Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C275 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 208

C275 Favorite Marriage of Wealthy Families 208

0The jewellery branch had changed after the last big blood change. Xia Yihan was very popular and wanted to leave. Many colleagues surrounded her and asked her why she wanted to leave. They all said they couldn't bear to part with her.    


Xia Yihan explained one by one that she was leaving the East River because of some private matters.    


With the worry of leaving, she left her job. After thinking about it, she decided to go talk to Ye Zimo about the Security Officer.    


Xia Yihan came out of the jewelry store and went to the elevator that was specially used by the president. Ye Zimo had informed Security Officer a long time ago to let Xia Yihan pass immediately after she came.    


"Hello Miss Xia!" The Security Officer s respectfully said as they opened the elevator and escorted Xia Yihan to the top floor.    


Ye Zimo stood in front of the french windows on the top floor of the skyscraper and stared out of them in silence.    


The floor was too high, and everyone looked so small. When Xia Yihan arrived, he knew. Unfortunately, when he looked at her, he couldn't see her clearly at all.    


He really wanted to get close to her. Even just looking at her would make his heart feel much better.    


"Hello, Mr Ye!" Miss Xia has arrived. " Security Officer reported to him after knocking on the door.    


Ye Zimo's body froze for a moment. Then, she raised her voice and said, "Invite her in!"    


It was just a few simple words, but when he said it, he felt his throat tingling.    


Xia Yihan's breathing was also a little uneven. Was she feeling full of expectation and fear? Xia Yihan, you can't do this. You have to face him calmly.    


She took a deep breath, then with a faint smile calmly opened the door.    


Ye Zimo was still standing by the window, not moving at all. The woman he faced every day, and he did not know how he should look at her.    


He kept thinking about himself, afraid that his too eager eyes would unsettle her.    


He was also afraid that he would be unable to resist the urge to hug her. He wanted to kiss her, wanted to say, Don't be separated, he couldn't stand it.    


He couldn't do that. No matter how uncomfortable it was, he had to endure it.    


When Xia Yihan entered, Security Officer closed the door behind her. Her gaze fell on the tall and straight man by the window.    


Was it her imagination? Why did she feel that it was just one night, but he looked even more lonely.    


He wasn't the only one who felt lonely. Wasn't she the same?    


With just a glance at him, she felt a pang in her heart and an intense urge to cry. She took another deep breath, smiled to herself, and walked slowly toward him.    


She didn't know how long she walked for. When she got closer to him, she saw that his back was stiff.    


He knew she had come in, so why didn't he look back at her? Did he not know how to face her? Just as she didn't know how to face him.    


"Ye Zimo." She walked a few steps behind him and called out in a low voice.    


These three words were extremely difficult for her to understand, and she felt as if her heart was filled with the feeling of going through a hundred twists and thousands of twists and turns.    


She was only a few steps away from him. As long as she said that she didn't want to leave him, he would definitely hug her tightly and tell her that he didn't want to leave her either, right?    


"You're here? "If you want to say something, say it." Ye Zimo didn't turn around. She was still standing there stiffly, looking out of the window. His grip was tight, resisting the urge to turn around and hug her.    


She could only see his back, not his face. She didn't dare to ponder whether her feelings were due to loss or something else.    


"I want to say that we have already separated, so we should separate completely. Don't involve ourselves anymore."    


She tried to keep her voice calm and cold, but if she didn't say something heartless, she was afraid that he would never forget her.    


She was successful. Ye Zimo felt as if her heart had been stabbed with a sharp knife. His eyes turned sad, and a bitter smile appeared on his face.    


So he didn't look back, so she wouldn't see his emotions.    


Xia Yihan, you don't have to worry about how I feel anymore.    


"That's what we want to talk about. It's already been completely separated. We don't seem to have any connections anymore, do we?" he asked in a deliberately controlled voice.    


"You even sent a car and a Security Officer to follow me. In the future, I won't be sitting in the car you arranged for me. I will start over and I don't want to see anyone or anything related to you anymore. Now that we are separated, let's forget about each other completely. I just came to tell you this. If I leave, you can arrange for them to follow me and I won't use them. "    


Xia Yihan forced herself to finish what she wanted to say in one breath. After she was done, she turned around and walked out of the office as if she was running away.    


"Wait!" Ye Zimo suddenly turned around, and Xia Yihan naturally stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at him.    


Their gazes met in this way. There was unconcealable sadness in his eyes, and so was hers.    


Xia Yihan saw the faint stubble on his chin. He had always been such an elegant man.    


He looked unusually haggard. Was it because she was thinking too much, or was he really unable to let it go?    


Tears once again welled up in her eyes. Xia Yihan did her best to restrain herself as she asked softly, "Is there anything else?"    


Is there anything else?    


From then on he had to have something to talk to her about, and when they broke up they were doomed not to be friends.    


Two people who love each other are destined to be either separated or intensely in love, and their strong feelings make it impossible for them to be friends with each other.    


