother.    


"Mom, I spent the night at Ye Zimo's villa. Mom, I'm sorry, I know you probably want me to leave him, but I really can't forget him, so I decided to go on with him. "    


Zhao Wenying was silent for a moment. Xia Yihan's words did not surprise her at all.    


She knew that her daughter would have this choice when she saw how heartbroken she was.    


As a mother, of course she didn't want to see her daughter in such a difficult situation. However, if she loved her daughter and wanted to insist, she had no choice but to support her.    


No matter how bad Soong Wanting was, she was still not a Vice Chairman behind the scenes. With the strength of Ye Family and Lee Family, even taking out a single house was better than Soong Family, if they were to work together, would Soong Family still be a match for them?    


Moreover, her biological father was Zhong Yuquan. No matter how cold and evil he was, he would not ignore her daughter at critical moments. She knew this clearly, she just didn't want him to interfere unless it was a last resort.    


"Honey, Mom supports any decision you make. After you left last night, I received a call from your grandmother. She's sick, and I want to take you to see her. You haven't seen her yet. "    


"What's the problem, Mom?" Xia Yihandeng sat up and asked her mother.    


"It's a chronic problem. If you don't have the guts, it's not serious either. Don't worry. Go back with your mother today, will you? "    


"Alright." Xia Yihan agreed. It was true that she had never met the old man before, so she had to go meet him.    


Although Zhao Wenying had long wanted to bring Xia Yihan back to her parents' home, and had especially chosen this moment to let her calm down a little before making her decision, it was, after all, a life and death matter.    


Xia Yihan could guess what her mother was thinking. She agreed immediately, giving her mother some time to accept the invitation.    


"Then I'll call Heetai to pick you up later?" Zhao Wenying asked tentatively.    


"No need. Mom, it's convenient for me to go back with a car here. Brother Heetai still has to work, so it's inconvenient for him."    


"Sure, Mom will wait for you at home."    


After hanging up the phone, Xia Yihan got up and opened the curtain to find that the sky was already bright. It was probably 9 o'clock already, so she stood by the window in silence for a while.    


It was unknown if it was because she had fallen in love with Ye Zimo before knowing about her mother that she became so attached to her mother.    


As long as she wasn't with him, it was as if the whole world had turned gray.    


Ye Zimo was stubborn at times, the same stubbornness that made her want her to stay, perhaps, as she wants her to leave now.    


She remembered that every time she woke up late, she would ask Jiu Jiu to wait in her room and prepare breakfast for her.    


Today, however, it was very cold and lonely. No one had called her to her bed. It seemed that he was using his actions to tell her that she was not welcomed by him.    


She pursed her lips slightly, put on her shoes, and went out. It didn't matter what he did to her, as long as she knew that he loved her. After a night of rest, she was much more awake than she had been the night before and more aware that he was thinking for her.    


Perhaps he had felt some sort of danger, including her father's, Zhong Yuquan's, and the Soong Family. He probably wanted to resolve it himself and wanted her to live a stable life.    


Stupid Ye Zimo, I'm your woman, of course I want to share hardships with you.    


For normal people, suffering might mean not being able to eat well and wear well. For people like Ye Zimo, who came from a rich background, suffering hardships was naturally equivalent to having to face all kinds of dangers with him.    


It was said that the higher one stood, the heavier the fall. Thus, the risk was greater. If one was not careful, they might become a prisoner.    


Xia Yihan went downstairs. As expected, no one bothered with her matters.    


She knocked on Ye Zimo's study door on the first floor. He didn't answer, so she turned the door and went in. He wasn't there.    


He went to his bedroom, but he wasn't there either.    


Xia Yihan was a little disheartened that this person avoided her sight. She wanted to see him, wanted to be able to talk to him in the morning, anything.    