He couldn't eat with her, he couldn't talk with her, and for a while they couldn't find a way to get along with each other.    


"The carriage is still your car, and the Security Officer is still your car. If you like to sit, then sit. If you don't like to sit, then don't sit. What I have arranged for you is what I have arranged for you. I promised your mother I'd take care of you for the rest of my life. So whether we are together or apart, I will keep my promise. "There's nothing else. You can go back now."    


Ye Zimo didn't look at her after she finished speaking. She turned around and looked out of the window again. When he looked up at the skyscraper, his eyes were filled with blue sky, empty and distant, but he couldn't get rid of the helplessness and pain in his heart, and his eyes became more and more desolate.    


"Ye …" Xia Yihan only said one word, but Ye Zimo held out her hand, signaling her not to say anything else.    


His decision would not change. No matter what she said, he would not withdraw the person who had protected her.    


Xia Yihan understood that if they continued arguing like this, the two of them would still disagree. He would insist on giving it to her, and she would not take it.    


Even though there were a thousand voices inside her who wanted to talk to him for a while, even if it was just to look at him, she didn't stop. She straightened her back and walked quickly out the door.    


Ye Zimo's body stiffened again when she heard the door being closed.    


He reached into his pocket for his cell phone, dialed Lin Ling's number, and instructed her.    


When Xia Yihan walked out of the group entrance, Security Officer welcomed them once again. She said calmly: "Thank you very much, but I've already told Mr Ye that I won't ride in your car or accept your protection in the future. I understand your intentions, I will remember. Thank you, I will be leaving. "    


"Miss Xia, wait!" She heard someone call her from behind, and her voice sounded cold. She turned around and saw Lin Ling with short hair that fell to her ears, running towards her with high heels.    


"Hello, Assistant Lin." Xia Yihan smiled as she greeted him.    


Although most of the time, Lin Ling didn't know how to smile at anyone. She was just like Ye Zimo, who had a paralyzed and cold face in the past. However, Xia Yihan had a good impression of her.    


She was capable and efficient, and she thought sincerely for Ye Zimo.    


She liked Ye Zimo. She knew that perhaps, her leaving was also a chance for Lin Ling.    


Xia Yihan thought of Ye Zimo and Lin Ling walking together. She felt that this should be a good thing for Ye Zimo. Lin Ling was more capable than her and was his right-hand woman.    


However, when she really imagined Ye Zimo and Lin Ling holding hands in her mind, she felt a little depressed.    


"Mr Ye asked me to send you something. Is it convenient for you to come with me to sit in the opposite coffee shop?" Lin Ling did not wait for Xia Yihan to ask her why she was here.    


Xia Yihan nodded. "Alright!"    


The two of them went to the coffee shop one after the other. As soon as they entered, someone greeted Lin Ling. Miss Lin. Lin Ling nodded at each other.    


This coffee shop was also under the name of Fu Group, and the environment was very good. It was not open for business, and was specifically meant for the Fu Group's upper echelons to meet, thus everyone inside knew Lin Ling.    


Lin Ling led Xia Yihan to one of the seats and they sat down. Xia Yihan didn't know what was so special about the seat.    


The service staff gave them a menu. Of course, it was a menu that had no price. They just needed to order it.    


Xia Yihan did not want to spend too much time with the people around Ye Zimo. She did not want to be in such love with her. After seeing Ye Zimo, her heart couldn't calm down. She really wanted to find a place to rest on her own.    


"Just a glass of lemonade." When Xia Yihan saw that she had ordered something to drink, she didn't seem to want to end the conversation all at once. She didn't want to refuse the kindness of others, so she also ordered a cup of coffee.    


Lin Ling was holding a folder in her hand. When she sat down, she placed the folder on the table, but she didn't get straight to the point like she always did.    


Other than handing the folder to Xia Yihan, she also had other tasks, which was to drag Xia Yihan into the coffee shop for a while longer.    


She really wasn't good at getting along with other people. She said whatever she had to say, but her life seemed rigid. Besides work, she also thought about work. It was as if she was dreaming about work.    


Xia Yihan was not used to Lin Ling sitting there and not talking to her either, as if she wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.    


"Assistant Lin, if you have anything to say, just say it." Xia Yihan thought that besides giving her something, she also had something that was hard to say to her.    


Or was it related to Ye Zimo? He knew that she had quit and wanted to know more about Ye Zimo's preferences, so he asked her about it?    


No, that's not right. Lin Ling's understanding of Ye Zimo far surpassed her, the former fiancee. After all, they had been together for such a long time.    


"It's nothing, I just …" Lin Ling had never spoken in such a manner before. Although she was Ye Zimo's special assistant, she thought to herself, doing this kind of thing really made her uncomfortable.    


"Actually, I admire you quite a lot. Miss Xia, I thought you and Mr Ye could really get along for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that the two of you would separate so quickly. I'll be honest, I've followed Mr Ye for so many years, but I've never seen him being serious towards any woman. I have heard a lot about you. I always thought you had a broad mind. I don't know what the details of the situation are, but I think that if they really love each other, they shouldn't give up so easily. " Since she really couldn't find anything else to say, Lin Ling decided to tell her the truth about what she thought in her heart.    


Xia Yihan went silent before she continued, "Perhaps you think that I am just standing there and speaking with an inhuman tone. But I still want to ask, is there a perfect love in the world? Whose feelings are devoid of any impurities? This was reality, how could one not feel regret in the real world? The matter of Miss Soong's pregnancy, according to the monthly speculation, should be Mr Ye, Miss Soong or an unmarried couple at the time of conception. At that time, it was reasonable for them to have an intimate relationship. "    


Ye Zimo's brows were tightly knitted at the table behind their seats. He wanted Lin Ling to hold Xia Yihan back, but told her to talk to her casually instead of asking her to say these things.    


He must have been crazy, seeing her on the top floor, and he hadn't heard much from her, so he wanted to hear what she had to say. He was two sofas away from her.    


He pressed his cell phone and sent a message to Lin Ling.    


"Miss Xia, he has done so much for you. Don't tell me you really can't tolerate and even consider what he did? "I know Mr Ye, with his personality, even if he had 100 more children, it would not affect his life with you …" Just as she said this, her phone rang. She opened it and saw only a few words: Don't speak nonsense.    


Lin Ling could only shut her mouth and stop talking. However, she was not convinced. If it was her, even if Ye Zimo only gave her a little bit of warmth and didn't need to do so much for Xia Yihan, as long as he could say that he liked her, whether it was true or not. As long as there were three words, she would die for him, even if it meant dying for him, let alone accepting a child.    


Xia Yihan's expression didn't look good. Lin Ling's words were sharp, but they were the truth.    


When she left, she thought she was being too selfish.    


In the past, when Ye Zimo and Soong Wanting were together, they had a proper relationship. She was a third party, so how could a third party demand that a legitimate, unmarried couple stay in bed?    


The child was left behind at that time, and he didn't want her to stay behind either. If he let her drink the pill, he would definitely let Soong Wanting take the pill as well. Now that Soong Wanting's big belly had returned, it was normal for Ye Zimo to not be able to bear letting her beat up the child. It was clearly understandable, but why couldn't she accept it?    


Xia Yihan, why are you separated from him? Are you that afraid that Soong Wanting will fight with you endlessly?    


If you love him, can't you accept all he has? What are you talking about? You don't love enough. You clearly know that he loves you. He left you in such pain, but you still heartlessly said that you wouldn't care about him.    


Did you see his stubble? See his face? You have to have a strong heart to be able to leave just like that.    


Xia Yihan lowered her eyes and said very softly to Lin Ling, "You're right, I'm very selfish. I don't love him enough."    


The moment she admitted it, Lin Ling became somewhat uneasy instead. Perhaps, she thought, perhaps because she liked Ye Zimo too much, she could consider herself as the person who loved him the most in this world, being able to accommodate everything he had.    


But how could a woman not be a germaphobic?    


She didn't get his love, so she thought like this. If they really walked together, wouldn't their requests be different?    


Actually, she didn't blame Xia Yihan's position at all. No matter what, relationships were a matter for two people, and she had no right to interfere in it.    


If it weren't for the fact that Ye Zimo had been haggard for the past few days, she probably wouldn't have said such outrageous words even if she had been rational. She thought for a moment, then solemnly said to Xia Yihan, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."    


"No, you're right."    


Xia Yihan softly said, and then asked: "Did Assistant Lin purposely say this to me? If there's nothing else, I'll go first. "    


"One more thing." With that said, Lin Ling picked up the folder on the table and handed it to Xia Yihan.    


"Mr Ye told me to pass this to you."    



Xia Yihan took the folder and opened it. There were several chapters inside, and the contents were the things Ye Zimo wanted to transfer to her name.    


Stock, fund, property, vehicles... Xia Yihan was really surprised by the total amount of property.    


Although Ye Zimo's wealth was just like a legend and no one knew how much money he had, he still had his own money.    


He had already given her so much that it was hard to imagine it. From now on, he would probably hand her his entire fortune.    


Xia Yihan had never paid much attention to money. She had always felt that no matter who it was, the greatest goal in life should be happiness, spiritual satisfaction. Being with someone you loved, even if you ate coarse tea and ate plain food, as long as you loved each other, you would still be happy.    


She disapproved of the idea that she would rather cry in a BMW than laugh behind a bicycle, but she knew many people agreed. Everyone had their own view of the world. She could understand it, and she knew that a lot of people might have been through hardships, so she could understand the power of money better.    


Money was not omnipotent, but sometimes it did represent a certain amount of weight.    


In life, one could see too many couples breaking up and going to court for the sake of property, and even more, maliciously concealing property, trying to find ways to make the other side get less and to get more of themselves.    


She had entered the Ye Family without a penny, and was not even married yet. When she left, Ye Zimo was actually willing to give her so much.    


How many women dreamed of this?    


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