Walking out of Ye Zimo's bedroom to the main hall, the butler came and greeted her respectfully, "Miss Xia, I actually want to call Young Madame Ye. First, I'll prepare breakfast for you, then I'll arrange for a car to take you home. He said he didn't want to see you in the future, but I can see he didn't. "    


Xia Yihan smiled and nodded. "I know. I'll be troubling you. I'll go eat breakfast first and then go back."    


"Alright!" The butler agreed and ordered for breakfast to be served. He took care of it himself by Xia Yihan's side.    


"Young Madame Ye, did you really do as Mr Ye said, not coming back after leaving?" The butler was worried.    


"No, I will be back soon. I will stay here and not leave."    


However, she would still work at Lee Heetai's company. After all, she had promised him not long ago, and furthermore, she had resigned from her position at Fu Group. Her position might already be filled, so she couldn't just go back and take someone else down.    


"It's great that you're back. All of us hope that you can be our Young Madame." Xia Yihan's eyes reddened as she whispered, Thank you.    


After breakfast, the butler sent a car to the main house entrance with Xia Yihan. Just as she was about to get on the car, a car drove in from the outside and stopped. Lin Dahui got off from the driver's seat.    


"Young Madame Ye?" Lin Dahui called Xia Yihan in surprise.    


Young Madame Ye was a cumbersome word to begin with. It was fine to just call her Young Madame, but it was only because Ye Zimo thought her name was Young Madame Ye that Ye Zimo said she was Ye Zimo's woman and wanted to have his surname on her.    


Every time Xia Yihan heard others calling her that, she would be overjoyed. It was as if Ye Zimo and her were lovers arranged by the heavens.    


"Yes, you're here?"    


"Yes, Young Madame Ye. I came to find Mr Ye."    


He's looking for Mr Ye? Looks like that guy didn't go out at home.    


"Young Madame Ye, you made up with Mr Ye? Great, he really loves you. If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't even want to beat Miss Soong's child. We, Mr Ye, are the kindest person in the world.    


"What did you say?" Xia Yihan's eyebrows tightened, and her voice rose a little, "He told Soong Wanting to hit the child? When did this happen? "Now?"    


She did not like Soong Wanting, much less the sudden appearance of a child. No matter what, she did not want to lose a child that had already taken shape, especially for her.    


"No, no, you misunderstand, not now. After you knew she was pregnant, Mr Ye arranged for me to take Miss Soong for induced labor, then Miss Soong committed suicide with a scalpel in the operating room. He didn't succeed, but his heart was stabbed. Mr Ye couldn't bear to leave his child behind. Young Madame Ye, actually, Mr Ye had already done his best. After all, it's two lives. As long as it's a normal person, who would be the one to kill him? I knew that you were kind and tolerant, that there would always be a time when you could think things through. "    


Xia Yihan's heart was filled with mixed emotions. She thought that Ye Zimo had accepted this matter from the beginning and had never considered her feelings before.    


He had even done such a cruel thing for her. Even if she didn't agree, it didn't mean that she wasn't moved.    


Knowing this news, she became even more determined to wait until she returned with her mother before returning to the Ye Family. There was no way he could chase her away no matter how hard he tried.    


"I understand. Thank you for telling me all this. I'm going back."    


After Xia Yihan had finished speaking, she waited until Lin Dahui had entered the room before she whispered to the butler, "If Mr Ye asks me what I said before I left, just say that I didn't say anything."    


Didn't he want her to stick to him? Just let him think that he had succeeded, that he would be caught off guard when she came back, and that made her a little happy.    


Ye Zimo turned on the computer in Xia Yihan's study room and watched the monitor with a deep expression. That little thing actually spoke so close to the butler.    


The housekeeper was a man after all. Didn't she know to pay attention?    


She got into the car and the car pulled away, out of sight.    


Now that she had left, when would he be able to come back? He wanted to start missing her again.    


As the butler was looking around the main hall, he suddenly heard someone ask him from behind. His voice was cold, "What did she tell you? Why is it so close?"    


The butler turned around with an ashen face, respectfully called Mr Ye first, then replied: "Nothing, just say that she left, thank you."    


"Didn't she say that she would come back, or that she wouldn't come after she left?"    


The butler shook his head, "She didn't say anything. I did as you told me, but she didn't have much of a reaction." But I don't think she's looking very well, and seems disappointed that you won't let her stay. "It seems like we haven't gone far yet. Otherwise, you …"    


"You talk too much!" Ye Zimo coldly squeezed out two words. Lin Dahui didn't manage to find him at the study room, so he came here to look for him.    


"Mr Ye, this is the document I brought for you today. "One more thing, Xiao Xiaolee. Are you going to meet her today?"    


"Alright, arrange the time and place." Ye Zimo said indifferently.    


"One more thing, Mr Ye." Lin Dahui's smile was a bit unnatural. Recently, he didn't dare to mention the word 'Xia' at all, and he couldn't mention Young Madame either. Who dared to say that Ye Zimo wouldn't give him any face? No one dared to persuade him.    


"Say, why are you hesitating? "More of a woman than a woman." Ye Zimo impatiently said. Her eyes were still faintly discernible as they drifted towards the main residence's door. No matter how much she drifted, she could not bring his woman back. He still tried in vain to look at her.    


"I saw Young Madame Ye just now."    


"I know." Ye Zimo said even more coldly. Thinking about Lin Dahui's flattering look when he saw Xia Yihan, he thought that he should arrange for this kid to go on a business trip.    


"Mr Ye, how did you get her back? Last night... I saw her neck was red, and I wondered if the waves were … "    


"Are you tired of living? Be careful that I let you travel for a month. "    


"I was wrong, I was wrong. Mr Ye, I still have to stay at the East River and stare at Miss Soong. I can't leave." Lin Dahui said without any sense of decency. When Soong Wanting was mentioned, Ye Zimo's expression turned even more unsightly.    


Lin Dahui passed the documents in his hands to Ye Zimo and wanted to leave. However, he didn't pick up the documents and just said coldly, "Go see Xiao Xiaolee first. We'll go directly to the company later. You take the documents with you."    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


Didn't this guy tell him to deliver the documents to the villa? How could he know Ye Zimo's thoughts? He was afraid that the woman would stay at the mansion and not leave, so he could stay home and secretly observe her every move.    


It was good for him to see her again.    


Now that the woman was gone, he had no need to work at home.    


He just wanted to get rid of the Soong Family quickly. The days between him and Lil Thing should still be long.    


However, that woman had confidently said last night that she would not leave. He had already made the preparations to stay with her, so why did she leave just like that? What's the rush? She was too stubborn to give up so easily.    


After some thought, he called Xia Yihan from the car.    


Xia Yihan was still holding the phone Ye Zimo had given her. She didn't know if Ye Zimo would call her, but she hoped to receive a call from him.    


Unexpectedly, her phone really rang. She picked it up with a smile, but she heard the cold voice of the other person.    


"Xia Yihan, you've left. Don't come here ever again."    


"Alright." It was just one simple word from her. Ye Zimo's face darkened. He wanted to know what she wanted to do.    


"What are you thinking, didn't you say you were going to stay last night? Something suddenly happened? " Ye Zimo couldn't help but ask, still as indifferent as usual. Xia Yihan chuckled lightly, not letting out a sound.    


"It's nothing. If you don't want me to stay, how can I have the face to talk back to you? If you have nothing else to say, then go ahead and do it. " After she finished speaking, Xia Yihan decisively pressed the hang up button, and the smile on her face grew even wider as she looked out of the window.    


Ye Zimo stared blankly at the phone that was hung up first. She instantly felt a sense of absent-mindedness. Why did it feel like they were the opposite?    


Lin Dahui had arranged a meeting place for Ye Zimo and Xiao Xiaolee. It was also one of Ye Zimo's residences, and it was hidden in a relatively secret location.    


When Xiao Xiaolee was sent here by the Soong Family, she was somewhat afraid. Ye Zimo was rumored to be very fierce by outsiders. She didn't know what would happen to her.    


"What did you do for Soong Wanting that involved me? Tell me everything." "If you say that you're not telling the truth, I know. If you're lying, you'll …" As Ye Zimo spoke to here, she intentionally stopped.    


Xiao Xiaolee said in a panic, "I will tell you everything. I dare not lie to you."    


Soong Wanting had been prepared for the day she was caught. She had already told her everything she needed to know. If Ye Zimo pressed him too hard, he could also pick things that were not exposed and say things that were not serious.    


"Xiaolee, you have to remember, you told me out. If you tell me everything, I won't be able to save you. "If you're holding back, I'll be able to save you, and Ye Zimo won't make things too difficult for you." Soong Wanting told her so.    


Xiao Xiaolee just followed Soong Wanting's instructions and explained a few things. Ye Zimo frowned even more. Damn Soong Wanting, she really did do a lot of bad things behind his back.    


She even told him about Soong Wanting asking Faang Linuo to feed the leftovers to Xia Yihan. Other than the matter of her being the scapegoat for Ye Zimo, she had also given most of the rest to Soong Wanting.    1


"Mr Ye, that's all I know. Please let me go, okay? I can't help it, you know Miss Soong is not an ordinary person after hearing all this. I'm afraid of her, so I don't dare disobey her orders. I have my parents and family too, so if I don't listen to her orders, I will be miserable. "    


Ye Zimo was silent for a long time as she looked at Xiao Xiaolee.    


This woman definitely wasn't as pitiful as she looked. How could Ye Zimo not see that she was being bullied?    


She had said so much, and it was about time. It was easy for him to send her to jail or something, but if she did, what good would it do him? Other than venting his anger, there were no other benefits.    


He thought about it for a moment, then finally smiled gently and said to Xiao Xiaolee, "Thank you very much for telling me this. I know you're in trouble. Soong Wanting was always on tenterhooks because of me when she was dealing with me. You have done so much for the Soong Family, you should receive rewards. "    


Xiao Xiaolee was a little shocked. She didn't know what Ye Zimo meant by that. He couldn't be planning to do something behind her back, could he? These rich young masters seemed to like playing this game.    


"Ye, Mr Ye, you … What do you mean, I know I was wrong. I'm willing to listen to your commands in the future. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Can you please let me go? I really have to raise my parents … " Xiao Xiaolee's voice was a little shaky, but Ye Zimo still smiled gently. "Don't be afraid, I said I won't make things difficult for you." But I'm glad you said you'd listen to me. I plan to let Soong Family repay you because I want you to marry Soong Shuhao. You can consider yourself Vice President Soong's daughter-in-law in the future. "    


"Really?" Xiao Xiaolee asked in disbelief.    


It wasn't that she hadn't thought of it before, but even though she was pretty, perhaps Soong Shuhao had looked at her for too long and was too familiar with her, he didn't feel that way towards her.    


He preferred to poach outside. The more he disliked someone, the more he wanted to beat them down.    


"Do you even need to ask, us Mr Ye!? Hurry up and prepare to marry into Soong Family and become the new bride. " Although Lin Dahui didn't fully understand Ye Zimo's intentions and didn't quite approve of her actions, he had to be loyal to Ye Zimo's decision.    


"Lin Dahui, arrange for Xiaolee to sit in the car and leave. We'll go to Ye Family now and matchmaking for them." Lili ordered, and Lin Dahui acknowledged yes and took Xiao Xiaolee out first.    


After arranging for Xiao Xiaolee to get on the car and return to Ye Zimo's side, he couldn't help but ask him, "Why didn't you deal with her directly? Miss Soong isn't much better. She's not much better either." If he sent her back to Soong Family, then wouldn't it be a waste for Soong Shuhao to get such a beautiful and smart wife? We are going to deal with Soong Family, she is the daughter-in-law of Soong Family, yet she is still not giving up and helping them, isn't this just increasing the difficulty for us? "    


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